TOP DOG BIRDSEYE FROZEN DOG FOOD SWEET CORN Case o f 48 ■■ $3.3514 LARGE CRISP HEADS Lettuce Each____ FANCY WINESAP Apples P o u n d ...... FRANCO-AMERICAN Spaghetti 15-OZ. CANS $ 1 10 12 3/49* In Tomato Sauce with Cheese — 19'/i-oz. Cans CROWN’S ZEE T IUI A I ■n T| n CCMC o 4 Pkg. Rolls of j 1 C E c da« DD HEINZ MJB INSTANT KETCHUP COFFEE 40 A Large 20-oz. Botile FIRESIDE Giant 10-oz. Jar l'/j-Lb. Pkg. Fig Burs BEST FOODS SANDWICH Quart Jar..................... 2/65’ Spread 69’ 4/Sl Lima Beans 3/49’ 29* 4/95’ Cups 10« Scallops 2/95’ 2/25’ Cocoa M ix 8 9 ’ HALEY’S Pineapple-Orange * |_ Vitamon C Added 46- oz . Cans MISSION GREEN TASTEVVELL Sections 303 Tins SCOOPY’S ICE CREAM CHICKEN BOOTH FROZ. U*rmK Grapefruit STIDD’S RICH Broth ORE-IDA 10-oz. Can Pkg. of 24 DE NESTLES DELUXE HOT l ’A-Lb. Cannister INST. MASHED Potatoes Servings hall, March 18, 19, 20, at 8:00 p.m. ll t l c TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mrs. John Serafin was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland Friday for treatment following a se­ vere attack of asthma. She had hop­ ed to return home Monday but suf­ fered another attack so was to stay until her condition improved. Car wash, VHS golf team . Sat.. Mar 20, 10 a.m . to 4:30 p.m., back of high school. Cars $1.00, white side- walls, 25c extra. lltlc Mrs. Jean Myer brought her son Steven home from the hospital Thurs­ day and he returned to school Friday with his arm in a cast and many bruises to show for the accident last week when a horse fell on him. His birthday was observed Sunday with a party at which guests were Mary Brunsman, Chris Hanson, Sherri Nightwine, Susan Howard, Joyce Knowlton, Zenda Ellis, Gary Davis, Curtis Hickman, Mike Busch, Mat Koch, Doug Koski, Rod Aldrich and Johnny Nystrom. Also present were Johnny's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con­ rad Nystrom of Birkenfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Donn Gephardt who are neighbors of the Myers. Oertionia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1965 JO Y T H E A T E R Fri., Sat. March 19-20 Mail Order Bride Plus Tarzan's 3 Challenges WATCH FOR I T ! BIG 10-DAY (Retali) ÍO R IfilN A l K Sam Gordon Bridge lessons, fire hall, March 18, 19, 20, at 8:00 p.m. ll t l c Mrs. Carl Davis returned home Sunday from Forest Grove where she had been since Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fleskes and family in order to be near her sister, Mrs. Leora Henderson who had ma­ jor surgery at the Forest Grove hos­ pital Friday morning. Mrs. Hender­ son is making good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange drove to For­ est Grove Sunday to call on Mrs. Henderson and they brought Mrs. Davis home with them. A letter from Mrs. Margaret Ham­ bleton, who moved from Vernonia to Forest Grove recently, says she spent the week of her birthday in Spokane with her sister who had a dinner in honor of the occasion. Rel. atives and friends of the two ladies were guests. Mrs. Hambleton ap­ preciated the cards sent her by friends here, which she found wait­ ing when she returned to Forest Grove. Car wash, VHS golf team. Sat., Mar 20, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., back of high school. Cars $1.00, white side- walls, 25c extra. llt lc Mrs .Susie Enyart, mother of Mrs. Robert Sword, came home late last week from the nursing home where she had been recuperating from a heart attack, but the ambulance was called Monday morning to take her back to the Forest Grove hospital where she had been prior to going to the nursing home. This is her third trip to the hospital recently. Heat & Eat 7-oz. Pkgs. Mrs. Lois Hughes from Peshastin, Washington has been a hcuse guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson, for the past two weeks. She also has visited with her niece, Mrs. Irene Meyer and nephew, Jack Bergerson and their families and with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cass Ber­ gerson. Sunday, the Cass Bergersons, Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson and Mrs. Hughes were dinner guests of Mrs. Lottie Lintner at Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tapp of Cornelius also were there. Mrs. Hughes is spending some time with the Tapps and Mrs. Lintner this week. Mrs. Wm. Bundle entered Provi­ dence hospital Monday for tests and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Biden and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Goodrich of For­ est Grove were among the many out-of-towners here Saturday for the smorgasbord. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliott and Mrs. Celeste Poetter were at Junc­ tion City Monday to attend funeral services for Lum Moore, a former Vernonia resident, who passed away there last Saturday. O. T. Bateman returned home Wed­ nesday from Covington, Oklahoma where he had gone March 6 because of the illness of his mother, Mrs. Em­ ma Bateman. She has improved con­ siderably but before coming home he arranged for her to enter a nurs­ ing home in Enid, Oklahoma. His mother, who is 88, had previously been cared for by her sister who is 90. Sam Gordon Bridge lessons, fire hall, March 18, 19, 20, at 8:00 p.m. ll t l c Dales To Remember THURSDAY, MARCH 18 Vernonia Extension Unit - West Ore­ gon Bldg. - 11 a.m. Rebekah Lodge practice - IOOF hall- 7 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 19 Beginners knitting - West Oregon Bldg. - 7:30 p.m. Columbia Encampment No. 89 - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 20 Natal Grange card party - Hall at Natal, 8:00 p.m. SUNDAY, MARCH 21 