Demonia Eagle Garlock Home 8 THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1965 ROD AND GUN By Bob King Vernonia Rod & Gun Club By all indications, the combination of low clear water and enjoyable (if not fish productive) sunshine has just about wound up fishing in our area. The appearance of March-run steel­ head in this part of the river usually depends on water conditions. Although prime fish, most of these steelhead are not too far from spawn­ ing stage and many times low water stops them in lower stretches of the river. Steelhead fishing this season was not too sensational but proably bet­ ter than last season. One encourag­ ing sign was the presence of jack steelhead from the plant made in April 1964. I understand 65,000 steel­ head were planted in the Nehalem at that time and main return from these fish should occur next winter. Speaking of this last season’s fish­ ing, if anyone landed a larger steel­ head than Jim Brewer’s 17 pound 6 ounce buck caught below the old mill dam in January,this writer never heard of it. To bad some sportsmen from this area couldn’t go to Salem for the hearing of HB 1206 Monday. This bill combining the Fish and Game Com­ missions originally was backed by Oregon Wildlife Federation and oth­ ers, but after many amendments, ma­ ny alleged to have been sponsored by commercial fishing interests, the bill has drawn bitter opposition from most sportsmen. It seems almost im­ possible to get any real sportsmen- sponsored conservation measures through the legislature which is “as usual” at Salem. It may be noted that the opinions and ideas expressed in this column are not necessarily those of this news paper. See you next week. Group Picnics Sunday A t Spruce Run P ark NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and Dee, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and Sandra and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Math­ ews, all enjoyed a picnic at Spruce Run lake Sunday. Clarence Lindsay and his mother, Mrs. R. S. Lindsay called on Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap Saturday. Lawton Woddell called on them Mon­ day. Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey attended a shower for Mrs. Jon Carter Satur­ day at the home of Arm Bergerson near Vernonia. Natal Grange HEC met at the Grange hall Wednesday and gave it a good cleaning. They also cov­ ered some of the tables with plastic tablecloths purchased recently. Past Masters Plan to V is it Vernonia Grange The Columbia county Grange Past Masters' club will visit Vernonia Grange at its regular meeting Sat­ urday night, March 13. The lecturer’s l>rogram will include colored slides of Hawaii. A few weeks on resort sands often cause families to spend the rest of the year on the rocks. gum ESm B3S»-F-4QE After Surgery ŒZXIBESZZEOBEEIZB— 4 CO A S T . T O - C O A » BRUNSMAN < 6 IA S T TO COAST STORES MIST — Lloyd Garlock entered Portland Sanitarium Tuesday evening of last week and underwent surgery Wednesday morning. He is doing fine and came home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wagner of Hazel Dell, Washington spent the week end here with Mrs. Garlock. Mrs. Norman Hansen was the hon­ or guest Saturday evening at a birth­ day party given by Mr and Mrs. Bud Hemeon. Other guests were Mr. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch and Mr. Coatt-To-Coatt S to rti 7” ROLLER and Mrs. Shalmon Libel. EXCELIN EXTERIOR AND TRAY Mrs. Vivian Karvonen, Gayle and HOUSE PAINT SET Keith Katon of Clatskanie were Sat­ urday visitors at the A1 Sclilehuber home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock and GALLON Mrs. Mary Garlock took Mr. and • LINSEED O IL BASE PAINT REQUIRES Mrs. Willard Garlock to Portland NO PRIMERI Sunday morning to catch a plane • B LISTER RESISTANTI enroute to their home in Alaska. Mrs. • DRIES IN 1 HOURI (CA0210 SERIES) Ray Garlock and Mrs. Paul Thomp­ son were in Portland Monday on busi­ A m r with bkusm . ness. ROLLCR 01 STRAY CUM, Mist was well represented Friday KISTJ Get thi« special value roller and BRICS IH evening at the PTA revue in Ver­ WM, (AIM. M W M U TfS I tray set for faster, neater painting. M IL K « » - ÍGT0900-3\ nonia. Mrs. Bud Hemeon, Fred Busch, Mrs. Shalmon Libel and Mrs. Modem Bar U n iv r s a l C o s s i King "ÍO O " Sulo Sanders were among those who Regularly "Smart S a t" & KITCHEN VELOCIPEDE took a part. Many from here attend­ $21.95 HAIR DRYER STOOL ed the program and complimented it highly. