Ocrnonia E agk Soil Conservation Unit Offers Wedding Anniversary Assistance for Farm Planning Observed by Dinner THURSDAY, FE B . 18, 1965 B IR K EN FELD — Mr . and Mrs. Gene Larson and Susan and Al B erg w ere Monday evening dinner guests of the F ra n c is Larsons. The dinner observed the wedding an n iv ersary of the Gene L arsons cn Valentines day. Mr. and Mrs. E v e re tt B each v isit­ ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin H eath andl children of P o rtlan d visited Sunday a t th e Udey home. Visitors a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ted B ellingham and Monty of A storia and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall of Tillamook. Mr. an d Mrs. Gene Larson and Susan spent Sunday a t the hom e of h e r sister and fam ily, the C urtis Clem m ens a t West Linn . Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnston, Ja n and Steve w ere in Scappoose Sunday. Mr. Johnston went over for a flight lesson. DR. R. V. LANCE OPTOMETRIST Wed.. 10 A.M.—5 P.M, Vernonia Clinic Building The C latskanie SWCD is a locally organized and adm inistered district dedicated to conserving th e n atu ral resources of Colum bia county. The d istrict includes all of W estern Co­ lum bia county and includes th e R ain­ ier D rainage D istrict. The d istrict affairs, a re adm inis­ trated by seven local farm ers, who donate th eir tim e to this task, and receive no com pensation for their efforts. They m eet every third Wed­ nesday at 8:00 p.m . a t the SCS office in Clatskanie. D istrict supervisors are: George Cowles, R ainier; R ussell " P a t” C ar­ ver, Woodson; K enneth Smith, Hud­ son; P au l N ewm an, C latskanie; J e r ­ ry Hicks, M ayger; Walt Mathews, Mist, and C arl Blunck, Hudson. The following fa rm e rs com pleted their conservation plans and rev i­ sions of older plans during the month of Ja n u ary : M. E. Whitbeck, R ain­ ier; Tom E vans, V ernonia; F ran k Rinck, Hudson; Max Oblack, M ist; F ran k P itra , Lost Creek; Lewis Mos- dahl, Alston Corner. The d istrict h as av ailab le to all farm ers within the d istrict, technical NOTICE Personal Property Tax Return Due MARCH 2 ,1 9 6 5 A friendly reminder to avoid penalties: All personal property mur ,e reported on Form No. 1 or Form No. 2 not later than March 2nd. If you have not received a form, please drop us a card or letter stating the kind of personal property and we w ill mail you the proper form. DO NOT REPORT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OR LICENSED VEHICLES FRANK H. LeMONT County Assessor MIST — Mrs. J im Watson and Mrs. Howard G rim sbo w ere hostesses a t the Birkenfeld Com m unity Center, F rid ay for the M ist-Birkenfeld E x ­ tension Unit. Mrs. M argaret Allyn presented the lesson, “Living With Your Tensions.” Ideas on how to elim inate som e tensions and how to recognize them w as discussed by Mrs. Allyn and m em bers of the unit. The M arch m eeting will be held at the Birkenfeld cen ter a t 10:30 a.m . M arch 12. E m ergency M eal P la n ­ ning will be given by Mrs. Lee Bar- low and Mrs. F red Udey. T here will be a potluck lunch a t noon and an invitation is extended to everyone to attend. M r .and Mrs. N orm an H ansen w ere P o rtlan d Lincoln D ay shoppers F ri­ day. Mrs. E lsa Knowles was surprised Sunday when her grandson. Ja c k Nelson and fam ily of P ortland a rriv ­ ed w ith a potluck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A rm our Reynolds of Longview w ere Sunday visitors of M r. and Mrs. H, M. Reynolds. Visi­ tors during the week w ere Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox, E a rl Knowles, John Craw ford and Alm a and M ary G ar- lock. Mist Helping C ircle will m eet F eb ­ ru a ry 25 a t the hom e of M rs. C harles Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Law ton W addell a t­ tended grange a t V ernonia S aturday evening. Mrs. F ran k Jackson and children w ere in T acom a for several d ay s last week assisting a t the hom e of h er sister, Mrs. Ann Shaw, while Mrs. Shaw ’s little girl w as in the hospital for surgery. services including farm planning, engineering, soil», woodland m anage­ m ent, and pastu re m anagem ent plus others. These services a re available a t no cast to the individual for his assistan ce in im proving conservation of the land. Initial surveys for a d rain ag e ditch cn th e B. J. Standley d airy fa rm a t R ainier w ere com pleted last week. P lan s a re to install an open ditch to alleviate w inter back up w ater from sloughs in th e area. Theron Johnstun will snstall tile d rain s this spring to im prove pro­ duction and survival of his blueberry plants on his farm a t R ainier. Investigations w ere m ade in reg ard to possible irrig atio n problem s for Wm. G ard in er on h is place south of Vernonia. F