MILL MARKET You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone—HAzel 9-3492 Free Deliveries Twice Daily—10 A.M., 3 P.M. SH ELVES A R E STOCKED VVITH tllei ir tes1ii i F d iodii l l FLAV-R-PAC LIBBY’S Potatoes Yellow Onions -F R O Z E N 55c u. 4c FO O D S— MORTON’S FROZEN _ ■ Sugared and Donuts spiced KUBLA KHAN Fried Rice.'V 3 /8 9c 10-oz. Pkgs. 2 /8 5c REALLY LOCALLY OWNED Be an informed shopper. Don’t be fooled by a few loss leaders. Compare our everyday shelf prices, we can save you money! TOMATO JC. SWEET PEAS 6 £ $1°° 3 K S1 00 Tom. Paste 3/« 3 9 * HUNT’S 6-oz. Cans CHEF BOY AR DEE Dinner - ' 1 U.S. Good Pound | a FORMULA 21-oz. nsr 2 2/< IXL ORNG. DRINK / ■ 46-oz. QE Tins tIS r CON ru Il 1 I n ILI CARNE A < ° F li & Visitors during the holiday week With Beans 300 Cans. .. 79* 42 SHASTA at home for ten days. TOPICS OF THE TOWN ïïSMEATS Swift’s Slic. or Chunk Do you know this man? at the home of Mrs. M. J. Lamp­ ing were her sons and wives, Mr. Born January 26, 1891 in a covered and Mrs. Arthur Lamping and wagon on a road between Kan­ Mrs. Harrison Wilder, niece of M r. and Mrs. Allen Ray spent family from Beaverton and Mr. sas and Oklahoma. Lee Rogers, and two of her sons Christmas at Livermore, Californ­ Married in 1913 at Riverside, Cal­ and Mrs. Clarence Lamping and came for him the day before ia with their daughter, Virginia family from Corvallis. Christmas ifornia. Boling, and her family. Christmas and took him to their day, Mrs. Lamping was the din­ Has three children, a number of Harv Redmond from WWSC grandchildren. ner guest of her sister, Mrs. home in Newberg. On Christmas spent his Christmas vacation at Came to Vernonia in 1932. day they all went to Salem to join the home of his parents, Mr. and Wauneta Yeager. M r. and Mrs. Harry Sandon Worked as a logger for the Ore­ other family members at the home Mrs. Harvey Redmond. He was gon American company. spent the New Years week end at of Mrs. Nelson Rogers. The Wild­ away part of the time playing with Also farmed and did contract work. Pilot Rock near Pendleton. They ers brought him home Sunday, the The Unusuals in Bellingham and found no snow in that area until Owned property on Rock Creek and day after Christmas. Another hol­ Seattle. Miss Linda Schuchman Sunday morning when a light built a most unusual house, eight iday visitor at his home just pri­ from Tacoma returned home with ground cover fell. Some of the sided, of discarded railroad ties, or to Christmas was a nephew, him after Christmas for a few days. surrounding areas had experienced has lived at Mist, now lives in While she was here she and Harve Wilton Rogers, of Beaverton. Vernonia. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Red­ high winds and dust storms the Is an avid reader and from it M r. and Mrs. Everett Hazen latter part of last week. braved the storms last Tuesday to mond to Portland to attend the gleans a wealth of information. M r .and Mrs. Clair Devine en­ drive to the home of their son and movie, Sound of Music. Has been active in a local church. Visiting at the home of M r. and tertained December 28 with a buf­ (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hazen fet supper for his children, Cheryl, at Reedsport. The next day, they Mrs. Oscar Vike the day of Christ­ chols) Answer to last weeks quiz: Rick and Carla who were spending accompanied them to Coos Bay to mas eve were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Silvia Wolff. the holidays here. There were about see their son-in-law, Robert Mor­ Layman and family and Mr. and 25 guests. New Years day, Mr. and ris and grandchildren who were Mrs. Jam es Layman from Salem. Mrs. Devine took the children back That evening, additional guests at the home of Mr. Morris’s par­ to their home at Eugene. ents for a short visit. They re­ were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vike from Mrs. Trenton Garner of Birken- Vancouver, Washington, Mr. and turned home Thursday and en­ countered heavy snow storms near Mrs. D. L. Daughtry, Lane and feld was taken to Good Samaritan Venetia, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey hospital Monday of last week after Eugene. Redmond and Harv, all home for she became seriously ill at her home Oregon driver license examiners Guests at the home of Mrs. and was found to be suffering from started wearing new blue uniforms Blanche Pickering Christmas were Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Vike. Miss