Sheep Shearing Schools Offered A series of three sheep shearing schools will be conducted by the An­ imal Husbandry Department of Ore­ gon State University in March, but registration must be completed this month, reports County Extension A- gent Don Coin Walrod. The two-day schools are scheduled for March 15-16; 17-18; and 19-20 on the University c a m p u s . Animal Science Specialist John Landers will be in charge. Each shearing school is limited to sixteen persons. Participants w i l l shear a number of animals and will gain sufficient knowledge and skill to qualify them to shear their own flock. Enrollment applications can be se­ cured from the county extension office, in the courthouse, at St. Helens. They are due in Corvallis by March 1. Demonia Eagle THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1965_______7 Applications Out For ICOA Award Applications are now being sent to high schools throughout Oregon for the second annual ICOA Life Insur­ ance Frank Leahy Football Scholar­ ship Award. According to ICOA President Reg­ inald Jensen, the scholarship is a- warded to a graduating Oregon high­ school senior on the basis of out­ standing ability in football, scholas- t i c achievement, a n d character. Judging the competition is a panel composed of Oregon sports writers and broadcasters. Chairman of this year’s panel of judges is Johnny Car­ penter, Sports Director at KOIN TV. T h e scholarship alternates each year between the University of Ore­ gon and Oregon State University and carries with it a $6000 grant, which Most heart attack victims now re­ is administred by the University, for cover and return to work, according a full tuition four year scholarship. Application blanks are sent to to your Heart Association, which is conducting the 1965 Heart Fund cam­ every high school in the state. Each school selects a candidate for presen­ paign throughout February. tation to the panel of judges. The judges study all the applications re­ ceived and choose five finalists. Each NEW POWER FOR of the five finalists is given a person- YOUR ENGINE WITH id interview with the judging panel and it is on the basis of these inter­ views and the candidates record of achievement t h a t the scholarship winner is chosen. ICOA was motivated to award this $6000 annual scholarship to encour­ age top Oregon high school athletes Improves and maintains en­ to remain in the state and attend gine efficiency, performance Oregon universities. and economy. Last year’s winner, Dick Jones of Pendleton, is presently attending the University of Oregon. This year’s scholarship will go to Oregon State University. A TLA S A D D IT IV E S R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Allas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HAzel 9-6691 Strokes are no longer hopeless, ac­ cording to your Heart Association. In­ validism resulting from strokes now can be reduced or prevented through prompt treatment. Patience is not passive: on the con­ trary it is active; it is concentrated strength. LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA BASKETBALL Vernonia Drug Company Birkenfeld Grocery Emma Etheridge Standard Oil Company Allied J&H Lumber Company Joe Magoff • Vernonia Milk Farms Vernonia Variety & Shell Oil Henry Anderegg Ruth and Marion Steers Kale's Cafe Nichols Variety • • Dessy's Bowl Fuilen and Friesen Chapel In The Hills • Union Oil Company Zeke and Marion Lemaick DAN STEELE, Guard. Third year of varsity ball. All-league guard two years. Teams top scorer. Bob, Earl, Emilie Loel Roberts • Standard Dairy Products Bob's Union Service VERNONIA • Hans and Vi Slette Vernonia Branch • Vernonia Trading Co. and 88< Store HOOD RIVER CLUB MEETS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY EACH MONTH 6:30 P M ., FIRE HALL Robert Sargent, President Don Jackson, Secretary_______ 3-65 Drs. Hobart, Thiringer and Kramer Crown Construction Company • Ben's Barber Shop Fabrics 'n Fashions • Doris Skidmore Vernonia Federal Credit Union A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication th ir d Thursday of each month, at 8:00 p.m. Horace Hertel, W. M. Walter E. Linn. Sec’y._________ I-65 Dean's Market Ruth Steers, President George Laws, Vice-president Stanley Enevoldsen, Secretary Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I Meets 4th Monday each month at the IOOF hall. 8 PJ4. Jack Bergerson, Chancellor Commander E. E. Garner, Secretary The Vernonia Eagle • Tandy Shoe Repair Spofford's Flower and Gift Shop Albert Tandy Leah Stiff, President Cora Lange, Secretary Jean Myer, Agent Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month Marie Atkins, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary_________ 2^5 JERRY HANSON, Forward. Tallest player at 6’2”. Has many fine moves. He is a junior. Lloyd Quinn Insurance IWA Local Meets First and Third Thursdays 7:30 P.M. is at the hall, North and Washington Sts. third and fourth Thursday 10 4-64 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. First and Third Tuesday 8 PM . Lloyd Quinn, Noble Grand Harry Culbertson. Sec. 1-65 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday •renings of each month in the LO.OJ*. hall. Mar-Lee Beauty Salon TUESDAY, MatMlde Bergerson, Noble Grand Irma Chance, Secretary 3-65 Lew's Place John and Helen Wylde VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Gay I. Thomas, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Secy. 7-65 City Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Claude Frazier Wauneta's Ceramics Wauneta Yeager MARCH 2 Thomas Hall, Commander Harry Culbertson, Adjutant Beaulah Hall, President 1-65 Morel Folk en, Secretary 1-45 • VERNONIA HIGH SCHOOL GYM Linn Grocery Edna and Walter Linn • Bill Horn Realty and Vernonia Insurance • Vernonia Service Sla. George Johnson The Pine Cone Cliff and Ruby Fowler AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays Sam's Food Store Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald PLUMBING VERNONIA POST 119 Joe and Wally Grosche Western Auto Associate Store Ed Roediger Jr. AMERICAN LEGION Meets First and Third Mondays of each month. Enco Service Esther Ring Order of Eastern Star 1-66 Coast-To-Coast Stores Columbia River Real Estate Nehalem Chapter 153. O. E. S. Regular com­ munication first and third Wed. of each month ‘at Masonic Tem­ ple. All visiting sisters and broth­ ers welcome. Jean Bergerson, W. M. Frances Hershey, Sec. Brunsman Hardware and Electric Ralph Sturdevant Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ¿%X^I.0.0.F. .a-a: Ralph's Chevron 7-65 3-14 PYTHIAN SISTERS • • Montgomery Ward Sales Agency L. E. Stiff, Commander Reuel Smith, Adjutant AUXILIARY Meets 4th Mon., IOOF hall 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. Hall Second Monday of Each Month • Darigold Farms VISITORS WELCOME ____________________________ 1M5 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon The U.S. Bank Vernonia Clinic • Meets last Thursday every month West Oregon Electric Auditorium , 7:30 P.M. LIONS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Sunnyside Service West Oregon Electric Co-op., Inc. • NEHALEM VALLEY COIN CLUB King's Grocery LOGGER BOOSTERS Preliminary Games Start at 6:15 P.M. Varsity Games Start at 8:00 P.M. Fisher's Electric and Appliance Irma and Sherm Mill Market & Lockers TED ABOVE URGE YOU TO ATTEND ALL THE GAMES