Extension Service Men Talk at Pomona on Phases of Agriculture The regular session of Columbia County Pomona Grange was held at the Kern Hill Grange hall Saturday, February 6, with a large attendance. Pomona Master Wes Kimble, called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. for reports by committee chairmen. Agriculture Chairman Hazel Smith called on Don Coin Walrod, Tom Zinn and Robert Stevely from the county extension service to talk on various phases of Agriculture. Zinn announced a workshop to be held in St. Helens at the McBride school February 16 for instruction in new practices regarding gardening, spraying, etc. Warning was given re­ garding using salt to remove ice from walks, since the salt will wash off into surrounding borders and in­ jure plant life. ,A 4-H scholarship to summer school was voted as usual. A discussion of the proposed new fairgrounds was held, and it was thought that a granger should be on the committee to select the site. Also, there was considerable discussion re­ garding the courthouse problem. The Grange history now being pre­ pared by the Grange historian in con­ junction with the subordinate Grang­ 8 THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1965 es was reported well under way. Most of the Granges have sent in ma­ terial. This tells much of the develop­ ment of the county for the past 60 years. 500 copies are being printed and will be sold for $1.00 per copy to finance the project. All Granges are asked to canvas their member­ ship to learn how many copies are needed. The Past Masters had ready for distribution the 1965 Register, listing the program and schedule for all the Granges of the county. They also have a contest for the year to en­ courage attendance at Pomona, giv­ ing prizes for the largest percentage A misdirected hammer can of attendance of officers and mem­ cause th e D o -It-Y o u rse lf bers. handyman plenty of pain, but inexpert judgment in select­ Evelyn Hudson, daughter of Mr. ing insurance can cost a great and Mrs. Arnold Tarbell of Warren, deal more. told of her experiences in Germany Don’t try to be your own in­ where she had spent the past year. surance advisor. See us when Other lecturer’s numbers consisted you need help in choosing of music, singing and skits. sound insurance protection for Two candidates were obligated in fam ily. . . hom e. . . c a r . . . or the fifth degree. business. Our service is fast, Pomona meets next with Winema friendly, professional. . . and Grange at Birkenfeld on May 1. FREE. Uernonia Eagic u C O A S T . lO C O r t Infra-Rod HEAT LAMP TV Rlllowbach RECUNEI » BRUNSMAN < HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E - Relax In comfort. Foam con- •tructod back, coat, pillow. Tufted styling, welt trim. Beige Sege or Brown. (FA0075-6-FA0077-4) Unlvonal •'Royal Scot" VACUUM BOTTLES Keep your baby chick« and pigs sofe and warm with infra-red heat reflector lamps. 250 watt "Frosted” lamp. (E l-0144-3) LIGHT BULBS 2000 Hour ONLY T ’7 DON’T BE AN INSURANCE ’’DO IT -YOURSELFER” J. Horn VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE 905 Bridge Street Phone HA 9-6203 Vernonia, Oregon Beach Robe Project Continued at M eet The Busy Sewers 4-H Sewing club met February 9 a t the home of their leader, Mrs. Sam Potter. The girls continued working on their beach robes. For refreshments Sue Hanson brought chocolate cookies and Mrs. Potter served the drinks. Reporter, Helen Higginbotham R epreien tln g. Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Member Hartford Insurance Croup Hartford 15, Conn. "J cannot tell a Lie!” Ü Ï 'NI»o «¡1* milk We think you’ll agree with old George, once you try Standard Dairy products! Enjoy PURE, REALLY FRESH dairy products, delivered to your door—HOURS EARLIER! a Standard Dairy routeman—today! h Call for Member National Independent Dairies Assn. Model 23 CK 302 Don’t buy a color TV that may soon be obsolete. Get a Motorola Rectangular Color TV. • Handwired Chassis Pint or Quart size dependable vacuum bottles. For school, work, putings. (WK0227-2) Bright, long life. End frequent bulb changing. Average 2000 hr. life. 120*130 volt rating. 60, 75, 100 watt sizes. (EL0060-3-EL0100-5) • New Slim Cabinet (Many Other Models In Stock) La Salle "Fan Gio” Automatic Elec. Heater with Thermostat__ * d 0 6 /1 “x 95 Masfrcraft 36 Month 6 VOLT BATTERY Titan Circi-Aire Portable Baseboard Elec. Heater Combination Fan-Forced and Radiant $^£^95 I 1 Thermostatically Controlled Aut Oakland Wood $-| pT £?' Heater................................ lOO Oakland Fireplace Wood Heater.......... 139 F o ra li Chev., Ford, Plym. 19 56 and older. (D A 75-97) VISIT OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT UPSTAIRS ■ CO A S T - T O - C O A S T Two Birthdays Observed By Fam ilies on Sunday MIST — .Mrs. Howard Grimsbo and Vicky Ramsey were honored Sunday by their families on the occasion ai their birthdays at a gathering at the Grimsbo home. Guests besides the honored guests were the Charles Ramsey family, Nicky Berg, Al Ca­ vanaugh and the Howard Grimsbo family. Mrs. Wayne Kyser ” js at the home of Mrs. Margaret Allyn in St. Helens Monday to help plan next years program in home extension. Word was received by telephone last Tuesday by the Al Schlehubers that their son-in-law, Ken Jones, had returned home that day from the veterans hospital in Reno, Nevada where he had been for several days recuperating from recent surgery. He was feeling much better