Oernonia Eagle 4 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1966 Easter Sunrise Rites Planned MIST — The Mist - Birkenfeld com m unity church will hold E aster sunrise services at the Fishhaw k cem etery April 10 a t 6:30 a.m. If the w eather doesn’t p erm it, it will be held at the Birkenfeld C enter. E a ste r b rea k fa st will he a t 8 a.m . with Sunday school at 9:45 and church at 11. Mrs. F ay e L indberg, A storia; Mrs. C lara Libel, Seaside and Mr. and M rs. Lawton W addell were dinner guests S atu rd ay a t the home of M r and Mrs. Shalm on Libel. Mr. and Mrs. Libel were in St. H el­ ens Sunday to visit Mrs. George P eterson. The Robert, George and W alter Mathews g athered at the la tte r’s hom e F rid ay evening to celeb rate the birthdays of W alter and M yrtle. T uesday d inner guests a t the C harles H ansen hom e w ere Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ford, son C harles, and Miss Je an n ie K neffer all of P ortland. C harles was on spring vacation from the U. of O. A S a tu r­ day caller w as Edwin C ardiff of Roseburg and th eir d au g h ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bob R oeser D inner guests a t the George Mathews S aturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell. Guests Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. C harles H ayes of Scholls. Mr. and Mrs. Ray G arlock and Mrs. M ary Garlock w ere guests of the Lloyd G arlocks for dinner at the S par Tree S aturday evening. Bob Grimsbo and Chris Berg of Pacific U niversity, F o rest Grove were visitors W ednesday evening a t the Howard Grim sbo home. and fam ily of A storia visited them S aturday evening. Sunday a fte r­ noon Mr. and Mrs. A1 B aker of P o rtland called on them . Mr. and Mrs. John Craw ford w ere in Cornelius and Hillsboro T uesday and in Scappoose and St. Helens Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy K yser and children w ere in Longview S a tu r­ day. F rid ay evening they visited with the C larence K yser fam ily n e a r Clatskanie. M is t H e lp in g C ir c le M e e ts A t C o x H o m e MIST—Mrs. N ettie Cox was host­ ess Thursday for the Mist Helping Circle with 14 m em bers and two guests present. All w ere delighted to have Mrs. C harles Sundland present and enjoyed visiting with her. Mrs. John Craw ford won the hostess gift. The April m eeting will be at the home of Mrs. Sylvia Wolff. E nter our °F F fC fA L _ TO P R Y BLANK STAM PS va a Vacatioi J Telephone Number ' entered the “Trips p / I Nothing to buy! Enter o fte n ! ä ß r lI Gifts" < Gdts Sweepstakes at O E A N 'S market . flu a‘ any r f s" S im p ly «nia, Oregon . O«Ws andVoid whé?eîfd a«ne Inc rT ' S ,a æ P S a n d ^ S ? n 7 r,a V ’d ° % r ° - «w epstake. „ subject fQ __ *TOP «NTr», s u ,S « . IN C . s s local r‘ Bula ° ' Top V "S * , h í rs 8 'v i n g Ladies Arrange Birthday Event RIVERVIEW - Thursday a fte r­ noon several friends of Mrs. A rtie Buckner called at her hom e to observe her birthday A beautifully decorated cake was taken by M rs. Opal Hazen. Others attending w ere Mrs. Jessie Miller, Mrs. G ertrude H acksm a, Mrs. Margaret Berndt, Mrs. Joyce Weller and son Dennis, Mrs. Zada Snook Mrs. Ju a n ita Steele, Mrs. Sally Briones, M rs. Florence Rohr, Mrs. Charlene H a­ ger, Mrs. Kathryn Green. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lloyd and sm all daughter, Shiwn of Auburn, W ashington spent the week end h ere visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill E ckland and other relatives. Shawn celebrated her first birthday this week end. Mrs. Henry Hudson went to B e a­ verton on business Monday. M rs. A rtie Buckner accompanied h e r for the ride. Monday visitors at the hom e of Mrs. Artie Buckner were h er niec­ es and nephews: Delmar Wilhite of Vancouver, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilhite and Mrs. Lilly Wesley from Indianapolis, Indiana; Edwin Wilhite of E lsb e r­ ry, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cline and fam ily of Seaside visited his p a r ­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline Sunday. Mrs. Maude Wells spent the week end a t Eugene visiting her son L es­ te r and family. Mrs. G race C urrie accom panied her and visited h e r niece, also at Eugene. nea°rU e ns ? e s Oerttonia O p e r a t io n R equired T o R e m o v e C a rtila g e MIST—Ray Schlehuber of L em ­ hi, Idaho, arrived a week ago to spend until about April 1 a t the Bud Hemeon home. Steve Hemeon entered the St. Johns hospital in Longview Monday evening for a knee cartilage removal operation. His knee was injured some tim e ago. T uesday evening guests a t the Lloyd Garlock home were Mr. and M rs. Arby Mills and Mr. and M rs. W alter Mathews. The Garlocks talked with their daughter Carolyn and fam ily Saturday and found they w ere all just fine. G uests at the Fred Busch hom e Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E lm e r Morford and children of Vernonia. M rs. John Crawford and M rs. Donna Knowles were in R ainier S aturday to attend the wedding of Cathy Du Puis and Jam es (Jero l) M oran. They also went to Long­ view. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1966 ENTER NOW By Grandmother F or F urther Inform ation S e e Full P age A d on O pposite P age Travel to any Top Value Redemption Center in America and spend ¿ged To perfl option and Tend, er n ess cnn nnniK Winners right from this area! No purchase required! HERE’S ALL YOU DO: ju s t clip th e e n t r y b la n k a b o v e a n d d e p o s it a t a n y o f o u r s to re s . A d d itio n a l b la n k s a t o u r s to re s , a n d a t other m e rc h a n ts g iv in g T o p V a lu e S ta m p s . E n te r o fte n . . . g iv e y o u rs e lf m o re c h a n c e s to w in! TOP VALUE STAMPS QUINN INSURANCE AGENCY for the gifts o f your choice. Pick your city ! Pick your g ifts ! 866 B ridge FOR 429-5211 YOUR BEST D E A L on a Jet to M iam i... Old New England... New Orleans... Southern California or any other area you select. StaWPs 7 days, all expenses paid for 2. PANICS W inners W ill Be N o tifie d RANDOM WEIGHT C H EESEJ « « « I Value a íTr 4 Rood 3'LB- CAN Lb. 10 W IN N E R S 1 BOOK TO P V A L U E S T A M P S EA C H W eekly D raw in g to be held 5 :3 0 P.M. TH UR SD A Y EA C H W E E K Z E ST Y AAARKET Your dollar’s worth more when you shop at the store that gives Top Value Stamps $ SOTHEYfAY R E F R E S H IN G P lus D eposit DARIGOLD CHEESE SPRITE W H IT E OFF ?OICS for Siici Iden/ ng or R °astinf( WEEKLY DRAWING O MUGOLO CANNED ÍN cv PH EA SA N T PA C CTN COFFEE MUGS No. f l i $ ' Cans R B anquet F rozen— C hicken, T u rk ey & B e e f, 8-oz. P ie s ............. M eat Pies Cheese Pizzas Sausage Pizza Cream Pies C H IC K E N SH R IM P BEEF CHOW MEIN CHINESE DINNERS F rozen F resh — EACH M -D C hef B o y -A r-D ee F rozen R egu lar S iz e .......................... B IG S A V IN G S O N M ILLS o 79c B'RKFAST CEREALS f t W h ea ties - C heerios - K ix - J e ts - YOUR CHOICE 12-Qt. Box Idaho B ell 3 K -o z. P k g s. T ree Top 46-oz. T ins. ............................. PUREX P D Q In sta n t R eg u la r.................... B lue M ountain H orse and B e e f M eat and E g g s— R eg. T in s...... Gio-Coat — 46-oz. T in s................................... 49« P led g e’s A ll-P urpose 14-oz. Size .................. CaD 89c IO/$I.OO 3 /$ l.0 0 49c 5 /$ l.0 0 $1.19 $1.19 5 Pl Res. Ph. 644-3619 Rolls BETTY U N IO N SERVICE ^ tH A 9 -3 7 3 l V E R N O N IA , O R E G O N CROCKER PANCAKE M IX > BATTERIES-TIRES-LUBES ( BVliiltMllk, Pancake Mix - I F -R -E -E Reg. $ ' Boxes TOWELS P h. 648-4191 HILLSBORO. OREGON it back to B ob’s and le t F r o sty O’s - C harm s - T otal - T rix Pet Instant M ilk Dash - Cheer - Oxydol Instant Potatoes Giant Apple Juice Box Chocolate Beads Dog Food LIQUID BLEACH Floor Wax S ig Furniture Wax W hy Z 2 ? ----- cabbage " 'e r . OKANGls ....................... .... Sn C ‘ e • * L (/fy£D p 4», rieiies ®nd H i « - - - s 'oses to do th e job only to ta k e B r e a k fa st Special or Quality Used Car Mac Kenzie Ford w ith d eterm ination him do th e job rig h t. it '66 FORD at and approached th e ca r A sstd . Colors ZEE REG. OSCAR KAPHAMMER M4 TOILET TISSUE C hef B o y -A r-D ee F rozen R egular S ize........................... B anquet Frozen R egular S ize...... o HE SQUARED HIS dAW CLING PEACHES HEAVY © T O P V A L U E E N T E R P R IS E S . IN C DEANS i6 - _ fJ .° ^ L E S S N ow Featuring Northwestern Mutual s New Pace­ setter Auto Policy BIRK EN FELD Mrs. M arie K nauf of F orest Grove, who is 83 y ears old, drove her own c a r over here to attend the wedding of her granddaughter, Cathy D uPuis. Also here over F riday night with Cathy w ere Velda Wood of Dilley and S herrie Jen sen of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. David P robost of Portland spent the week end with the DuPuis. He is Mrs. D uPuis’ brother. Miss Shirley Berg attended a little people’s meeting at Newberg la st S aturday then drove into P o rt­ land. Sunday, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Allan B erg and fam ily, and Roger B erg all attended services at the C edar Mills Bible church. In the afternoon they w ere all din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn P ointer of Portland. Wendy P eterson of Jew ell was a week end playm ate of T erri Bel­ lingham . T rent G arn er left on Sunday for a 10-day vacation trip to M ississip­ pi to visit his borthers and sisters. His d aughter J a n who w orks for United Airlines arranged th e trip for him . u. GENERAL LLOYD QUINN 5 Rites Attended ST a MDIH g DEAN'S \ Eagie 735 Jefferson St., Vernonia Hours; Daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m Sundays 10 a m. to 7 p.m 10-Lb. B ag TIDE TABLES 99c GOLD MEDAL A L L -P U R P O S E AVAILABLE NOW 111. HOUR- FLOUR $1” 4-H H APPY COOKS FOOD SALE On the road . . . or on the water. See the man at the sign 0 V V of the Chevron! * V V V V V V V V V Ä Sot., April 2 10 a.m. Till the Foods Gone! Authorized to make service calls for {RALPH'S •CHEVRON SERVICE V V Atlas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up X Auto Parts Ì HAael I I «91 •5 X 0 >: M W M