L ib ra ry - Uni v e r s i t y o f Oregon E u g e n e , O regon Demonia Eagle Water Plant Survey Proposed To Council by City Engineer Robert E. Meyer, consulting engi­ on the Riverview water system ad­ neer, met with the city council Mon­ dressed to Terra Installations, to­ VOLUME 43, NUMBER 11 VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1965 day evening and outlined a suggest­ gether with billing for repair work on ed water plant survey. the blown out water mainline at the Contemplated was an examination Nehalem river crossing. The contrac­ of the plant’s hydraulics as applies to tor has been notified of the deficien­ the main feeder lines, a determina­ cies and if he does not do the work tion of the plant’s present capacity the city will deduct it from contract for pumping, filtration and storage, payment. and possible outlining of technical Trees and shrubs given by Mr. and changes in plant operation to increase Mrs. Robert M. King and Mr. and efficiency. Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier have been The March 15 PTA meeting was court 110 feet by 220 feet with a hur­ transplanted in the city park. A let­ It was brought out that present opened by the advanced band playing ricane fence 10 feet high would cost Vernonia will be host for the Ver­ storage capacity is 325,000 gallons ter of appreciation is to be directed three numbers. James Fiske, band $6,236 and with a 12 foot fence, nonia Invitational Grade School Mu­ and that this might be sufficient for to the Bolmeiers and Kings. director, announced that this was a $6,686. This would include both la­ sic Festival this Saturday, March 20, the immediate future if distribution A miscellany of business was con­ warmup for their performance Sat­ bor and materials. at an all day event of performance shortcomings could be improved up­ sidered and assigned for further in­ urday, March 20, at 2:30 p.m. in the An open, but heated swimming pool and judging. on. The presently suggested study vestigation before action will be tak­ high school gym when the annual has been constructed in Clatskanie Bands and choruses will perform was estimated to require up to three en. band festival concert will be held. for $30,000. This was the cost of the The council adjourned at 10:10 and in the morning for comment and/or months to complete at a cost of from During the regular business meet­ materials alone with all the labor be­ rating. Bands will perform at the $1500 to $2000 and would result in a will meet next on April 5. ing, George Laws, chairman of the ing volunteer. A community center high school for adjudicator William preliminary report with immediate projects committee, was asked to re­ with covered and heated pool has Rost of the University of Oregon suggestions for changes when the port on the projects that were in­ been built in Sequim, Washington School of Music. He will then conduct need becomes apparent during the vestigated by his committee which at a cost of $70,000, including labor. the combined bands in three mass survey. DARLENE WELCH consists of himself, Welcome Rum- These two programs are quite cost­ numbers at an afternoon concert. It would not entail actual planning, baugh and Mrs. Don Webb. ly but under Sargent Shriver’s Title Choruses will sing at the Washing­ cost estimates or an operational man­ The first project brought up was 2A Economic Development Program, ton school for Dr. John M. Gustafson ual. Setting up of a manual for op­ the tennis court. It was found that a they might be underwritten up to 90 of the University of Oregon school of eration would require an additional percent of the cost by the govern­ music, and advisor to Tongue Point $400 to $500. The council decided to ment. job corps training center. delay a survey until funds had been A foreign exchange student would Seven bands will represent Astoria, budgeted for it. Darlene Welch has been named as cost about $750. student of the month for February Seaside (2), Warrenton (2), Knappa, The budget for school district 47J Planning commission m e m b e r s There has also been interest in at Vernonia high school. Her selec­ Clatskanie and Vernonia. Four chor­ for the school year 1965-66 is printed buying an activities bus and it was tion was revealed at a studentbody uses will participate, including Astor were present, together with Cyrus in this issue for the information of Nims, the planning consultant. Nims Robert A. Wood of Vernonia passed found that the least amount a used meeting last Friday. She is the junior high from Astoria, Clatska­ taxpayers in the district. It was giv­ away Tuesday, March 16, at the Co­ bus could be purchased for would be daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Wayne nie, Rainier and Vernonia. There is was not prepared to report on the en public hearing previously and was results of the planning study being lumbia District hospital at St. Hel­ $2,000. The up-keep, insurance, li­ Welch and is a senior this year. Se­ a decrease in the number of partici­ adopted by the budget committee ens where he had been for some cense, and a qualified driver would lection, made by a student repre­ pating ch ruses this year as several completed. The