when Mrs. Schlehuber received the call from Mrs. Jones. Their son, Neil, was improving after a seige with bronchial pneumonia. Party Dated by Natal Grangers "Standard Dairy Products are the Finest!" D E L IV E R - e Full Year Guarantee e Color Indicator Light E&B LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS 756 Bridge St. — Also, Shoe Repairing — Two-day Service CASH & CARRY A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square $-J 29 Yard 1 Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. Square Yard_______ 9x12 Plastic Surface R u g s. WE F U R N IT U R E NATAL-PITTSBURG — The Natal Grange HE club has planned a card party for Saturday evening, February 20, at 8:00 p.m. at the grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wiseman and son Randy of Gaston and Timmie McLeod of Vernonia were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orin Davis Sunday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant were his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Grant and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grant, all of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lindsay were here Saturday from Redmond. They brought his mother, Mrs. R. S. Lind­ say, home from the hospital and stayed overnight, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack were dinner guests Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam De- vine in Vernonia. The occasion was Mr. Oblack’s birthday. Callers at the R. S. Lindsay home were Mrs Laura Carmichael, Mrs. Nola Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peter­ son and Mr. and Mrs Noble Dunlap. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper at­ tended the church potluck supper and program at Birkenfeld Saturday eve­ ning. A hot electric light bulb can be used to "iron" tiny puffed sleeves, pockets, gathered yokes, and other hard-to-get-at areas. Work the lighted bulb under and around small sections of damp fabric until it is smooth and dry. STORES See Our New Selection of Table Lamps $~l 95 and up Motorola Portable Radio Now 95 Only........ 14 fS 52 Gallos Silver Seal Electric WATER USATES SIMMONS Slum ber King Innei Spring M attress and Box Springs $ 4 Q 9S Price, each $59.95 Goulds balanced flow shallow well system. No tank, no extras. Now S Q Q 50 Beauty Rest Inner Spring M attress and Box $r7Q50 Springs, Each i • * / O nly IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE Vernonia; Lots 1 through 12, inclu­ sive, Block 2, First Addition to Ver­ nonia; Commissioner Clark moved and Commissioner Wasser seconded that the court view the premises before February 3, 1965 The Columbia county court having advising Mr. Atkins. Motion carried. A report of committee assignments this day met in regular session for the purpose of transacting county of the Association of Oregon Counties business, with the following members for 1965 was received by the court. present: Judge Earl N. Seawright, Judge Sea wright was assigned to Commissioners Louis J. Wasser and economic development, Commission­ O. D. Clark, whereupon the follow­ er Wasser to parks and recreation, and Commissioner Clark to roads and ing business was transacted: The minutes of the previous meet­ highways. ing were read and approved. Commissioner Wasser moved and Miscellaneous claims were approv­ Commissioner Clark seconded that the court accept the following offers; ed. Offer of Ollie Hoffman of $100 each Mr. Paul Arrowsmith, of the Bur­ eau of Land Management, advised for lots 10, and 11, Block R, Roxy that he will meet with the court in Park Addition to Rainier; Offer of late March or early April to discuss Robert O. Johnson of $50 each for lots 4, 9, and 10 Block M, Roxy Park work on the Willark Lake. A timber sale agreement signed by Clint Siebert was received by the court. This is regarding logging op­ erations at Wilkerson Park, but was set aside for further discussion by the court. The offer of Loran Atkins of $600 was received for the following coun­ ty-owned property. Lots 9 and 10, Block 8, First Addition to Vernonia; Lots 1 through 12, inclusive. Block 7, First Addition to Vernonia; Lots 1 through 12, inclusive. Block 6, First Addition to Vernonia; Lots 1 through 6, inclusive. Block 5, First Addition to Vernonia; Lots 1 through 12, in­ clusive, Block 3, First Addition to County Court Minutes — a /i/ LIVE IN VERNONIA Addition to Rainier. Motion carried. A letter received by Frank LeMont from H. W. Olson was turned over to the court for action. Mr. Olson stated that it was his belief that the mosquito spray had killed one of his calves. Said letter was referred to the Vector Control District for further action. Nothing further coming before the court, the same adjourned until Feb­ ruary 10, 1965. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon this 3rd day of February, 1965. COLUMBIA COUNTY COURT /s / Earl N. Sea wright, County Judge /s / Louis J. Wasser, Commissioner /s / O. D. Clark, Commissioner Keep your medicine chest ready for the unexpected NEW POWER FOR YOUR ENGINE WITH ATLAS A D D IT IV E S Improves and maintains en­ gine efficiency, performance and economy. R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Atlas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HArnl 9 8881 Accidents can happen anytime, any­ where. Be ready with a well-stocked medicine chest that will stand you in good stead in emergencies. See us for a complete line of top quality first aid supplies.