SUNKIST FANCY NAVEL food S avings HILLSDALE BARTLETT THREE DIAMONDS 7-oz Fey. Solid Pack in Water 4/95* Tuna BLUE DELL OREGON Pickles 40-oz. Jar Cured In Wood 55 F O R In Light Syrup No. 2'/j Cans Case of 24....$5,75 2Vi Tins Purple Plum s HEINZ DILL H 5 /* l PEARS s 4 1 SUNSHINE ll'/i-oz. Pkg. Coconut Macaroon Cookies Tom atoes 28-oz. Can. 3-Lb. Can CRISCO Shortening IXL •I* Chili BOILING New Residents Buy 0A House them to see flood damage in that area and enroute home they saw the damage at Mapleton which was very hard hit and had its post office de­ molished. O&rnonia Eagle JO Y T H E A T E R Kissin Cousins ATTEND Vernonia Chamber of Commerce Town and Country Day Smorgasbord and en­ tertainment. SATURDAY evening, March 13 at the Legion hall at 5:30 p.m. and enjoy the following PROGRAM 5 :30—Smorgasbord starts. 6:30— High school girls singing group. 6:45—Style show by Fabrics ’n Fashions. 7 :00-7:15— Dancers. 7:30—Band, The Kings Men 8:00—Door Prizes. DISPLAYS by 19 Vernonia area merchants. Last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Folken and George Newton drove to Oysterville, Washington near Long Beach. They stated that much storm debris still litters the beaches. Cread Morgan, manager of Deans Market, is laid up this week with an injured ankle which resulted from a cycle accident. While he is off work. Bud Evans is acting as store manag­ er. He had been manager of the Deans Market at St. Helens which has now been bought out by Safeway. After he leaves here. Deans is send­ ing him to the Eugene area. Please advise us of your new ad­ dress if you are planning to move. Dales To Rememlier THURSDAY, MARCH 11 Abundant Food Demonstration-West Oregon Bldg. - 1 p.m. CWF - First Christian church - 1:30 p.m. 4-H Demonstration meeting - Wash­ ington school - 7:30 p.m. St. Mary’s Altar Society - Home of Mrs. Ralph Valpiani - 8 p.m. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 12 Mist-Birkenfeld Extension Unit-Bir- kenfeld Center - 10:30 a.m. Beginners Knitting class - West Ore­ gon Bldg. - 7:30 p.m. Vernonia Gem and Fossil Club-Fire hall - 8 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 13 Town and Country Smorgasbord-Le­ gion hall - 5:30 to 8 p.m. Vernonia Grange - hall by golf course, 8:00 p.m. MONDAY, MARCH 15 Lions club dinner meeting - Fire hall - 6:30 p.m. Girl Scout and Brownies investiture- Washington school - 7 p.m. Vernonia PTA - Washington school- 8 p.m. American Legion Post No. 119 - Le­ gion hall - Birthday potluck, 6:30 p.m. City council - City hall - 8 p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 16 Veterans service officer - City hall- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. EUB Guild - Home of Mrs. Carl Da­ vis - 8 p.m. American Legion auxiliary - Legion hall, 1:30 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 EUB Circle - EUB church - 1 p.m. Pruning demonstration - High school 10:30 a.m. Don Bergerson home - 1 p.m. Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple - 8 p.m. — Member of United Grocers — Free Deliveries Twice Daily—10 A.M., 3 P.M. M EAT D E P A R T M E N T Armour’s Fully Cooked V Q . Boned & Rolled. Lb. > TIMBER RT.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snyder and family from Sweet Home spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Carl Snyder and Bert. They all were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Reynolds and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wienecke and Darwin of Springfield spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Carl Wienecke. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Milbert Wienecke and Jim from Eugene visited the group. Mrs. Carl Snyder was a dinner guest of Mrs. Rena Waldron in Ver­ nonia Monday. Craig Bergerson was on overnight guest of Ron Smith Saturday. O N ALL CATALOG ORDER SALES Tltestenn rfute Stone MR. AND MRS. RON McDONALD Vernonia, Oregon .49 c Let's Get Acquainted! Happy Cooks Prepare For Demonstrations Do You Know This Man? .March 4, the Happy Cooks 4-H club met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Hig­ Bern August 17, 1900 at Olla, Louis­ iana. ginbotham. The girls did their demonstrations Came to Vernonia in March of 1925. far practice. The demonstrations will Married January 11, 1927 at Van­ be given March 11 at 7:30 p.m. at couver, Washington. the Washington grade school. Has seven children, a number of The girls decided to have a spec­ grandchildren. ial meeting on the night of the dem­ Worked for the Oregon-American onstrations elfter school. Lumber company and successors. Lorna Westlind, reporter Left the mill one month before it closed and went elsewhere to work, but later returned here. Making Rope Halters He once was manager for the Ver­ Discussed by Club nonia baseball team. The third meeting of the Winema He is an avid and successful fisher­ Livestock club was held at Alan and man. Jan Johnston’s home Wednesday, One might not believe it but part February 24. The discussion was on of his time is spent “parking.” making a rope halter. (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ Mrs. Johnston served refreshments. chols) Answer to Feb. 25 quiz: Reporter, Raymond Grimsbo John H. Townsend. Nurse a grouch and it will soon grow big enough to chase away all your friends. A -V -O -N Gardeners seem to come in three types—the grower, the mower, and the show-er. C -A L - L - I - N - G inviting you to attend a class to gain know­ ledge of skin care and make-up. Presented by experienced cosmetic advisor. NO OBLIGATION — FREE SAMPLES DOOR PRIZES — REFRESHMENTS QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD West Oregon Bldg. — March 17,1:00 P.M. Family Together For Dinner Last Sunday 10% DISCOUNT Phone HAzel 9-6641 You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone—HAzel 9-3492 12U-oz. Pkg. Shortbread Choc Stripe BOOTH FROZEN BREADED RIVERVIEW - Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Pendergrass of Modesto, California have bought on OA house across from the Mill Market and moved there last week. Mr. Pendergrass is a re­ Ralph Anderegg was home from tired railroad man. