MILL MARKET SNOWDRIFT PORTER'S SHORTEN ING 3-Lb. CfJ Can 0 9 r ' Mix or Match— 22-oz. Pkgs. Oranges n “ *9 2 u . 25c 10-Lb. B o x .................................................$3.98 Tomatoes Itipe -F R O Z E N ...... Lb. 19c FO O DS— SEA TANG BREADED Shrimp Pcs f I % QlIBGS - -• $1.49 PHILCO BUTTERED Beef or Veal Pkg. of 10 Patties Elbow Macaroni Elbow Spaghetti Long Spaghetti 3 89 55’ Dog Food Peanut Oil Luncheon Meat 4 9 ’ Cat Litter PLANTER’S 69c TOPICS OF THE TOWN ' Burkhard Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ritz arrived and her sons, Gayle and Bennie (Skeeter) Gill from Thorn Bay, Alaska were visiting with Vernon ia friends last week. They had come to the states for Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Annie Ro berts of Pittsburg. Mr*. Ray Cota of Springfield is a guest at the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cota and family. She returned home with them after they had spent Christmas with her. home last Wednesday evening aft er a two weeks vacation in Cali fornia where they visited their daughter, Deanna, and other rel atives including four sisters and two brothers of Mr. Ritz and his father, Dick Ritz who had returned from Germany in September and had much interesting news of his trip to relate. They made their headquarters with Mr. and Mrs. David Lenaburg with whom De anna lives. They saw the New Years parade in Pasadena then came home through Las Vegas, and up through Nevada to Virginia City, Reno, Winnemucca and on through Burns and Bend. They hit the snow at Bend. Fred M r. and Mrs. E. E. Garner vis ited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Emerson in Forest Grove. Oernon¡a Eagle 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1966 JO Y T H E A T E R Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Blanche Pickering Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rickett from Woodburn. Funeral services were held on Monday in Portland for John Whit aker, a former resident of Tim ber route. He was the brother of Mrs. Bertha Rosa and a great uncle of Mrs. Reatha Ritz. No. '/2 Tins OCc 03 M.J.B. INST. COFFEE that so much snow had been prev alent in this area. M r. and Mrs. Patrick Seibel and sons Keri and Kris and nephew Keith Seibel, went to Eastern Ore gon just after Christmas to visit until after New Years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Seibel, a brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph (Bud) Seibel and sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott at Hermiston and another sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Emerson at Stanfield. The other nephew who makes his home with them, Ed Seibel, spent the holidays at Sumner, Washington with his mother. Mrs. M arie Christensen was sur prised Monday afternoon when friends arrived to wish her a hap py birthday. Included in the group were Mrs. Will Harders, Mrs. Jul ius Hytrek, Mrs. Mabel Graves, Mrs. Vivian Counts, Mrs. Walter Parker, Mrs. Oren Weed, Mrs. H. A. DeWitt, Mrs. C. L. Blackburn and Mrs. Blanche Pickering. A birthday cake brought by Mrs. Pickering was served with tea and coffee. M r. and Mrs. P. E. (Jim ) M ark HEARING AIDS FOREST GROVE HEARING SERVICE NO TICE Patrons of West Oregon Electric: Meeting, Wednes day, January 19 at the Birkenfeld Grange Hall. TOPIC Ways and Means to Improve Service. Friend* have new* from b , s M r*. Dales To Remember THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 Project leaders training, “Cost of Higher Education” - West Ore gon Bldg. - 10:30 a.m. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOOF Hall - 8:00 p.m. Installation. F R ID A Y , JANUARY 14 Mist - Birkenfeld Extension Unit - Community Center - 10:30 a.m. Vernonia Gem and Fossil club - Fire hall - 8 p.m. Basketball, Loggers versus Neah- Kah-Nie - VHS Gym - JV, 6:15 p.m., Varsity, 8:15 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 Basketball, Loggers versus Sher man County high school - VHS Gym - JV 6:15 p.m.; Varsity 8:15 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 Golden wedding reception for the Sam L Hearings - Masonic Tem ple - 2 to 5 p.m. MONDAY, JANUARY 17 Lions Club dinner meeting - Fire hall - 6:30 p.m. City Council - City hall - 8 p.m. American Legion Post 119 - Le gion hall - 8 p.m. PTA - Washington school - 8 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 Vernonia Gun Club - Fire hall - 7 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary - Le gion hall - 1:30 p.m. EUB Guild - Home of Mrs. Carl Davis - 8 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. Basketball, Loggers versus Scap poose - there - JV, 6:15; Varsity, 8:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple - 8 p.m. area due to his activities with the air force. It had been about 15 years since they had seen each other. Services were read Saturday at 1:00 p.m. in Detroit, Michigan for Harry D. Ford of Forest Grove who had been in a Detroit nursing homme for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols re turned home Wednesday of last week after spending the holidays at Los Altos, California with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hockett and family. They went to California December 20 by train and had planned to return that way but storms had canceled train operations at the time called for in their reserva tion and they were placed on bus ses, traveling in a bus convoy which was transporting train pas sengers. The trip from Oakland to Kelso took 25 hours due to road conditions in some areas. While they were at their daughter’s home a very severe wind storm struck which did considerable damage in the area. Mary Sawyer of Hermiston that she and her husband are in the M r. and M r*. Joey Acaiturri process of moving to a new lo cation. 300 street, Victory Square were here from Creswell New Hermiston 97838. For the past sev Years week end and were house eral years, due to illness on the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ma- part of both of them, they have goff. New Years eve. they joined been living with their daughter Dr. and Mrs. Hobart and their and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sel- house guest, Dr. Robert McDonald don McCall near Hermiston. Both of Portland and Mike Hobart and are so much improved in health his guest, Steve Crow from Los now that they are again establish tine, Oregon for a sledding party. ing their own home and invite friends who come that way to BUY A BEEF — sell a motor stop by and visit them. Mrs. Saw scooter: You can do anything with yer visited friends here recently. a classified ad! Oregon Grown Z1 L LraOS Ocean Fresh...................... Each Catsup NABISCO 6-oz. 89c PINWHEEL 12!/i-oz. Pkg......... 2/39’ 2/85* U.S. Bank Year End Figures Indicate New High for 1965 U. S. National Bank of Oregon continued to remain ahead of the state’s prospering economy during 1965, President E.J. Kolar has revealed. Year end figures for 1965 re leased by Kolar show that the home owned statewide institution reached new highs in loans, de posits, total resources and net op erating earnings after taxes. Deposits on December 31, 1965 increased 9.8 per cent over the same date the previous y e a r through the continued expansion and natural growth in the state and without any mergers. During 1965 additional deposits of $107,- 295,406 were recorded for a year end total of $1,203,565,648. Kolar pointed out that the de mand for money also continued at a strong pace and that U. S. Na tional’s expanded loan activity re sulted in a 12.0 per cent increase on December 31,1965, when com pared to the same date the pre vious year. Loans increased $76,- 175,540 to a year end total of $711,- 642,131. Following an exceptionally good year in 1964, net operating earn ings after taxes for 1985 showed an increase of $47,952, raising earn ings per share to $2.63 for the 3,775,000 shares outstanding which are 70 per cent owned by Oregon ians. The Vernonia Branch of the U. S. National recorded total deposits of $1,723,440.96 according to B. R. Pilger, Manager. Loans and dis counts for the local branch stood at $372,446.21. Invitation Issued for Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Hearing will be honored Sunday, January 16 at a reception at the Masonic temple from 2 to 5 p.m. on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. The event has been arranged by their children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Hearing, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ewart and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Holce and their fam ilies who extend an invitation to friends to attend. During 1965 U. S. National op ened its 100th office and total re sources climbed to $1,324,290,999 on December 31, an increase of 9.2 over the same date in 1964. Cap ital funds, which were $88,564,783 on December 31, 1964 also showed an increase of $2,244,903 to $90,- 809,686. Kolar said that a statewide banks opportunity and obligation is to fur ther its state’s growth and that he is pleased that U. S. National played a major role in t h i s growth during 1965. He added that the outlook for 1966 is also favor able and that Oregon’s prosperity should continue at a high pace. (fvertisino woife fcryoul FARMERS VERY SPECIAL POLICY Auto insurance for I responsible American family men ! Better protection ; Low cost I For compioto Information c a ll. . . LLOYD QUINN HA 9-5211 — Vernonia 2 î 1 i I ? ï ï ■M I W - BSM No Job Is Too Small and No Challenge Too Big Cards, billheads, business and social forms of every type get careful, creative planning and prompt precision printing here. For results wor- thy of you. at low cost, see us Gu<*t* Sunday at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandon were his cousin and husband, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Harold Beadner of Kan sas City, Missouri who were in the Some people will do almost any thing to avoid trouble, except try to be reasonable. $1 SNIDER’S CHILI PEPPER 14-oz. Bottles, 2- Lb. Can....... $1.55 3- Lb. Can $2.35 1-LB. TIN ham returned home Monday of Fri., Sat. Jan. 14-15 last week from a vacation trip started December 15 when they Mrs. Patrick Seibel drove to went to Nevada. Enroute, they en Portland Monday to take her moth countered a heavy snowstorm in Tab Hunter er, Mrs. Trenton Garner of Bir- the Corvallis area. From Nevada kenfeld in for more cobalt treat they went to Fairoaks and Carmi ments. Mrs. Garner, who was re chael in the Sacramento area to leased from the hospital last week visit her son and daughter and following recuperation from pneu their families. They then went to monia, underwent treatment last Ukiah to visit with his daughter week, also, but was at home for and grandchildren. Enroute home, the week end. She will now stay they had to change travel plans with her sister in Aloha during because of road conditions and the week and undergo treatment were fortunate to get through on each day for a total of eight weeks. highway 5 without difficulty in spite of the heavy snows. They did stay Friends here have news from Hearing examinations, repairs Mrs. Cassie Livingstone that she overnight at Yreka to allow for and supplies, all makes. is spending a month at Fort Lau storm abatement and road clearing Hearing Aids from $54. derdale, Florida as the guest and before coming over the Siskyous. M r. and Mrs. Robert Sargent companion of a lady who makes Free cleaning and adjustment her home at the same Christian were hosts to 28 people for a wed- of your aid. home in Indiana where Mrs. Liv ing rehearsal dinner held in the ingstone has been for the past sev social hall of the Christian church Ear pieces custom m ade----$5.75 Saturday evening. Out - of - town eral years. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mr. end Mrs. Larry McPhail re Batteries. No. 675, Pkg. 6 - - $1.70 turned home last Friday after a Elliott of Corvallis, Wanda Hum month’s vacation in Hawaii. They phreys, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest went to Honolulu December 14 by Stillwell and son David of The Pan-American flight from Portland Dalles. Miss Betty Armstrong, Mr. and stayed in the Waikiki area on and Mrs. Ralph Brooks and sons Owahu. They had use of a car James and Terry, Mrs. Haidee 1825 Maple St. Forest Grove to tour Honolulu and the island Brooks of Portland and Mr. and and found the weather ideal all Mrs. Lee Stillwell and daughter Phone 357-7475 during their stay. They were quite June of Tillamook. M r. and M r*. Robart Elton wer surprised on their return to find hosts January 2 at Scappoose for a reception honoring her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Isaac of Scappoose on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. The reception was held at the home of friends, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Covlin. RIDE THE WILD SURF s - u ,. 99’ 35’ MJB COFFEE T IUNA IIM A F rlJn KH O 10-Lb. Bg DR. ROSS SANO DRY 12-oz. Can DEL MONTE Be an informed shopper. Don’t be fooled by a few loss leaders. Compare our everyday shelf prices, we can save you money! Mrs. DR. ROSS VITA BITS 24-oz. Btl. SWIFT’S PREM REALLY LOCALLY OWNED M r. and »MEATS food S avings You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— HAzel 9-3492 Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. THE VERNONIA EAGLE I I s X J