CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Car, Truck GROVE ATTENTION! Pacific Cleaners Agency at Ver­ nonia Variety. Pick-up Tuesday and Friday. We give S A H G re e n Stamps. 13t3c FO R S A LE : S e v e ra l to n s o a ts and v e tc h h ay . R a in ie r, O regon, H u d ­ son C o rn ers. P hone 556-5102. 13tl FO R S A L E : A shley a u to m atic- c irc u la tin g wood h e a te r. See J a c k O dam o r c a ll 429-5634.________ 13t3c H A N NA H ’S h a rd w o rk w ith B lue sh a m p o o e r w are. h u sb an d H e c to r h a te s so h e c le a n s th e ru g s L u stre . R e n t e le c tric $1. B ru n s m a n ’s H a r d ­ 13Tlc FO R SALE: Foley Saw F iler. K eas- ey’s Saw Shop. lltf c PRES-TO-LOGS. K easey Saw Shop _________________49tfc USED chain saw s for sale. K easey Saw Shop. 49tfc BUNDLES of old p ap ers for startin g fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. V er­ nonia E agle.____________________ 48tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. Flow ers w ired anyw here. Ruth Steers, 429-5384.________________ 25tfc FLOW ERS THAT PLEA SE. Finest in flowers for all occasions. P lan ts, bouquets. F lo ral pieces for funerals. F low ers speeded by long distance or wired anyw here. Mrs. Lloyd Thom as, 429-6611._________________________ ltfc FOR SALE-Real Estate FO R W eed sto ry re n c e ro a d , SA LE $1970. $270 dow n. 1070 A ve. O pen, fiv e ro o m s, 2 shop, 150 fe e t fro n ta g e . L a w ­ M eissn er, 198 M eissn er D e e r Isla n d . P h o n e 397-3166 13T3c LLOYD QUINN BROKER R eal E sta te & Ins. Phone 429-5211 866 B ridge S treet V ernonia, Oregon 5.68 a c re s n e a r S u n set H igh w ay 2 B /R h o m e o th e r b ld g s.—$5800 te rm s 2 B /R hom e in tow n - $1800 3 RAMBLER O v er 30 C a rs to C hoose F ro m Vi B /R h o m e on d o u b le lob—Vi B sm t - $6450 a ss u m e s m o rtg a g e . YOUR LISTINGS SOLICITED 13Tlc BILL HORN REALTOR and Vernonia Insurance Exchange Salesman—George Laws 429-6203 1965 C hevy II W agon, low m ileag e 1964 R a m b le r 2 d o o r, a u to m a tic tra n sm issio n , b eau tifu l b la c k & w hite. N ext b e st th in g to a new one. 1963 R am b ler 4 do o r. S tick , o v e r­ d riv e , 770 S edan, re d & w hite w ith m a tc h in g re d in te rio r. 1963 F ia t 4 door, c h e a p e st ru n n in g c a r in town. 1959 M etro p o litan If you c a n ’t d riv e it, w e a r it. T ops in c u sto m e r sa tisfa c tio n an d econom y. 1959 Chev C o n v ertib le V-8, 3 on the floor. B lack w ith w hite to p and gorg eo u s re d in te rio r. 1961 C o rv air 2 do o r, 4 sp eed t r a n s ­ m ission. 1961 O lds 98, b e a u tifu l ru s t re d and w hite w ith m a tc h in g all vinyl in te rio r. T ru e lu x u ry a t low p rice. All lu x u ry , a ll pow er equipped. 1964 F u tu re 2 d o o r h a rd to p in sea g re e n w ith V-8 en g in e an d a u ­ to m a tic tra n sm issio n . C heck on th is one — H ot as a fire c r a c k ­ e r- 1959 Chev W agon. 6 cyl. w ith stick & O v erd riv e. 1961 R a m b le r W agon 1964 R am b ler A m erican . W agon, tu- tone blue w ith stick . 1962 In te rn a tio n a l C a rry a ll, b e a u ti­ fu l condition. C lean & ru n s good. 1962 C o rv an — L ike h av in g a pick u p w ith a roof. One of th e b est, c le a n e st, b e s t ru n n in g u n its in tow n. 1952 F ord P ic k u p — T op Buy. 1947 C hev. 2 d o o r S ed an . Y o u ’d be su rp rise d . T h is one ru n s like new . WE STILL HAVE A BUNCH OF OLD POTS THAT BARELY RUN — SOME DONTIII IMAKE OFFER!) I B ig E n o u g h To S erv e You S m all E n o u g h To K now Y ou Just Ask For Larry — GROVE RAMBLER 1026 B rid g e St. 2122 P acific Ave. 429-5362 357-3129 MISCELLANEOUS- WOULD $40 p er week fill the gap betw een incom e and outgo? 15 hours a week, days or evenings and Sat­ urdays. M ust have car. Jo e Rezac, 201 Lloyd P laza, P ortland, Oregon. 4tfc LOSE W E IG H T sa fely w ith Dex-A- D iet T a b lets. Only 98c a t V ernonia D ru g C om pany. 13T4 WANTED YOU MUST SE E THIS HIDEWAY $13,900 B eautiful new one bedroom hom e on one a c re in the country w ith a lovely p arty room. E lectric heat. T erm s available. W A N TED : P ick -u p an d d e liv ery d riv e rs fo r o u r P o rtla n d o p eratio n . S om e g e n e ra l fre ig h t e x p erien ce an d k n ow ledge of city re q u ire d . M ust be 25 y e a rs of a g e. S te a d y po­ sition. P le a s e c a ll 226-6959 P o rtla n d fo r ap p o in tm en t w ith M r. H eestan d , N eh alem V alley M otor F re ig h t. 13t3c Well built older four bedroom hom e with excellent view and double lot, close in city. $6,000, term s available. W ANTED TO B UY : 2000 s p lit c e ­ d a r p o sts. We w ill h au l. C all o r w rite O. C. M urd o ck , G o ld en d ale, W ashington. (P h o n e 773-4919.)13t3c Rental - Nice two bedroom house, unfurnished, no children. $55 per month. W A N TED : R e lia b le w o m an to do b ab y -sittin g p a rt-tim e d u rin g the d ay . R e fe re n c e s re q u ire d . C all 429-6811._______________________ 13t3c Lots av ailab le from $100 with city w ater and sew er. FARM LISTINGS NEEDED WANTED: U sed Anvil. Crown Zeller - bach Corporation. Phone 429-6102. 12t3c CLASSIFIED HATES CARD OF THANKS MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum, 4c each. Three Insertions for the price of two. BLIND ADS with answers to be han­ dled by The Eagle: Minimum charge $1.00. No information given relative to such ads. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED A F­ T ER TUESDAY NOON EX C EPT FOR NEXT W EEK ’S PA PER . THE EAGLE nssumes no financial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its col­ umns, but in rases where this pa­ per is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. " ^ lA K ir ^ ^ T A F F O K T r “ We w ish to e x p re s s o u r sin cere ap p re c ia tio n to th e frie n d s who h elp ed m ak e o u r G olden W edding A n n iv ersary a tru ly m e m o ra b le o ccasio n w ith th e ir c a rd s of con­ g ra tu la tio n s. th e b e a u tifu l flo w ers an d o th e r re m e m b ra n c e s . O ur th a n k s is e x te n d e d to e a c h of you M r. an d M rs. C o rb ett O. W h item an 13tl MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, F o rest G rove Ore E L 7-7281 Slaughtering. Cutting. Wrapping, and Curing M eat for sale, any quantity. C attle R eceived Sunday and Moo day until noon: Hogs received Tues­ day and W ednesday until noon Come through Banks, take Tilla­ mook road 1H m l., take first le f ih n n d road. 1*fe T he E d C raw fo rd fam ily w ishes to e x p re s s th e ir d e e p e st a p p re c ia ­ tion to all th e d e a r frien d s who c o n trib u te d th e ir h e lp an d re m e m b ra n c e s d u rin g th e re c e n t lo ss of o u r beloved w ife an d m o th e r, B e a ­ tr ic e C raw fo rd . It w as in d eed so co m fo rtin g to know th e r e w e re so m an y kind frie n d s. 13tlc Ocrnonia Eagle MARVIN KAMIIOLZ Editor and Publisher Official N ew spaper of Vernonia. Oregon E ntered a s second class m ail m at ter. August 4. 1922 a t the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under th e act of M arch 3, 1879. Subscription price $3 00 y early in the N ehalem Valley E lsew here 83.50 . - —■ JUt T AUAaJ______ ^FRVTPF^ TV REPAIR SERVICE 429-5846 O » Goll Club News <1 I f <91 1 WT 12tfc ------------------------------------------------------ Metered Propane Service Now p ric e d to co m p ete w ith all oth- e r fuels. C all K eith W ood, COUNTRY GAS 648-6508 — H illsboro lltf c ------------------------------------------------------ Remodel your house this y ear with a loan from the credit union. Join now. V ernonia F ed eral C redit Union, 853 B ridge Street, Vernonia. 9tfc Will do housework, ironing in your hom e o r m ine, dressm aking. Can give references. M ildred A. Gould, 631 M adison A venue, V ernonia. 