Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 07, 1966, Image 1

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U n iv e r s ity o f Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Demonia Eagle
Music Department Prepares
For Annual Spring Concert
The music department of Wash­ the chorus of Climb Every Moun­
ington grade school presents its tain from the Sound of Music; Any­
annual spring concert at the School where I Wander from the Danny
tonight, Thursday, April 7, at 8:00 Kaye film, Hans Christian Ander­
sen; special renditions of favorite
The hour-long concert will fea­ camp songs, Michael Row the Boat
ture all performing groups of the Ashore, and Kum Ba Yah. The fin­
music department, including the ale will feature They Call it Ameri­
advanced, intermediate and begin­ ca, But I Call it Home. Appropriate
ning bands under the direction of at this time will be a singing of the
Charles Randall, and the seventh Ballad of the Green Beret. A novel­
and eighth grade choruses under ty number is being prepared, enti­
the direction of Don Jackson.
tled, The Animals-a-comin. Marsha
The Easter season services begin
The choruses will combine for Laws will be featured as a soloist
tonight, Thursday, in many local several numbers and the combined in He’s Such a Little Fellow. The
churches with the observance of choruses and band will perform advanced band will feature Alan
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thurs­ one number in the finale.
Johnson in a trumpet solo entitled,
day as it is designated by some
Among featured numbers will be Single Digit Willie. Other selections
churches. St. Mary’s Catholic
will include A Salute to Mozart and
church has set a Holy Thursday
The Toy Overture.
mass for 7:00 p.m. today.
The concert is being presented
At St. Mary’s, Good Friday will
without charge and an invitation
be observed tomorrow with the
to attend is extended to everyone
stations of the cross and sermon
at 3:00 p.m. The Vernonia Minister­
An overflow crowd at the Legion
ial association of protestant chur­
Monday evening heard guest
ches has arranged a union Good
Friday service for 7:30 p.m. at the speaker, Frank Buckewitz, Pacific
Vernonia Bible church with Rever­ University football coach, talk on
end Robert Sargent of the First the importance of athletics. This
is the annual athletic banquet giv­
Indications are that approximate
Christian church as speaker.
Saturday, confessions at St. Mar­ en to recognize Vernonia high ly 120 projects will be entered in
the local science fair which will
y’s church are set for 2:30 to 5:00 school athletes.
Coach Don Young introduced take place April 15 and 16 in the
Easter morning, the Vernonia varsity football players for Coach halls at the Washington grade
Ministerial association will hold Gordon Crowston, who was unable school.Wayne Markham, element­
TROOP 201 Boy Scouts worked last week end clearing
ed by city council. Councilman Deri Roberts heads
sunrise services at the Vernonia to attend. He also introduced Sam ary school science instructor is in
park area near city airport under direction of Scout­
city comm ittee planning development of park. See
Memorial cemetery on Corey hill Ceballos, state runner-up in tram p­ charge of the arrangements for it.
master Don Jackson. Picnic tables and benches will
additional scout photo and story elsewhere in this
Exhibits will be in four groups,
at 6:00 p.m. In case of inclement oline competition. Later he was
eventually be made available for public use, as plann­
weather, it will be moved to the called upon to introduce his track primary which includes grades 1,
2 and 3; intermediate which takes
Assembly of God church. Reverend and cross country teams.
Coach Bert Kronmiller introduc­ in grades 4, 5 and 6; junior for
M. B. Gudmundsen of the Nazarene
church will speak. At the same ed the basketball players and com­ grades 7, 8 and 9 and senior for
hour, an Easter vigil service will mented on their past season. Bill grades 10, 11 and 12. Projects will
Howard, freshman coach, intro­ be classified as physical and math­
be held at St. Mary’s church.
Included in the business of the time noise are being voiced. The
his teams for both football ematical or biological.
Special Easter observances will
Action on obtaining an available
Vernonia city council at its meet­ council took the matter under ad­ cost-free site for a new water re­ be featured in the various Sunday and basketball.
The exhibits will be displayed to
ing Monday evening, was the voic­ visement.
