FIRST A ID IODINE TINCTURE BACITRACIN OINTMENT U.S.P. 2% Rexall • ~ | Rexall Î4 ox. 1 #1. o r. REG. 39c “,B 2for99< “ REG. 98c 2 (KCH-4046) n z Choose from hard rubber or tortoise styles. Room Deodorizer (KB-1715-20. 5 ox. aerosol REG. 1.1 9 99c fo r COMBS SPACE FRAGRANCE 11 ox. aerosol REG. 98e 2 for 99c 1c SALE TOILETRIES A D R IE N N E B Rexall room deodorant REXALL TRI-SALVE Triple antibiotic R E G .98« 2 for 40< (KU-3041) AIR REFRESHER 31 32. 47, 48, 89, 92-97) 2io,1.20 (XP-477) REG. 29c to 49c 1726-8, BOBBY PINS 1 I’l l KEY CASE o r CHAIN Biack or bronze, rubber tioped. jj^ R C a r d of 60's. X. fo r AUC REG. 25c 1.01 39c BOBBY PINS, IOC’s NOW (KS-1948, 47)----------------- 2 for 4flO (KX-3010, 301I) 4 f l . ox. REG. 29c (K M 15 , 18) 2 "(KU-286) 1- NEOMYCIN BACITRACIN MERCUROCHROME Rexall. 2% OU WW 14 f I. ox. REG. 25c □ REXALL FIRST AID SPRAY Rexall !4 ox. (KOI-102) AEROSOL 2 for 1*50 Thimerosal Lilly «- 1 ox. Rexall Ointment REG. 98e 2f.r1.59 3 i REG. 25c to 75c Now 4,8} for 1.50 to 2 fo X ^ DENTAL FLOSS AEROSOL TOOTH PASTE REXALL Aromatic stimulant 2 f l.o x . R E G .6 3 c HSK 7 c z. REG. 98« mm (KB-381) .^ r2 f . r 99c * lu l l REG. 39« t®2 89c DENTAL FLOSS, 100 yds, (KB-362)________________ 2 7 ox. aero so l REG. 2 .0 0 (KCN-2085) COLOGNE GELEE 3 r < 2 fo r fo r (KX-1588-97, 4618, 4823-25) RX-110J, 10, 90, MIS, » , 3038, 2854. 4571, 2) American Beauty Rose, Golden Lilac, Spring Liiy or Twig. SUNBEAM (TX-30SS) -- ------------ High fashion stripe and heather patterns. Latex backed. 27" x 48". Two appliances in one. Compact and sturdy, safe and easy to use. R E X A L L C H IL D R E N 'S IRS9 Fast-acting, orange flavored, ASPIRIN NIGHT CREAM 19c ASPIRIN, 5 gr. Adults’. 12’s (KD-64)____ ______________ (KD-931)................................................... 89c Adults’ DOUBLE STRENGTH ASPIRIN, 100’s (KD-940)___________ 37c ASPIRIN, 5 gr. Adults’, 50’s Deluxe model with batteries, carrying case, earphone. 2 % magnetic type speaker. DEODORANTS 69c CREAM or RO-BALL, 1.00 STICK, Cara Nome, 2 oz. (TX-3055; Approved up and down brushing action Recharges in case With 4 brushes. SHAVERS GOURMET 0« J J TEFLON - MEN’S — built-in light, extra keen cutter edges, exclusive 11 degree scissor action. M A R . 31 O R IG IN A L j*) QQ IZ .y y (K cn -637)_____ S s H IS T A C A L M A i LOTION ANTIHISTAMINE L TABLETS Z S Rexall. 5O's 232 REXALL I I I ?:;:ï I 1 8 X REG. 1 .0 9 ZINC OXIDE O IN T M E N T For minor burns. 100 tablets. 1 OZ. REG. 35e REG. 7 9 c C fiJ Liquid Sugar substitute. ■“r h S 4 f l.o x . REG. 69c REG. 59e C A I A M INE LOTION Ä F3 “ > f f ^ 1 T »¿ M N Plain or Phenolated. 8 fl, ox. REG. 59c GLYCERIN an d ROSE WATER H Rexall. Plain or with Benzoin. 1 fl. o z. REG. 49« 4 fl. oz. REG. 63c (2 for 50c SA Rexall. 3 fl. oz. BUT« 6 ox. REG. 1.19 PETROLEUM JELLY Rexall. 4 fl. oz. .’ White. U.S.P.40Z. REG. 79c (1tU -1269f 7 r/ f EUDICAINE SUPPOSITORIES DIURETIC PILLS [ig >K sufferers. For hemorrhoid Rexall, 12's. 1/ 6 fl. OZ. iKD-693'.... .. RÍ1, 0 EYELO EYE LOTION Soothes tired eyes. BORIC ACID SOLUTION Rexall. Laxative, REG. 59c Rexall. 4 fl. oz. MINERAL OIL REG. 29c REG. 79c PETROFOL WITCH HAZEL Finest quality. Pint I V TRANSISTOR RADIO < 1 4W— i m l X S Colorful covers, many types, ELITE LIN EN REXALL 4 CHERROSOTE ASPIREX C O U G H SYRUP > Aspirin cough j drops. 9 2 for 30c Rexall. 8 fl. oz. REG 1 2 9 REG 29c (KtWSO) J H Rd (r^ 7 n \ ft ~ - A yi Wl,h nylon spatula. Coyer la ^ R ***« fits standard NASOTRICIN N A SAL SPRAY Rexall, % fl. oz. 15 Troches. (KMJ2) N A T 1 0 N A I AO, S N U N O (KO-818, S) REG. 99c REG 83c (K O 4 4 8 ) A4 Rexall Lavender or Redi-Shave, 5 fl. oz. REG 69c REG. 98e TABLETS or ENVELOPES M IN Y TAPE RECORDER 4 transistors, 2 motors. rsm°te control _ mike and batteries. STYPTIC PENCILS Rexall. REG. 19e New rectangular style. Decorator 2 for 20< 2 2 fo r fo r 50c 99c CAMERA Instant loading. Takes 12 pictures. Fine lenses. (TX-4566) R E G .4 9 c ? (Kr-4243, tu b e s . COLD STEAM HUMIDIFIER and VAPORIZER Steams up to 24 hours. (TX -4 6 32 , 3 4 ; 2 96 1) 1 g a llo n Dish Towels, A IR MATTRESS 3 COD 25 LIVER 2 for OIL 3 .2 6 « y -« » • 39 Alphacaps, 50M, 100's (KV-7SÎ)--------- 2 for 8.4G Natural source of FLASHBULBS AC-1 and AG IB. Sleeve nf 12. , REG 1 .4 4 f LUU Vitamins A and D. Pint REX 3 5 m m R E X A U FORTIFIED B-COMPLEX V ITA M IN S Dishcloths, (TX -4 7 91 ) V IN Y L 7 6 f t long, 2 7 * wide. 2 fl-oz. wSgl ( ton -733) I W C O L O R F IL M IN K TABLETS IRON TONIC f 0, 5 0 c W M 72) hand-o oo A « // With Luminous Dial ( tx -462) _____ 3.83 a i I I snooze! (TX-767) "J Qfl eJ.W With Luminous Dial ( tx -758) _____ 4.13 GREETING CARDS HAIR DRYER 4 U In portable g e [ e s t s I ^ SOAP hatbox case. Box of 2 Birthday, Get Well, or All Occasion. cards witl’ envelopes. B oxed GUARANTEED FEVER THERMOMETERS Oral, Rectal, or Stub. Easy to read Triangle top, safety grip | (TCN-788) REX WATCHES ONLY REXALL QUIK-PADS X SANITARY NAPKINS Q Q OOC ElECTREX TRANSISTOR R A D IO COTTON BALLS REXALL QUIK-BANDS Sterile adhesive bandages. Plain or mercurochrome. 260 cotton balls r in plastic hand puppet bag REXALL 2 ” sq. sterile gauze (Tw-22zz; pads for first aid use i/lifftx FOLDING SYRINGE SN U G FO LD « 1 Men's and Ladies’ styles. \ Also Men’s Calendar watches. REXALL EMBOSSED PAPER NAPKINS PLUSH NYLONS Mesh or Sheer-Knit Regular or Sandal-Foot Popular shades. 20 exposure. Price includes Processing. Bunnies g a lo re ., i including Musical Bunnies, Grandpa Bunnies, Princess Bunny Doll and many other Easter novelties. y \ White or yellow | \ and pink _ _ CAROUSEL BOXED STATIO NERY J! Attractive box contains 100 white Vellum sheets with 50 puffed envelopes. Ideal for gifts. QQ, #O C Z /C 200s (»X 454, H I (TS-101) JUST ^P A P E R PLATES 9 " fluted -yn ■ J plates. 