present question is as and school board at the meeting held to the advisability of additional stu­ time. He had been critically ill at add to the cost of this each year. sentative from each class and the schools will be on vacation at that dies which might give the commis­ Monday evening of this week at the Under a self-help summer program class advisors, is based on service time. his home prior to that. sion a longer look into the future. It high school. The budget will also be Dr. Gustafson will direct the com­ Funeral services are being arrang­ for students, there were several to the school, courtesy, integrity, was suggested that the council meet published in the March 25 issue. ed by the Haakinson Funeral Home things that could be done. One was personal appearance and cooperative bined choirs in Scarlet Ribbons and with the planning commission when April 6 there will be a final bud­ The Sound of Music. at Clatskanie and will be held Satur­ golf lessons for two classes of about attitude. get hearing at the high school at 8:00 the question could be discussed with­ The 2:30 p.m. concert at the high day, March 20 at 1:00 p.m. in the ten each twice a week. This would The student must have a grade out the pressure of other city busi­ p.m. so that those who study the Fuiten-Friesen Mortuary chapel here. cost about $180 for the season plus point average of 2.00 or better. Dar­ school will be open to the public. ness. budget and have questions or objec­ Vault entombment will be at the about $50 for replacing handles on lene’s willingness to always help Tickets will be sold at the door, tions can have an opportunity to used clubs which are available. W. F. Aldrich was present to ask voice them. adults 50 cents and students 25 cents. Vernonia Memorial cemetery. whether behind the scenes or where- Another program might be a horse­ that a storm sewer be opened which At the May 3 school election, vot­ Mr. Wood was born January 13, shoe program which would require ever needed was a factor in her he understood had been plugged when ers will be asked to approve the 1882 at Clatskanie and grew up there. a very small output of money for a choice. She participates in many ac­ A street was paved. The request necessary tax levy to cover the bud­ Hie family homestead was one mile few sets of horseshoes. There are tivities and is president of the Fu­ stemmed from the fact that the im­ get for the coming year. east of Clatskanie. men in the community capable and ture Homemakers chapter. proved drainage would take surface A director will be elected at that In 1918 he was married to Minnie willing to supervise this program. She will appear in the senior play. water from a lot which he owns at time, also, from the Mist-Birkenfeld Sutherland who predeceased him The baseball and softball program the east end of A street. Lee Jessee area. Anyone wishing to file for the here in 1956. cost $50 last year and will be contin­ Dan Steele, guard on this years said that there had not been a storm position may obtain blanks from Mrs. He followed the logging industry. ued this year, also. Vernonia basketball team, was nam­ sewer outlet at this point, the origi­ Paul Gordon, district clerk. In 1902 he worked as a brakeman on Swimming and associated park ac­ ed bo the all-league team for the nal drainage having been through a a logging train. He worked in Cath­ tivities can be expanded with the western half of the Cowapa League drain pipe which has since been re­ lamet, Washington for about 25 years. cooperation of the PTA, with the at a meeting last week. It is the moved. He worked for the Oregon-American city to help defray the expense. Dan Lawler reported that a serious third straight year that Steele has company and retired in the early Prior to the PTA meeting March Also, during the summer a student dust problem exists in the area ad­ received this honor. 1950s. He had lived in the Vernonia might be sent to the University of 15, the Brownies and Girl Scouts had Jerry Hanson, junior forward, was jacent to East avenue at F and G area for about 20 years. Washington for two weeks for music their investiture ceremonies. Twenty- named to the second five. streets. He was told the city has no Survivors include a sister, .Mrs. training or sent to the Shakespear­ one Brownies were led in their oaths answer to the problem under pre­ Other first team members were: A mental patient from the Da- Mae Knapp of Portland; three bro­ ian Theater. by Mrs. Kenneth Smejkal, troop sent condition of street finances. Loren Gramson, Warrenton; Brian masch hospital at Wilsonville at­ thers, Elmer and William of Clatska­ The arts and crafts program was leader. They sang their song, “A Hendrickson, Seaside; Steve Mead, tempted suicide in Vernonia Wednes­ Councilman C. E. Miller reported nie and Ernest of Nelscott and se­ investigated by Mrs. Webb who found Brownie Smile,” and were all so Banks and Dan Bash, Neah-Kah-Nie. that the Robert M. King trees have day morning, then gave herself up veral nieces and nephews. very proud to wear the Brownie pin. that 35 students are normally in at­ On the second team were Jack Wat­ been moved from Spencer avenue; to city police. An older brother, George