Marilyn Jones of Birkenfeld pneumonia. She was in oxygen for this week, the first uniform change her daughter and husband, Mr. and some time and was critically ill for for the examiners in 11 years. Mrs. Roy Foreman from Hermis­ visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Red­ several days before improvement mond over New Years. They were The old uniforms, which were ton and her brother and wife, Mr. started. By Sunday she was much brown, were due for normal wear- and Mrs. George Harvey from all up early to see Pfc. Russ Red­ mond with the Marine Band from improved. out replacement, according to Vern Warrenton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons L. Hill, director of the department Parris Island, S.C. lead off the Cot­ Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Hobart, ac­ returned home Sunday from a va­ of motor vehicles. They are be­ companied by their son Mike, ar­ ton Bowl parade in Dallas, Texas. cation trip on which they had left ing replaced by a blue lightweight Later that day they drove to Ta­ rived home from Mexico Decem­ December 17. They went first to dacron polyester - wool blend uni­ ber 22. Mike had spent the fall coma, Washington where t h e y Roseburg to visit her father and form with a light blue stripe on joined Harv Redmond at the home term in Mexico City on an ex­ other relatives, then to Nubieber, the coat sleeves and up the side of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schuch­ tended study program with Lew­ California to the home of her of the trousers. The emblem has is and Clark College in Portland. man and family for New Years day brother, Millard Parks. From been moved from the shoulder to dinner. Dr. and Mrs. Hobart left here No­ there they went to Reno, then to the breast pocket. Guests over the New Years week vember 29 and drove to San Diego, Santa Barbara where they spent The uniforms will be worn with then flew on to Mexico City to end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christmas with friends. Enroute a police-blue short-sleeved shirt join their son. He was able to B' J Horn were his brother and show them a great many of the wi^e> Mr and Mrs Robert Horn home they visited a cousin at with a combination collar, black Greenfield and were in the Oak­ tie, black shoes and socks, and a interesting places in the area, in- from Spokane. land area when heavy storms and uniform cap. eluding visits in homes where he Holidays at the home of Mrs. The new uniforms will serve for had been associated through his Lona Weidman were especially winds struck there. They were studies. While he was busy with happy this year with her sons, fortunate in getting through moun­ both summer and winter wear. During the summer, examiners will classes they did sightseeing on Robert and Paul both home. Her tain passes without dificulty. Mrs. Jo« Grosche had a pleas­ wear the blue trousers and the their own, seeing much of Mexico younger daughter and husband, Mr. City, Tasco and Pueblo. They left and Mrs. James Davis and fam- ant surprise New Years day shirt without the tie. there December 16 to return by ily from Sweet Home were here da^ w*len her brother, S/Sgt Al­ If you don’t know where you’re train to San Diego to pick up for Christmas, also. Last week, bert Beck arrived unexpectedly for their car for the drive home. En­ Paul and Robert spent several days a visit. He had recently returned going, but getting there fast, you’re route they were overnight guests at Seattle with another sister and to the states from Pakistan. With on a new interstate highway. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Ander­ husband. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Har­ him was his wife and family who son at Burbank where he teaches vey and family. Monday of this had remained in Portland while and coaches. They also visited week, Paul resumed work at Tim- he was overseas. He and his fam­ ily are now to go to California Dick Christensen and his family, ber Structures in Portland. After spending the holidays at home, Harold Caton arrived from San and he will be at Vandenburg air Mike returned to the Lewis and Francisco the Thursday prior to force base * here an°ther brother. Clark College campus in Portland. Christmas to visit over the week S/Sgt Ronnie Beck is stationed. end with his parents, Mr. and The two brothers will be together Mrs. Dan Cason. Additional