Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 23, 1965, Page 7, Image 7

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    Letter To The Editor
Mr. Marvin Kamholz, Editor,
Vernonia Eagle,
Vernonia, Oregon.
approved for this survey in the fis­
cal, 1966 appropriation bill, and the
corps of engineers indicate that the
completion of the survey from fiscal
1967 will require an additional $91,-
000. Senator Morse further states
that he will give enthusiastic support
to the maximum funds usable for the
Tillamook Bay streams and the Ne­
halem river.
Lester Sheeley
Pals Revealed
By Mist Circle
Timber Route Unit Has
Christmas Observance
The Timber Route Extension Un­
it met at the West Oregon Electric
building December 14 at 10:30 a.m.
for their annual Christmas party.
There was a gift exchange by
members and secret pals were re­
vealed. Also, new names were drawn
for 1966.
Mrs. Buck Jones showed how to
make a very attractive aluminum
foil Christmas ball decoration.
The stuffed toys made by members
were wrapped at this meeting, and
will be delivered to the various
places by Mrs. Don Bergerson.
Safety chairman, Mrs. Bill Gard­
ner, reminded members of the dan­
gers of Christmas trees and decora­
tions ,and what precautions should be
taken for a safe holiday season.
A delicious pot luck lunch was
served by the hostess, Mrs. Oren
Message Tells
News of Death
Oernonia Cagle
THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1965
and Lynn of Spokane visited her
MIST — The Mist Helping Circle
RIVERVIEW - Mr. and Mrs. My­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Welter
met Thursday at the Birkenfeld Com­
ron Haines received news Friday of Monday. Jim and Lynn are both at­
the death of his mother, Mrs. Rosa tending college at Abilene, Texas
munity Center for their annual
Worth of DeMoines, Washington.
Christmas party and revealing of
and are home for their holiday vaca­
George Peachey was home from
secret pals. Mrs. Charles Ramsey
the Veterans hospital in Portland for
was hostess. Mrs. Wayne Kyser sub­
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Strong mov­
the week end. He returned Sunday
stituted for the co-hostesses, Mrs.
evening for further tests and treat­ ed last week to the former Dwight
Dave Crawford and Mrs. Grimsbo
Strong place on Alabama avenue.
who were ill. Mrs. Hugh Cox and
Mr. and Mrs. George Peachey mov­
Bud Rose was taken to the Univer­
Frosted, Fringed Cards
boxes. The January meeting, wea­
sity of Oregon Medical Center Thurs­ ed into the place vacated by the
Replaced by Present Type ther permitting, will be at the home
day. His son Derrell of Forest Grove
Clifford Fowler came home from
Christmas cards of 1870 were of Sam Devine in Vernonia. Mem­
took him in the ambulance. Mrs.
frosted and fringed with heavy bers are reminded that the club will
Rose is staying with the Darrell Ros- Tuality hospital Friday and is slow­
silk. The folder-type card, so much go back to the fourth Thursday, as
family so as to be able to visit her ly recovering from surgery .
in evidence today, was not popu­ before, after the holidays.
husband by bus.
lar during the 19th century, when
Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell
Week end visitors at the E. L.
Over one-third of the children
single cards were more fequently were in Gearhart Sunday to visit
Lloyd, Jack Tomlin and Bill Eckland killed in dwelling fires are alone
with Ralph Waddell.
homes were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lloyd when the fire breaks out, accord­
and two children of Portland.
Raymond Brower was a caller at
ing to National Fire Protection
Mr. and Mrs. Gibert Abney, Jim Association studies.
the John Crawford home during the
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews and
Mrs. Earl Knowles were among
those who attended the wedding of
Susie Alexander in Vernonia Satur­
A limited number of the “Farmers
Mrs. Elsa Knowles was in Vernonia
We wish you a Christmas
Guide,” 1966 edition, are now
Saturday to attend the wedding of
that’s as merry as the tinkle
her granddaughter, Susie Alexander available from the county extension
of sleigh bells. . .as full of
at the Christian church.
Mrs. office on a first come, first served
mirth and gladness as the
Knowles’ grandson, Jack Nelson and basis, announces County Agent Don
laugh of a child. As full of
family of Portland came down after Coin Walrod.