Roy tendance at the summer classes and Assistant Brownie leaders are Mrs. Mrs. Pat Evans, aged 36, was with Wood, passed away in January of the cost is about $5.00 apiece for the Bernard Gilliland and Mrs. Sheridan son and Harry Kunkler, Warrenton; a stump was removed from E street; Terry Hortill and Bob Smith, Seaside a group of patients taken to the Port­ the cemetery mower has been fixed this year. season. Some of these students could Thiringer. and Hanson. and the wood from the Rock creek land zoo Tuesday. She walked away be helped by the PTA, also. The 21 Girl Scouts then had their from the group and told police that log jam has been cut and removed. This diversified summer program turn to perform their ceremonies she walked and hitchhiked here. The council received from Engineer has the advantage of using the exist­ which included lighting of candles. Wednesday morning she purchased Clarence Wagner a copy of noted de­ ing facilities available at this time. Three of the candles stood for the a diabetic syringe at the local drug ficiencies in the Terra contract work Other suggestions which have been Girl Scout promises and ten candles store and a bottle of spot remover made by members of the community for the Girl Scout laws. The promises cleaning fluid from a store. She in­ are a float in the Jamboree parade, and laws were recited by the girls jected the fluid in sufficient quanti­ Dr. S. A. Thiringer, city health student field trips, surveillance com­ as each candle was lit. They were A St. Helens housewife, Mrs. James ty to make her quite ill and to cause officer, stated this week that chick­ mittee for improper literature and then pinned by their leaders, Mrs. great pain, but not enough to cause enpox had reached epidemic propor­ magazines available to the youth here Wayne Welch and Mrs. Jim Brewer. T. Paterson, has been named Oregon Mother of the Year. Cited for her death. tions here and gave some pertinent in Vernonia, swing sets for the city The girls then sang “The Growing- outstanding leadership in the com­ She gave herself up to Earl Ray, information concerning the disease. park, books for the school libraries, up Tree” which concluded the cere­ munity in winning the honor, Mrs. The annual chamber of commerce city police officer, who took her to The high point of contagion is one a forceful campaign to inform youths mony. Paterson will go to New York City Town and Country Day smorgasbord the Vernonia clinic, then called the day prior to the onset of usual symp­ as to the harmful effects of alchohol Mrs. Henry Anderegg is the neigh­ May 1-7 to attend the American held Saturday evening drew a big­ state hospital. Personnel from the toms. It is spread by the spray from and tobacco, a new library, an over­ borhood ciiairman for the Girl Scouts. Mother’s Committe annual awards ger than ever crowd and has been hospital came for her about 2:30 the nose and is highly contagious at head mike for the high school, and Scheduled by the Scouts next week at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. acclaimed a success in every way. p.m. the time of onset. a portable spotlight for the use of Thursday, March 25, is a cookies There, she will be competing for the Over $300 was taken in and after The incubation period is from 14 both schools. sale fund-raising activity, the pro­ title of American Mother of the Year bills are paid, will leave a good to 21 days from date of contact. There will be an election at the fits from which will support the Girl along with contestants from the other amount for the work of the organiza­ He stated that the public health April PTA meeting as to which of Scout out-of-doors program. tion. 49 states. law for the state requires isolation these projects the members wish to The entertainment features, style of patients until all scabs have fall­ undertake. show and exhibits added much to the en off. It has been noted that some Unfortunately, the speaker schedul­ evening, and decorations in the hall children are allowed in public places ed, Bruce Grady, director of the ju­ set the scene for pleasant dining. All schools in district 47J will be while scabs are still in evidence and venile department, was unable to at­ Wednesday of next week, March 24, The door prize, a set of Texas closed from Wednesday, March 24 un­ this is contrary to law. tend. is the date of the next meeting of the Ware dishes was won by Mrs. Charles til Monday, March 29 for spring va­ Columbia County Historical Society Minger. A second prize, a set of cation. This will be the last vaca­ The two eighth grade classes at at the 4-H dining room at the coun­ Coming ware, was not claimed. The tion before the end of school. the Washington school will present ty fair grounds at Deer Island. The number was 168. If it is not claimed Following spring vacation, only their plays on the stage at the Wash­ meeting starts with a potluck dinner this week, another number will be nine weeks of school remain in this ington school at 8.00 p.m. this Fri­ at noon which will be followed by a drawn. Two other prizes, donated by school year. High school graduation day evening, March 19. Tickets are business session and program. All the