CLASSIFIED ADS BOWLING FOR SALE-General SERVICES FOR SALE: Large flat agate polish­ er, $120. See it at 1017 First Avenue. Mrs. Grant Thayer. 10t3 MR. HOWARD OLDEN of the Pfaff Sewing Center will be in Vernonia to service Pfaff or any other sewing machine Friday, March 12. For help or information please call the Eagle or Nichols Variety. lOtlc Corey Hill Ceramics at home of Dorothy Carter 1542 Bridge St. — Vernonia AUTHORIZED FRANCHISED DEALER FOR REWARD GLAZES FINANCE your new 1965 car with a loan from Vernonia Federal Cred­ it Union. 853 Bridge St. 43tfc Open for FREE classes. All supplies available. Evening classes if desired. SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens Greenware—Giftware—Firing Visitors always welcome 397-0650 daytim e; 10t3 PIANO for sale, fair condition. Riv­ erview Cabins, HAzel 9-3344 . 9t3c CONSOLE PIANO BUY! Want re­ sponsible party in this area to as­ sume small mo. pyts. Write or phone 363-5707, Adjustor, Tallman Piano Stores, Inc., Salem, Ore. 8t3c CARNATION FUEL - ELgin 7-6821 - Forest Grove. Immediate delivery, slab or planer wood for next two months. Order now. 8tfc FOR SALE: One Jersey cow; also, two purebred Ayrshires, both bred. 8t3c Doc Fuquay, HAzel 9-6506. J. H. McKnighl Well Driller Rt. 1, Box 240, Warren, Oregon Domestic, irrigation or well drilling. exploratory Also Pump Sales and Service FHA or GI Terms Available Write or call collect, St. Helens 397-2910 50tfc FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 25tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611.__________________ ltfc FOR SALE-Real Estate TWO-BEDROOM house plus garage. All electric. On one acre, cleared, approx, two miles SW of golf course on Timber road. V. A. Kuborn. HA­ zel 9-3271. 9t3 BILL HORN REALTY and Vernonia Rank Bldg. Insurance Exchange HAzel 9-6203 FARM LISTINGS NEEDED Columbia River Real Estate REALTORS VERNONIA BRANCH 866 Bridge St. Phone HA 9-5211 FRED FLOETER, Broker LLOYD QUINN, AGENT App. 1 acre with nice 3 bedroom home, on Nehalem River. $8750. COMFORTABLE for a couple—com­ er lot, close in. Walk to shop. $3500 397-0074 after 5:00 p.m. 46tfc Haberman's Neat PROCESSING PLA NT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx., 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road _____________________________ltfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. Phene, office, 397-0698; home, 397- 0018. Private surveying, engineering work. 24tfc MISCELLANEOUS WOULD $40 per week fill the gap between income and outgo? 15 hours a week, days or evenings and Sat­ urdays. Must have car. Joe Rezac, 201 Lloyd Plaza, Portland, Oregon. 4tfc WANTED MEN'S LEAGUE L W Wednesday night 15 Ralph’s Chevron 9 Shaw Bros. 13% 10% St. Helens Ice & Bev. 10% 13% 15 Dean's Market 9 High series, Ted Bodenhamer 537; high game, Phil Woodworth 234. Splits picked up: Phil Woodworth 2-7 and 4-5, Bob Bates 3-10, Rex Normand 5-7, Bill Ritz 3-10, Ted Bo- denhamer 2-5-7-8. W L Thursday night 11 17 Crown Zellerbach 15 13 Lions Club 15 13 Vernonia Milk 9 19 Bob’s Union High series, Bob Curl 556; high game, Phil Woodworth 217. Splits picked up: Charlie Hickman 5-10 and 5-7, Dick Aldrich 3-10, Rex Normand 5-10, Bob Curl 3-10, Jack Holsey 2-4-10. WOMEN'S LEAGUE Women’s League standings W L 18 10 Pills 16% 11% Standard Oil Quinn’s Insurance 13% 14% 8 20 West Oregon Joyce Johnson, high game, 207, and high series, 509. Splits picked up: Norma McCloud 6-7-10 and 2-7, Isabel Anderegg 5-6- 10, Nell Thomas 2-7 and 4-5, Janet Fields 5-6-10, Trudy Magoff 3-10, Dorris Krieger 4-5, Eunice Tovey 4-5. When a man refers to life as a lottery the chances are he has drawn a blank. FREE REAL ESTATE TRAINING. STROUT REALTY, with offices coast to coast, desires salesmen in Vernonia area, to expand the Port­ THE COLUMBIA COUNTY land office. Will give free training to CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION those qualified. Phone, write, or ANNOUNCES AN EXAMINATION come for interview, to H. H. Breck, FOR 14117 S. E. McLoughlin Blvd., Port­ Road Maintenance Man 4 land. Phone 654-8297 anytime. 10t3 $420 - $480 Eighth Grade graduates with two WANTED: Pasture for 20 head of cattle. Robert Borders, HAzel 9- years of experience in road construc­ tion, maintenance and repair, includ­ 5123. _______________ 10t3c ing experience operating highway WANTED: Platoon leader with ap­ motorized equipment; or considera­ proximately 40 pickers to pick 16 ble experience in the construction, acres of first year Marshall straw­ maintenance and repair of bridges. Clerk Typist 2 berries. Prefer person to drive bus $265 - $326 but not required. Top wages paid High School Graduate and one year for right person. Call collect EAst 4-2057 or write Virgil Allen, Star Rt., of experience in office or related Buxton. 