Silver Wedding Event To Honor Mist Couple The family and friends of Pastor and Mrs. Sulo Sanders of Mist are ar­ ranging a silver wedding anniversary reception in their honor Sunday, March 28 from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Mist school and they extend an invi­ tation to all friends to attend . Mr. Sanders is the pastor for the Mist-Birkenfeld community church and he participates in many commun­ ity events in Vernonia, also. Mrs. Sanders is especially well known for her singing. P.E.O. Chapter Names Officers Mrs. Wm. Bridgers was hostess for the March 9 meeting of Chapter BS, PEO Sisterhood. The annual election of officers re­ sulted as follows: President, Mrs. Joey Acaiturri; vice-president, Mrs. T. M. Hobart; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Dar- rold Proehl; recording secretary, Mrs. Mona Gordon; treasurer, Mrs. Owen East; guard, Mrs. Harry San- don; chaplain, Mrs. Neil Zimmer­ man. For her program, Mrs. Hobart gave a dramatic reading of the poem, Annabel Lee by Edgar zMlen Poe. The next meeting will be March 23 at the home of Mrs. Wm. Nelson. Mrs. Evelyn Heath will give the program on “What Is New in Ore­ gon.” Portland Church Scene of Rites In an impressive ceremony at the All Saints Episcopal church in Port­ land February 19, Miss Carole Chandler, daughter of Stanley Chand­ ler, became the bride of Jon Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carter, all of Vernonia. The double ring ceremony was read at 8:30 p.m. by the Reverend F. Orlc Hoye in the presence of family members and friends. Bas­ kets of pink and white carnations at the altar set the scene for the rites. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length sheath of white satin and a short veil which was held in place by a seed pearl crown. She carried a single white orchid on a white pray­ er bock. Her maid of honor was Miss Mar­ tha Mangat who wore blue and her bridesmaid was her sister, Miss Joyce Chandler who wore red. Both carried nosegays of pink carnations. Best man was Louis Violette and ushers were Darwin Welch and Fred Skidmore. Following the ceremony, the couple left for a week end honeymoon at Seaside after which they returned to Vernonia to establish residence at S42 Third avenue. The bride is a 1964 graduate of Vemcnia high school and she is now attending Oregon Business Col­ lege at Beaverton. The groom, who graduated from Vernonia high school in 1963, is em­ ployed at Deans Market. Phone HA 9-3462 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Open Six Days a Week Vernonia, Oregon Grange Ladies Fete Birthdays of Three JEWELL—Ladies from six grang­ es sang happy birthday to Josie Wooden of Seaside who was 82 on March 11. It was a three-fold celebration as Anna Wink of the Jewell Grange and Josie both had birthdays March 11 and Blanche Pickering of Vernonia grange had her birthday March 10. There were 14 ladies who came from the Nehalem Valley, Jewell, Winema, Vernonia, Pacific and Necanicum granges. There was a potluck dinner at the home of Mrs. Chet Bell in Seaside. Each of the three ladies was given a corsage and they received gifts, Also, birthday cakes and ice cream were served. Mrs. Edith Thomas from Jewell and Mrs. Koolen from Seaside took pictures of the party. Rusty Tiedeman of Jewell was hurt in the woods Friday afternoon. He is home on crutches after having 35 stitches taken to sew up a cut on his right leg. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas and Mrs. Anna Wink from the Nehalem Valley grange visited the Vernonia grange Saturday evening. Pythians Name Temple Mother Mrs. Jean Ralston of Grants Pass, grand chief of Oregon Pythian Sis­ ters, made her official visit to Ver­ nonia Temple No. 61 Wednesday eve­ ning cf last week. She was honor guest at a dinner at the IOOF hall preceding the meeting. Mrs .Ralston was accompanied by Miss Lura Morgan of Bandon, grand guard for the Grand Temple of Ore­ gon, Pythian Sisters. Also, additional guests at the dinner were four la­ dies from St. Helens who accompa­ nied Mrs. Dane Brady of Warren. They were Mrs. Margaret Myers, past grand chief; Mrs. Mabie Sheed- Study Club to Note Book Week A tea at the Vernonia public li­ brary in recognition of National Book Week in April was discussed at the meeting of the Vernonia Study club March 4 at the home of Mrs. B. J. Horn. Further plans will be made by the library committee, Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Emil Messing. The story of Michael Angelo and his famous works was presented to the club by Mrs. Harry Culbertson who gave a concise geological and historical picture of Italy through the Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge, at the centuries and its remarkable pro­ meeting held last Thursday, March gress since World War II as a pre­ 11, set April 8 as the date for initia­ face for the story of the great renais­ tion of new members and Noble sance genius. Grand Mathilde Bergerson called a April 1, religions in Europe will be practice for this evening, March 18 the topic for the