A SMEATS f OLD-FASHIONED AA Grapefruit « Lb. Bag 49c Tube Tomatoes e , 32c ä Deep Brown No. 2'/z Tins Detergent NALLEY’S KOSHER w9 Banquet Dills22£ V-8 VEGETABLE 2 /7 9 0 Juice ctT -F R O Z E N FO O DS- FAMILY 6-oz. Cans Orange Juice 5 /$ l MORTON’S MAC. & CHEESE Dinner ¿ X 3 /$ l Dick Frank arrived home Decem­ ber 18 from the Ft. Meade army base for Christmas with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Elgus Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frank and family from Bay City and Mr and Mrs. Jim Frank and family from Cor­ nelius were all here for a family gathering Christmas eve. Dick is leaving today, Thursday, to return to the Maryland base and will then leave for his overseas assignment in Ethiopia. Only member of the family absent from the Christmas eve gathering was their grandson Paul who is in the Shrine hospital. They called on him Monday and found him recuperating from his eighth surgery, four of which have been during this stay in the hos­ pital. The surgeries are to correct a hip malformation. Dick Frank and his grandmother, Mrs. Zoe Salomonsen, called on Paul Tues­ day. MRS. BUTTERWORTH POT TO CHIPS ZB A J MILL MARKET SYRUP 24-oz. O Wr Bottle D # Reg. 69c 3 Bagger EACH You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— HAzel 9-3492 Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. Dales To Remember F R ID A Y , DECEM BER 31 Pacific College. Diana is employed in Arcadia for Melroy Contractors. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine spent Christmas eve at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs Ted Gernhart at Hillsboro at a gathering of about 25 relatives. On Christmas day, the Devines had as guests at their home here Mr. and Mrs. George Devine of Clatskanie and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding of Scappoose. Mr. and Mrs. Shal- mon Libel called that evening. M r. and M r*. Robert Borders had 37 members of the Anderegg family assembled at their home on Mist route Christmas day. Oldest in the group was her grandmoth­ er, Mrs. Rose Anderegg of Port­ land v;ho was happy to have her three sons and three daughters and families all together. Included were Mrs. Borders’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderegg and sons Ron and Ralph, Vernonia; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderegg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ander­ egg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Laumans and family and Mrs. Edna Balcom, all from the Port­ land area. Rick, Cheryl and Carla Devine of Turner came Tuesday to visit for several days with their father, Clair Devine and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine. home of Mrs. Carna Childs were her three children and members of their families. Included were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Childs and fam­ ily of Portland, Mrs. William Lumm of San Francisco and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Phillips and family, New Year’s Eve Carnival Dance, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Legion Hall, admission $1.25. Music Hershey and sons Dee and Mike Mullins from Natal. Mrs. Childs’ by Longview Delmars 9 p.m.-l a.m. 5tt2c sister-in-law, Mrs. Mabel Parker Legion Auxiliary. Guests Sunday evening at the of Beaverton, also was here. Christmas guests at the home of home of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger Noakes were Mr. and Mrs. Tren­ were Mrs. Rosa Minger, Mr. and ton Garner of Birkenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. May, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. S. A. Hoyt of Kenai, Alaska Ben Westbrook and ihildren and and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Pond of Henry Winfield of Vernonia, Mr. Vanderhoof, Canada. The Ponds and Mrs. Jack May and children had come to Eugene last week for of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Dick the wedding there Thursday, De­ May and son of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. cember 23 at the First Christian A. R. Counts and son of Roseburg, church of their son, James Hur­ Mr. and Mrs. Bill May and chil­ tado and Miss Linda Fix. Mr. and Mr*. Marion Steer* and dren of Silver Lake, Washington. Afternoon guests were Mrs. Ming- Mrs. Laura Carmichael were the e r’s sister Inetta Mitchell and son guests Christmas Eve of the Steers’ Scott of Aloha and her fiance, daughter and husband, Mr. and Dave Lambert of Hillsboro. High­ Mrs. Lee Schamp and family at light of the afternoon was a tele­ Forest Grove. Christmas Day, phone call from their daughter Mrs. Carmichael was with her son and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carmichael and family at Marion Knoll, who are in Azusa, Hillsboro and the Steers were at California where he attends Azusa Creswell for dinner with another daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith. Mr*. Albert Tandy was able to spend Christmas at home after all. 2 THURSDAY. DEC. 30. 