Uernonia Eagie 4 THURSDAY, APRIL 7? 1966 PVT, JO HN Jackscn Jr. is in tra in ­ ing at the U. S. M arine Depot at San Diego. He was inducted Feb. 8. He graduated from Vernonia high school in 1965 after transfer­ ring from Tacoma in Jan. of his junior year. M ark Medges and he were Oregon's Plymouth trouble shooting champions and won a trip to Chicago for the national event. He was also in F FA . Upon gradu­ ating he worked for Fred Busch until entering the service. Anyone wishing to w rite him may do so by addressing: Pvt. John Jackson Jr. 2231312, P .T .L . Bn. 1st M .C .R .D ., San Diego, Calif. 92140. Ceramic Show Is Attended BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Soderback of Jewell attended a ceramic show in Portland last Fri­ day. Miss Phylis Stuve of Portland vis­ ited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuve. She is a cous­ in of Roy. Gene Larson made a business trip to Nasalle, Wash. Friday. Mrs. Darrell Baker was in Yer- nonia last Friday. Saturday night a basketball team from Rainier, which is sponsored by Brown Masonary came to Ver­ nonia to play ball. The boys from here who played were George Bel­ lingham, Ed Berg and Terry Lar­ son. There were several boys from Jewell who also played. George injured his foot but is able to be around on it. Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg were clamming over the week end. Last Thursday Mrs. Berg and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Phil Layman were in Clatskanie. Mrs. E. T. Johnston was a For­ est Grove business caller last Thursday and she and her son Steve were in Longview Saturday. Mrs. Helen Hughes and Mrs. Maxine Holden of Forest Grove vis­ ited with Mrs. Edna Johnson Sun­ day. Hults Return To Rodman Bay are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit o f Happiness.” There are those both within and without our country who desire to take the riches of my nation and destroy my inherited freedom. It is my prayer that we all should love our freedom enough to be alert to their everpresent threat to us, and willing to do whatever may be necessary to preserve our in­ heritance for our children to come, and their following generations. It is much easier to keep freedom than to try and regain it. TIMBER RT. — Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hult have returned to Rod- man Bay, Alaska. Walter Hascail left by plane Saturday morning for the same destination. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beal of Molalla are visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Hascail. They also vis­ ited friends and neighbors. Wm. Falconer came home Sat­ urday from Tuality hospital and is feeling fine. He was hospitalized for a week. Gene Drips called on the Falcon­ SHOP A T HO M E AN D SAVE! ers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hascail went to Rainier Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ridderbusch and the four of them went to help Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ridderbusch with some work. Mrs. Rena Waldron of Vernonia, Mrs. Nellie Snyder and Mrs. Mae Wienecke accompanied Mrs. Art Ostrander to Rainier Thursday. Mrs. J. B. Artman and children and Mrs. Carl Wienecke were in C LEA R ED area is location where tennis and basketball Jewell. Buildings to provide living facilities for boys Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Wien­ courts will be built at Sports Acres boys camp near will be built along line of trees in background. ecke went to an eye specialist. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. California Vacationers L. H. Todd and family at Aloha. of freedom will remain high. Cher­ ish it! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thacker and Visit Local Relatives Kenney of Forest Grove called on BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer Sat­ Russell Berg of Fortuna, Calif, ar- W HAT P R IC E F R E E D O M ? urday. They took his mother, Mrs. a visit with relatives during spring Nellie Thacker home with them First Place in Mr. John’s room Winners have been selected in vacation. Sunday evening the fami­ for the week end. By Della Hass the Americanism essay contest ly had a pot luck dinner at the sponsored by the American Legion home of Shirley Berg. Others there The price of freedom is eternal were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Berg and auxiliary in which students in the vigilance against any enemy, phys­ family, Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills, eighth grade classes at Washington ical or moral, that would deprive Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist and school participated. myself, my family or my country Roger Berg. Two essays were chosen from of any of freedom’s benefits. The Steve Larson, nephew of Francis each eighth grade class. Those sel­ price of freedom is to be willing Individual insurance needs dif­ Larson, and a friend called on the ected from Miss Janiece Kenyon’s to uphold the dignity of an individ­ fer, too. One of the many MIST—Former Mist residents, class were Stanley Rumbaugh, services we perform for our Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howry, Bill and Francis Larsons las Saturday. He first and Sherri Norman, second. ual against those who would move clients is to help them choose is employed at the Wauna paper to take away our individuality. Susan, of Grand Ronde, Oregon, Those chosen from Mr. Johns’ the types and amounts of in­ mill. At present he is staying at The price of freedom is the life were in the vicinity Sunday. They class were Della Hass, first and surance best fitted to their par­ visited at the Richard Banzer, Nor­ Longview and will move his family Scott Davies, second. From the two of myself, my family, you, or your ticular requirements. You will man Hansen, and Shalmon Libel from Newport after school is out. first place essays, the one written family, willingly shed on any land find us ready and willing to to aid in securing the freedoms Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammer- homes. Bud was state highway discuss your insurance needs by Stanley Rumbaugh was chosen they seek and thus insuring the foreman for this area when they berg have returned from a two for grand first prize honors. anytime—at your