Lion Charley Hickman opened the public Monday evening, April
servoir was delayed to await de­ schools and morning worship ser­
ing of appreciation to the Boy
Only one bid was received for termination of the advisability of vices in the various churches will the evening by introducing Master 18 in connection with the PTA
Scouts for their good turn work at furnishing a police patrol car radio constructing a new facility as op­ feature special sermons and music of Ceremonies Wm. Ambrose, who meeting to be held at the Washing­
the new city park at the airport system. It was from Motorola Com­ posed to increasing the capacity of in keeping with the day.
.in turn introduced other speakers. ton school that evening.
and to Marvin Meyer for the gift munications and Electronics, Inc. the present storage.
of a number of sequoia plantings in the amount of $809 and was ac­
City Attorney Robert Vagt who
for city park areas. Letters of ap­ cepted by the council.
present at the meeting was
preciation were to be sent to each.
asked to prepare a rough draft of
Among problems viewed by the
a garbage collection contract for
council was the matter of unpaid
consideration in renewing the fran­
city assessments on the cit ylien
A total of $147.91 was collected
chise which expires at the end of
In action during 1965, the Oregon state-wide recognition to Godsey for
book. Property Owners concerned
this year.
in the Vernonia area this year in state legislature passed laws to his work. Copies of the manual are
are to be notified of the existence
Purchase of a diving board the annual Heart Fund drive which bring school election procedures into being distributed to news media and
of these liens and the possibility of
for the board obtained last was conducted under sponsorship line with those for other elections election boards throughout the coun­
collecting them.
mittee will meet this evening, Ap­ summer was approved. However, of the American Legion auxiliary and delegated to the county clerk the ty by County Clerk Roy Nelson.
It was also brought to the atten­ ril 7, at the West Oregon Electric the council voted not to approve with Mrs. Marie Atkins as chair­ responsibility of administering school
Nelson has also prepared for dis­
tion of the council that an unauth­ building to make further plans for purchase of a new tank truck for man. She was assisted by Mrs. Al­ district elections.
tribution to all election boards a de­
orized remanufacturing operation the July event. A trophy company the rural fire district at this time. bert Schalock, Mrs. Thomas Hall,
The state also has adopted for dis­ tailed manual of all laws and pro­
is being conducted in the former representative is expected to be
Mrs. Harry Culbertson, Mrs. Lona tribution a manual outlining in de­ cedures governing general elections.
Vernonia Trading Company build­ present and all persons needing
Weidman and Mrs. Marie Shafer. tail the proper procedures. This man­ These are designed to make it eas­
ing and that complaints of night- trophies are requested to be pres­ of B street and in the area of a re­
Of the total amount, $40 was do­ ual is a reproduction of one pre­ ier for election boards to perform
cently installed manhole
by organizations, $37.55 by pared by Columbia County School step by step the duties delegated by
ent to make selections.
Spencer avenue were considered
businesses, $34.19 by the schools, Superintendent Ray K. Godsey and law and to make it possible to pre­
The meeting is scheduled for and referred for further study.
$27.26 through contributions at the his staff assisted by Roy A. Nelson, vent irregularities and violations.
7:30 p.m. and is open to anyone
After payment of bills, the coun­
interested. Henry Anderegg, chair­ cil adjourned at 9:35 p.m. and will coffee hour held at Deans Market Columbia county clerk. The manual
Nelson states that every security
and $8.91 through contributions is cleverly illustrated with cartoon- measure is being taken by his office
man, invites constructive sugges­ meet next April 18.
dropped into the heart containers type drawings. The adoption of this to prevent the possibility of any
tions for making the event out­
placed about town.
manual by the state has brought election fraud.
The Vernonia high school golf
team will travel to Neah-Kah,Nie
today, Arpil 7, for its first match welcome.
with the Pirates scheduled to start
at 4:00 p.m. Present plans accord­
ing to Bert Kronmiller, coach, are
that Ed Burton, Gary Hanson, Pete
There were 329 chest xrays taken
Brunsman, Larry Elton and Tom
here Monday during the visit of the
Lawler will make up the team for
mobile xray unit sponsored by the
this match.