program presented at 7:00 p.m. to prepare for it. by Mrs. Gladys Worthington at the Mrs. Marie Elliott, secretary of the home of Mrs. Launee Cousins. social committee, reported that a Mrs. Harry Ford of Forest Grove, very good meeting had been held a former member of the Vernonia March 9 at the home of Mrs .Virginia Study club, was a guest at the March Hogberg with Mrs. Mildred Jessee as 4 meeting. She was a week end guest co-hostess. There were 12 members of her daughter, Mrs .Marvin Kam- and two visitors present. Plans were holz. made for a progressive dinner March 31 which will start at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Marie Shafer. The next meeting of the committee will be April 13 at 1:30 p.m. at Mrs. Elliott’s home. The lodge voted financial assistance with the senior banquet which is All DeMolay chapters in the Unit­ sponsored by the American Legion ed States and the world are this week auxiliary with the assistance of other observing the memory of Dad Land, organizations. founder of the organization in 1919. It was announced that the Odd Fel­ It started with a group of nine high lows have plans underway for the school boys. Today, nearly three mil­ annual Boy Scout breakfast May 9 lion men have passed through the which is Mothers Day. portals of DeMolay. Following the meeting, delicious re­ Many well-known leaders have said freshments were served by Mrs. No­ that they still practice the principals ma Callister, Mrs. Zoe Salomonsen of the order, which were instilled in and Mrs. Jean Conners. The next meeting will be March 25. them when young men. While there is no DeMolay chapter in Vernonia, a number of Vernonia high school beys belong to the chap­ Past Chiefs Change ter at Clatskanie. Date for Meeting Rebekahs Date Future Events er, most excellent chief of Ava Tem­ ple at St. Helens; Mrs. Beulah Hall and Mrs. Mary Watkins. Additional guests at the meeting were a group from Friendship Tem­ ple at North Plains and included Mrs. Hazel Hollenbeck, past grand chief; Mrs. Bernice Mathieson, past grand guard; Mrs. Charleen Troutman and Mrs. Marion Foster. After the meeting was opened and visiting guests were introduced, Most Excellent Chief Leona Haverland ask­ ed that Mrs. Marie Shafer be pre­ sented at the altar. She somewhat startled Mrs. Shafer by telling her the temple was glad she was absent at the previous meeting. She then went on to explain that her absence had given opportunity for the temple to elect her as temple mother to fill the vacancy created by the death of Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson who had held that honored position for many years. Mrs. Harry Culbertson, charter mem­ ber of the temple, had the privilege of pinning an orchid corsage on Mrs. Shafer. During the meeting, the charter Oemonia Eagle THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1965 3 was draped for a period of 30 days in memory of Mrs. Clara Lindsley who had almost attained 25 years of membership in the temple. During the ceremony, Mrs. Myers sang. The grand chief gave a very in­ teresting talk in which she especially emphasized the current building re­ modeling program at the Oregon- Washington Pythian home in Vancou­ ver. The temple set April 8 as the date for initiation of new members. Prac­ tice for it will be started at the next meeting, March 24. An invitation was extended by the guests from Friendship Temple to at­ tend their meeting April 2 at which the fiftieth anniversary of their tem­ ple will be observed. Mrs. Ralston and Miss Morgan were overnight house guests of Mrs. Launee Cousins. They went on to Seaside Thursday for the grand chief’s official visit there. Rent Blue Lustre Electric Carpet Shampooer $1 Now you can rent a Blue Lustre Electric Carpet Shampooer for $1 a day when you buy famous Blue Lustre Shampoo. Save big with this easy-to-use "do-it-yourself” equipment. You’ll be amazed at the new look of your carpeting. BRUNSMAN HARDWARE DeMolay Notes Founding Date Members of the Past Chiefs club are reminded that their meeting has been changed from tonight, March 18, to Tuesday, March 30 to avoid a conflict for several of the members. The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Irma Chance. PERFECT DAY FOR DRINKING STANDARD DAIRY MILK No m a tte r w hat the w eather, you can al­ ways depend on n u tri­ tious wholesome S tan­ dard D airy products to give you the pep and energy you need. Locally produced you m ay enjoy Standard D airy milk - delivered to your door— HOURS E A R L IE R ! J DIL R. V. LANCE OPTOMETRIST Wed., 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. Vernonia Clinic Building FUITEN-FRIESEN CHAPEL IN THE HILLS — Member National Independent Dairies Assn. 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Tins Heinz Strained With Valenciana Sauce — Betty Crocker ............. 13'/j-oz. Pkg. Quaker Brand 10-oz. Pkg. LIFE CEREAL FACIAL TISSUES 19c 29c 3/89c 6/69c 2/75c 35c 4/$l Pkg. of 12 Cones Silver Dust Reg. Size QIZ'I" K ltt V Chiffon S A M ’ S FOOD STO R E FREE DELIVERY PHONE HA 9-5501