O ern o n ia E a g le THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1966 5 F am ily Party F etes Birthday BIRXENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Larson and family were Sunday dinner guests of the Fran­ cis Larsons. It was a pre-birthday dinner for Larry who is now home on vacation from college at Klam­ ath Falls. A1 Berg was also a guest. Buddy and Fred returned to their job at Sweet Home Sunday after a lay-off. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larsen spent the week end with her folks, the Francis Nordstroms. They attended the ham dinner at the Jewell Grange hall Saturday evening. Others attending the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopkins and Micky, A1 Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larson and the George Bellingham family. The Nehalem Valley garden club members had a good time at the home of Mrs. Lucille McCrone last Wednesday. Guests were Mrs. Henry Anderegg, Mrs. Silvia Wolff and Mrs. Winifred Hult. Mrs. Vick Berg and Mrs. Felix Wilcoxen were recent callers at Vernonia. Mrs. Walter Floeter and Laura of Vernonia visited at the Fred and Francis Larsons homes last Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills attend­ ed the chamber of commerce smor­ gasbord in Vernonia Saturday eve­ ning. Janice Greg and Kathy Berg of "Portland visited over the week end at the Shirley Berg home. Also there from Friday to Sunday was a friend of Nicks, Jim Heiberg of Portland. Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Vern Heiberg, Brian and her mother came and picked Jim up. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Larson and Susan spent the week end in Port­ land on business, staying part time at the Curtis Clemens home. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ildstad of Enumclaw, Wash, were here Sun­ day looking over their place. They also attended church here and visit­ ed for awhile at the home of Mrs. Edna Johnson. Fed Denver ( Airman Sent to Arkansas B ase BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wells and son Charles visited at the G. P. Wanstrom home Sun­ day. Charles is in the air force and has had a 15 day leave. He left Sunday for Arkansas where he will have more schooling. Also visiting them is Mrs. Ione Downs and Steve. Steve is spending his vaca­ tion on the farm which he greatly enjoys. Visitors at the Fred Larson home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Hendricks and family of Ver­ nonia. Debra Larson went home with them to spend the night. Other callers were Miss Sharon Hays of Beaverton, and Terry Smith of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Benson, Susie and Benny of Seaside were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence John­ ston. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers and family visited with her folks, the Francis Larsons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sayres of Mil­ waukie visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey. ' TRIPS ’ GIFTS COMING SOON Top Value Stamps & Dean’s Market STIVERS HORMEL JUMBO BOIOGMR— - ; ; ; » Ä G B MUS ¡pr White Angel Food 2/89c BETTY CROCKER DEL monte FRANKS — ¿ 2 VELVEETA CHEESE ROYAL GELATIN V el veety-Smooth All Delicious Flavors 2-Lb. Loaf Owl NALLEY’S Family Size Packages— EACH WYANDOTTE OLIVES ■■ ■ ■ I A U NESTLES CHOC. BITS CORNED BEEF MACARONI DINNER Kraft—Easy to Serve HASH or BF STEW 15-oz. Tin BETTY CROCKER FLAV-R-PAC FREEZER FILLER SALE M essages Unite F am ily Group TIMBER ROUTE — Mrs. Carl Snyder received a phone call from her son Floyd who is in Washing­ ton, D. C. Saturday night. She also received a letter from another son, Bert, saying he was on his way to St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Mrs. Bud Gibson received word from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hult who left here March 10 for Las Vegas, Nevada that Mrs. Hult had had flu and Gus was in the hospital with it. Mrs. Mabry Cox has word that her son, Boxer Cox is enjoying the sights where he is stationed in the service, that her daughter, Mrs. Richard Mathew of Hood River, is ill with flu and that another daughter, Mrs. Jack Stiles of Cres­ cent City, California has her fami­ ly all down with the flu. The neighborhood was shocked and saddened by the sudden death of a good neighbor, Mrs. Edgar Crawford Saturday. Mrs. Betty Artman and Michelle and Mrs. Mae Wienecke were in Portland on business Monday and also called on Betty’s mother, Mrs. Vicki Rees. be a winner Flav-R-Pac Frozen Cn:naf.l, OpmaCU Leaf or chopped Crinkle French Fried Potatoes Cut ' Frozen“6 BrOCCOH chopped caeeNPMj Flav-R-Pac Frozen Poat. OWCC1 red» Gard Fresl Peas & Carrots “ Cut Corn F FVroRePac Mixed Vegetables F FroRenac Sliced Green Beans FI f ™ 3C Cut Green Beans FIaFVroRzeP„ac \?L*VRPAC, Light T asty Nucoa MARGARINE F LIBBY'S Vienna Sausage PRUNE JUICE SPANISH RICE £ ? £ * * A DPT F^ AITPF Tasting—303 ,Iood Rlver F Tin; res ft* rLLOAUbL FROSTING MIXES 5 X 3 PFAP"'‘s,ri KRAFT MAYONNAISE STAM PS Honrs: Daily 9 a m. to 7 p.m Sundays 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 735 Jefferson Vernonia, Oregon