guests again after not seeing each other Christmas day were their daugh­ for 13 years. Mrs. Grosche saw another brother, Melvin Beck at 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1966 ter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Christmas at the home of their Ernest Nance and daughters Karen and Marilynn of Milwaukie. During parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold the day, they received a telephone Beck at Port Orchard, Washington. call from their other daughter and He had just returned from Viet Nam. husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ro­ Frt-Sat. Jan. 7-8 berson of Toledo who had as their Maybe we should be thankful guests his parents, Mr. and Mrs. that we aren’t getting as much L. H. Roberson of Portland. U.S. Savings Stamps government as we’re paying for. Now Years day « u « t f t at th« home of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Fol- teach children T X B M I O H T Y M IO O K t J ken were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cul­ bertson of Vernonia and Mr. and thrift and Mrs. Truman Knight and fam­ ily and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar good citizenship Culbertson and family from Bea- berton who were quite surprised to find so much snow here. The (Never too young to save) Edgar Culbertsons had taken their daughter Lynn to the airport that NEHALEM VALLEY morning to return to the Great MOTOR FREIGHT Lakes Naval Training center where she is undergoing training with the WAVES in electronics. She had been Examiners Get New Uniforms Ocrnonia Ea^le JO Y T H E A T E R a HUNT’S WHOLE SPICED Peaches I i ” 3 / 7 9 ' GEBHARTS (In chili gravy) Jfa 300 2/4SF Tamales Cans.. R Let's Get Acquainted! QO A Lb. Q/C Clearance Aids Passage of Fish More than 27 miles of spawn­ ing area were made available to steelhead this winter on the Wil­ son, Trask, Kilchis and Miami ri­ vers through a crash program of stream clearance by the game commission. George Kernan, chief engineer for the commission, reported com­ pletion .of Jhg project recently fol­ lowing three months’ work on ten tributaries of the four streams, plus the removal of one logjam on the main Wilson river. The streams were cleared of barriers in time for winter steelhead now moving upstream to spawn. Tributary streams cleared of bar­ riers include the South ^Fork Trask river, Edwards creek. Crui­ ser creek, South Fork Kilchis ri­ ver, Little North Fork Wilson ri­ ver, Kansas creek, Fall creek, Elliot creek, Devils Lake fork, and Moss creek. All streams clear­ ed are used by steelhead as well as Chinook and coho salmon. The logjams formed in the streams during the floods of last winter. Removal was financed by Disaster Act flood relief funds. There is a 20-foot tall cedar tree growing out of a limb of a China- berry tree starting ten feet above the ground, near St. Petersburg, Florida. Dales To Remember THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 Preliminary meeting, pattern fit­ ting and alterations - West Ore­ gon Bldg. - 10:30 a.m. Vernonia Study Club - Home of Mrs. Harry Culbertson - 8 pm. FR ID A Y , JANUARY 7 Basketball, Loggers at Warrenton- JV - 6:15 p.m., Varsity-8:15 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8 Vernonia Grange - Hall on North street - 8:00 p.m. MONDAY, JANUARY 10 Fire Department business meeting- Fire hall - 7:00 p.m. Nehalem Assembly Rainbow Girls - Masonic Temple - 7:30 p.m. Vernonia Chamber of Commerce board - West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11 Timber Route Extension Unit - West Oregon Bldg. - 10:30 a.m. Mt. Heart Rebekah Installation practice - IOOF hall - 7 p.m. Chapter BS, PEO - Home of Mrs. Evelyn Heath - 8 p.m. W EDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 Boy Scouts Troop 201 - Scout cabin- 7 p.m. Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. Initiation. Natal Grange - Natal hall - 8 p.m. Your pet will certainly apprec­ iate a mattress filled with old ny­ lon stockings. You’ll be able to wash and dry the mattress in no time and it will never get lumpy. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! IS COLD R E M E D IE S STOCK UP NOW FOR WINTER WEATHER Coryban-D $1.29 24 Capsules Cough Syrup Coryban-D Cold Capsules $1.29 $1.49 The Beatles in Rexall Timed Action. 2 for Full Day Relief.. Pkg. of 12 HELP ALSO MANY, MANY OTHER COLD PREPARATIONS WANT ADS WORK Phone HA 9-3462 U.S. SAVINGS BONDS HA-9 *6 2 5 4