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch and fami­ ly flew to Bums Sunday and visited EACH Mr. and Mrs. Lee Enneberg and fa­ mily, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hopkins IN HANDY CARRY-OUT and family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl CARTON Enneberg. They stated that weather was beautiful. • Whlta Check These Feoturesl Mr. and Mrs. Sulo Sanders, Don­ • Turquoise • Rear Step-Platel • Yellow na and Leslie and Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ • Ball Bearing Front Wheall Whisper quiet motor, 4 temperature • Semi-Pneumatic Tlroel ter Mathews enjoyed potluck dinner selections. Built-in nail polish dryer 3 0 " triple chrome plated stool with • Trimmed Metal Saddle! and hair perfumer. A ll in smart lug­ large, comfortable polypropylene after church Sunday then drove to (SX2420-7) gage style case. (WS0301-1) seat. (F I0030-2-FI0032-0) OTHER SIZES A V A ILA B LE Westport to see the Sanders home. At 5:30 Mrs. Sanders and the Math­ D e ity "C u b " Fam out Zebca Car Or ews visited the Sundlands and "S c o tte e '’ AIR RIFLE UTILITY watched College Bowl. HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E - F U R N IT U R E WE D E L IV E R - M a t tarara ft 36 Month 6 VOLT BATTERY SALE STARTS TOMORROW ^<•66 ROD & REEL Please advise us of your new ad- dress If you are planning to move Dad, here's the perfect rifle for your sonl Features lever action with 350 shot capacity. 32" overall length. (SA0954-4) $10" Exch. For a ll Chav., Ford, Plym. 19 56 and older. (D A 75-97) T V Plllow baeh RECUNE A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square $ J2 S Y ard___ __ Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. $1 5S 1 9x12 Plastic Surface Rugs— w oc 1—4 OC P E m ’5’ Relax In comfort. Foam con­ strue tad back, seat, pillow. Tufted styling, w ait trim. Beige Sago or Brown. (FA0075-6-FA0077-4) The Worlds First Jet Action Washer by Frigidaire CZ3 PC Decorative polyfoam pillow for your Finest fishing equipment combina* car or home. Durable covers of furn­ tion includes * *66" reel and 2-pc. iture fabric in many colors and pat­ solid glass, ebony finish rod w ith terns. (AB1404A4) specie cork handle. (5P2620-7 GARBAGE 20-Gal. Size Now Only __ 31-Gal. Size Now Only...... E- cza CL, With Jet-Away Lint Removal ’2 «4« " E- CL, E—< W e—a a CZÎ Goulds balanced flow shallow w ell system No tank, no extras. Now Only ’9 9 50 • New 12-lb. capacityl • Rinses extra-clean In fresh running waterl • Spins clothes driest of sill • 3-Rlng Agitator action cleans clothes Inside and outl SM O R G A SB O R D $279.95 SATURDAY, MARCH 13 Matching Frigidaire Electric Dryer DCD 65 Only........ Available in White or Colors Sponsored by Vernonia Chamber of Commerce Stand and T V Trays Now Only ’1 9 9 ” m T n » - a r i r m i w i m « T T T T » IT ’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA W hilem ans Home A fte r Visits W ith Children Please advise us of your new ad­ dress if you are planning to move. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Beauty Rest Inner Spring M attress and Box $ fT Q 5 0 Springs, Each • «7 Ragvlarty $ 5 .9 9 RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Whiteman returned home Wednesday after being away since December 20. They visited their daughter and fami­ ly, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Myer of Montrose, Colorado and stayed with the grandchildren while their par­ ents went to a dealers’ meeting at Mexico City. They also visited sever­ al sons: Joe Whiteman and family, Stillwater, Oklahoma; Wayne and family at Durango, Colorado; Glen at Farmington. New Mexico .and Captain Carl Whiteman and family of Salt Lake City who brought them home. Sgt. Billy Wells of Charleston, So. Carolina came Monday to spend his leave at the home of his mother, Mrs. Maude Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hunt and five children of Eugene spent Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. L. Lloyd. You name your game, ping-pong or check­ ers, cards or chess. Play it hard, and it takes a lot out of you. T hat’s when you like most to settle down in a soft chair and enjoy your friends' talk and your beer’s