Airing the Issues TOPICS OF THE TOWN Happy New Year From The Mill Market we wish a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brunsman have the good fortune to have her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Butt and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Coventry and two children, all from Mantario. Saskatchewan. Cana da here through the Christmas and New Years holidays. Staff members of the Vernonia el ementary schools held their Chrits- mas party Tuesday evening of last week after school in the teachers’ lounge at the Washington school which had been appropriately decor ated for the occasion. Gifts were ex changed and refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. Maude Wells, Mrs. Pauline McKee, Mrs. Gladys Worthington and James Fiske. POTATO C H IP S....... Guests at the home of Mrs. Gladys Worthington from Thursday to Sat urday of last week were her daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Chant and children Becky and Buddy from Newberg. NEW YEARS EVE CARNIVAL DANCE. Legion hall, 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Gus Anderson orchestra. 53tlc Clarence Reed w as in Good Sa maritan hospital last week for a check-up and will return there Jan uary 6 for surgery. remains in critical condition at Milwaukie where she has been in a coma intermittent ly for some time. She aroused brief ly last week, then lapsed into a coma again. Mrs. Faye Davis spent Christmas at Beaverton with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis and fami ly- DRASTIC REDUCTIONS AT FAB RICS ’N FASHIONS . see ad in this paper. 53tlc Mrs. Joe Grosche has received Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grosche and fa Tom Cavanaugh arrived home from Demonia Eagle THURSDAY, DEC. 31, 1964 Plus Incredible Journey j FUITEN-FRIESEN CHAPEL IN THE HILLS J S VERNONIA. HILLSBORO. FOREST GROVE J S 24-Hour Mortuary Service 3 V 3 $ 5 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Res. Managers f ... o . S 3 Phone HAzel 9-6611 , . 10 WELCH'S DRINK Ä TANG APPLES 3/95c $1,15 15c 79c 49c and Lockers Sheep Flock Care Needed San Diego Wednesday of last week to spend the holidays with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Hilding Berg and family. His half brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cavanaugh of Oakland, California brought him home from there and were here over Christmas. Additional Christmas dinner guests at So Dear To My Heart FANCY CARRO TS— >1 home Christmas day were Emil Hilt- unen of Osage, Minnesota; First Lieu tenant Melvin Cary of El Paso, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sand- retzky and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Moe and sons and Mrs. Ger trude Cary, all of Portland. Jan. 1-2 2/75c 2/65c Member of United Grocers NEW YEARS EVE CARNIVAL DANCE. Legion hall, 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Gus Anderson orchestra. 53tlc Dinner guests at the George Koski Fri., Sat. FRIL-LETS NABICO MILL MARKET mily drove to Orchards, Washington Christmas day to visit her parents. Her father has not been well for some time. They were fortunate to get through without difficulty except for snowy roads as they returned home that night. JO Y T H E A T E R 55 HAMS WIENERS news from a former Vernonia resi dent, Mrs. Aleene Lara of Portland, that her son, Mike Johnson, through sales of new subscriptions to the Ore gonian and Journal, earned a trip to Disneyland, along with other junior carriers, during the Christmas holi days. Mike also maintains honor roll status at school. 2 EVERY PRESIDENT AND P R E S IDENTIAL CANDIDATE SINC E THEN HAS USED AIR EXPR ESS, A DIVISION OF REA EXPRESS, FOR A VARIETY OF SH IP M E N TS .. FROM PERSONAL ITEM S TO C A M PAIG N PLACARDS AND BUTTONS. PY-O-MY MIXES ¿ X * 3/25 c TOMATO SAUCE " .6/49c Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron were their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don O’Neill and children, Da vid and Nancy from Portland. Tlieir son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron and part of their family visited the group at intervals but a case of chickenpox at their house prevented the whole family from being together. Aldridge FIRST AIR EXPRESS SHIPMENT TO A U .& P R E G IP E N Tj WAS A CARTON OF EGGS, FLOW N IN 1928 FROM d THE WEST COAST I D CALVIN COOLIDGE AT THE WHITE HOUSE IN 3 2 f £ HOURS. $ I4 9 COFFEE - DRASTIC REDUCTIONS AT FAB RICS ’N FASHIONS . see ad in this paper. 53tlc Vera 4/$l 5/$l OYSTER STEW PINEAPPLE CLOSED Saturday, January 2. Ver nonia Trading Co., Inc. 53tlc Mrs. the Berg home were two daughters To each and every one of our many local customers and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Weist and five children from Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ohberg PRICES GOOD THRU TUESDAY, JANUARY 5th. and children from Puget Island. Willapoint Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers and 10-oz. Cans Mrs. Laura Carmichael were in For est Grove Christmas Eve at the home Pacific Halif Sliced in of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schamp and Hvy. Syrup, No. 2 Can family. Mrs. Carmichael went from there to the home of her son, Bill Carmichael and family at Hillsboro Giant 10-oz. Jar MJB INSTANT for the rest of the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Steers stayed at the Schamp home until Saturday morning when they took their granddaughters, Pat ty and Diane Peterson with them to Cottage Grove to visit until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith and family. Christmas eve callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Danielson of Banks. Christmas eve dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hirtzel. During BLUE BELL Reg. Price 69c the week end, their grandchildren from Turner visited them and their father, Clair Devine. