county. Motion carried. ^ « E D O B E S E n n B B a X » 'P -< S Z S m B S 3 0 n E X !a > ~ ^ m B 1 3 E Œ B B S a 3 I > u C O A S T .IO * C O A A letter was received from the General Services Administration re ­ garding the sale of Beaver Army Terminal, with advice to inform oth­ er interested agencies if Columbia January 27, 1965 county does not wish to buy the The Columbia county court having property. Commissioner Wasser mov­ F IN E F U R N IT U R E this day met in regular session for ed and Commissioner Clark second­ win A FREE VIA PAN AM the purpose of transacting county ed that copies of said letter be giv­ 5 DAY VACATION business, with the following members en to the Port Commission, the cities FOR 2 IN present: Judge Earl N. Seawright, of St. Helens, Rainier and Clatska­ EXOTIC Commissioners Louis J. Wasser and nie, and any other interested agen­ CHECK YOUR LUCKY NUMBER O. D. Clark, whereupon the follow­ cies. Motion carried. ON THE COVER OF YOUR ing business was transacted: Cl RCULAR BY BRINGING IT TO Thomas F. Frewen of Dooley & Co., YOUR COAST-TO-COAST STORE CONTEST NOT VALIO The minutes of the previous meet­ Insurance, met with the court to where prohibited by law STAY AT THE PRINCESS KAIULAUI ing were read and approved. discuss the making of an evaluation Miscellaneous claims were approv­ of the existing insurance policies ed. for Columbia county. Commissioner A memorandum was received in­ Wasser moved and Commissioner White Stag TV P lllo n ia c k troducing the new county commis­ Clark seconded that Dooly & Co. 3 6 " X 81" 2000 Hour LIGHT BULBS make said evaluation at no cost to RECUNE sioners of Klamath county. These SLEEPING BAG are Don Kenyon, Frank Ganong and Columbia county. Motion carried. Commissioner Wasser moved and Bill Forney. Judge Seawright seconded that Co­ An order was signed transferring lumbia county court sign a resolu­ $600 from the deputy district attor­ ney’s fund to an appropriation mark­ tion recommending that Columbia ed Supplemental Salary, District At­ county support the Port of St. Hel­ ens in their negotiations for the pur­ torney. chase of the Beaver Ammunition Upon advice of the district attor­ site. Motion carried, and said reso­ ney, Commissioner Clark moved and lution signed. Judge Seawright seconded that an Robert Vagt and Wallace Gainer order be signed annexing the follow­ met with the court to discuss the ing described property to the St. matter of signing of aforementioned Bright, long life. End frequent 100” xlp, s lb. thsrmofill In­ Helens Rural Fire Protection Dis­ resolution. Relax In comfort. Foam con­ bulb changing. Average 2000 hr, sulated for axtra warmth. Sturdy structed back, seat, pillow. trict: >2°-130 volt rating. <0, groan rape I lent square cotton A letter was received from Tom Tufted styling, welt trim. Beige 75, 100 watt sixes. duck caver. Sanforised flannel Parcel 1: Commencing at the McCall, secretary of state, enclosing Sega or Brown. (EL0060-3-EL0100-S) 19” Mortorola Portable lining. (SCP0922-8) (FA007J-6-FA0077-4) Southwest corner of the Northwest a check for $1,888.46, state forestry Stand and TV Trays quarter of Section 36, Township 5 receipts. Now Only. Coaet-To-Coaet Nylon North of Range 2 West of the Wil­ Quick Dry Infra-Rod A check was received from School SPOON & SPATULA lamette Meridian; thence East 60 District No. 2 for $300 for payment SPRAY PAINT f t HEAT LAMP rods to a point; thence North 80 for a used burner sold to them. FOR rods to a point; thence West 60 rods Commissioner Wasser moved and to the West Boundary line of said Commissioner Clark seconded that Section; and thence South 80 rods the salary of Henry Hudson be rais­ to the place of beginning, containing ed $20 per month to conform with 30 acres, more or less, EXCEPTING the state minimum salary for a Prop­ THEREFROM a strip of land 16 feet erty Appraiser I. Motion carried. Motorola Portable Radio SIMMONS off and from the North side of the Nothing further coming before the Now $ 1 J95 above described tract conveyed to court, the same adjourned until Feb­ Slum ber King Innei 1« OZ. CAH Only................ G. W. Kale by William Karth by ruary 3, 1965. Spring M attress and deed dated April 2, 1910 and record­ Box Springs $ 1 Q 9S Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, this ed April 2, 1910 in book 14 at page 27th day of January, 1965. Price, each T c IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND STO RES Lei's Gel Acquainted! ’99" PLEASURE TO U V E IN VERNONIA Churches Unite For Song Fest ed funeral services Monday morn­ ing for Mrs. Elma McAndrews of Do You Know This Man? Seaside. Visitors at the Charles Sundland Bom June 24, 1900 in the Phillipine home during the week were Mr. and Islands. MIST — Clatskanie churches will Mrs. Ira Peterson. John Crawford Married in 1945 at Vancouver, Wash­ be guests at Mist church Sunday eve­ and Sulo Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ington. ning, February 21 at 7:30 p.m. for ter Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Arby a Singspiration , Has three children. Mills were visitors Sunday. The Roy Kysers were in Longview Came to Vernonia in 1945. Mrs. H. M. Reynolds returned Saturday on business. home Monday afternoon after being Worked for the Oregon American Mrs. Vivian Karvnen, Gail and in the Emanuel hospital since early company and successors. grandson Keith were dinner guests December. She is feeling pretty good Also worked for the owner of Meier at the Ray Garlock home Saturday. but needs to be careful for a while. and Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Stout and Now employed in Portland. Mark and Mrs. Desta Dauhun of Give a warm welcome to your Hobby - Fishing. Portland were Sunday visitors at the Heart Fund volunteer when she rings (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ Howard Grimsbo home. Mr. and Mrs. your doorbell on the week end of chols.) Grimsbo and A1 Cavanaugh attend­ Heart Sunday, February 21. Answer to last weeks quiz: Stanley Enevoldsen H e a rt A tta c k V ic tim In P h o en ix H ospital BIRKENFELD—Mrs. Fred Stinch- field was stricken with a heart at­ tack last week. She is in the Lincoln Memorial hospital at Phoenix and is improving real well. Her stay in the hospital is indefinite. Nicky and Erik Berg, Melvin and Raymond Kyser and Steve Hemeon went to Portland Friday night to see the Globe Trotters play. Mr and Mrs. Frederick Baker spent the week end here with his folks Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom visited with the Bakers KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buy» More" Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING