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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1965)
a IT'S YOUR LAW S Ï I«»»' * * * Watsons Visit InCalUomia P a p a l for Loor H a k a D m o tro e y L iv, INSURANCE SNOOPER permission. Such “investigations” Mary got into an intersection offend community standards and crash. Her car was badly dam ag amount to a kind of “outrageous” ed, but she didn’t seem to be hurt conduct, the court said. much. After a day of rest she By Woodrow Moe went back to work on a job she WHAT IS “ ESCRIW” had held for 35 years. QUESTION; I am 68 years old What is “escrow” ? It is a deposit and have been receiving social se After the accident she com of money or documents or both, curity for several years. Because plained of leg and back pains. She with an escrow holder, who is real of an injury I had to quit my claimed that the accident caused ly a “stakeholder.” part-time job. Can I receive dis her the loss of the use of some of What does an escrow do? The ability benefits? her muscles. escrow holder gets money from ANSWER: No. Disability insur The other driver had run through the buyer. He gets documents from a stop sign and was clearly at the seller and he carries out in ance benefits are not paid after 65. QUESTION: Can I use any doc fault. Mary filed a claim against structions of both upon the per the other driver’s insurance com formance of some act or the meet tor I want under the supplement pany for several thousand dollars. ing of some condition. As a rule, ary medical insurance program, or The company hired detectives to in the escrow instructions, the sell am I restricted to doctors selected check on Mary. They took moving er and buyer tell the escrow hold by the government? ANSWER: There are no restrictions pictures of her with a telescopic er what to do and when. camera, pottering around her yard, An escrow arrangem ent helps in in your choice of doctors under the walking to work, doing her shop buying and selling land. It is an program. You may use your present ping and the like. specially useful device when you doctor or any other qualified phy After Mary settlled her claim may live in another city, or ex sician. QUESTION: If I take widow’s for considerably less than she had pect to be gone when time comes demanded, she sued the insurance to close the deal. Suppose, through benefits at 60, will benefits on my company. She was outraged she a real estate man, you find a buy own account at age 65 be affect said, since it had shown these pic er for your place. But he may ed? ANSWER: Yes. Ordinarily your tures of her to many people who not want to pay in full until you own benefit at 65 would not be reviewed her claim. can give him clear title, or it may Mary claimed that by taking her take time to raise the money. reduced. If you had previously re pictures the detectives invaded her So you agree on term s, and both ceived reduced widow’s benefits, right of privacy, had em barrassed of you use the escrow to put the the benefit on your own account will be reduced to take account of her and caused her mentall suf deal through. the benefits you receive as a wi fering. Do you think she has a As a neutral go-between, the e s valid claim against the insurance crow holder, which may be a bank, dow. QUESTION: What change has company? may only carry out instructions you Ln such a situation the court give him. He cannot, for example, been made in the social security said that when a person submits give you advice as to whether your disability program by the Social a claim to the insurance company deal is a good one, or give legal Security Amendments of 1965? ANSWER: .’Under the old law for damages, he subjects himself advice. to some checking. No claimant The buyer may have the escrow disability benefits could be paid on can complain of any reasonable holder hold his money until the ly to people whose impairment investigation. The pictures were title is approved; prorate real es was permanent—expected to last all taken in public places, and that tate taxes, rents, insurance; pay for a long and indefinite time or was reasonable, the court said. the seller at close of escrow; re to result in death. Under the new In another case, a person sued ceive and record the deed from law, benefits can be paid to a per son whose impairm ent has lasted the insurance company after it the seller, etc. or is expected to last 12 calendar shadowed him day and night for As a rule, you work out most months. Its investigators had peek deals before you open the escrow. months. QUESTION: My son’s social se ed into his mail box, cut his hedge Look carefully at “preliminary a r for a better view of his house, rangements,” “deposit receipts,” or curity benefits stopped when he and gone on his property without “escrow instructions,” for such reached 18 in November 1964. He papers may be binding. As a rule, graduated from high school in one or more of them will be your May and started to college in Sep tember. Can his benefits be sta rt basic contract. ed again? (Oregon lawyers offer this col 4 THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1965 ANSWER: Yes. However, you umn as a public service. No per son should apply or interpret any need to file a new application. law without the aid of an attorney Since your son was attending a whois completely advised of the fulltime school from January through facts involved. Even a slight var May, 1965, his payments can be start iance in fact may change the ap ed effective with the month this part of the law became effective. plication of the law.) QUESTION: I applied for re tirement benefits the year before last when I reached 65. I was told I didn’t have enough work credits. Can I qualify now? ANSWER: No. Since you reached retirem ent age in 1963, you need TIMBER RT.—Sunday visitors of ed credit for three years of work the George Smith family were Mr. to be insured. Under the new law, and Mrs. Les Galloway and family you still need the same amount. of Clatskanie, Mr. and Mrs. Lester The number of work credits need Teeling of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. ed was reduced only for those Reggie Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Tom workers who reached retirem ent age prior to 1957. Tomlin of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. QUESTION: I rem arried and my Wilbur Thacker and Mrs. Wm. Fal coner. Mrs. Nellie Thacker is help present husband is not getting so cial security benefits. Can I draw ing out at her daughter's for a few on my first husband’s account? days to assist with care of her new We were m arried over 20 years granddaughter, Suzanne Gail. and he should be getting retire Mrs. Hazel Hascall and James vis ment benefits. ited Mrs. Dick Ekhoff Saturday ev Save money with ANSWER:: No. You must be un ening. m arried to qualify as a divorced Hazel Hascall and Mae Wienecke FARMERS wife. called on Mrs. George Smith and QUESTION: If I take reduced Mrs. Nell Thacker Monday evening. AUTO INSURANCE widow’s benefits at age 60, will They also stopped to see Mr. and it be increased to the fulll rate Be a s s u r e d o f m o d e rn , Mrs. Bruce Watson and Mrs. Mamie when I reach 62? broad form coverage and Sloan. ANSWER: No. The amount of fast, fa ir, friendly service Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thacker and your benefit will rem ain the same, while you save! Kenney from Forest Grove visited unless you did not receive bene his sister, Mrs. George Smith and fits for all months before you arc family and his mother, Mrs. Nellie 62. In this case, your benefits will Thacker Monday evening. be adjusted at 62 to take these Sharlene Gibson is sick this week months into account. and having to have doctor’s atten For inform ation call tion. Oregon hunters who wish to be eligible for emergency big game hunts which may be scheduled in 1966 have until January 15 to sub mit applications. Dave Luman, chief of big game said hunt *s wishing to sign up should submit their applications by postcard, listing name, address, telephone number, and the county applied for. Applications must be sent to the game commission’s Portland headquarters, 1634 S. W. Alder. Emergency hunts are established to control crop damage which may occur at any time of the year. Since it is impossible to predict in advance where and when crop dam age may occur, county listings of applicants must be established at the first of each year. Any resident 18 years of age or older may apply. A hunting license and tag are not needed in order to apply, but will be necessary if a hunt is called. Hunters are re minded that if a season is auth orized, they will be called to par ticipate on short notice. Luman advised hunters that the chance to participate in an em er gency hunt is small, but to have that chance if it does arise, the hunter must have his name on the county roster. Since 1957 when emergency seasons were author ized by the Oregon legislature, on ly a few such hunts have been held. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! November 23 to December 1 Marriage License Applications; Mahala Kay Wood and Daniel Lloyd Roberts, both of St. Hel ens Connie Joan Van Ortwick and Ro bert Andrew Deahl, both of St. Helens Gwendolyn Lee Rich and Roger James Kusch, both of Aloha, Oregon Divorces; NONE Complaints: 16463 — Kallio, Paula Sue vs. Rei- no Albert 16464 — In the Matter of Crown Zellerbach Corporation to be come a Forest Road Contrac tor (Scappoose-Pittsburgh) 16465 — Gish, Bethel vs Elvin Le Roy 16466 — Velma Lee Sharp vs. Ro land Jam es Corbello 16467 — Frances Gunn Harbison vs. Paul Brasmer 16468 — W. L. Snider vs. State Compensation Department, Suc cessor to State Industrial Acci dent Commission 16469 — Credit Bureau of Colum bia County vs. Samuel R. Shad- le. Probate: 3736 - Estate of Eda Quam, de ceased 3737 - Estate of William B. Gray- bill, deceased 3738 - Estate of Mary Margaret Gaffney, deceased 3739 - Guardianship of Sam Keth- um, a minor SHOP EARLY! MAIL EARLY! KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 Visitors Noted At Smith Home FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP LLOYD QUINN HA 9-5211 Listen to some folks' chronic complaining, convinces us there’s no beef shortage. A N N O U N C IN G the opening of CAROL S BEAUTY SHOP Al Riverview Intersection (Former Hudson Residence) FOR DAY > EVENING APPOINTMENTS Call HA 9-3233 — Monday-Friday Draft Board Calls Twelve Inducted from Columbia county on December 2 to begin their two- year service in the U. S. Army from this area were the following registrants of local board No. 2. From Scappoose, Norman A. Hoard, Donald W. Hornback and Phillip Bighaus; from Clatskanie. Thomas E. Eilertsen and from the St. Helens area, Robert M. Nichols, Delbert A. Mattson. John A. Bras- mer, Robert L. Tice, Ernest E. Zimbrick, John D. Howard. Bill A. I.ehto and Arlo D. Unverzagt. These registrants will be taking their basic training at Fort Ord. California. A miser is tough to live with, but he makes an awfully good an cestor. Character is the true m irror of life—reputation is merely the r e flection from it. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! Riverview “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge LADY HUDSON MARGARINE Oernonia Eagle BUDGET OUT OF HAND? BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Jim Watson went to Eureka, California to be with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worthington over Thanksgiving. Al so there were Mrs. Watson’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Worthington. The Watsons viewed some of the 1964 flood area. Much work is still being done on roads and bridges. On the way home, they vis ited her aunt, Mabel Preston, at Crescent City, and the aunt’s daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Andrews at Gasquet, California. They also stopped to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Kramer at Medford for two days. They were gone about 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barlow from Beaverton stayed with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barlow, over this past week end. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Barlow and small daughter visited his folks and the family group enjoyed Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lar son, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Larson, AI Berg and Nick Berg, accompanied by Raymond Kyser and Dave Wright of Mist, went to the Vernonia - Sher wood basketball game in Sherwood Saturday evening. Dave Larson plays on the varsity team and Erick Berg on the JVs. Mrs. Gene Larson, Mrs. Fred Larson and Mrs. Francis Lar son were in Portland recently doing some Christmas shopping. Mrs. Bob DuPuis was in Portland recently on business. She also went Christmas shopping with a sister-in law, Mrs. Evelyn Provost of Port land. ...USE O pcode 2 39* SHOP BY PHONE-YOU RING, WE BRING Looking For A Christinas Gift That Will Last A Year? Why not give a subeription to the Oernonia Eagle E ither. . . O r. . . Entered now, it will start at once, or with the Christmas issue as you wish, and run through 1966. Gift card will be sent also. Enter your own subscription now and get a bonus of the issues from now to the end of 1965 plus the full year of 1966. In the Nehalem Valley............... $3.00 Elsewhere.............................................. $350 AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT SOLUTION FOR The student in college The men in the service The former resident The Neighbor