12t3c Beaver State Corp. R esidential - C om m ercial And F a rm Buildings All Types - Remodeling Com plete P lanning Service Rudy Sm ith, Mgr. Phone Hillsboro MI 8-3666 R es. Ph. H illsboro MI 8-4540 51tfc EXCAVATIONS - CLEARING R egistered & Bonded for Sanitation Work. BRUCE BERNDT 429-5892 K easey Rt. Vernonia 23tfc SHOE R EPA IR S, pick-up and deliv­ ery. Open 8:30 a.m . to 5:30 p.m . Tandy Shoe R epair, D street, V er­ 429-3301.________________ 31tfc CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING Cooler - Sunny w e a th e r o v e r th e p a s t R esu lts of 1966 V ernonia M en’s , , , , . .. „ . clu b S pring H a n d ic a p T o u rn a m e n t: w eek end b ro u g h t the g o lfers out N e t_ M addox 73 T om of hiding fo r the sp rin g h a n d ic a p B a te m a n 74j R oy c r i t s e r 74, and to u rn a m e n t fo r th e V ernonia M en’s R udy S c h ro e d e r 75. club. E v e ry o n e h ad a good tim e C losest to pin on No. 4, O tis M ad- an d O tis M addox of C la tsk an ie dox, 9’5” . w alked off w ith th e low n e t p rize. C losest to p in on No. 13, R udy T he re s u lts of th e to u rn a m e n t a re S ch ro ed er, 8’8” . listed a t th e end o f th is colum n. B e st 3rd sh o t on No. 9, W ayne T he m a n a g e m e n t h a s b een re- T h o m as, 14” . _____________________ ______________________________________________________ 429-3842 23tfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes­ sional civil engineer, county survey­ or, Court House, St. Helens. P riv ate surveying estim ates, plans, etc. Call S, Helens 397-0698._____________ 20tfc S E P T IC T A N K serv ice. P u m p in g a n d re p a ir. G . A. R u ssell, C o lu m b ia C ity , O reg o n . P h o n e S t. H elen s 397-0650 d a y tim e ; 397-0074 a fte r 5:00 p .m . 46tfc Haberman's Meat PROCESSING PLANT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: M onday, Tuesday, F riday Ilogs: T hursday, F rid ay till noon Cutting and W rapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing F re e use of Stock T railer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 E L 7-2981 R t. 2, Bx., 141, F o rest Grove, Ore. On F ern HUI Road ltfc LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E COUNTY’ COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FO R THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA In th e M atter of the E sta te of CLARA B ELLE LINDSLEY, De­ ceased. No. 3862 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF REAL PR O PER TY N otice is hereby given th a t the un­ dersigned ad m in istrato r of the e s­ ta te of C lara Belle Lindsley, deceas­ ed, p u rsu an t to an order of sale of th e County Court of the S tate of O re­ gon for the County of Columbia, m ade and en tered In the above en­ titled esta te on the 8th day of M arch, 1966. will offer for sale and sell from and a fte r th e 25th d ay of April, 1966, for cash or for p a rt cash and p a rt cred it, a t 905 B ridge S treet. V ernon­ ia, Oregon, the following described real property belonging to said es­ tate. to-wit: Lots 3, 4 an d 5, Block 1, Riv­ erview Addition, Vernonia, Co­ lum bia County, Oregon. The Sale will be subject to the con­ firm ation of th e above entitled Court. Bill Horn, A dm inistrator Donald L. K alberer, A ttorney for A dm inistrator 222 Columbia Blvd. St. Helens, Oregon D ate of F irst P ublication: M arch 24. 1966. D ate of L ast P ublication: April 21, 1966. 