Ocrnonia Eagie 4 Lei s Gel Acquainted! THURSDAY. JANUARY 13, 1966 Clam Digging Not Rewarding JUapxt for Lam Moka Democracy THE GARDEN HOSE The Smiths had invited the Jones to their house for a backyard bar­ becue. As they were going up the front walk to the Smith’s house, Mrs. Jones tripped over a garden hose left lying across the side­ walk by the Smiths. In the re­ sulting fall, she was severely in­ jured. Mrs. Jones sued the Smiths claiming that they were negligent in leaving a garden hose across the walk. “They invited us to their house,” she said. “We were their guests, and they had a duty to see that the premises were safe for our visit.” Is Mrs. Jones correct? Can the Smiths be held responsible for the injuries sustained by Mrs. Jones on their front walk? No, said the supreme court. As a general rule there is no liabili­ ty on the part of the host for in­ jury to a person coming on the premises as a guest, unless there is something on the premises which is a concealed danger in the nature of a trap. The day in question was a Sat­ urday afternoon in July, and the Smiths had been doing some or­ dinary chores about the yard. The court pointed out that one might well expect to encounter a hose across a sidewalk under such cir­ cumstances. In any event, even if the hose across the sidewalk be considered a danger, the Smiths REXALL CUT COST OF LIVING SALE BARGAINS First quality mesh or regular knit. Popular shades. Hair Brushes, your choice................... 29c Lady’s or Men’s. Nylon bristle. Mi-31 Mouthwash and Gargle.............. 62c Rexall antiseptic. 24-oz. bottle. Regularly $1.25. Spray Starch............... 49c Lets iron glide easier. 24-oz. aerosal can. Rexall Mouthwash and Gargle............ 49c Blue Oral. Cool, refreshing flavor. regularly 98c. Î V V V I ’♦ Hair Spray, Brite S e t---5 9 c When people (or nations) live beyond their incomes, there is sel­ dom any doubt as to the outcome. Read the ads, it will pay you! Sets hair right, keeps it bright. 14-oz. aerosol. Shave Cream, Rexall aerosol..............64c Regular or mentholated. Reg. $1.29. Rexall Tooth Paste, Reg. 83c................59c Sheer Lycra Spandex. Chewable Vitamins, Rexall..............$3.97 For children. 365s, reg. $6.95. Bathroom Tissue, Rexall.................... 44c 4 roll back. White, pink, yellow, orchid. Rexall Detergent......... 47c Pink lotion or clear liquid. For dishes and delicate fabrics. Giant Size. D R U G CÖ , HA- 9 6 254 5V V 3 3 S 3 5 V î V î v •î v S V V 8 V 8 I 8 1 3 3 8 V 3 3 V VS. JA N U A R Y 14 s Î 5 JA N U A R Y IS ï Ï $ 3 J.V. Game Starts at 6:15 P.M. 3 î SHERMAN 3 High School Gym Fisher's Electric & Appliance Irma and Sherm Vernonia Variety and Shell Oil Bob's Union Service Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Hans and Vi Slette Sam's Food Store g West Oregon Electric Co-op., Inc. v î V 8 Vernonia Clinic Coast-To-Coast Stores 3 V » V 5 Ralph's Chevron Service Ralph Sturdevant M ill Market and Lockers Spofford's Flower and Gift Shop Bill Horn Really and Vernonia Insurance Lloyd Quinn, Realtor Real Estate and Insurance Birkenfeld Grocery Emma Etheridge I Vernonia Golf Club V Critser, Nanson, Gambee I V *5 *5 Î Ï 3 V V I X Vernonia Branch Brunsman Hardware & Electric Bob, Earl, Emilie a 905 Bridge Street Phone HA 9-6203 Vernonia, Oregon The U. S. Bank King's Grocery Sunnyside Service g FRED SMITH, one-year letterman, 6’ 3”, leading re- bcundor this season, averaging 10.2 per game. Drs. Hobart, Thiringer, Kramer, Wheatley * v î V Ruth and Marion Steers j»’ I Hnrtford Accident and Indemnity Company Member Hartford Insurance Group Hartford IS, Conn. V I V î VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE feprttrnH nt V V I BASKETBALL V I ill J. Horn stress “preventive” law by a fair out-of-court settlement wherever possible. Or better yet, by prepar­ ing papers and the like before­ hand which could forestall litiga­ tion. In probate cases—which deal with estates of deceased persons —the attorney’s fees are on a schedule fixed by the legislature, and when approved by the court, they are paid from the estate. When someone brings a lawsuit from malicious motives and with­ out probably cause, and loses the case, the defendent can recover in the same lawsuit his court costs, but not his attorney’s fees. There­ fore the law gives him a right to sue for the “ malicious” prosecu­ tion also to recover the attorney’s fees. V NEAHKAHNIE V There are few occasions in life when you need a friend more than when you are involved in an automobile accident. We’d like to be that friend in need. You hope—and so do we— that accident never happens to you. But if it does, we’ll be as close as the dial on the nearest telephone. See us for auto insurance that never stalls in rough going. During the first few hours of a lamb’s life, the heat supplied by a heat lamp may make the dif­ ference between life and death, says Don Coin Walrod, county ex­ tension agent. This is particular­ ly true where lambs may be born outside and are moved to a barn as soon as they are found. The shepherd should observe the ewe flock often during adverse weath­ er conditions. A word of caution on fire pre­ vention. Be sure the heat lamp is a safe distance from bedding, use a porcelain light fixture and do not hang the light by the cord. These lamps should be suspend­ ed with a light-weight chain J I Regular or Fluoride. 