CHRISTMAS COMMENTARY Nazarenes Date Talk on Brazil Special guest speaker at the Church of the Nazarene on Sun­ day, December 26 at 11 a m. will WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A NEW YEAR. V E R N O N IA UPHOLSTERY SHOP S. APGAR be Rev. James Kratz, Nazarene Vernonia Ministerial Ass’n missionary to Brazil. Mr. Kratz Christinas — What Is It? is a native of Oregon, completed In order to understand Christ­ his education at Cascade College mas as observed today, one has to in Portland and pastored several take a look back into history. churches in the western Oregon Jesus was born in one of the area. He was last at the Keizer Hebrew communities surrounding Church of the Nazarene in Salem. Jerusalem. The Jewish people ob­ Rev. and Mrs. Kratz are musi­ served death anniversaries, never cians of exceptional ability and birthdays. On the contrary, the will provide special music for the western world was accustomed to service.They have just completed celebrating birth dates, hardly ev­ their first four-year tour of duty er death dates. Not until the fourth century was as missionaries. They will tell of the work of the Church of the there an annual commemoration Nazarene and other churches in of the birth of Christ. Previously, Brazil and other parts of South Christians commemorated o n ly America. Rev. and Mrs. Kratz death anniversaries, especia 11 y and their family are making their those of martyrs. From the first home in Portland during this year century Christ’s followers observed in the United States. the annual commemoration of His death and resurrection, which we now know as Easter, but they St. Nick Visits Holland never observed His birthday. The earliest known celebration of In Horse Drawn Sleigh Christ’s mass had nothing to do Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and with either the birth of Christ or Rudolph would cause no excite­ December 25. The “ adoptionists” ment in the Netherlands, where were placing special significance children believe that a horse pulls on the baptism of Jesus. This an­ St. Nicholas’ sleigh. nual observance of Christ’s bap­ The great horse is named Sleip- tism was placed on January 6. ner, and the Dutch children fill Serious problems soon arose. their wooden shoes with hay for Christians at this time still prac­ him. This gives him energy to get ticed immersion and winter’s wat­ St. Nick to every house. er is cold, even in the Holy Land. Too, there was the annual Bru- Read the ads, it will pay you! malian (also called Satumalian) festival to compete with From re­ mote times a mid-winter festival, called Brumalia, had been observ­ Airplanes are used in Lousiana to locate illegal alligator hunters. ed on December 25, called the birthday of rebirth of the uncon­ querable sun, set at the season when the short winter days began to lengthen. At this season, it seems, some Christians reverted, if only for a few days, to pagan customes and associations. Then came one of the boldest and most courageous efforts of the early Christian leaders. This mid­ winter festival of the ages was taken over and given a spiritual emphasis! This effort was in keep­ ing with the goal of the Nazarene’s followers to see all the world come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Many features of Bruma­ lia were easily adopted—the idea of divine birth, light, rejoicing and exchanging of gifts. Christmas, if properly understood commemorates a fact, not a date. The best way to destroy a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit. Likewise, the best way to replace death with life, human with divine nature, is to have it transformed by the hand of the Master, whose birth we now cele­ brate as CHRISTMAS Services Are Announced For Si. Mary's Church Christmas services announc ed for St. Mary’s parish here include confessions Friday afternoon, De­ cember 24 from 2:30 to 5 p.m. and Masses Christmas morning at 8 and 10 a.m. Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1965 IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! When you insure 2 or more cars with FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP you get extra discounts on major coverages for each c«0 Call today for details Ask about Farmers new Pre- matic Payment Plan that lets you pay for all your insurance in monthly payments. LLO YD Q U IN N M ay the true spirit o f Christmas enter your hearts this year. T A N D Y SHOE R E P A IR Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tandy HA 9-5211 * MERRY F u ite n ! Friesen mortuary chapels The staff and management Let the joy and faith o f the wish you a holiday season be reflected everywhere. M erry Christmas 1 and Happy Let us pause during this season o f cheer and remember He w ho saved us all. N ew Year! * * ROEDIGER PLUMBING ED AND EDITH ROEDIGER BEAVERTON Glaske Chapel 345 S. w Watson 644-1119 HILLSBORO 9th & B aselin* 648 2161 FOREST GROVE Cedar & Pacific 357 2161 VERNONIA 741 Madison Street 429 6611 L GEORGE AND LOIS JOHNSON ¿ » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » K « « * » » » » » ;? ♦ S V V ♦’ 5 V V •5 •5 V V Uraaniin VERNONIA SERVICE STATION î V J $ ’♦ •5 J î V î V V V V V •Î V V $ i V î î •Î ÿ Ï •J $ I Î I 1 ¡ Í U ® W W 5 $ $ î S Î 3 $ 3 V V 3 3 S Ì « ¿ J e f every heart re joice. . . i f a i I Christmas! T o each and every one of our I valued friends, we send I our most cordial wishes fo r a I holiday season abounding in blessings. I Hans & V i and R ick at Sunnyside Service I 5 ë 8 Ï s OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAYS Sun., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat., 8:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fridays, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. — OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 9:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. — THRIFTY GREEN STAMPS — FREE DELIVERY SERVICE V V S Ages old . . . but ever new our Christmas greetings ring so true accompanied by warm, good cheer now and in the coming year. 9