1965 She came home Friday and is still quite weak but is making pro­ gress each day. Mr. and M r*. Marvin Kamholx and their sons, Greg and Ed spent Christmas week end at Goldendale, Washington with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kamholz. They were NEHALEM VALLEY accompanied by Mrs. Harry Ford of Forest Grove. MOTOR FREIGHT Mr. and M r*. Warren He ate of Hollywood, California were week end guests of her sister and hus­ band, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Seibel of Riverview and of her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Trent on Garn­ Fri., Sun. Dec. 30— Jan. 1 er of Birkenfeld. Mr*. Carl Davi* »pant the Christ­ No Show Saturday mas week end at Clatskanie with her son and wife, Mr and Mrs. Harold Davis and family. Mrs A1 Webb of Glenwood was also a guest. Sunday morning they all at­ Sandra Dee tended the Clatskanie Presbyterian Demon ia Eagle Phone HA 9 3462 JO Y T H E A T E R I'D RATHER BE RICH F O CRACKERS lO'/i-oz. pkg. 9 9 BLUE BELL TOPICS OF THE TOWN New Year’s Eve Carnival Dance, Ix-gion Hall, admission |1.25. Music by Longview Delmars 9 p.m.-l a.m. Legion Auxiliary. 51t2c Christmas dinner guests at the NABISCO PARTY LIBBY’S y 0 PORK & y BNS. 99 ^0 R ■■ ^999 0 JOY LIQUID WESTERN LARGE FRANKS Arizona White NEW YEARS EVE Watch Night Service • EUB church 8 p.m. to midnight. Carnival dance - Legion hall - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. S A T U R D A Y ,JA N U A R Y 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. MONDAY, JANUARY 3 Schools of district 47J resume clas­ ses. Lions club dinner meeting - Fire hall - 6:30 p.m. Vernonia Arts and Crafts Society - West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.m. American Legion Post 119 - Le­ gion hall - 8:00 p.m. City Council - City hall - 8 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 4 American Legion Auxiliary - Le­ gion hall - 1 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. Columbia Encampment No. 89 - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. W EDNESDAY, JA NU AR Y 5 Boy Scout Troop 201 - Scout cabin- 7 p.m. Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple - 8 p.m. church to see Bill Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis and grandson of the other two ladies, receive his God and Country Scout­ ing award. Bill has just recently completed qualifications for Eagle Scout. He is a student this year at Berkeley, California at the Uni­ versity of California. Christinas dinner guest* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Yore- sen were Mr. and Mrs. Edison Aldrich and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hislop and Mrs. Irma Chance. Christmas dinner guest* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff were their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ray and fam­ ily of Vernonia, their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Stiff of Port­ land and another son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ballard of Eu­ gene. To make the family cirlce complete, a telephone call came from their other daughter, Mrs. Olan Pousson and her family of New Mexico. New Year’s Eve Carnival Dance, Legion Hall, admission $1.25. Music by Longview Delmars 9 p.m.-l a.m. Legion Auxiliary. 51t2c M r. and Mrs. Oran Weed drove to Seattle last Friday to spend Christmas with her mother and brothers and sisters. Their daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roediger of Beaverton were there also. Oscar Weed accompan­ ied them to Seattle and spent the week end with his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Weed and family. DENNISON’S I Spaghetti Pads 40-oz. Can and Meat Bans Pkg. of 18 Rites Held for Grover Blount Funeral services were held Mon­ day at 10 a.m. in the Hillsboro chapel of the Fuiten/Friesen Mor­ tuary for Grover C. Blount, 80-year old resident of Hillsboro since the late 1940s. He passed away at Tu- ality hospital Wednesday of last week following an illness of the past two years. His former pas­ tor, the Rev Russel Wood, now at the West Linn Baptist church, of­ ficiated. Grover Cleveland Blount was born April 15, 1885 in Arkansas. He spent all of his earlier life in the Arkansas and Louisiana areas until coming to Oregon more than 20 years ago. He farmed before coming west. However, here he was employed in the sawmill business until he retired. He had made his home in Vernonia for sometime but lived in Hillsboro for the most part and of late has lived at 1520 S. E. Alder street. He has been a mem­ ber of the Hillsboro First Baptist church since living tuere. Surviving is the widow, the for­ mer Lena Bergeron to whom he was married in Hillsboro on No­ vember 8, 1952. Also surviving is one sister, Mrs. Rhoda McDonald of Fresno, Cali­ fornia; three nephews, Albert of Tillamook, Lester Blount, Hillsboro and Joel D. Blount of Crescent City, California; and five nieces, Mrs, William Chadwick, Los Ange­ les, Mrs. Ed Landsem and Mrs. George Pagh of Portland and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson, Beaverton. • Aft 7 Dubuque 3-Lb. Can PiCniC Beef Liver DOLE Young Lb. 39c 46-oz. Cans Pineapple Juice 3 / 53* 43« REALLY LOCALLY OWNED Be an informed shopper. Don’t be fooled by a few loss leaders. Compare our everyday shelf prices, we can save you money! Let's Get Acquainted! Do you know this woman? Born December 23, 1900 at Beloit, Kansas. Married in 1919 at Grand Island, Nebraska. Came to Vernonia in 1927. Had five children, four living, and a number of grandchildren. After being widowed for several years she changed her name again in 1953. For many years she kept plugging away at the numbers game. She retired, but the habit was too strong so she returned to the old routine. Has retired now for a second time. Belongs to lodge and club groups in which she has been active through the years. (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ chols) Answer to last weeks quiz: Clif­ ford Jones. Grandmother Visits During Vacation Week Uses Told for Pomegranates At this time of the year pom­ egranates, latin for “ apple with many seeds,” are seen on fruit counters. They are about the size of apples, ripen as early as Sep­ tember and are on the market for a long time, according to Co­ lumbia County Extension Agent Mrs. Margaret Allyn. They have a smooth, leathery rind, and range in color from brownish yellow to brilliant red. The edible portions of the pom­ egranates are the beautiful bright red seeds. Pull the skin back and use a nut pick to pick out the seeds. Wrap the rest tightly in moisture-vapor-proof wrap and store in the refrigerator. Take care when peeling and removing seeds from pomegranates. The juices can stain both fingers and clothing. The red seeds (grils) are used in salads and cocktails—use them to make a tasty waldorf salad ev­ en more attractive, suggests Mrs. Allyn. While grapefruit is in sea­ son, you might like to try arrang­ ing sections in petal fashion for a salad, and sprinkle with pome­ granate seeds. The juice of the pomegranate is prized for making cool beverages. Grenadine, indispensable in flavor­ ing some drinks, is made from pomegranate juice. You can press the juice from the seeds and use it in gelatin desserts, icing for cakes, fruit punches, and pudding sauces. A pomegranate cocktail could add sparkle to a holiday dinner. To make this boil the seeds of a large pomegranate with two slices of lemon in three cups of water for about 15 minutes until the water has absorbed the color and flavor of the fruit. Add V4 cup sugar and cook 5 minutes longer. Strain through a double thickness of washed cheesecloth. Add 1 table­ spoon lemon juice. Chill. This will serve six. Although the pomegranate is a native of Persia, California grows them commercially. W’hen buying a pomegranate look foi a thin, tough rind free of cracks, and a fresh-looking crown that is tightly closed so that you see no seeds. MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Walt e r Mathews and Marian spent Christ­ mas eve at the Sulo Sanders home in Westport. Christmas morning they visited the homes of George, Robert, Virginia, Stanley and Mar­ tin Mathews for their annual ex­ change of Christmas greetings and gifts. They then went to Hillsboro for the Condit family Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Clark. Mrs. Ida Condit ac­ companied them home so she could visit with her granddaughter Marian for a few days. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sulo Sanders, Dale, Rosemary, Donna and Leslie Sanders, Rick Darby of Portland and Gary Bomquart of Los Angeles, Calif. Rick and Gary are former Graceland College stu­ dents. The Mist - Birkenfeld Carolairs were out in Mist and surrounding Funeral services were held Mon­ areas Thursday evening. day at 11 a.m. at Finley’s Rose Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dowling Chapel in Portland for Mrs. Hazel of Vancouver are spending a few B. Ayers who succumbed last week days in Mist. to an extended illness which had Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shetler cal­ caused her to be hospitalized for led on the John Crawfords Sunday. some time. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hemeon visited She is survived by her husband. the Crawfords Friday. Harry Reyn­ Harvey T. Ayers; and two sons, olds was also a caller Friday. Rollin and Robert Van Zee. Behind every successful man is For several years, Mr. and Mrs. Today’s speed makes highway Ayers operated Hazel’s Secondhand a woman, and generally she is safety a life and death matter. Store in the building on Bridge about two steps ahead of him. street now occupied by Wauneta’s Ceramics. They sold the business early in the summer but continued to live here on Madison avenue. Illness Claims Hazel B. Ayers Holiday Guests Noted At. C. Sundland Home. MIST—Mrs. Berniece Horning of Garner for Christmas dinner were Beaverton and son Dave of Sitka. her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lind­ Alaska spent Thursdaj visiting at ley of Garibaldi and her brother. the Charles Sundlands. Friday, Ray Hahmeyer of Portland who Mrs. Lloyd Garlock, Mr. and Mrs. had spent Christmas eve with his Walter Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. brother, Bill Hahmeyer and fam­ Roy Stuve called on the Sundlands. Christmas day dinner guests were ily M r*. Eldred Kennedy had two of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobble of her children home for the holidays. Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Arby Dale from Okinawa and Pat Klein- Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Hobble were man and family from New Mexico. guests Friday through Sunday. Airman First Class Walter Klein- Bernard Dowling visited with the man has been transfered to Thai Sundlands Sunday evening. land for one year and will leave Robert Grimsbo is home for the January 1. Pat and their two chil­ Christmas holidays and will be here dren will remain here. Dale leaves until the middle of January. Mr. January 15 for Okinawa. He gradu­ and Mrs. Charles Ramsey and fam­ ated from Vernonia high school ily joined the family for Christmas in 1962. Pat in 1959. day. Making New Years Resolutions? A Gua*t* of M r. and M r*. Larry Resolve now to make that standing appointment fo r regular hair care at THE CUT AND CURL ROOM 854 Bridge S t Vernonia Phone HA 9-6121 If No Answer— Call HA 9-3304 JUANITA MORFORD