120's / 7 C Z ' (TX-3028) PAPER CUPS 9-oz. hot and cold cups. 5°'s. zq OX-3029) FLOCK-LINED REXAU DELUXE reversal type Price includes . processing. J 10 minutes’ ASSORTED BOXED (TCN-782) 2 (,r2 .6 P int REO. 1 .9 8 I AllowS 5 t0 Modern design. Sw®eP second 1 mc-481) 2oz. REX DROW SE ALARM * * T j r l " IK powder 100 capsule« .■KHC-130) I * contains DOMINION PORTABLE ALARM CLOCK _ _ _ _ _ ELECTRIC POWDER MITT TOILET WATER 2-tona, heavy gauge, with pillow, 2 valves. OX-547) rex REXALL R E G .2 9 : \ 49c MATCHING tWvttGPflTYS44B) 2 for 5Cc o z Print or plain Cannon bath towels; or pack of 3 terry towels; each 1.00 F O R W o n LITTLE GIRLS d e rfu lly fra g r a n t, g e n tle Bog o f 30 25,000 units Vitamin A in each capsule. 100 plain or ruled sheets. 5 " x 8". \ v 4 TOWEL SPECIALS TO ILETRIES '- ¿ o colors. BCD, WINE LORD BALTIMORE Pack o f 3 1 m N E W from Rexall! EACH BATHROOM SCALES INSTA-FLASH S Long-writing. Disposable. Fine or medium point RAZOR BLADES 3 o z. REG . 2 .5 0 3 REXAU 5s Reg. 79c.............. 2 fer 80e 10s Reg. 145 KM-SO41 2 for 1.48 O th e r R exall Blades Reg. 49c to 98e PASTE Evening Jasmine. Blue Orchid. Wild Willow. Wedding Blossom. (TX-429-22) 7 .4 Î ALPHACAPS Rex Stainless Steel D.E. „ 1J4 N O W ¿ 0 .4 » . «4, to 4 7 ♦ •J Magnetic Recording Tjce REX-WAT REXALL 5 -2 X 1 1 ". REG. 39c n f e DuPont Mvlar® (Tx-47oo) 225-ft. Rolls....... ............. 2 BALL PEN Note or letter size, envelopes , to match. •We--1 “Alice” figurines R E G °7 .3 9 fo r 8.88 Theramlns, 100's (Kv-775)___________ 2 for 8.8 (XK-3241, 3228) >10 Lozenges, or M oz. Rexall Lavender, or Redi-Shave. 5 fl. oz. each, (X0-ÍS0) W ith ► V IT A M IN C A REG. 35c tube PRE-SHAVE LOTION tooth L i'- V P Ä «; (TB-2544) High potency multi-vitamins with minerals. B E IM O N T REG. 25 e a . ^BIOKETS X0-M3I fo r 48c OINTMENT, LIP AID For chanced lips, AFTER SHAVE LOTION REXALL ■ ' I MIST COLOGNE 1 Choice ot 6 luscious 78c Brewer’s Yeast Tabs, 100’s (XV-935) ________ 2 for 80« r COLORING ¡I BOOKS fc REG. 89c Bouquets o f Spring J fashion shades. L40 for 10 Important nutrients in easy-to-take liquid form. R E G .59 e choice styles, colors, textures. Pound 10 ox. REG. 89c REG. 1 .5 0 each batteries incl. FS9 2 for 1.1 ;1 TALCUM LIPSTICK Chrome qr brass finish. Windguard. 2-ply, lightwefgtrt green plastic. Brass couplings. ultl-Vitamin TONIC 100 sheets, i SVz X 11". BOXED NOTES 2 for 90c BATH POWDER 6 fashion shades. 21 4 ex. ia r REG. 2 .5 0 BUTANE LIGHTER Screen shows 35mm slides. ■ i t * ” ' ! 'fcxli Earphone, R E X A U V -1 0 TYPING PAPER is» REG. 50s fe 2 .0 0 .2 for 1.00 2 »10^*39 2 for 80c 8 fl. ox. REG. 69c TO N O T O N 1c SALE BUT VALUES T O O G O O D TO MISS! REG. 7 9 « Rexall Antiseptic. 