10t3c clerical work involving use of the typewriter. WANT hand-split cedar rails, 10 ft. Administrative Assistant 1 length, new or used. Contact Western Promotional Home Decorators, 4344 S. Cedar $360 - $460 Oak Drive, Oswego. Write, or call High School Graduate and four 636-6122.______________________ 10t2 years of experience in responsible Want to buy farm for cattle and clerical and office management work. All applicants must be U. S. citi­ horses. Must have water and build­ ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call zens and residents of Oregon. Obtain Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write application forms from Columbia 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore­ County Civil Service Office, Room gon. 20tfc 205, Court House, St. Helens, Oregon. Applications must be filed by 5:00 p.m., March 16, 1965. LEGAL NOTICE FOR RENT lOtlc FARM LAND for rent. Harold Ber- gerson, Keasey Route, HAzel 9-5949. lOtfc CARD OF THANKS County Court Minutes — The Columbia county court, having this day met in regular session for the purpose of transacting county business, with the following members present: Judge Earl N. Seawright, Commissioners Louis J. Wasser, and O. D. Clark, Whereupon the follow­ ing business was transacted: The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and approved. Miscellaneous claims were approv­ ed. Bill Armstrong of the Midland district met with the court to discuss repair work on the dike road near there. He will discuss the matter fur­ ther with the roadmaster. The monthly report of Veteran Ser­ vice Officer, H. J. Erickson, was read by the court. Donald Parcher submitted his re­ signation from the park commission. Said resignation was accepted by the court. A bid of $1750.00 was received from H. A. Strong for the county shop building, now being rented by Rain­ ier Machine Works, in Rainier. He also enclosed a bid of $250 for the lot across C Street from said build­ ing. The court will take said matter under advisement. A request was received from the planning commission asking what the court would like to do regarding future plans with the Bureau of Muni­ cipal research. The minutes of the February 15 planning commission meeting were read by the court. A letter was received from Paul Paulson enclosing a suggestion re­ garding the disposal of automobile bodies by wrecking yards within a certain period of time. He would like to have this m atter considered for legislative action. In a m atter of a deed from Colum­ bia county to the State Highway Commission for the Apiary road, or­ iginally signed on September 23, 1964, it was decided to set a time limit for acceptance of said deed. This was re­ ferred to the district attorney. A letter dated February 19, 1965, from the Columbia County Public Employees Local No. 697, signed by Herman W. Johnson, secretary, was received by the court. Johnson re­ quested a meeting with the court to discuss wages. Commissioner Was­ ser moved and Commissioner Clark seconded that Judge Seawright write a letter to them inviting their repre­ sentatives to meet with the court at the next regular session. Motion car­ ried. A letter received from Mr. Hoe- fke, chairman of the Oregon State Tax Commission, regarding apprais­ ers and the local budget laws. Upon recommendation of Roy A. Nelson, clerk, Kathleen L. Petersen was appointed a deputy county clerk, limited to support action only. Nothing further coming before the court, the same adjourned until March 3, 1965. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon this 24th day of February, 1965. COLUMBIA COUNTY COURT Earl N. Seawright COUNTY JUDGE Earl N. Seawright County Judge Louis J. Wasser Commissioner O. D. Clark Commissioner West Coast Co. Asks Decision West Coast Telephone Co., a sub­ sidiary of General Telephone Co., 2 B/R house to rent $37.50. 