Tñod S avi 'NG s FLAV-R-PAC FANCY BARTLETT ENERGY CROWN’S ZEE WAXED Lge. 200-Ft. R oll................ Detergent ~ " DEL MONTE Lge. 20oz. Catsup 2 LIBBY’S VIENNA 49 4-oz. Can Sausage UNSW EETENED $ 1 SNIDER FARMS FROZEN GRAPEFRT. JC. STRAWBRRS 3 65* 3 Í S1 Shurfine Brand — 46oz. Cans Sliced Oregon 10-oz. Pkgs, Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Knoll were Word was received here Saturday of the death of Mrs. Carl (Ruth) Brauner of Vancouver who formerly was a Riverview resident. Her death was attributed to a heart attack. Ser­ vices for her were at Colville on Tuesday. Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson, noble grand for Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge; Mrs. Irma Chance, secretary and .Mrs. Evelyn Heath were in Seaside Saturday to visit a district conven­ tion for which the Seaside lodge was host. Mr. and Mrs. Perry McFarland of Tacoma were week end guests of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Nightwine and family. Saturday evening, Mrs. McFarland accompa­ nied her daugher-in-law to the mo­ ther and daughter banquet. A Sunday school class from the Mist-Birkenfeld church visited at the EUB Sunday school Sunday morning. If It appeared last Friday that all the students at Vernonia high school were of the same mind as to color of attire, it was no mistake. They were observing blue and gold day as a part of their pre-game rally prior to the encounter with Seaside. Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Folken were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fuller and son Roy from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner of Roseburg were guests over Sunday night at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Carl Davis. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner and Os­ car Weed were guests Sunday at the home of cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Demonia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1965 JO Y T H E A T E R Fri., Sat. Feb. 26-27 KISSES FOR MY PRESIDENT Fred MacMurray Melvern Weed at Longview. Addition­ al guests were other cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Weed, also of Longview. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foreman of Hermiston were overnight visitors at the Earl Pickering home Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serafin drove to San Jose last Thursday to visit un­ til Sunday with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Note- stine. They also visited relatives in Santa Cruz and Sunnyvale. They re­ ported wonderful weather and good road conditions that allowed them to make the trip in 13 hours. Mrs. Sam Devine accompanied friends from Mist to Hillsboro Sat­ urday to attend a meeting and din­ ner. They also visited friends in Forest Grove. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Devine were in Hillsboro to attend a 25th wedding anniversary obser­ vance for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hertzel of Portland which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gernhart. A delicious potluck dinner was highlighted by a traditional an­ niversary cake. The honored couple was presented with a silver tray. There were about 15 guests present. Mrs. A. R. Elwell of Woodburn was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hom. Also at their home for dinner was Mrs. Thora Shafer. College Bowl contests are carried on at Graceland College at Lamoni, Iowa as an intramural event and Marian Mathews sends news to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Math­ ews of Mist, that she has been a member of a team composed of her­ self and another girl from the Kim­ ball Manor group and two boys from a brother house. They answered questions submitted by faculty mem­ bers on religion, math, history, phil­ osophy, science, current events and sports and her team won 319 to 93. This is the second year that the College Bowl contests have been carried on at the Graceland campus. Mrs. Wayne I-aurlla has had the pleasure of week end visits by two of her sisters recently. Mrs. Nina Hartley of San Francisco was here one week end and the following week end, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Estep of Creswell were here Week end guests of Mrs. Marie Shafer were her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shafer of Salem. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fuller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Everett llazen made a trip to Colfax, Washington week end before last to visit her mother, Service U p . . . Go with Ease ★ Complete, superior service always! ★ No-charge extras, too! ★ Better buys for your car service buck! ★ All work guaranteed! B O B 'S U N IO N SERVICE SWIFT'S PREM. HAM Red Beans 2-Lb. Pkg. ALICE LOVE 3'/i-Lb. Jar ■ Pure Apricot- Pineapple Jam NEW JELL-0 DESSERT BB* Whip ’n Chill a 3%-oz. Pkgs. MIX / CHEF BOYAR-DEE CHEESE MIX la'/j-oz. Pkg. Pizza LIBBY’S 15'/2- oz . Can , • & Meat Balls Spaghetti AJAX Gian Size Can Giant With Bluclorin Cleanser Betrothal of Couple Told Center Cut 75c 39c 49c 49c Wieners ■ I Q Pure Lard h «. j j c LB. LB. Sureflavor Pound Pkg. Del Monte Grape Jc Cans ,2 ~ r f FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN 9 / 59* CALIF. FANCY 10* MILL MARKET Lettuce Head and Lockers You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— HAzel 9-3492 — Member of United Grocers — Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. Demos Set Date For Convention The new 1965 official state highway map published by the Oregon State Highway Department is now avail­ able for public distribution, according to Forrest Cooper, state highway en­ gineer. The map is basically the same as last year’s. It has a handy legend which explains the types of highways and the markings for parks, way sides, airports, and other points of in­ terest. Lincoln City appears on the map for the first time. It incorporates Oceanlake, Delake, Nelscott, Taft, and Cutler City. Also on the map for MISS MARY ANN NORDSTROM the first time are ORE138 (North Umpqua Highway), a paved highway that connects Interstate 5 and US97 between Roseburg and a point east­ ern- of Crater Lake; ORE126 (old Route F) from Eugene to Mapleton; and the paved Lake of the Woods The engagement of Miss Mary Ann Highway from Eagle Point north of Nordstrom of Pasadena, California Medford to Klamath Falls. and Paul Patrick Manning of El Monte, California was announced January 30 at a dinner at Crestline, Grade School Toppers California while members of the Ga- Hosts for Clatskanie brielites club were enjoying a week The Vernonia Toppers will host the end outing. Miss Nordstrom is the daughter of Clatskanie Eagles Friday, February Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom of 26, in a night game at the Washing ton grade school. The first of three Birkenfeld. She is a graduate of Ore­ games will start at 6:00 p.m. with gon State University and is presently associated with the Los Angeles Her­ the sixth grade team playing first. ald-Examiner as a home economist. The records for the Toppers: The seventh grade, eight wins and one She is a member of the Los Angeles loss; eighth grade, two wins, seven chapter of home economists in busi­ losses and sixth grade, no wins and ness and also of the California Home Economics association. She is a past one loss. officer of the Junior Advertising club Before borrowing money from a of Los Angeles. Mr. Manning is the son of Mr. and friend, decide which you need more. Mrs. Paul Manning of Robertson, Il­ Mrs. Martha Hollenbeck who is in linois, who formerly lived at Morgan­ a nursing home. Monday morning, field, Kentucky. He has attended the February 15, they had two inches Appalacian State Teachers college in of snow there. Enroute home, they North Carolina and is now attending stopped at The Dalles to visit form­ the Los Angeles Trade Technical col­ lege. He is active in Toastmasters er neighbors. Thursday of last week Bill Nel­ International. Wedding plans are being made for son received news of the sudden and very unexpected death of his father. sometime in June at the S. S. Felici­ E. W. Nelson at Moorhead, Minne­ tas and Perpetua church in San Ma­ sota. He had undergone surgery for rino. California. repair of a blood vessel and was apparently making very good recov­ Birthdays Observed ery, when same unexpected compli­ In Portland Sunday cation occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson flew to Moorhead Saturday where MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Howard services were held Monday. Grimsbo and family were in Portland Mrs. Robert Horn, Spokane, Wash­ Sunday where they joined Mr. and ington, has been a house guest of Mrs. William Hatfield and Roger her son. Bill, and family for the past of Madras who were at the Port­ two weeks. Saturday evening Mr land airport to meet Mr. Hatfield’s and Mrs. Bill Hom were guests of mother, Mrs. Clarice Hatfield of honor for a birthday dinner at the Ciimcinatti, Ohio. Mrs. Hatfield and home of her sister. Mrs. Lester Heis­ Mrs. Grimsbo were taken out to ler at Forest Grove. Also present dinner in observance of their birth­ were Judi and Billy Hom, Mrs. Ro­ days being in the same week. While bert Horn, Mrs. Ethel McRobert and in Portland the Grimsbos also visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heisler of Gales with Mrs. Katherine Kamien Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doty of Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Rav Cameron were land visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. hosts Sunday for a family dinner at H.