12t5c MORE CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE 8 Uernonia Eagle 6 THU RSDA Y, M ARCH 31, 1966 B e st 3rd sh o t on No. 18, R udy S ch ro e d e r, 23” . H a rd tim e a w a rd , D ick A ldrich fo r p u ttin g 4 b a lls into th e pond on No. 6. NEW SPAPER P U B L IS H E R S ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF SCHOOL BUDGET HEARING NOTICE is hereby given th a t a m eeting of the governing body of Vernonia School D istrict No. 47J of Colum bia County, S tate of Oregon, will be held a t V ernonia High School on the 12th day of April, 1966 a t 8:00 P.M . o’clock for th e purpose of discussing with interested persons the budget for the fiscal y e a r beginning Ju ly 1, 1966 and ending Ju n e 30, 1967, hereinafter set forth. The budget w as prep ared on a b asis of accounting consistent with th a t used in the preceding y ear. M ajor account­ ing changes, if any, and th eir effect on the budget a re set forth in a n accom panying statem ent. A copy of the budget docum ent is available for inspection a t 374 B ridge St., Vernonia, Oregon, betw een the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M . The budget docum ent m ay b e obtained for $2.50, o r p a rts of it m a y be obtained for 10 cents p er sheet. Signed: W alter M. W orkm an D istrict School B oard C hairm an FINANCIAL F o r the E nsuing F iscal Y ear Beginning Ju ly 1, 1966 SUMMARY Total All F unds TAX LEVY’ COMPUTATION Total Budget R equirem ents .................................................. $511,837.00 D educt: T otal B udget R esources E xcept T ax to Be Levied 302,158.00 Revenue N ecessary to B alance B udget ................................ 209,679.00 Add: E st. of tax es to be levied but not re c ’d in ensuing y r. 23,958.80 Taxes to be levied for E nsuing Y ear .................................... 233,637.80 A nalysis of T axes to Be Levied Within 6% L im itation ................................................................. 46,293.44 Outside 6% L im itation .............................................................. 187,344.36 Not Subject to 6% L im itation Total T axes to Be Levied ......................................................... $233,637.80 G eneral Fund $493,337.00 283,658.00 209,679.00 23,958.80 233,637.80 School Lunch Fund $18,500.00 18,500.00 46,293.44 187,344.36 $233,637.80 F o r the C urrent F iscal Y ear Beginning Ju ly 1, 1965 TAX LEVY COMPUTATION Total All Funds $467,882.00 T otal B udget R equirem ents D educt: Total B udget R esources E xcept T ax to Be Levied 257,527.00 R evenue N ecessary to B alance B udget ................................ 210,355.00 Add: E st. of taxes to be levied but not re c ’d in ensuing y r . 25,243.00 Taxes to Be Levied for E nsuing Y ear ................................ 235,598.00 A nalysis of T axes to Be Levied 43,673.06 Within 6% L im itation .................................................................. Outside 6% L im itation .............................................................. 178,232.94 13,692.00 Not Subject to 6% L im itation .................................................. Total T axes to b e Levied .......................................................... $235,598.00 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Sharp F reeze Locker W rapped R. J . Ekhoff ceiving som e re p lie s con cern in g the w o m en ’s golf lesso n s and en- c o u ra g e s any w om en in te re s te d in th e s e lessons to c a ll an d g et signed l,P- Vernonia P e te Klein nonia. » » » » » » » » » » T NONE Bond F und G eneral F und 437,157.00 239,027.00 198,130.00 23,776.00 221,906.00 18,500.00 18,500.00 12,225.00 12,225.00 1,467.00 13,692.00 43,673.06 178,232.94 221,906.00 P E TT Y CASH BALANCE A ctual: Ju ly 1, C urrent Y ear E stim ate: Ju ly 1, E nsuing Y ear 13,692.00 13,692.00 $63,925.47 $45,000.00 Total Adopted by D istrict School B oard Approved by B udget Com m ittee: M arch 16, 1966 Signed: M ona M. Gordon, Clerk Signed: O. T. B atem an, S ecretary Walter M. Workman, Chairman Bill J . H om , C hairm an BUDGET SUMMARY—GENERAL FUND Ju ly 1, 1966 to Ju n e 30, 1967 B udget HISTORICAL DATA for A ctual Second Y ear Preceding $ 44,655.08 F irst Y ear P receding $ 53,927.95 B udget C urrent Y ear $ 30,000.00 940.21 98,287.42 163,197.12 437.25 5,646.00 95,421.23 184,778.20 