Crown Zellerbach is again mak­ Tuberculosis association and sup­
The matches presently scheduled ing free seedlings available to resi­ ported by funds from Christmas
for the remainder of the season are dents of Columbia county, accord­ seal sales. This exceeds the num­
as follows:
ing to division forest engineer, Dav­ ber taken a year ago when 291
April 14, Scappoose, 4 p.m., id Banta of the E. P. Stamm Tree availed themselves of the opportu
there; April 18, Neah-Kah-Nie, 4 Farm.
nity for free xrays.
p.m. here; April 22, Warrenton,
Port Orford Cedar. Douglas Fir
Mrs. Robert Elton who was in
Seaside, Neah-Kah-Nie, and Verno­ and Grand Fir in packages of 25 charge of arrangement
for the
nia, 4 p.m. at Warrenton; April 28, seedlings are now ready for dis­ visit Monday expressed her appre­
Scappoose, 4 p.m., here; May 2, tribution. Printed instructions for ciation to the ladies who assisted
Warrenton, Seaside and Vernonia, planting and care of the trees will during the time the unit was open.
4 p.m., here; May 14, Hood River, be given with each bundle.
Included were Mrs. Margaret
4-man, 9:30 a.m., there; May 5,
In this area seedlings may be ob­ Thompson, Mrs. Don Cameron,
Hillsboro, Junior Varsity, 4 p.m., tained from either the Vernonia Mrs. Don Tiffney, Mrs. Jim Brew­
here; May 10, Hillsboro, Junior Eagle office or from Crown Zeller­ er, Mrs. Ed Roediger, Mrs. Darla
Varsity, 4 p.m., there.
bach office at Pittsburg.
Brown and Mrs. Wayne Welch.
Easter Season
Services Start
This Evening
Athletes Hear
Pacific Coach
Dates Set for
Science Fair
Work on Parks A pproved
Heart Drive
Totals $147
Jamboree to
Be Considered
County Clerk Outlines
School Election Laws
Golf Team to
Meet Pirates
Free Seedlings
Now Available
329 Get Free
Chest Xrays
at Sports Acres boys camp when photographed a f
days ago. Pool will meet Olympic regulations. Fac
ty is being developed near Jewell for June opening.
Additional photo of camp area, page 4.
Sports Acres Boys Camp Sets June Openina
VOLUNTEER firemen were called Saturday night
about 11:30 a.m. to the old Nehalem hotel, the third
call they had had in the past week. The previous
Thursday night the department was called to quell a
fire at the corner of Sixth and Mist Drive in River­
view. On Monday morning of this week, the firemen
were again called, this time for a chimney fire at the
Virgil Snook residence on Pebble Creek rood.
n n f l l i n f 'P m p n t has
h a t; h
non m
o r i n r\t
the opening in June of Sports Acres
a boys camp on Sunset highway not
far from Elderberry Inn. O. Sve-
haug is the man developing it and
at present work is being rapidly
done to complete all facilities in
time for the first camp session
which will open June 12.
Svehaug states that his camp,
which is on a 380 acre tract of
douglas fir, alder and wind­
ing trails, will include a pictur­
esque mountainside lodge with a
spacious dining room and a breath­
i n n - nt
taking v view
of the Nehalem river.
There will be five cedar dormitor­
ies for 24 boys each and a gymna­
sium for rainy day activities.
There will be a football field, a
regulation cinder-surfaced track,
two baseball fields, four outdoor
basketball courts, two tennis courts,
a rifle range and an Olympic-size
swimming pool.
Stables will provide gentle riding
horses to take campers on excur­
sions over winding mountain trails.
Obie's, a Portland restaurant, has
charge of the food.
t o lr in n
Apparently, Svehaug has
planning for such a facility
some time and had plans made
that construction is taking pi;
rapidly. It is not visible from
highway, and is in a setting to g
the seclusion desired for such
Svehaug has announced amn
his staff for this summer, Ti
DeSylvia, former Jefferson hi
school football coach; Roy Lo'
Portland State College basketb
coach and Dean Sempert, bask
ball coach at Lewis and Clark.