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS AT FAB Plain — Bar-B-Q — Dips RICS ’N FASHIONS - see ad in this ----- ----------------------------- --------—--------------------------- ’ paper. 53tlc Porter’s Fancy Egg Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Weller en Noodles, 14-oz. I Pkg. tertained guests for Christmas dinner including her grandmother, Mrs. Isa Veri-Thin or 3-Ring bel Thompson from the Crestview Nursing Home at Scappoose, her Pretzels— 11-oz. Pkgs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Thomp son; her aunt, Miss Estelle Costain Lb. Cello Bag GOLDEN BOY of Portland, a cousin, Lyle Acord ot Fort Lewis. Her sister, Mrs. Larry Bemardi and children who were din ner guests at the O. Bemardi home at Pittsburg joined the group at the Weller home in the afternoon. Allan York arrived home December 23 to spend Christmas with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Adams for the Breakfast Drink— New Larger first time in several years. He will Size 27-oz. Jar— Save 27c......... leave January 21 to return to Malm ström air force base at Great Falls, Extra Fancy Delicious Montana. Red or Golden............. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani spent Christmas at the home of her bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corsiglia, of St. Helens. While in St. Helens, they also called on Mrs. P. Valpiani. Mrs. Lutie Waldin who now lives at Naches, Washington wrote last week that snow was from 12 to 14 Bonel and Rolled inches deep there and still falling. Fully Cooked................................ Lb. They had experienced temperatures of 17 degrees below zero the previ Swift ous week. Premium...................Lb. Pkg. CLOSED Saturday, January 2. Ver nonia Trading Co., Inc. 53tlc Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bowerman received a most interesting letter last week from their daughter Peggy, Mrs. Merritt Tuttle, who is now re siding in Washington, D.C. while her You’re as close to Mill Market as your Phone— HA 9-3492 husband is attending school there. They had attended the ceremonies of the lighting of the White House Christmas tree and the row of lights Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. on the elipse. The huge white house tree was decorated with all red lights and silver balls that were 18 inches in diameter. The rows of trees on pastor arrives for that church. Mrs. Evelyn Heath had as Christ the elipse were in alternate blue and green lights. Mrs. Tuttle stated that mas week end guests her two daugh President Johnson wore an off-white ters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Ir overcoat so as to be easily distin vin Ladd and small daughter Susan from North Bend and Mr. and Mrs. The most critical time for pregnant guished by the crowd. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Light and two boys from ewes, nutritionally speaking, is dur B. L. Mitchell for the Christmas week Portland. The Ladds encountered ing the last four to six weeks before end were her son and wife, Mr. and some water on the highway enroute Mrs. Rod Newman and seven chil here, but were fortunate to get the lamb is born. Flock owners dren from Yakima. Others who join through without too much difficulty. should be giving extra attention to Mrs. Irene Meyer and four sons the ration of such animals, suggests ed them for Christmas day were her daughter, Mrs. Nell Jennings and had as guests Christmas eve, her County Extension Agent Don Coin five children from Salem and Mr. mother. Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson Walrod. and Mrs. Kenneth Mishler and fami and her brother and wife, Mr. and The last 30 days of the gestation ly, Vernonia, making a total family Mrs. Jack Bergerson and two sons, period is the most important from gathering of 25 for the festive oc all from Vernonia. The same group the standpoint of the ration of the assembled Christmas day at the ewe since a third of the growth in casion. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS AT FAB Jack Bergerson home for Christmas weight of the fetus takes place during RICS ’N FASHIONS - see ad in this dinner. this time. Because feed capacity of paper. 53tlc NEW YEARS EVE CARNIVAL the pregnant ewe is restricted due to Guests at the home of Mr. and DANCE. Legion hall. 9 p.m. to 2 a.m . the unborn lamb, fluids and tissue Mrs. Gerald Russell for Christmas Gus Anderson orchestra. 53tlc present in the abdominal cavity, a dinner were his parents. Rev. and Harold Cason flew from San Fran more concentrated ration needs to be Mrs. H. L. Russell; her brother and cisco to Portland Wednesday of last fed, says Walrod. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wuest and week in order to visit here until Sun Failure to provide an adequate le family: Mrs. Wuest’s brother, Robert day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. vel of concentrates in the ration dur- Gallagher of Portland and Miss Ka Dan Cason. Additional guests at the uring this period may lead to' <*We ren Russell who was home from col Cason home Christmas day were paralysis,frequently called pregnancy lege. Miss Russell left Sunday to re their two daughters and families, Mr. disease. turn to Idaho where she attends the and Mrs. Joe Robertson and sons During the last four to six weeks Nazarene college and was on the Randy and Jeffrey from Toledo and second train going through after the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nance and prior to lambing, it is essential that the ewe be given some concentrated route was opened. daughter Mari Lynn from Milwaukie feed rather than depending upon hay Rev. IL L. Russell supplied the pul and Miss Karen Nance and Jerry or grass which may be of poor qual pit in the Nazarene church at Astoria Grant from Portland, making an ity to supply all of her nutrients. last Sunday and will be supplying even dozen around their festive Three-quarters to one pound of grain, there for the next month until a new board. or two pounds of molasses will gener ally boost the nutrient level adequate The fellow with a pull takes the ly as far as energy is concerned. credit for his success. However, if no legume hay is avail able, it might be advisable to feed a small amount of protein supplement, Read the ads, it will pay you! such as Austrian peas or cotton seed or similar protein supplement. ... . _________ _______5 A mineral mixture of iodized salt and steamed bone meal normally will take care of the mineral require ments, indicates Walrod. The calci um and phosphorus contained in such a mix are important factors in the development of the lamb fetus. Di calcium phosphate may replace the steamed bone meal which is becom ing difficult to obtain. TH IS VEAR W ITH AlR E X P R E S S COVERING 2 5 , 0 0 0 C ITIES AN D JET FLIGHT L E S S THAN FIVE HOURS FROM COAST TO COAST, EACH P R E S I DENTIAL AND VICE-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN ENTOURAGE INCLUDES AN R E A -A IR E X P R E S S M A N TO ROUTE URGENT M ATERIAL FROM N E W S M E N AND POLITICAL AIDES TO ALL PARTS O F THE CO UNTRY Freezing Eases Lunch Making Preparing sandwiches for lunches that are carried from home to school and on the job can be a real chore. It can be made easier by preparing a large quantity of sandwiches at one time, then freezing them, says Mar garet Allyn, Columbia county Exten sion Agent. Wrapped in a double thickness of heavy waxed paper, sandwiches can be stored a week in a freezer without loss of quality. If you use a moisture- vapor-resistant wrap, you can extend this period to two weeks. Some fillings that freeze well are luncheon meats, leftover sliced or chopped roast beef, roast pork, baked ham, chicken, turkey, dried beef, well drained tuna or salmon, sliced cheese, cheese spreads, hard cooked egg yolks and peanut butter. These can be used separately or combined with cream cheese, milk, dairy s o u r c r e a m , applesauce, creamed butter, or lemon, orange or pineapple juice to make spreading easy. Add sliced or chopped olives and pickles, if desired. Spread the bread with softened (not melted) but ter to keep filling from soaking into the bread. Do not pilt in any raw vegetables such as lettuce, celery, or tomatoes, reminds Margaret Allyn. They lose crispness, Icolor and flavors when frozen. Also the whites of hard-cook ed eggs become tough, and jellies or very moist fillings such as egg salad or tuna salad soak into the bread. Wrap sandwiches separately and freeze at 0°F. or below. Frozen sandwiches can go directly into the lunch pail. By noon, they will be completely thawed. Once thawed, however, they should be eaten at once. To the average guy moist of the teachers in the school of experience are very attractive. Dates To Remember THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 New Years Eve Carnival Dance - Legion hall - 9:00 p.m. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1964 New Years Day MONDAY, JANUARY 4 Lions Club dinner meeting - Fire hall - 6:30 p.m. American Legion Post 119 - Legion hall - 8:00 p.m. City council - City hall - 8 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - IOOF hall - 8:00 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary - Legion hall - 1:30 p.m. Veterans Service Officers - City hall- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple - 8 p.m. Trip To California Made by J. Pow ells MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Jim Powell left Christmas eve for Long Beach, California to visit his uncle, Gab Powell, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch and fam ily joined Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jack- son and his folks, Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and other members of their family for Christmas dinner. Satur day the Busch family drove to Hills boro to visit his uncle, Rich Busch, who has been ill. Enroute home they visited at the Pat Seibel home in Vernonia. Sheppard Serving At Base in California Marine Private Ronald A. Shep pard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Sheppard of Timber route, is serv ing with the first engineer battalion, first Marine division, Camp Pendle ton, California. The battalion supports the division by road and building construction and mine laying. To my many friends: Seasons Greetings and Good Health Lutie M. Waldin wotfe fer you I Rt. 1, Box 378 NACHES, WASHINGTON — YEAR END INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE FABRICS 'n FASHIONS I/Q V ir DRESSES, BLOUSES, STRETCH I/O PANTS, SW E A T E R S................................. SPECIAL CLEARANCE TABLE | /ft | / / HOSE, BRAS, GIRDLES, BELTS SLEEPW EAR and ACCESSORIES COLORED SLIPS and ROBES................................................ ALL YARDAGE REDUCED UP TO................................ and More 1AO / IU I/O |/J At\P/ *tU A F F ACC U ll A F F U lT ACC U ll ACC U ll Remnants Reduced to Half Price and Less Some Items On Sale Until January 1st Only Sale Ends on All Items January 9th