Oernonia Eagle LEGAL NOTICE 8 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1966 SUMMONS 16541 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County Lawrence Meissner, Trustee of Millie Meissner Trust and of L ar­ ry Meissner Trust, plaintiff vs Donald J. Garrity and Arlene M. Garrity, defendents. To Donald J. G arrity and Arlene M. Garrity, defendents, by or­ der issued March 3, 1966; In the name of the State of Ore­ gon you are hereby, by order is­ sued March 3, 1966; notified to ap­ pear and answer above-entitled suit on or before 4 weeks from date of first publication hereof. Upon your failure so to do, plain­ tiff will take judgment against you and each of you, as prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: 1, A decree requiring defendants to pay to the Clerk of this Court, and within a tim e to be fixed by the Court, for the withdrawal by and use of plaintiff $980.00 with in­ terest at 6 percent per annum from August 14, 1965, for $34.39 taxes with interest from Feb. 15, 1966 and for plaintiff’s costs and disbursements herein incurred. 2, In default of making said pay­ ments, then after the lapse of time fixed by the Court, plaintif have a final decree cancelling and te r­ minating the agreement of July 14, 1965 and forever barring and foreclosing all right, title and in­ terest which defendents or either of them may have in Lots 3 and 4, Block 6, First Addition to Ri­ verview Lots now in City of Ver­ nonia, Columbia County Oregon, and restoring said real property to plaintiff, and 3, for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and proper. Lawrence Meissner, Trustee, plaintiff Deer Island, Oregon Date of first publication, March 10, 1966. Date of last publication April 7, 1966. Written bids will be received by the City of Vernonia at the City Hall in Vernonia, Oregon, until 8:00 o’­ clock P.M., April 4, 1966, to furnish and install one mobile unit, two-way radio, with 110 watt output, bids to be publicly opened and considered at that time. Informality in bidding is waived and right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Complete spec­ ifications for the desired unit may be obtained from the Recorder at the City Hall, Vernonia, Oregon. Walter E. Linn Recorder 12t2c Tests Scheduled The audiometrist from the state departm ent of education is testing students in the district 47J schools today and tom morrow, March 31 and April 1. The hearing tests are being given to pupils in the kinder­ garten, first, third, fifth and sev­ enth grades. Referrals from other grades are also being checked. NO TWO ARE EVER ALIKE! The County Court of Representing Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Jricmber Hartford . Insurance Group Hanford 13, Conn. (O À » T T O -« *» T COAST TO COAST /S A L E N O W \ Keg $14.95 $ 4 .$ i IN PROGRESS 3 /8 INCH ELECTRIC Bronze bearings. _ Geared chuck. Pistol grip. Six feet 3 wire cord. m iner finish. COLEMAN LANTERN BIG DEPARTMENTS