convenience. weeks stay with their son and fam­ preservation of freedom for us. lived here. Mrs. Wm. Pringle and Mrs. R. Sharon Sundland and Robert ily at Port Orford. Their daughter- Freedom is a right from God to B. Fletcher acted as judges. Marsen, Portland spent Saturday in-law had undergone surgery. everyone, yet it must be grasped The two first place essays are by the individual. If I am unwilling Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and with her grandparents, Mr. and baby of Vernonia visited at the given herewith: Mrs. Charles Sundland. to believe in, and hold on to this Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sparks of Fred Larson home Sunday. freedom at all costs, l a m unwor­ W H A T P R IC E F R E E D O M V E R N O N IA IN S U R A N C E A1 Berg made a business trip to Delena were Sunday dinner guests thy of it, and it will be denied and Grand First Prize Salem last Saturday. at the Wayne Kyser home. taken from me. EXCHANGE By Stanley Rumbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Norris and The price of freedom is indeed children of Eugene and Mr. and were Friday evening visitors at Freedom has no dollars and eternal vigilance. By this I mean; 905 Bridge Street Mrs. Marvin Wilson of Sweet Home the Vick Berg home. cents signs above it. It is measured reading our newspapers; studying Phone 429-6203 were week end guests of Mrs. Net­ in time, men, blood, sweat, and how our freedoms were born out tie Cox. Vernonia, Oregon tears. of the hearts of men who had not Mrs. Norman Hansen and Sandra Young men in the prime of their been free; being alert to any action and Julie Spitzer attended church lives seem to be the victims, hav­ or word, on the street, in the news, K tp ru e n tln g in Vernonia with the rest of the ing to deprive themselves of higher or any other medium that might Hartford Accident and Rainbow girls. education or learning a trade, only mock or belittle either freedom or Indemnity Company Raymond Schlehuber left for his Member Hartford to go to war and postpone many the love of it. I must be watchful Insurance Group RIVERVIEW — The fire depart­ of their wants and desires until of anything that would twist free­ home in Lemhi, Idaho, Sunday eve­ Hartford 15, Conn. ning after visiting the Bud Hemeon ment was called to the Virgil Snook they return years later. Some dom from meaning, “We hold these family and friends for the last place Monday because of a chim­ young men return handicapped or truths to be self-evident, that all ney fire which did no damage. three weeks. wounded and some never return at men are created equal, that they Marvin Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. all. This all seems like a tremend­ Jan Johnston was an overnight Bob Rose of Portland, spent last ous loss, not only of men but of guest of Kathy Grimsbo Firday. Helping her folks, the Charles week at the home of his grandpar­ time and money. Hansens, with spring clean-up Fri­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose while Imagine what it would be like to day through Sunday, were Mr. and recuperating from the mumps. see war in our own little town; to Mr. and Mrs. Beck Thompson of see our families, friends and neigh­ Mrs. Ted Kulju of Portland. Seaside visited at the home of Mr. bors slaughtered as people have and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd Wednesday witnessed in other countries that afternoon and again Sunday after­ oppose communism. If we didn’t noon. fight communism and were under Mr. and Mrs. James Short, son their rule, we could be used as Jimmy and daughter Sharyl of slaves or even be killed outright MASON S AN D — ROAD G R A V E L Tacoma visited his aunt, Mrs. as the dictator pleased. Grace Peachey Saturday. We have no alternative but to CRUSHED ROCK Visitors at the Carson Strong keep America free! Use your free­ home this week were, Mrs. Stella dom wisely, and let your con­ C H A R LE S T. P A R K E R CONSTRUCTION CO. Howard on Friday afternoon. Miss science be your guide to good liv­ Karen Monge of Kennewick, Wash­ ing. If we all used our freedom P.O. Box 20188 ington Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. wisely we would have no need for 6457 N. E. Columbia Blvd. Neil Linder and baby of Spokane policement and law enforcement. Sunday night. Mrs. Linder is the Since we don’t all use it wisely, Portland. Oregon 97220 former Penny Strong. law enforcement protects our free­ PHONE 543-2336 SCAPPOOSE, OREGON Mrs Sally Gaston and children dom. have moved from Spencer avenue Until all peoples of the world be­ to East Vernonia. come more conscientious, the price NO TWO ARE EVER ALIKE! Essay Contest Winners Chosen Grand Ronde Family Visits ill J. Horn Chimney Fire Prompts Alarm TRANSIT MIX CONCRETE MCCULLOCH'S SAW SALE Need a work saving chain saw? There was never a better time to buy than now — because Mc­ Culloch is offering it ’s famous MAC 15 and 250 direct drive chain saws at savings up to $25.00 Each features a mac guide bar that handles the big jobs with ease, plus world fam ous McCulloch dependability and value. Check and compare—you can't find a better buy anywhere. 250 Regular $124.95 Regular W $ 9 9 95 w $ M 0 ,s with 17" Blade w it h 1#” b l a d e J) 6/^7? Easter is dressing up. Easter is bunnies. Easter Is little girls with baskets. Easter is little boys with chocolate egg on their faces. Above all, Easter is church and spiritual rejoicing. And, of course, Easter is a Hallmark card. W hen you put Easter in an envelope^ your thoughtfulness helps the magic of Easter blossom in the hearts of all who receive your good wishes. And there’s a Hall­ mark Easter card in our wide selection that’s just right for each person you want to remember. Hallmark designers delight in bringing new life to old legends and customs surrounding this joyous season so that you can send a highly original greeting to friends young and old. W e have Hallmark Easter cards for chil­ dren, grownups, friends and relatives, ’ W hen you care enouch to send the very best." ° Save monay snd fims with a new McCulloch - stop in today and get the facts on this limited time offer! ENCO SERVICE VERNONIA DRUG CO. PHONE 429-6254 — V E R N O N IA , ORE. 2nd & B ridge S t — V ernonia. O regon — P h . 429-3462 >. • a. ■ . a.. a., a,, a,, 1