Rainbow Girls reception - Masonic Temple, 2:30 p.m. MONDAY, MARCH 22 Nehalem Assembly Rainbow Girls - Masonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. WW I Barracks and auxiliary - IOOF hall, 6:30 p.m. potluck Chamber of Commerce board - West Oregon Bldg., 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 23 Jamboree meeting - Fire hall, 8 p.m. Chapter BS, PEO Sisterhood - Home of Mrs. Wm. Nelson, 8:00 p.m. Project leaders training - West Ore­ gon Bldg., 10:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 Schools start spring vacation Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters - IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Natal Grange - Natal Grange hall, 8:00 p.m. Sewing Sisters Progress With Making of Aprons All nine members of the Sewing Sisters 4-H club were present at their March 6 meeting. First they gather­ ed outside for a group snapshot to be added to their record bocks. They went right to work on their aprons and everyone finished sewing the side seams and pressing dow-n the pockets to be sewed on next. Refreshments cf cupcakes and Kool Aid were served by Sharlene Gibson. Most of the girls, when the days are nice, ride their bicycles from town to the meetings at Mrs. Borders. News Reporter, Sharon Brewer Last Saturday, Miss Ruby Young, former Vernonia high school teacher, Sheriff Roy Milburn and Mrs. Wil­ who now teaches at Knappa-Svenson burn and District Attorney Don Kai. high school, and her sister and hus­ berer and Mrs. Kalberer were from band, Mr .and Mrs. George Flem­ St. Helens Saturday evening to at­ ing, all from Astoria, were in Ver­ tend the smorgasbord. nonia. Mr. Fleming golfed while Scott Sword, six-year old son of the ladies called on a number of lo­ Mr and Mrs. Bill Sword, was rushed cal people. to Tuality hospital at Hillsboro last Janice and Ronnie Caramella of Wednesday evening for an appendec­ Milwaukike spent last week end here tomy. His parents brought him home with their grandmother, Mrs. Launee Sunday and he is making excellent Cousins. Women are more skilled drivers recovery. than men. Who else could get the Sam Gordon Bridge lessons, fire Read the ads, it will pay you! car in the garage sideways. 7 ¡S $l°° MILL MARKET and Lockers You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— HAzel 9-3492 — Member of United Grocers — Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. M EAT D E P A R T M E N T Ground Beef 2 85c Round Stk 69c Lbs. 100% Pure— Ground Fresh Hourly ^■1 IIW6SG Rainbow Reception to Honor Rory Workman A public reception honoring Miss Rory Workman will be held Sun­ day, March 21 at 2:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple in Vernonia. Rory is Grand Page for the Order of Rain­ bow for Girls in Oregon. There will be entertainment and refreshments will be served. Every­ one is welcome to attend. Vagabonds Date Event for March The Vernonia Vagabond Square Dancers will hold their March dance this Saturday, March 20, at 8:30 p.m. at the Scout Cabin. Refreshments will be pot luck and the caller will be Jack Korff from Astoria. Visitors are always welcome. President Don Cameron states that the club is having square dance les­ sons and workshop sessions at the Scout Cabin Thursday at 7:30 p.m. each week. All interested persons are invited to attend and find how- easy it is to learn square dancing. pound"0' " Rainier Maid Cheddar Natal Grange members who at­ tended the March 10 meeting were pleasantly surprised by a large group of visiting grangers. Present were 30 members from Chapman Grange, three from Warren, two from Beaver Homes and one from Fernhill. Chapman Master Walter Mollenhour and Pomona Master Wes Kimball were escorted to the mas­ ter’s station. Master Mollenhour pre- ented Master Henry Anderegg of Natal with the traveling gavel. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Welch were given the first and second degrees. The third and fourth degrees will be given March 14. Home Ec Chairman Myrtle Math­ ews announced there would be a card party at the hall Saturday ev­ ening, March 20, at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. According to your Heart Associa­ tion, heart research has saved many lives in the past 15 years. NICHOLS VARIETY STORE We are now retired from business in Vernonia but will continue to live here. It was our pleasure to serve you the 15 years we operated our store and wish to thank you for your patronage and for the many acts of kindness shown us. We will see you from time to time. We wish for our successors, Ruth and Marion Steers, your continued support and extend to all our best regards. Sincerely Bess and Bill Nichols Salt some away STARTS THURS. APRIL 1st America's Greatest Drug Store Event PLUS A PENNY! BANK NATIONALLY ADVERTISED IN LEADING MAGAZINES, SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS, RADIO AND TELEVISION Hfe’// season it with Full Service! M oney adds sp ice to life and, as a n y "financial s a g e ’’ w ill te ll y o u , th e b e st w a y to acquire it is to sa v e reg u la rly . S a lt so m e a w a y w ith U S e v e r y p ayd ay. We’ll g iv e it a good sh a k e w ith 4% bank in te r e st u’ «, j ! DRUG c o . p lu s bank sa fety . A nd w e ’ll flavor y o u r o th e r b a n k in g n eed s w ith U .S . B a n k ’s fam ou s full se r v ic e . . A t a o uug c e m ia A* ) O / y + I MCHAce-M 9 2 Q BRIDGE ST (toe UNmo s t a t u national sank or otcoon . hcao om et portlamo . h m m « n o t aal J jC Grangers Bring Gavel to Natal h HUNDREDS OF ITEMS AT 2 for the price of Z * CO Lb. ocpocit in s u a a n c i corporation 7