4 fl. ox. REG. 1 .1 9 REXALL Rich in natural B -l and B-2 vitamins. Mam’selle, Mens’ 1 Aristocrat. ' 40 sheets, 20 envelooes. BLUE ORAL M O UTHW ASH «s REXALL BABY (ÍC H 1 4 S 1 S Í IRONING BOARD PAD & COVER REXALL REG. 95c CASCARA EXTRACT (KN-50) 10 fl. ox. each REG. 89c BABY BUBBLE 1 TEFLON-COATED W R ITIN G PORTFOLIO AIRMAIL TABLET LOTION or OIL 7 (W 4485) (KS-2388, 8T) Kidney stimulant. Rexall. 60’s. REG. 1 .3 9 REG. 30c Rexall. 85 Tablets I.Z v fo r 99c HYGIENIC L'QUID 14 f l. o r. REG. 49c REG. 3 9 c BABY CARE™ COTTON SQUARES LONG-LINE LIPSTICKS teaspoon, soupspoon. GARDEN HOSE XV<39) (KO-827) MILK OF MAGNESIA p o w o tR Rexall liquid. REG. 80c REG. 98c « « u HYGIENIC CORN SOLVENT GLYCERIN STERILE M A R A S C H IN O j Service for 4: Knife, fork 7 5 -F o o t Elite Rlppls V z" by 525" on dispenser. SPIRIT OF CAMPHOR CAMPHORATED OIL AU > S CASCADE^ CELLOPHANE TAPE (KD-7Z0) X Rich-bodied night cream. (TX -4795) POUND PAPER o r ENVELOPES Rexail. 3 fl. oz. R LG .SSe (KN-48)________________ 2 for 70c (TX 47121 (KS-221) CASTOR OIL Rexall. Medicinal. Pound 1.30, CASCARA J TABLE SWEET REG. 98c f., COMPOUND »fTih Laxative. Rexall. Not habit-forming. EPSOM SALT reg . 1 .2 9 band (KO-432) HORMONE CREAM (TX-3OS8I PROMPT, FRIENDLY PRESCRIPTION SERVICE /ZA 69c Cotton Balls, 130’s 2OO's REG. 98e (TCM 3 30 0/ PLUS A PENNY! ONE CENT 1 OZ. (KP-857,8) i Q 123 CARA NO M E with Melamine handles FRY PAN 1 a for 99« 2 Pf. SQc (KN-622-25?**^ Brite Conditioning or Concentrated Dandruff Treatment Dupont Teflon" inside and out, for non stick cooking, no scour cleaning REG. 98c (KN-44)_________________ STAINLESS TABLEWARE STATIONERY Rexall, 8 fl. oz. 1.26 For nursery use. Bag of 200. " (KN-908) W onY kin k! L O T IO N 2 00 Golden Lilac Cologne, 214 fl. oz. (KCN-3383)______ 2 for 2.81 M A R A S C H IN O 2 for the price of 1 98c ROLL ON, Rexall Cool Blue, 2 oz. ( kp -8S4). BODY MASSAGE fo r 1 .7 1 fo r COTTON BALLS STERILE Washable, bloomer style. All sizes. REG. 4 9 c pr. ~ 214 o z. J a r REG. 2 .0 0 "o 2...1J5 # (KD-934'_________________________ rexall Rexall. P in t X (KCN-3110) 2 for 36c (KO-208) 38« 1-gr. 50’s (KD-84)____ 2 lor 36« 38« lM-gr. 50’s < kd -«39)_ 2 for 40« 45c Cotton Squares, 80’s For all skin types 1 ox. »0 Z f o r ' 3 . 9 9 4 f l. ox. REG. 1 .5 0 1 0 0 's REG. 3 5 « BABY PANTS V IN Y L I .wnL----- it. 2for99c LIQUID FOUNDATION NOW Contains after-bath powder. l-grain tablets. 2 for 90c 7 ox. aero so l REG. 2 .0 0 REG- 98c BILLFOLDS 6 shades COLOGNE Sweet 'N Lovely, Golden Lilac, or Spring Lily. Pound Shaker Tin CARA NO M E LADIES’— “Micro twin’’ shaving head. Lovely pink case with qq gold trim. Television and in Sunday newspaper* , 35c Children’s ASPIRIN, 1 gr., 50’s SUNBEAM E L E C T R IC IO -T R A N S IS T O R A» nationally a d v .rtlie d an grain tablets CHLOROPHYL M O UTHW ASH TALC 1.51 POWDER M i n BEAUTY OIL MIST R A D IA N C E Deluxe leather wallets and purses. REG. 89c ft AFTER-BATH LORIE aapHT. REG. 1 .5 0 each SPR IN G LILY 2 ASPIRIN Extra mild, thorough cleansing. 