6%-oz. tube. Support Hose...... pr. $1.99 Your state and county govern­ ment pays for the upkeep of our court system—courtrooms, judges, court officers, and the like. These are what we pay for a peaceful way of settling disputes. P art of this cost comes from fees for fil­ ing various papers in a lawsuit. Some of the costs spent in a lawsuit can be recovered by the successful party from the loser. These are the fees and expenses for: filing papers in court, having papers served, witnesses, jury fees, an expert witness if called by the court, notary fees, and de­ positions (the sworn record of pre­ trial questions and answers from a party or a witness in a case.) Many costs can’t be recovered, such as those for charts, maps, private investigators, expert wit­ nesses, and lawyer fees. There are certain exceptions, such as in di­ vorce, where the court may order the husband to pay these costs as part of the wife’s right to have her case fairly presented. Others are where a signer agrees to pay attorney’s fees if he is sued on a contract, where a wage earner sues for his wages, and certain claims for damages to person or property. Because of court costs lawyers LOGGERS ♦ Rexall non-smear, oily type. Reg. 75c. COST OF LAWSUITS g g 3 3î V ♦ V $ V V V Nail Polish Remover, Rexall.............. 37c would have no duty to give warn­ ing of a condition which should be obvious to a guest. Mrs. Jones lost the case. I MIST—The Mist - Birkenfeld Ex­ tension Unit will meet this Friday at 10:30 a m. at the Birkenfeld Community center. Mrs. Art Bel­ lingham and Mrs. Eldon Shetler will give the lesson on “What Ev­ ery Woman Should Know About Electricity.” Mrs. Charles Ramsey ï and Mrs. Arby Mills are hostesses V V for the day. There will be potluck at noon. Everyone is welcome. Ideas for next year’s program have vy to be in by this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haynes and Don of Scholls were dinner guests at the George Mathews $ home Sunday. Dinner guests Sat­ î urday evening were Mr. and Mrs. I Vic Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell I were in Gearhart Sunday to vis­ >5 it with Ralph Waddell. v Pint size, Live $ V Extension Unit Slates Lesson on Electricity Seamless Nylons- 2 pr. 77c Lambs Benefit By Added Heat IT'S YOIÆ LAW Do you know this man? Born March 14, 1898 at Hartford, Patient Recuperating Kansas. At Daughter's Home BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Married in 1924 at Albany, Oregon, MIST—Mrs. Howard Thompson of Followed the trade of tool and die J. V. Crouch of Astoria visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Rich­ maker. Clatskanie is with her daughter, ardson Friday. George’s mother, Is now retired. Mrs. Norman Hansen and family, Mrs. Elsa Richardson, recently after leaving the hospital Satur­ Came to Vernonia in 1963. day. She is able to be around a The air waves are of great im­ went to Sutherlin to visit with Mrs. Eth Freeman Vaale. portance to him. little with the aid of crutches and Having the phone out of order or Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg went is very hopeful of getting back on being housebound doesn’t hamp­ to Seaside Sunday to see their son her feet before too long. Mr. and er his communication but a pow­ and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Hansen were in Astoria Sat­ er outage does. Berg. They went clam digging al­ urday on business. Mr. and Mrs. His nickname somewhat fails to so, but didn’t have very good re­ Sulo Sanders and Leslie of West- describe him. sults. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nord­ port visited a short time with the His hobby admits him to a select strom visited with the Victor Bergs Hansen family Sunday evening. society which is ever increasing Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garlock in popularity. Wilfred Parman, Portland, and were up from Warrenton visiting at the Ray Garlock home during the (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ his son, Dick from Dubois, Wyom­ chols). Answer to last weeks ing were in Birkenfeld recently and week. Mrs. Bern Bliss came back quiz: Harley DeWitt. visited several local families. Mr. Sunday evening to visit at the Parman is now in the real estate Garlock home after spending about a week visiting friends and rela­ Economy is the name of a Penn­ business. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones and tives in Washington. sylvania town. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wanstrom drove to Seaside Sunday and en­ joyed dinner at the Crab Broiler. Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Baker of Portland came Saturday to visit with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dar­ rell Baker. They returned to Port­ land Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist were in Clatskanie Friday. Charlie Genner was here from Tigard Saturday to see what the snow was doing on his farm, the former Dick Lousignont place. He visited with Johnny Cahill while here. Wilfred Parman and Dick called on Mr. Cahill when they were in the valley recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chouinard and Amy visited with the Charles Ram­ sey family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuve went to Portland Monday of this week. Pastor and Mrs. Eldon Shetler January 13 through January 22 and children from Mist were Sat­ urday evening dinner guests at the home of Shirley Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramsey came to vis­ HEB E ARE JUST A FEW it later in the evening. Nick Berg and Dave Wright were in Clats­ kanie Monday of this week. OF OUR M A N Y SALE Union Oil Company Loel Roberts V V V V V V V I I Tandy Shoe Repair a V Albert Tandy 1 Nehalem Lanes V V V •J V V •5 BACK THE LOGGERS BY ATTENDING e