3 B/R New York, has filed an application house to rent $37.50 with the state public utility commis­ CABINS for ren, furnished, River- sioner asking that it be named the 9t3c 100 x 100 comer lot with 2 B/R house. view Cabins. HAzel 9-3344. sole telephone utility in the areas Stoves included $2800. it presently exclusively serves in CHERRY TREE Apts. Completely ltMlc furnished except bedding, dishes. Oregon. The application also asks for approval of contracts establish­ Rent includes all utilities, heat, lights TWO HOUSES, 100' x 100' lot; 6-ft. ing boundaries between West Coast concrete basement; sale or trade water. Private bath, kitchenettes. and a number of other telephone util­ 830 Jefferson Ave. HAzel 9-5042. for small farm near Alsea. Helene ities. lOtfc Moore, 1332 State Ave., Vernonia. The Oregon areas now exclusively 10t3 served by West Coast are: Coos CUSTOM BUILT ABC mobile home, Bay, Beaverton, Forest Grove, 10 x 50, furnished, on beautifully THE EAGLE assumes no financial Gresham, Clatskanie, McMinnville landscaped comer lot, 85 x 50. All responsibility for errors that may MR. and Mrs. J. R. Lindsley wish and La Grande-Enterprise. to extend their sincere thanks to the electric, eye level oven, counter top The boundary establishing con­ appear In ads published in its col­ members of the Christian Church for tracts are with Pacific Northwest range. Car port. Well built insulated umns, but in cases where this pa­ their assistance and kindness in the Bell Telephone Co. and Sunnyside utility building and shop, 16 x 24; per is at fault, will reprint that preparations for their wedding. electric heat, washer, dryer, double Telephone Co. and concern pockets part of an adv. In whieh the typo­ lOtl of territory in the Hillsboro. Oswego, tubs, twin sinks, water heater, show­ graphical mistake occurs. er, cement floor. 10 x 35 cement pat­ MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words Tigard, Stafford, Fairview and Bor­ D e m o n ia E a g le io, aluminum awning. On paved ing areas. or less. Words over minimum, 4c street, side walks, sewer, city water. West Coast has about 96,000 cus­ each. Three insertions for the price MARVIN KAMHOLZ tomers in Oregon and did about $9,- One block from Rock Creek, 8 blocks of two. Editor and Publisher from Nehalem River. Moving away; NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY 000.000 worth of business here in 1960. Official Newspaper of will sacrifice. A. W. Gardner, 1112 The application was filed under ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AF­ Vernonia, Oregon Washington Ave. 10t3 the terms of a utility area certifi- TER TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT Entered as second class mail mat­ tion law passed by the 1961 legisla­ FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office ture as a means of putting an end NO information on classifieds will be in Vernonia, Oregon under the act to the unnecessary duplication of given out until after paper is m ail­ of March 3, 1879. Subscription price expensive facilities by competing 1961 CHEV Impala 4-dr. HT, V-8, ed. $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. electric, telephone and gas utilities. PG. $1695 BLIND ADS with answers to be han­ Elsewhere $3 50 1961 CHEV %-ton pickup. 4-spd, hea­ dled by The Eagle: Minimum vy duty, $1395. charge $1.00. No information given H IW 1 R A H R 1956 PONTIAC, 2-dr. HT, $395. relative to such ads. PU BLISH ««» 1958 CHEV 2-dr sedan, V-8, PG, $775. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 for X |j ^ > A S $ O C I A T I O N 1952 CHEV %-ton pickup, 4-spd, $360. up to 12 lines. Additional lines. 8c FOR RENT: Three-roam Phone HAzel 9-3724. house. 10t3 CLASSIFIED RATES WE WISH to thank each and every one of you who were so kind and thoughtful during the loss of our mother The cards, flowers and other expressions of sympathy have meant so much. We especially appreciated the lunch served at the IOOF hall to the family and thank the Vernon­ ia Grange ladies, the Pythian Sis­ ters and others who helped with it. It is at times such as this that the warmth and friendliness of Vernonia people really is noticed. The family of Mrs. Clara Lindsley lOtl FOR SALE-Car, Truck each. 1965 CHEV pickups, $1996. Vernonia Chevrolet Co. 493 Bridge St.___________ HAzel 9-5023 ^ L £ ^ cq ,|5 n N A T IO N A L A fisherman may not catch a good string, but he always comes home with a good yarn. E D IT O R IA L Demonia Eagí¿ Historical Society Given Bell Used in Schools 100 Years Ago T h e Columbia County Historical Society met in the 4-H dining room on the county fairgrounds Wednes­ day, February 24, with a good atten­ dance. After the noon meal, the meet­ ing was called to order by the presi­ dent, Wm. C. Wood, and the regular order of business was taken care of. A bell used in schools over one hundred years ago by Mrs. Anna Per­ kins’ grandfather and later by her mother was brought to the meeting by the secretary, Mrs. Pearl Becker, and sent to the museum at Vernonia. Mrs. Perkins has donated the bell, April 1 Last Vet Tax Date Disabled war veterans and war widows have only