| Reynolds Tuesday. Other visitors which guests were their daughter during the week have been Mr. and and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mrs. Doug Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Neill and children. David and Cox. John Crawford and Mr. and Nancy from Portland and their son Mrs. A1 Becker of Portland. and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cam­ The Allied J and H Lumber mill eron and sons of Vernonia. is down for a week or ten days for Mrs. Susie Enyart. who makes her repairs. home with her daughter and hus­ band. Mr and Mrs. Robert Sword, DR. R.V. LANCE was taken to the Forest Grove Com­ OPTOMETRIST munity hospital early Tuesday morn­ Wed.. 10 A.M— 5 P.M. ing due to the recurrence of a chron­ ic heart ailment She was expected V ernonia Clinic to spend several days there for treat­ Building ment Fully Cooked Shank End lb . 98 59 J/ 6 5 2/ 8 9 4/ 8 9 2Z 3 9 CHEF BOY-AR-DEE 2'/i-Lb. Fam. Size Can Lasagna Butt End 29 IDAHO SMALL 1965 H ighw ay Map Published TOPICS OF THE TOWN here from Yakima last week end to visit their son and wife, .Mr. and Mrs. Marion Knoll and their daugh­ ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holsey and family. Mrs. Knoll was her daughter’s guest Saturday eve­ ning at the mother ana uaughter ban­ quet and Rev. Knoll also attended as a guest of honor at the table for ministers. EC A D A IIf i LJ vKAnu VAN CAMP’S PORK & BNS, 4 £ 85* 49' Paper 2 /7 5 Giant Pkg. M EAT D E P A R T M E N T C lb 10 PEARS 3 :8 9 * In Heavy Syrup — No. 2'/i Cans SUNKIST Dales To Remember THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Christian Women’s Fellowship Christian church - 1:30 p.m. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. The Democratic state central com­ mittee will meet in Salem Saturday, February 27, at 3:00 p.m. in the Mar­ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 ion hotel, Martha Ann Adelsheim, Mt. Heart Social committee heart state chairman, announced this week. fund benefit - IOOF hall - potluck The state committee will elect a dinner 6:30 p.m. followed by games new secretary, and the first congres­ Vernonia Gem and Fossil Club - sional district will elect a chairman West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.pi. to replace Helen Burch who has mov­ ed to North Bend. Two workshops, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 one on registration and organization, Gay Nineties parade - Forest Grove- and another on political education 12:30 p.m. and operation support, will follow the Vernonia Grange Card Party - Hall meetings. by golf course - 8 p.m. Young Democrats will have their confab on the same week end, and Winema Grange Card Party - Bir­ kenfeld hall - 8 p.m. have invited party members to at­ tend the reception and dinner at 7:30 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 p.m. Speakers will be Senator Al Fle- Lions club dinner meeting - Fire hall - 8 p.m. gal, Representative Ross Morgan, and former congressman, Charles O. Vernonia Arts and Crafts Society - West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.m. Porter. American Legion Post 119 - Legion hall - 8 p.m. City council - City hall - 8 p.m. Vernonia Grange Dates Rummage Sale, Party The Vernonia Grange Home Eco­ nomics club is holding an all day meeting at the Grange hall today, Thursday, February 25, to sort and pack items for the rummage sale to be held March 4-5-6 at the fire hall. A card party will be given at the Grange hall Saturday night, Febru­ ary 27. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pickering and Mrs. Vivian Counts will be in charge of the cards and potluck sup­ per. BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Open Six Days a Week Vernonia, Oregon TUESDAY, MARCH 2 Veterans Service Officer - City hall- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary - Home of Mrs. Mary Markham - 1:30 p.m. Friendship Jamboree Committee - Fire hall - 8 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3 Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple - 8 p.m . Phone HA 9-3462 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO HOARD YARDLEY SOAP Save up to 50c Rose, Carnation, April Violets and Lavender $1.75 Value........... $1.45 $2.75 Value........... $2.25