b & loot Hmi too l U m ile REXALL REXALL FOOT POWDER COTTON BALLS REXALL REXALL QUIK- SWABS MINERALIZED B-COMPLEX Deodorizes. Helps keep feet dry, comfortable. Sterile, for nursery, first aid, cosmetic uses. Cotton-tipped applica­ tors, Single tip, 100’s or Double tip, 54's. 6 B vitamins, plus C and 8 minerals tor B Complex therapy. 4 os. REG. 55c 130'« REG. 69« REG. 39c 100 Capsule! REG. 5.95 Guaranteed, black and white film in Nos. 120, 127,620. 59e 8m-SW»BS, s^gte ffp, W e or Double tip, 90'» (KN-45, « n REXALL REXALL SALE STARTS THURS., M THROUGH SAT., A P R IL 9 TRIPLE ACTION As nationally advertised on Television and in Sunday newspaper* COUGH SYRUP DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE With Vitamin D for better calcium absorption. Adults'. 4 fL or. REG. 1 .1 9 (XD-417) -w We Childrea’s Strength, 3 fL ez. < kd .J7«_2 for M I O R IG IN A L SHEER C O M F O R T ONE CENT Ora!, Rectal, Stub or Baby. Guaranteed, easy to read. SUPPORT NYLONS H anna-B arbera TV Color Spectacular - Seamed or seamless. Mist, Brentwood or White. Petite, Average, Tall, or Extra Longl £0 SPONSORED BY R EXA LL ) (KW198g-7S| ' 1940-42 KN-60) 1Mf.fi Hanna-RarhPM Prod TARG ET dyRTZ, NT> Inr WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 30 ABC-TV' (Check local TV listings for time and channel) ALL MEW Liquid multl-vftamins for children. Good­ tasting, SUPER SHEER SUPPORT HOSE Therapeutic high- potency tonic for Iron deficiency. For Iron deficiency. Fortifies the d ie t PINT REG. 3.89 LYCRA® REXALL S J GER-RITE S TABLETS POLYMULSION Add to your container) hang In closets. Fumes kill moths and larvae. (R-4W1-24» REXALL REXALL MOTH CRYSTALS DON'T MISS IT! Spuntex M a m ie » Lycra and qyto o M lr t ir Bren» wood. P»tft% Awragt, 11 A m . REO.X79 |O-41<1-4| REXALL REXALL REXALL INSECT KILLER REXALL FUNGI-REX M ILK OF MAGNESIA FOR ATHLETE** FOOT Kills flying and crawling household pests. 7 n . Aeroiol b rîlo REO. 8Z« Sflque Cream, S% « . Jar, or Fast Dandruff Treatment, Emerald Brito, Brits Conditioning, fl. ox. each. Helps relieve and prevent fungus infection, stops Itching. Salve, * Greaseiess Ointment, Lotion or Liquid. M G . 9 |e REG. 98« Sixes loch 8 Antacid with gentle laxative action. Plain or M in t 11 FI. ex. REG. 69 « (XDH-4017) 4*.U l REXALL A s c A D E r ir r llin WRAPS HAIR ACCESSORIES DELUXE Birthday, Baby and Juve­ nile, Wedding and Shower and General needs. TABLETS HAIR ROLLAS A s s o r te d P in s , Regular, Magnetic, Clip-on, Bouffant Brush, Jumbos, A d ju sta b le ,..a ll kindsl Pack REG. 25c MONACET APC AH at 2 for the Price of 1 PLUS A PENNY! P a p e rs , C o m b s , C lip s , B a re tte s , B e a u ty C u rl B ow s, N e t s , W a v e N e t s , e tc . WM (KD-S42) I O f ■ • ** W 49c APC TABLETS, Monacet 25's (K D -M l)„2 for SACCHARIN REXALL PLAYING CARDS VITAMIN C One tt-graln tablet has sweetening value of 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, yet no ca lo ri». (Htsg"' SACCHARIN ASCORBIC ACID M .Grain 100’« RIO. 49« Bridge. Poker and Pinochle. Single decks, «CT-SI4«) S ie H -G n ln , IOC’s (KD.«7 i ) _ _ _ J for .40 M c I-O m I r . 100’((K o -rn _ _ _ _ 3 for .10 1.11 H -Q u in , IM O » («■»? j ; --- 2 for 1.20 1.31 14-Gr«in, 1000 » for 1.41 1.51 1-Qfeirt, lO O O i ( W - » 7 » ) _ « 4 for 1.SS (MS-1175, 11», 91) 1.35 Ir id i« Card», double deck (M -n » 7 )_ 2 for 1 3 8 , ® EXTENSION to C O R D 45« Î5 mg. W sikct - sm ) __ .2 for 41 TTe 50 mg. lO O'i for .11 1.53 250 mg. lO ff» (W T «S «)-— J for 2.54 4.71 500 mg. 100Ì « C 1 W U J for 4.19 REXALL MEDICINAL FLASHLIGHT 2-cell flashlight with on-off and blinker switch, VITA M IN C CHEWABLE A S C O R B IC A C ID Citrus flavor, 100 mg. Belli« of 250 REG. 3.19 P IN T R E G .4 9 c R EXA LL 2 -G A L . P L A S T IC 6 ft. Ivory or Brown. REXALL Antiseptic or gargle. 3 % , 10-volume. QW» SACCHARIN REG. 65c .50 VAPORIZER m 5? *7 _ ■C’” ' a Multi heat, automatic shutoff. Steams 16 to 24 hours. Year guarantee. REG. 9.95 L O R IE BUBBLE BATH Assorted popular fragrances B o x o f 2 0 P o c k e t» _ 2 for 66c (XX-447S) porjMS)