until April 1 to apply for their annual property tax exemptions, H. J. Erickson, Colum­ bia county veterans’ service officer, warns. The application must be filed with the county assessor in the courthouse Erickson said. The e x e m p t i o n amounts to $7500 of the true cash value of the property . Those entitled include unremarried widows of war veterans, and veterans with disabilities of 40 percent or more. Spanish-American War vet­ erans don’t have to prove disability to qualify. A separate benefit Is provided for widows and disabled veterans resid­ ing in house trailers, in the way of an annual license fee reduction of up to $100. Application for this bene­ fit is filed with the Department of Motor Vehicles. Erickson said further details con­ cerning both benefits are available at his office, located in Vernonia city hall, on the first and third Tuesday mornings of each month. Coin Club Slates Display Meeting The Nehalem Valley Coin club of Vernonia will hold a display meeting at 1:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon, April 25, at Vernonia, according to Mrs. Marion ( R u th ) Steers, president. This is an amateur display, she stat­ ed. The followng committees w e r e named at the recent meeting: Dis­ plays, George Laws; hospitality and registration, Harry Emmons; prizes, Marion Steers and Arlie Emmons; building, Joey Acaiturri; publicity, Walter Huser, Fred Zelfer and Glad­ ys Laws; refreshments, Jennie Sied- elman and Rose Marie Siedelman. The show will be open to the public. Additional information will be given later. Film Scheduled The Christian Community Youth group is showing a film at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 20 at the Christian church which is open to everyone. along with other historical records to the museum. Also, articles donated by Harriet Davidson and once belong­ ing to her mother, Mrs. LeBarre, were received. Mrs. Ervin Abraham told of a visit to the Welter home at Goble and of the many interesting Indian relics seen. Faye Confer, daughter of J. N. Rice, told of her father’s many years of activity in this county. He is now in a nursing home at Gresham and will be 100 years of age soon. Old roads and early settlers of the Nehalem valley were discussed by Mr. and Mrs. I r a Petersen and others. They are pioneers of the val­ ley, but now live at Warren. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hislop, cura­ tors of the museum, report fairly good crowds at the museum on weekends, with business expected to look up when spring comes. Since the district homemakers meeting for the four northwest counties is sche­ duled to be held in Vernonia on Mon­ day, April 26, when the museum is usually closed, arrangements are be­ ing made to have it open that after­ noon so visitors from the other coun­ ties may see the exhibits. Since volume 4 of the Columbia Co. Historical booklet will soon be ready to print, and quite a number of Books No. 2 and 3 are still unsold, it was voted to sell them for 75 cents each to make room for the next is­ sue. Copies may be bought from Mrs. Pearl Becker, St. Helens; Wm. C. Wood. Clatskanie; Western Farmers Co-op of St. Helens and the museum, Vernonia. The next meeting is scheduled for March 24 in the 4-H dining room on the fairgrounds. Stockmen Slate Dinner Meeting The annual meeting of the Colum­ bia County Livestock association has been scheduled as a dinner meeting at the Clatskanie union high school multipurpose room at 7:00 p.m. Tues­ day, March 30, reports President Kay VanNatta. Committees are currently planning the program details and making ne­ cessary arrangements. All dairy and livestock owners of the county are welcome to attend, says VanNatta, as the dinner will be pot-luck except for coffee which will be furnished by the association. Demonia Eagle 6 THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1965 MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. EL 7-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon­ day until noon; Hogs received Tues­ day and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, take Tilla­ mook road 1% m i., take first lefthand road. ltfc Read the ads, it will pay you! TRANSIT M IX CONCRETE MASON SAND — ROAD GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK CHARLES T. PARKER CONSTRUCTION CO. P. O. Box 7588 6457 N. E. Columbia Blvd. Portland 20, Oregon PHONE 543-2336 SCAPPOOSE, OREGON LUBRICATION k k k Let Bob’s protect your car from the wear of friction with an expert point-by-point lubrication today. Bob for all of your car needs. s U N IO N S E R V IC E See