”v Waddells Move From Mountain MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell moved over the week end from Mist Mountain to their remod­ eled home near hte Robert Math­ ews. Shalmon Libel helped them bly reception in honor of Marilyn Jones. R evival Is Extended A t Nazarene Church move. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Willamina visited with the Charles Sundlands, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills were guests that eve­ ning- , Mrs. Donna Knowles entertained her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rabb of Portland Sunday. They drove up Fishhawk and saw a herd of 28 elk. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen and Randy were in Portland Mon­ day. Mrs. Hansen, Sandra and Julie Spitzer were in Vernonia Sun­ day to attend the Rainbow Assem- IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! The revival meetings conducted by the Laymen’s Evangelistic Group of Portland being held at the Vernonia Church of the Naza­ rene will continue at least through April 3. Rising interest on the part of the congregation and the people of the community led to this deci­ sion. The meetings are beginning to take on the spirit and atmosphere of the revival meetings and pro­ tracted meetings of early-day Methodism. The public is invited to attend and enjoy the singing led by Charlie Jones and the preaching of Elmer Andrus. Services are at 7:30 each evening. REVIVAL CHURCH of the NAZARENE thru April 2 -7 :3 0 P.M. Happy Cooks Plan For Bake Sale On April 2 March 7, the Happy Cooks 4-H club met at the home of Mrs. R. Higginbotham. The girls practiced the demon­ strations they planned to do at the training meeting on March 8 in preparation for Nehalem Valley Days. While the first year mem­ bers were practicing, the second year members made a salad dres­ sing. There was a business meeting after which refreshments were served. March 22, the second year girls made an attractive gelatin butter­ fly salad while the first year mem­ bers played games. Then the first year members were called in to help garnish the salad with carrot rings and mayonnaise. During the business meeting, plans were made for the bake sale on Saturday, April 2, at Deans Market beginning at 10 a.m. Lorna Westlind, reporter Stinchfields Honored On 58th Anniversary BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Darrell Baker called her folks, the Fred Stinchfields, at Arizona last Thurs­ day evening to wish them a very happy anniversary and many more to follow. It marked 58 years of wedded life for them. A group of neighbors had gathered and all were having a wonderful time. A1 Berg was in Banks Sunday to play golf with Bill Larson. Services Dated At S t Mary's Girls to Sell Easter Lilies Lily Day is one of the traditions of the Easter season in Vernonia Holy Week services at St. Mary’s and Saturday, April 2 volunteers Catholic church have been announc­ from Rainbow Girls will be on ed and will begin with the Holy street corners selling the little Thursday Mass of the Last Supper white paper flowers to help the next Thursday, April 7 at 7:00 p.m. Easter Seal Society raise funds for Public adoration of the most blessed criDPled children and adults. When you buy your lily you are sacrament will continue until mid­ helping the handicapped in two night. On Good Friday, April 8, the sta­ ways, according to Mrs. Ed Ross, tions of the cross and sermon will Columbia county Easter Sale chair­ man. The contribution goes to pro­ be at 3:00 p.m. Holy Saturday, April 9, confessions vide services for the crippled and it also benefits handicapped work­ will be heard from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 10, the East­ ers who make the lilies. er vigil service will be at 6 a.m. Mrs. Ross said that last year and the Easter Sunday Mass at 8 Lily Day contributions, combined with other income received during a.m. Oriental Dinner Aids Orphan Support Fund The facial hall at the Evangelical United Brethren church took on a decidedly oriental look last Satur­ day evening for the oriental dinner sponsored by the EUB Youth Fel­ lowship. The affair was a benefit to raise funds to support the orphan the young people have adopted in an Asian mission field through World Vision. The young people were as­ sisted by the EUB Guild members who prepared the food. The young people dressed in ori­ ental fashion and the church was elaborately decorated. A Chinese tea room at one end of the hall invited guests to sit on cushions and eat the annual Easter Seal campaign make possible these services for crippled children and adults in Ore­ gon: Children’s hospital school, 60; individual case service, 604; mo­ bile therapy clinics, 421; camp Easter Seal, 127; continuity care program, 173 for a total of 1,385 children and adults benefited. The Easter Seal campaign began March 1 and ends April 10, Easter Sunday. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1966 KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 “Where Your Money Buys More’’ — From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE—YOU RING, WE BRING YOU’RE INVITED TO ATTEND OREGON PIONEER’S THURSDAY, MARCH 31 & FRI. & SAT., APRIL 1 & 2 10 AM-5 PM ©1 Plan now to attend the gala Open House at Oregon Pioneer Savings and Loan's new St. Helens office. We’re looking forward to meeting you and we'll provide plenty of excitement when you stop in ...p riz e s , gifts, refreshments and good fun. Don’t forget—all Oregon Pioneer savings earn a big 41/2%> paid four times a year, on any size account and you won’t have to sign a special time contract. If you open an account of $50.00 or more, between now and April 9, 1966, we’ll also give you a one-dollar bonus. While they last—a handsome Corning Ware saucepan with cover will be given to each new customer opening a savings account of $250.00 or more during our open house. MMK For insured savings plus high earnings and free gifts, ‘O stop in and open an account at Oregon Pioneer. Your headquarters for savings in the St. Helens area . . . Oregon Pioneer—Columbia Branch. R. G. (Dick) Howell, Manager. Phone 397-3900. Listen to special broadcasts over KOHI (1600 on your dial) live during open house. YOU can win one of these valuable door prizes by dropping in to Oregon Pioneer and filling out an entry blank. There's no obligation and you need not be present to win. Prizes include Bag Boy's "Play-Day’’ Golf Cart, General Electric AM/FM Stereo Radio with detachable speakers, Motorized Outdoor Grill, G.E. Teflon Skillet, Portable fiberglass-insulated Ice Chest, and G.E. Peek-a-Brew Coffee Maker. OREGON McBRIDE ST. AND COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY ST. HELENS At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS - Top Quality ALWAYS - Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery in oriental style. -3 P Riverview P IO N E E R SAVINGS & LOAN ASS’N Home Office—400 S.W. 4th, Portland, Oregon 7