MILL MARKET MEATS K EASTER N VALUES You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— 429-3492 Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. FRESH FRYERS NABISCO 10-oz. Pkg. Cookies H STEAK HOUSE *1 U U I N T T X ’S ö O 1 H -.« . B ottles M| 4 /1 _ _ ~ ¿EE 2/39 2/98’ CatsuP Xa I 11 Cake M x Coconut, Pecan Drop, Choc. Chip, Choc. N u t _ _ 200 Ft. Rolls DIAMOND BOOK Box of 50 Solid Heads 46-oz. ! Cans «■* » Ctns. - r r r [ )RIKIK J I' 10 «s?»?»«» ’ i TOPICS OF THE TOWN M r. and Mrs. Otto Goertzen ar­ rived home last week after a five months winter vacation in Arizona. Time was spent at Yuma, Tucson, Lake Meade and other places of interest. Enroute home they were in the Imperial Valley in California and attended the date fair at Indio. Rummage Sale, April 14,15,16, Fire Hall, EUB Church Circle.l4t2c Interesting news from two form ­ er Vernonia art teachers is that they have now joined forces for work in ceramics for which they are finding a ready market at Mei­ er and Franks. Mrs. William Chal­ mers, the former Nancy Fletcher who taught art at Vernonia grade school, and Mrs. Eric Feasey who was high school art instructor here, are now both living in Cathlamet, Washington. They call their enter­ prise the Chalmers-Feasey Decora­ tive Figurenes company. Just re­ cently they delivered to Meier and Franks 15 17-inch figurenes on the old west theme which will appear in store windows from April 7 to 20. They are now working on 10 rock and roll figures for the teen shop at Meier and Franks. Miss Patricia Rundle, who had been staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle on Mist route since the first of the year has moved back to Portland. Last week end she flew to Los Angeles to visit her fiance who is stationed on the cruiser USS Long Beach. M r. and Mrs. Frank Lange were in Portland Sunday to meet her aunt, Mrs. Lydia Johnson and son Lester from Minnesota who had been in California and were enroute home. They were stopping at the Cosmopolitan Motor Inn and the Langes were their guests there for dinner. The Johnsons came to Ver­ nonia Monday for a visit of several days with the Langes. Food Sale, Sat., Apr. 10, Fire Hall, Rebekahs. 14tlc Mrs. Sam Cagle and her niece. Ocrnonia £a. AVg......... Lb. 39c Del Monte Sweetheart Thick Slic., 2-Lb. Pkg. | WE LL ALSO H AVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF HAMS— Boneless, Bone In and Canned Grade AA Small Dozen...................... 3-M INUTE Large Box Quiker Oats MARKET D A Y SEE D L E SS • 2-Lb. Pkg.. Raisins W. Ingermansen Rites Saturday Miss Marlene Wantland of Beaver­ ton were here Sunday to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Marie Shafer. from Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. John son of Junction City that their younger son, Stan fell last Thurs­ day while high jumping in physical education and broke his wrist in two places. p rryers D BaCOII Eggs SHASTA Ml tRGA RIINE GRZ iPE |00 i 4 S Lb. 2/25' Matches COTTAGE E Potatoes Cabbage ■■ Wax Paper 2 / 7 5 B. CROCKER Wh. A ngel Food 15-oz. Pkgs. No. 2 20-Lbs. Oregon Grown 2^-L b. A vg........ Ea. Funeral services for Willard Ingermansen, were held Saturday, April 2 at 11 a.m. at the Fuiten- Friesen Mortuary Chapel, Vernon­ ia. lt< The Rev. L. A. DuBose of Hills­ boro, pastor of the Vernonia Bap­ tist church officiated at the servic­ es with Robert Sargent as soloist and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, organist. Concluding services and interment were at the Vernonia Memorial cemetery with Elmer Smith, Clyde Purcell, Bert and Pete Brunsman, Bill Nichols and Floyd Markley serving as casket bearers. Mr. Ingermansen was a native of Dallas, Oregon where he was born May 5, 1894, the son of the late Morgan and Florence Inger­ mansen. He spent his early life in the Willamette Valley and then la­ ter lived in Portland. He was united in marriage to Emma L. Drager at Vancouver, Washington August 21, 1931 and after living for a time in Portland they moved to Banks where he farmed for six years. In 1939 he moved to his present farm home on Timber route where he passed away March 30 following an extended illness. Before his retirement Mr. Inger­ mansen worked for a number of years for the highway department,- at the Vernonia shingle mill and then for the Sunset feed mill. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Em­ ma Ingermansen, at the family; a sister, Mrs. Josie Reed, Pasco, Washington and a number of nieces and nephews. Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. Even a new deal can’t help the man who has no blue chips. 39c 45’ 45’ Dales To Remember THURSDAY, APRIL 7 Spring concert, grade school band and chorus - Washington school- 8 p.m. Jamboree Committee meeting at West Oregon Bldg. - 7:30 p.m. F R ID A Y , APRIL 8 GOOD FRIDAY - School vacation. Union services (Ministerial Assn) Vernonia Bible church - 7:30 p.m Mist-Birkenfeld Unit - Home of Mrs. Ed Berg - 10:30 a.m. Vernonia Gem and Fossil Club - Fire hall - 8 p.m. SATURDAY, A PR IL 9 Rebekah Food Sale - Fire hall - 10 a.m. SUNDAY, A PR IL 10 EASTER Sunrise Services - Me­ morial cemetery - 6 a.m. MONDAY, A PR IL 11 SCHOOL VACATION Band Parents Club - Washington school . 7:30 p.m. Advanced band will play. Nehalem Assembly Rainbow Girls Masonic Temple - 7:30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Board - West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 12 Timber Route Extension Unit - West Oregon Bldg. - 10:30 a.m. Chapter BS, P.E.O. Sisterhood - Home of Mrs. R. B. Fletcher - 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, A PR IL 13 Natal Grange - Natal hall - 8 p.m. Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters- IOOF hall - 8 p.m. Boy Scouts Troop 201 - Scout cabin in city park - 7 p.m. When one man compares him­ self with another you can be sure he nevers suffers by the compari­ son. For Flowers Call Spofford’s 2 4 Fuit en ¡Friesen mortuary chapels A Symbol of Thoughtfulness Memorial Day will soon be here. Fuiten/Friesen invites you to see their selection of markers in b r o n z e and g r a n i t e . Single or double headstones featuring designs to suit your parti­ cular taste. A lasting symbol of thoughtfulness to endure through the ages. BEAVERTON O leate C M M l 14 S $ w W atten «44-111« MILLSBORO tth A 8a*«iin« «4» -2161 forest grove VERNONIA 741 M arxian Street 42» M l 1 Caea> « RaciPc M 7 2K1 / f