Designed to assist farmers in com­
her. Mrs. Willard Garlock visited a
wonder as a toddler’s first
their 1965 income tax returns,
short time with Mrs. Knowles Sun­
look at Santa’s gifts. Along
the 64-page booklet, published by the
with this, may you enjoy
Internal Revenue Service, contains
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case return­
peace, happiness and pros­
samples of completed return forms
ed the first of the week from visiting
with an explanation of items.
perity now and all year long.
their daughter at Richmond and Ala­
Topics treated by the various sec­
meda, California.
tions and chapters of the Guide cov­
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schroeder of er filing requirements ar.d forms,
Marshland visited with Mr. and Mrs. accounting periods, income to be re­
Charles Hansen Sunday.
ported, farm business expenses,
Mrs. Essie Nance, Vernonia, visit­ farm inventories, depreciation and
ed with the Charles Sundlands Wed­ depletion, capital gains and losses,
W e hope
nesday. Other callers were Mr. and casualty losses, thefts, conservation
your 1965
Mrs. Ira Peterson of Scappoose and payments, self-employment social
Mrs. Lloyd Garlock. Mrs. Ray Gar- security tax and deductions and per­
lock and Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap sonal exemptions.
is the
visited them Friday and Mrs. Bern
The tax guides are free of charge
Bliss, Ketchikan, Alaska, Mrs. Mabel and may be secured by writing,
Holley, Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills and phoning or stopoing at the extension
Mrs. Walter Mathews called Satur­ office in the com‘house, St. Helens.
day. Sharon Sundland and Bob Mar- Sufficient copies a. s available for
son, Portland, were with the Sund­ only about ten or fift.'en percent of
lands Sunday.
the county’s farmers, indicates Wal­
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garlock and rod.
Mrs. Bern Bliss of Ketchikan, Alas­
ka surprised his mother, Mrs. Mary
Garlock and brother and wife, the
Ray Garlocks Saturday when they
Stockings on New Years
arrived for the birthday reception
Russian children hang up their
for Mary. Mrs. Bliss is miraculously
stockings on New Y ear’s Eve, in
healed after suffering face bums anticipation of Grandfather Frost’s
from a gas oven explosion earlier in visit. Though Communists elimi­
December. There will be no scars.
nated the religious celebration of
Mrs. Mabie Holley of Otis Junction Christmas, they allowed the child­
Ruth and Marion Steers and Family
is spending a few days with the Gar- ren ’s festivities of the season to
In a recent communication from
Senator Morse relative to the pro­
gress of the survey of the Corps of
Engineers of the United States,
Northwest Division, with office in
Portland, Oregon, Senator Morse re­
lates as follows:
“The bill under the provisions of
which the survey of the Nehalem wa­
ter shed was undertaken is the Om­
nibus Rivers and Harbors Act S.
2300, which became effective October
27, 1965, and will contain substantial
funds for preconstruction planning.”
Senator Morse further states that
the estimated costs of the Tillamook
Bay streams including the Nehalem
river is $160,000. There was $40,000
Farmer's Tax
Guides Offered
Knits and Purls Club
Chooses New Officers
Children’s cheery voices raised in Christmas
song express the good will we feel for
all our friends. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
The Knits and Purls 4-H knitting
club met November 17 at 4:00 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Richard Hunte-
man. The meeting was called to or­
der by Shirley Dennis, acting chair­
The following officers were elect­
ed: President, Andrea Bell; vice-
president, Christy Normand; secre­
tary, Kathy Carter; reporter, Patty
Hahmeyer; song leader, Lynda Mer­
Plans for the next meeting were
discussed and the meeting closed.
Refreshments were served by Mrs.
The girls met again December 8.
They discussed the 4-H candy sale
set for December 18. After the meet­
ing closed, Andrea Bell and Christy
Normand served refreshments.
Patty Hahmeyer, reporter
J $l
c L gap
th e tPACks
fop chRistmas!
Full speed ahead . . . next stop Noel!
Christmas reminds us that life is a
journey, and all men are fellow pass­
engers. Let us accordingly rejoice
together on this most festive of holi­
days. From all of us at S.P.&S., col­
lective best wishes to you and your
family for a very Merry Christmas,
and a happy, rewarding New Year.
G «w r«l O ffic n : American ta n k l i a W n f . Portland. O rtja n