urnishing the engineering help w as Tom Figii, SCS engineer from Hillsboro. This help w as fu r­ nished through the d istrict program . The d istrict’s annual m eeting will be held th e evening of Thursday, F e b ru ary 18. It will be a pot luck dinner w i t h entertainm ent. There will also be elections for two super­ visors. E d Ryding, M ayger, becam e the first new cooperator for 1965 by sign­ ing an ag reem en t with the district last week. T echnical serv ices now will be m ad e av ailable for planning and in alleviating a drainage pro­ blem on his farm . The d istrict now h as 353 coopera­ tors, fa rm e rs who have signed a g re e ­ m ents, and a re receiving technical assistan ce from the district. The d istrict furnished som e 758 technical services to 107 cooperators during the y e a r of 1964. Those who plan to request assis­ tan ce from the d istrict should get re ­ quests in e a rly to be put on the grow ­ ing list of those w anting such assis­ tan ce this y ear. Signing d istrict ag reem en ts a n d requesting technical assistance from the d istrict recen tly w ere Ken Moyer, C latskanie a n d T. L. Galloway, Quincy. Visitors Noted At Lloyd Home RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Ja m e s Smith and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E pler of Banks and Jew ell Lloyd of Sum ner, W ashington visited a t the E. L. Lloyd hom e Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Vemon Spangler of C ascadia spent last week a t the hom e of h er g ran d p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. W alter P ark er. Sunday visitors a t the Carson Strong and G race P eachey hom e w ere Mr. and Mrs. Jim R ash and Mrs. M ae R ash of P o rtland and Mr. and Mrs. V irgil T illery of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cook and Kev­ in and K athleen Johnson of F o rest G rove visited a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon B atem an Sunday. Mrs. M aude Wells and M rs. G ro­ v er Botkin and fam ily visited Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Holmes and fam ­ ily in P o rtlan d Sunaay. through an income statement or simple affidavit Other unfair aspects ol HR-1 are increased taxes, backed by the Administration, is unfair because it watered-down benefits, more federal controls over promotes medical assistance lor everybody over 65 your everyday life. You can help make Medicare ¡air by contacting years—rich and poor alike, regardlest of need. The only fab- approach to Medicare is to make it available to those over 68 who are in need of health care asaistance« Eligibility can be fairly established your Congressman immediately! W rite your C ongressm an to SU PPO R T H R -3 7 8 7 .« .th e PAIR-M edienre proposal! KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING Signed: S / C larence Ellison Interm ediate E ducation D istrict B oard C hairm an FINANCIAL SUMMARY F o r the E nsuing F iscal Y ear Beginning Ju ly 1, 1965 Total Tax Levy Com putation All F unds Total Budget R equirem ents $61,985.00 D educt: Total B udget R esources E xcept Tax To Be L evied......-_______________________ 28,500.00 R evenue N ecessary to B alance B udget_____ ___ _____________ 33,485.00 T axes To Be Levied for E nsuing Y e a r__________________ __ ___ 33,485.00 A nalysis of T axes To Be Levied: Within 6% L im ita tio n ............. ..... ................... ............................. . 33,485.00 Outside 6% L im itation__________________________ Total T axes To Be L evied_______________________ 33,485.00 Approved by B udget Com m ittee: Ja n u a ry 20, 1965 G eneral F und $61,985.00 28,500.00 33,485.00 33,485.00 33,485.00 33,485.00 Signed: S / C larence Elison, S ecretary S / Vernon Griffin, C hairm an COLUMBIA COUNTY INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION DISTRICT Ju ly 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966 BUDGET RESOURCES — IN SUMMARY GENERAL FUND Second Yr. Preceding $ 5,355.18 H istorical D ata A ctual F irst Yr. P receding $13,983.70 4,061.00 263.84 6,506.16 $24,814.70 Budget C urrent Y ear Budget F or E nsuing Yr. Approved ITEM $15,000.00 4,052.53 Co-operative Purchasing Special E d u c a tio n ....... Able and G ifte d _____ C ash on H a n d ______ TOTAL BUDGET RESOURCES 10,000.00 $29,052.53 $20,000.00 - BUDGET REQUIREM ENTS IN SUMMARY GEN ERA L FUND 110 S alaries for A dm inistration 8,500.00 $28,000.00 $16,073.50 $16,593.75 $25,600.00 $20,489.91 $21,341.31 $31.905.00 100 TOTAL ESTIM ATE FOR ADMINISTRATION $ 970.21 $ 1,219.66 $ 1,300.00 200 TOTAL ESTIMATE FO R INSTRUCTION — $ 1,300.00 $ 25.00 $ $ 125.00 300 TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR ATTENDANCE SERVICES 10.00 $20,190.00 $27,280.00 $ 125.00 $ 5,750.00 1,572.95 $ 6,500.00 1,298.70 $ 6,700.00 1,750.00 410 490 $ 7,322.95 $ 7,798.70 $ 8,450.00 400 S alaries for H ealth Services $ 7,200.00 Other TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR HEALTH S E R V IC E S _________________ $ 8,950.00 $ 551.81 $ 646.75 $ 550.00 600 TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR OPERATION O F PLANT $ 650.00 $ 117.00 $ 173.20 $ 120.00 700 TOTAL ESTIM ATE FO R PLANT M A IN TEN A N CE______________ $ 125.06 800 TOTAL ESTIM ATE FO R FIX E D C H A R G E S .......................... $ 1,217.57 $ 1,212.96 $ 1,390.00 $ $ $ 250.00 764.22 762.50 $15,000.00 258.73 $14,202.82 8,113.50 5.11 $ 5,812.27 $22,321.46 $15,000.00 $55,486.54 1278.2 ........ $1 ,455.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FO R NON-INSTRUCTIONAL EQ U IPM EN T _ $ 100.66 Co-operative P u r c h a s in g ___________________ $20,000.00 Special E d u c a tio n __________________________ Able and G if te d ___________________________ TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR CONTRACT SERVICES ______________ 420,000.06 $ 2,000.00 ESTIMATE FO R OPERATING CONTINGENCY ______ __________ $61,090.00 TOTAL BUDGET R E Q U IR E M E N T S$61,985.00 $ 2,000.00 SUMMARY OF EX PEN D ITU RES FO R PERSONAL SERVICES GENERAL FUND H istorical D ata Actual Second Yr. Preceding F irst Yr. Preceding No. of Em pi. $ 8.200 00 $ 8,650.00 1 $10.000 00 5,100.00 2.773.50 5.300 00 2.643 75 1 1 1 6.500 00 5.800.00 3,300 00 « 5,750 00 $ 6.500.00 1 $ 6,700.00 Budget C urrent Y ear Budget for E nsuing Y ear No. of Em pi. Approved Personnel Classification Administration Superintendent A dm inistrative ____ A ssistant Deputy ................ Clerical Health Services School N urse ............... ORISO N C O M M IT T « FOR FAIR M IO IC A R I S » . R M S T « m , I M » a M KM> U M 8m «l. On(M ... ... 1 $10,240.00 1 1 1 6 200 00 3 750 00 1 7 9ftt Ml Publish Fab. 11, 1965 and Feb. 18, 1965 ‘'Hw. \ Riverview "Where Your Money Buys More" NOTICE is hereby given th at a m eeting of the Interm ediate E ducation D istrict of Columbia County, State of Oregon, will be held a t the Colum bia County Court House, St. Helens, Oregon, on the 3rd day of M arch, 1965, a t 8:00 p.m . o’clock for the purpose of discussing with interested persons the operating budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1965, h ereinafter set forth. The budget w as prepared on a basis of accounting consistent with that used in the preceding y ear. M ajor accounting changes, if any, and their effect on the budget a re set forth in an accom panying statem ent. A copy of the budget docum ent is available for inspection a t the Columbia Coun­ ty School Superintendent’s office betw een the hours of 8:30 a.m . and 5:00 p.m . The budget docum ent m ay be obtained for $1.00 o r p a rts of it m ay be obtained for $0.25 p er sheet. $37,270.94 „ . b u t d o n n a a d N O T h a n d o u t . T h e M edi­ BIRKEN FELD — M rs. D arrell Ba­ ker left Sunday for Phoenix, Arizona to be with her folks for awhile. H er m other is still in the hospital there and com ing along fine. Mrs. B aker and h er brother-in-law, Lloyd P ar- m an, flew in his plane to Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Rodgers and fam ily visited Sunday with her folks, the F ran cis Larsons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim G arlock and lit­ tle boys spent aw hile a t the F red Larsons last Thursday. They cam e after th eir little boy whom Mrs. L a r­ son had been taking c a re of for a while. Mrs. Lloyd Beach, accom panied by Mrs. R obert M athew s spent last Wed­ nesday a t F orest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Roger A m t and ba­ by of Scappoose w ere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F red Udey. NOTICE OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION DIST. BUDGET HEARING $ 5,553.54 care legislation (H R-1), now before Congress and MIST — In last weeks news the tim e of the Comm unity sing to be held a t the Mist church was inad­ vertently put in for 7:30. It should have been 8:00 and the Mist group will be joined by the churches from C latskanie. A m ost enjoyable evening was spent S aturday a t the Birkenfeld Com m unity hall when 24 couples ga­ thered for a V alentine couples party. A dinner sta rte d th e event a t 6:30. A p ro g ram w as presented which in­ cluded Mr. and M rs Bud Hemeon in a skit and R obert S argent of V er­ nonia, Mr. and Mrs. Sulo Sanders, Mrs. Bud Hemeon, M rs. Lloyd Gar- lock and A rby Mills in m usical num ­ ber. W alter M athew s recited several poems. Devotions and songs were given during the evening. M arilyn Busch w as in Hillsboro Sunday afternoon to help V alerie Schaaf celeb rate h er birthday. Arizona Trip Made by Plane R ead the ads, it w ill pay you! 9,986.16 $15,341.34 Help make Medicare fair Community Sing Time Is 8:00 p.m. Sunday Agent Presents Lesson to Unit