Mar-Lee Beauty Salon, were will be May 21, but another week of 35 cents for adults, 25 cents for high persons interested in the history of awarded to Mrs. Nell Thackekr and school will occupy all students ex­ Students at Vernonia high school of the two coaches were not renew­ school students and 15 cents for the county are invited to attend. Charley Hickman. cept the graduating seniors. registered their disapproval of the ed on the decision of the board. When grade school pupils. failure of the school board to rehire students heard the news Friday, they Mulvaney’s First Case, to be pre­ a favorite teacher by sitting in the are reported to have begun talking sented by the section taught by halls at the high school for a brief of their desire to express their spec­ James Johns, is about a young inves­ time Monday. The demonstration was ial displeasure at losing Andrich, tigator trying to solve a case involv­ State Senator Dan Theil of Astoria came home with prize money for for a recognition ceremony April 19. described as orderly and the stu­ whom they state makes class inter­ ing a robber who steals an elderly Officers for the coming year were was speaker at the meeting of the their efforts. The team placed fifth dents, after being addressed by Prin­ esting. Apparently, ground work lady’s money. nominated and election will be held Vernonia Lions club Monday of this in all events. cipal Welcome Rumbaugh. returned was laid Monday for the demonstra­ Those in this play are Steven Poet- The club has set April 5 as the May 3. The club year will conclude to classes without incident. tion which took place Tuesday. ter, Shari Nightwine, Susan Howard, week and dealt with current legis­ date for the annual athletic banquet with installation May 17. The school board met Thursday More than half of the students are Rick Gardner, Doug Steele, John lative problems now under considera­ when members will be hosts to the A group from the St. Helens club evening of last week and issued re­ reported to have participated in the Tomlin, Pattie Rosser and Glenda tion. He is chairman of the joint Vernonia high school students who was present to ask support for their newal notices for 33 teachers and ac­ brief demonstration while others look­ Hahmeyer. ways and means committee and participated in the various sports presentation of the Forest Grove cepted the resignation of five. These ed on, though some who were in Mrs. Dorothy Sandon’s class will spoke especially of their work. He during this school year. Noah Allen, Gleemen April 2 to raise funds for were Dale Andrich, teacher of Ameri­ class rooms did not know it was in present Herbie the Hero, a comedy stated that the committee has ap­ director of athletics at Pacific Uni­ their project, the covering of the St. can History, American Problems and progress. about a family spending a winter va­ proved the increase from $133 to versity will speak. Helens swimming pool. basketball coach; Robert Wendell, Students had asked for a conference cationing in their mountain cabin. $152 per child in basic school sup­ Neil Zimmerman was named as At the March 1 meeting of tlie club, science teacher and football coach; with school officials so they could Herbie wants to be a hero in the eyes port funds and stated that he also chairman ot a committee to plan an the Parkrose dub visited. One of Boyd Gentry, science teacher who be given an explanation of the situa­ of his girl friend and many hilarious favored the completion of the low­ auction to raise funds for purchase their members, Frank Gray, present, resigned to accept a position in a tion. events ensue. er Columbia river highway to Astoria. of a wheel chair which would be ed the Vernonia club with a gavel junior college in Nebraska; Miss Bet­ Students have been told that the Students in this play are Steve A report from the state bowling made available for use of persons he had made. Harvey Redmond was ty Yundt. commercial teacher who decision rests with the board and that Myer, Joyce Knowlton. Christy Han­ tournament showed that Joe Magoff in the community as needed. initiated into the dub that evening plans to be married and Mrs. Doro­ proper procedure is for the com­ son. Zenda Ellis, Chris Smith, Stev­ teck first place in the singles tourna­ Plans are underway for the nam­ under the sponsorship of Wesley Bol­ thy Sandon who is retiring. plaints to be registered with the en Mishler, Kathy Henderson and ment at Salem and he, and Dr. T. M. ing of a Lion of the Year and Ralph meier. Joe Magoff was given his fifth Indications are that the contracts board by tax-paying parents. Dado Briones. Hobart, and Charley Hickman all Bergerson was appointed to arrange perfect attendance award. PTA Discusses Future Projects Death Claims Robert Wood Band, Choral Groups Await Music Festival Budget Group Approves New Expense Sheet Student for Month Named Steele Named League Guard Scout Croups Hold Ceremony Chickenpox at High Level Now Patient Tries Suicide Here Oregon's Year Mother Named Grade Classes Offer 2 Plays Society to Meet Dinner Fund Exceeds $300 Schools Slate Shorter Week Students Demonstrate Monday, Indicate Disapproval of Action Lions Hear Senator, Set Banquet Date