D em onia E agle 4 Farm Foresters, St. Helens Chamber Seek Tree Farmer THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1965 Final Phase oi Workshop Due The third and final phase of the Ornamental Workshop will be pre­ sented Thursday, March 4 at the McBride grade school, reports Co­ lumbia County Agent Tom Zinn. The topic to be covered at this session will be lawn care and main­ tenance TTus will include such sub­ jects as insect and disease control, weed control, fertilizing, renovating, propel' soil and seed recommenda­ tions for planting new lawns. Dr. Norm Goetze, Oregon State University turf specialist, will pre­ sent the program. Dr. Goetze is con­ sidered one of the best turf special­ ists on the West Coast . Approximately 460 home gardeners have attended the first two sessions, says Zinn. Twenty-one door prizes were awarded to the lucky ticket holders attending the first two phases of the workshop. Feed and seed stores, flower shops and nurseries will have some more prizes available at this session. There is no fee charged for this session. If the first two were missed, the final phase can still be attended. The time is fast approaching for work to begin on the home lawn. Home owners that take particular pride in their lawns will not want to miss this final session, points out Zinn. Sewing Sisters Work On Aprons At Meeting A work meeting of the Sewing Sis­ ters 4-H club was held February 20 with seven members present. All the time was used to start sewing on their aprons. The girls sewed and pressed the ties and pressed the side seams ready to be sewed. Refreshments of doughnuts and chocolate were served by their lead­ er. The next meeting will be March 6. News reporter, Sharon Brewer The Columbia County Farm Fores­ try committee and the St. Helens Chamber of Commerce are embark­ ing on a special forestry award pro­ gram to pick a tree farmer of the year under the 'Trust in Trees' name, it was announced jointly this week by Everett Skeans, forestry committee chairman, and Rod Norwood, cham- Log Accident Injures Hult TIMBER RT.—Jim Hult was in­ jured in a logging accident last Wed­ nesday. He was in the hospital for several days and had surgery to put a pin in his broken shoulder. He came home the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bledsoe, son Mike and daughter Kay from Tilla­ mook visited his sister, Mrs. Carl Wienecke Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Victoria Rowe from Vancouv­ er, Washington and her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Reed from St. Helens spent Wednesday with their daughter and sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birt. Mrs. Carl Wienecke spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Todd and family at Aloha. Mrs. Carl Snyder and Bert had as Saturday guests the four daugh­ ters of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Reyn­ olds. Mrs. Reynolds took Glenn to the hospital for his checkup. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thacker and Kenney from Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker visited Mrs. Nell Thacker Saturday. Silver Anniversary Of Couple Observed RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckner and Mrs. Artie Buckner vis­ ited Sunday afternoon at Hillsboro at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buck­ ner who celebrated their 25th wed­ ding anniversary that day. Helping Vickie Strong celebrate her birthday at her home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rash, Mrs. Mae Rash, Mrs. Agnes Peachey of Port­ land, Mrs. Grace Peachey and George Peachey. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cedarberg of Salem spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eckland. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd, for­ mer Riverview residents, moved from North Plains to Sumner, Wash­ ington last week end. Love is one game that is never called off because of darkness. Demonstration Homelite Pumps H O M E LITE SUPER XL CHA IN S A W Sunday, March 7, 1965 30% Faster Cutting at The world’s lightest direct drive chain saw with super power, the new Homelite Super XL, makes fast work of cutting firewood. Zips through 10" oak in 8 sec­ onds and will fell trees up to 4 feet in diameter. New fuel ca­ pacity— 35% greater. Weighs only 13 lbs., 12 oz., less bar and chain. You'll more than save the cost of buying cordwood and have fun doing it. Come in for a free demonstration. City Park at 1 P.M. Model T-5 and T-7 Terry High Pressure Fire Pumps Model 300 G.P.M. Pumps Also Demonstration of New XL Chain Saws and other Homelite Equipment Free Coffee & Donuts KEASEY'S SAW SHOP K EA SEY'S SAW SHOP HA 9-5555 292 Bridge, Vernonia, Ore. HA 9-5555 292 Bridge, Vernonia, Ore. r —Check Up . . . Save Time and Trouble Bumper to bumper, over and under, we check your car thoroughly and right what’s wrong. Then, we check again to make double sure! Why not give us a try! BOBS U N IO N SERVICE THE PEOPLE S P E A K --