taste. Beer was made to relax with. Made to refresh you, cool you, cheer your taste. So next time you’re playing some sociable at-home game, take time out for the companionable taste of beer. ’4 9 ” »5 EACH 19” Mortorola Portable What’s in a name? Well to find out, just try mentioning the wrong one in your sleep. Slum ber King Innei Spring M attress and B ox Springs Price, each PILLOW Reynolds H ave Guests From O ther Places . MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doty of Portland were dinner guests Wed­ nesday at the H. M. Reynolds home. Mrs. Willard Garlock visited with Mrs. Reynolds the latter part of the week and Gayle Karvonen of Clats­ kanie visited them Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. .Marvin Wilson of Sweet Home were at the Hugh Cox home a short while Saturday after­ noon. They also visited with the Mar­ tin Hansens. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Wayne Kyser were in St. Helens on business. Mrs. Earl Knowles visited with Mrs. Cox Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schroeder of Marshland and grandson, Mitchell Schroeder of Vancouver visited with the Charles Hansens Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Norman Hansen were in Astoria Friday to attend the Lower Columbia Dairy as­ sociation annual dinner at the La­ bor Temple. Upon returning home, the elder Hansens found Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kulju of Portland there painting the living room. Mrs. Bob Roeser and children of Astoria visited at the Hansen home Sunday. SIMMONS Is your home U N D E R -IN S U R E D ? G et full fire c o v e r a g e ot lo w e r cost ut CSVCD Meeting To Be March 17 The board of supervisors of the Clatskanie Soil and Water Conserva­ tion district will hold their monthly meeting the evening of March 17 at the Soil Conservation Service of­ fice in Clatskanie. All persons inter­ ested in the district program or wishing assistance are invited to at­ tend. The district's annual meeting was held at the Clatskanie high school during February. During the short business meeting the annual report was read, showing progress for the year ending December 31, 1964. Elections were held for two super­ visor positions and Jerry Hicks, Mayger, and Russel Carver. Wood- son, were reelected for four-year terms. Entertainment was furnished by Petty Haakenson and Gayle Karvo­ nen. Clatskanie high school students, who gave vocal solos and by the sixth grade clarinet trio of Pam Groskopf. Danita Dye and Judy An- icker. Completing the evening John Cowles, Rainier, showed slides and narrated his adventures in excavat- ing a cave in Eastern Oregon for Indian artifacts, and pictures of wild­ life taken in Eastern and Western Oregon. Some of the big bucks shown were real trophy deer and had the hunters in the crowd reaching for their guns and raring to go. The following farmers completed their conservation farm plans dur­ ing the month of February, utilizing technical assistance from the Clats­ kanie SWCD: C. E. Glick, Fishhawk creek; Theron Johnstun, Rainier; Wendall Wilke, Hudson: and Jesse Waldrip, Alston Comers. Twenty farmers received techni­ cal services from the district with a total of 47 services given. These services are furnished to the farm­ ers cooperating with the district in applying conservation measures to the land at no cost. It is made avail- able to all who wish these services. Roy Johnson, area conservationist, and Irving Nicholas, state soil con­ servationist of the Soil Conservation Service were at Vernonia February 15, serving as technical advisors to the district in assisting Wm. Gard­ iner, Timber route, in developing his conservation farm program. A new parttime addition to the local staff of the service, assisting the Clatskanie SWCD, is Bill Eagle of Astoria who will spend one or two days a week at Clatskanie, serving as an engineering technician. Those who want engineering or planning assistance from the district should contact them early and give the SCS technician, Calvin Gregg, time to schedule the work. KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 “Where Your Money Buys More" Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery — From your home-owned, independent grocery— FAST • FAIR • FRIENDLY LLOYD QVINN - HA »-5211 SHOP BY PH 0N E -Y 0U RING, WE BRING