276.39 15,200.00 9,600.00 180,727.00 3,500.00 $307,517.08 $340,049.77 $420,123.01 $452,892.37 HISTORICAL A ctual Second Y ear Preceding $ 10,542.00 3,272.35 220,805.11 15,625.25 90.00 106.07 F irst Y ear Preceding $ 10,500.00 3,901.63 233,030.34 18,061.64 90.00 169.01 26,980.48 19,076.34 15,570.85 2,328.37 17,712.05 23,781.43 27,208.05 17,906.30 16,646.25 2,318.00 20,210.84 25,704.41 315.82 678.41 500.00 257.55 1,500.00 878.92 6,489.87 4,517.19 184.10 2,185.00 1,603.64 4,414.68 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) $366,195.06 $ 11,280.94 $388.966.90 $ 63,925.47 $377,476.00 $452,892.37 HISTORICAL A ctual Second Y ear $ F irst Y ear $ 18.006.10 50.24 18,196.90 $239,027.00 $228,855.00 E nsuing Y ear Approved BUDGET RESOURCES A vailable Cash B alance------------------------------------ $ 45,000.00 R evenue from Local Sources E xcept Tax To Be L evied----------------------------- --------- 15,450.00 Revenue from In term ed iate S ources------------------ 10,000.00 Revenue from S tate S ources----------- ------------------ 209,708.00 P roceeds from Sales------------ ------------------------- R eceipts from other School D istricts--- ------------ 3,500.00 Total B udget R esources E xcept -------------- Tax to Be L evied..................................................$283,658.00 D istrict Tax R equired to B alance B udget--- ----- $228,179.00 TOTAL BUDGET RESO U RCES $511,837.00 $467,882.00 BUDGET SUMMARY—GEN ERA L FUND Ju ly 1, 1966 to Ju n e 30, 1967 Budget DATA for E nsuing B udget Y ear C urrent BUDGET R EQ U IREM EN TS Approved Y ear ■$157201)700 A dm inistration — S alaries $ 10,700.00 _ 3,250.00 — O ther— 2,900.00 285,380.00 Instruction — S a la rie s--- --------- 254,305.00 _ 21,500.00 — O ther----------------------------- 18,725.00 100.00 H ealth Services — S alaries - 125.00 200.00 — O th e r----------------------- 200.00 Pupil T ransportation — ____________ 28,000.00 — O ther___________ 28,000.00 ____________ 14,800.00 O peration of P la n t — S alaries 18,340.00 ____________ 17,900.00 — O ther__________________ 17,000.00 M aintenance of P lan t — S alaries.................... 8,400.00 2,000.0» — O ther___________________________________ 20,600.00 26,900.00 Fixed C h a r g e s ----------------------------------------------- 39,520.00 27,272.00 Food Services — — O ther___________________________________ 1,500.00 1,000.00 Student Body A ctivities — S a la r ie s ------------------- 5,100.00 5,155.00 — O ther___________________________________ 1,800.00 435.00 C apital O utlay — Sites ................... 4,000.00 500.00 — B uildings--- ------ ----— ........................................ 4,100.00 8,300.00 — E quipm ent — ................................... ,----------- 7,987.00 2,800.00 P aym ents to O ther School D is tric ts ------------------- 1,500.00 O perating Contingency ---------------------------- -----— 12,500.00 12,500.00 $437,157.00 (30,000.00) TOTAL ESTIMATED E X P E N D IT U R E S ______ $493,337.00 U nappropriated B a l a n c e --------------------------------- TOTAL BUDGET REQ U IR EM EN TS $493,337.00 $437,157.00 BUDGET SUMMARY—OTHER FUNDS Ju ly 1, 1966 to Ju n e 30, 1967 Budget DATA for E nsuing Budget Y ear C urrent Approved SCHOOL LUNCH & MILK Y ear R esources: $ 18.000 00 T otal R eceipts ----- $ 18.000.00 500.00 — Beginning Cash 500.00 18,056.34 18,500.00 18.046.34 10.00 18,400.00 100.00 Total Cash R esources Total E xpenditures R eserve for F u tu re Y ears 18,146.66 18.056.34 18,500.00 ? $ 23,200.94 $ 22.306.64 _____ Total __________ Budget E xpenditures BOND REDEMPTION FUND Resourt ’s: $ 12,225.00 Total Receipts $ 23.200 94 $ 22.308 64 $ 12,225.00 $ 20.000 00 1,960.00 $ 20,000.00 1.200 00 $ 12.000,00 225 00 Total Budget R esources E xpenditures: P rincipal on Bonds—Issue 1951 Interest on B o n d s----------------- $ 18,500.00 $ 18,400.00 100.00 $ 18,500.00 none none none none