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long and Corvallis last week end to visit his Mrs. Chris Larsen has been well parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ander­ family visited at the home of Mr. feted this week in observance of her egg. He brought with him two other and Mrs. Henry Hudson Sunday. Mrs .Maude Wells and Mrs. Grover birthday. Sunday, she and Mr. Lar­ Oregon State University students, sen were dinner guests of her son Bob Lewis of McMinnville and Dave Botkin and children spent the week and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hyde Marks of Fossil. Other guests at the end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester and family at the Country Kitchen Anderegg home Saturday were his Wells at Eugene. Mrs. Grace Normand, who lives at at Cedar Hills. Monday, Mr. Larsen sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. took her on a drive to Arch Cape Paul Myer of Portland and his moth­ the Newberg Care home, visited at and after their return home that ev­ er, Mrs. A. Anderegg of Clackamas. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons and Normand Monday to Friday of last ening, neighbor ladies came in for cake and coffee. The beautifully dec­ Mr. and Mrs. Joey Acaiturri were in week. Sunday night visitors at the John orated cake’ was made by Mrs. Sallie Walla Walla last week end to attend Brown. Included in the group were that city’s coin rendevous and re­ Normand home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley and children of Mrs. Pearle Adams, Mrs. C. New, port a most enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Davies re­ Springfield. Mrs. F. McCabe, Mrs. John Andrews, Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. Gertrude ceived word this week from their son, Craig, who is a senior in en­ 97459. Hacksma and Mrs. Earl Trombly. Mrs. J. E. Tapp of North Plains Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hazen took gineering at Oregon State University, advantage of the good weather last Corvallis, that he has been accepted and her brother-in-law, Earl Tapp of week end far a visit with their son, for graduate work in engineering Salt Lake City were in Vernonia Lester Hazen, and his family at at Penn State University in Pennsyl­ Thursday of last week. Earl Tapp had lived here many years ago when Reedsport. Their son, who is now vania. Last Saturday, Ronnie Hotrum, the mill was in its heyday of opera­ vice-principal of the Reedsport high school had news for them that he son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Hotrum tion. Mrs. Tapp had received news will advance to principal April 1. of Spokane, who formerly liver here, that morning of the arrival of her While at Reedsport, their son took called on Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff thirteenth grandchild, a little girl He now is a student at Cascade Col­ who arrived that morning at the lege in Portland, studying for the home of Mr. and Mr.s Charles Tapp ministery. His girl friend, Miss San­ of Seattle. This is their third daugh­ dy Homus, accompanied him. This ter. In November, grandchild num­ 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1965 was his first visit here since leav­ ber 12, also a girl had arrived at the ing 10 years ago. Thursday of last home of their daughter Mary and week, Mrs. J. E. Tapp of North husband, Mr. and Mrs. Scott McDon­ Plains and Earl Tapp of Salt Lake ald of Lakeview. She has been nam­ City called on the Stiffs. ed Judy Lynn and joined a sister Friends here have received news and two brothers. March 12-13 Fri., Sat. from former resident, Mrs. Gertrude Mrs. Walter Kent of Newberg spent Rusow, that she underwent exten­ last week end here as the house sive foot surgery Monday of this guest of Mrs. Bertie Bassett. She was week at the Keizer Memorial hos­ able to see many of her former neigh­ Elvis Presley pital in North Bend. Her home ad­ bors here due to the good weather dress is 2964 Broadway, North Bend Also, she and Mrs. Bassett attended the PTA Revue Friday evening and she attended services at the EUB church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Justin Folken drove to Devil’s Elbow park near the Sea Lion caves last Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Stankey. They saw much debris on the beaches but said the beach combers are doing a lot toward clearing it. and Lockers 3 55* 2/85* 75* 3/50* KlCG I • LOOKIGS 2/85* 3/95* S |4 5 85* Shrim p 59* Onions a-Lb. Bag 15* 2'/i S au erkrau t Tins 2-Lb. Pkg. Large 40-oz. Can CON CARNE TOPICS OF THE T O W N 2-Lb. i Pkgs. STEINFELD’S FCY. 10* MILL MARKET Frozen la sh Brown Potatoes NABISCO f B&M BAKED Peak of the Crop Box...........$3.65 POUND............... RU S-ETTES Z D3 MINUTE Lge. 28-oz. Pkg. q * Long Grain White...................... HUNT’S STEWE1 Beans ORANGES Precision is the watchword of the pharmacist Your registered pharmacist is dedicated to the principle that every prescription must be filled precisely in the manner that the physician intended it to be fill­ ed.