10 fl. oz. SWEET 'N LOVELY (KCN-207S) T IN Y T O T Compact, or loose Face Powder. 6 shades. CANNON w ith KNIFE SHARPÉNER SLEEP TABLETS 2.01 f d M E N 'S , LADIES' REG. 2 .0 0 to 3 .9 8 20c 5 .0 1 2 (KP-3192) p SHAMPOO fc REG- 1 .2 5 PERFUMED to 2 fo r 2 . 0 REG. 19c to 5 .0 0 NOW Sprays on! 1 .2 6 M >;l 2 ox. REG. 1.2 5 each 2 f N O W ? f 0( Nail clippers, files, tweezers, nippers, etc. Outlast ordinary bulbs. 25.40, 60, and 100-Watt REG. 39c for 1.Î0 Spring Lily Soap, 4 cakes or American Beauty Rose Soao 3 cakes (KCN-3114, 765)__________ 2 for 1.51 REG. 39c to 2 .9 8 MANICURE needs LIGHT BULBS Rexall. 30 yds. Easy, economical push-button aerosol. ’ DOTH LENGENE 4L SUNGLASSES NOW ' fo r M E N 'S , LADIES' !E G - 2 «CN.60D (KP-1Í22? Many styles, colors. J S & W 6 PINE OIL DISINFECTANT Z REG. 25c Pack (KS-ZS) No. o r ?. • S H O W IR CAPS REG. 1 .0 0 > 1‘/ a 18", 24", 27", 30" faces. Choice of colors. 1.49 REX-SALViNE BURN SPRAY, 5 02. (K0-600)----------------- 2 51 1650 6 !, 1670 71. 1580 81, KR-43-50) - Complexion, nail and manicure brushes. Self-acting. 2 fo r 3 1 C to 2 for 56c U D IC O E L E C T R IC PERSONAL BRUSHES CLEANER rro-1550, 49c SLUMBER CAP, Nylon Lies (KS-ioei;.................... _ 2 for 50c tO DENTUREX FALSE TEETH 2 for SOc NOW 2 f o r 7 6c (TX-3OO5) (KO-448) OW 7!4 ox. REG. 69e GAUZE BANDAGE ADHESIVE TAPE to REG. 79e (KB-127, N 382, 417, 424,2555) NOW? 4 F I. ox. REG. 39c FACE POWDER oz. Jars (KCN-3150, 82) POWDER 1 .2 5 C ara N o m e SO AP Non-smear REG. 2 .9 8 to 4 93 7 REG. i nr 25e * * ,o r 2.51 fo r AFTER-BATH 2 lor 1 .5 1 TRCN-3385) B A BY CARE™ REG. 1.5 0 each S w e e t 'N Lovely A ero so l Boxes of 3 cakes N A II POLISH REMOVER 2 (KCN-3382, 3112) 1 50_G o ld en Lilac SO A P REXALL Hot Water Bottles, Fountain. Combination and Bulb Syringes. Bob or Regular. (KB-1C61. 90) REG. 1.0 0 to 3 .0 0 ,11c RUBBER GOODS H AIR- HAIR o r W AVE NETS Extra small mesh, BRUSHES French, Nylon, Assorted ladies' and men's styles. ' R E G .10 c REG. 1 .1 9 DENTURE PLATE BRUSH I BURN OINTMENT jR i w o x . N y lo n or N a tu r a l Bristle Pack 2 fo r 1.20 < x m is j REX SALVINE F Rexall Sterile “» I REG. SOc to 55e (KW-4103-3, 7, 8) REXALL 5 ox. PEG. 1.19 2 for 1.20 (KW-312) POLYM YXIN NEOMYCIN BACITRACIN MERTHIOLATE 2 fo r 26c 3 ox. SAFETY PINS INSECT REPELLENT J Fights infection, ri pain, helps heal. REG. 1 .4 9 (KU-1608) REXALL AEROSOL 3 S4 R A D IA N C E REG. 2 .5 0 each 30c f.r COLD or CLEANSING CREAM Golden Lilac, 2 oz. or Spring Lily, 3 oz. 6 % , 20-vol., for bleaching. 6 Fl. ox. REG. 1 .1 9 CARA N O M E COLOGNE PEROXIDE Sequoia Pine or Lorie Bouquet REG. 1 .0 0 M IST REXALL BATH OIL Leather case or pencil key chain. OAr (KB-19D5, FR A G R A N T S RUBBER FACIAL TISSUES Fierai Printed, ii (T X -4 3 2 -3 4 ) , GLOVES Easy on-off. REG (Th.ists-12! 9 8 C pr r J N A T IO N A L AO, SPRJNO '4 4 1 49 Regal Rex Cloth lined Sieves (T *-1 7 IO I2 I