FOOD PRICED TO PtfAH YOUR POKE TOP DOG DOG FOOD or CATS MEOW CAT FOOD 1 4 S1 MILK CRISP and GREEN Celery 15 Stalk UNCLE BI BE N ’S 25 ll-o z . P k g.. Pre-Cooked, Long Grain Q uick Rice DINTY MOORE s $1 R 8 ‘ 5 5* i 3 5* ZOOM WHOLE WHEAT Cereal CAL-IDA FROZEN Potatoes French Cut — 9-oz. Pkgs. Regular or Hot 15K-OZ. Cans “ R TOPICS OF THE T O W N Mrs. Henry Turner went to Cali­ JUICE Del Monte Brand — 46-oz. Cans 4 /8 9 * NALLEY’S I DILL 48-oz. Jar Dill or Kosher............... Pickles EARLY CJ CALIF. GREEN Stuffed 8-oz. Jar. Olives before they arrived there January 27. Cheryl, Ricky and Carla Devine of Turner were here last week end to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine and their father, Claire Devine. Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Sam Devine accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Carl Danielson and Mrs. James Swanson of Rainier to Sheridan to visit a mutual friend at a nursing home. and Mrs. Walter Linn was his bro­ ther, Carl P. Linn from Nome, Alas­ ka who formerly was a Vernonia resident. He is now project engineer for the highway project at Nome. He reported that temperatures the past year ranged from 70 degrees above in the summer to 52 degrees below in the winter. Oernonia Eagle JUST IN! Vernonia Logger Sweat­ shirts. Fabrics ’n Fashions. 6tlc Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Peasnall of Card party, Fire hall, Sat., Feb. 20, 8 p.m. St. Mary’s Altar Society. Bridge, Pinochle, Prizes, Refresh­ ments. 5t3c Mrs. Martha Brady of Warren, ac companied by Mrs. Cora Lange and Mrs. Thora Shafer, represented Ver­ nonia Temple Pythian Sisters at the meeting of Friendship Temple at North Plains last Friday evening on the occasion of the official visit there of Grand Chief Jean Ralston. All three ladies are officers in Ver- noiya Temple. JUST IN! Vernonia Ixvgger Sweat­ shirts. Fabrics ’n Fashions. 6tlc Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis and family from Beaverton came for his mother, Mrs. Faye Davis, Sunday morning anti took her with them to Clatskanie to the home of another son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis and family for a dinner ob­ serving her birthday which occurs this week. A recent guest at the home of Mr. Mrs. Thomas Hall received news at 3 a.m. last Friday morning that a new grandson had arrived in Al- burquerque, New Mexico. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Helvie and he weighed in at 8 pounds 13 ounces. Mrs. Hall recently spent a month in Albuquerque anticipating his arrival but the babe failed to make his appearance until after she came home. The Helvies have two other children, a boy and a girl. Pa­ ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Helvie, reside In Longview. Astoria stopped here Wednesday of 2 THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1965 last week to see their daughter. Mrs. Melvin Schwab and family, as they were enroute home from Tooele, Utah where they had been called January 27 by the death of Mrs. Fri., S a t Feb. 12-13 Peasnall's mother, Mrs. Agnes Cul- ley. They attended services for her January 30.' They were fortunate, Plus travel-wise, for in spite of the storms at that time, they found roads open and made good time. The repairs Card party, Fire hall. Sat., Feb. at Rufus had opened the route just 20, 8 p.m. St. Mary’s Altar Society. JO Y T H E A T E R Talooed Police Horse Emil and the Detective INTRODUCTORY OFFER To new residents of this area and those who have not used our service before. Bridge, ments. Pinochle, Prizes, MASHED CALIF. SMALL WHITE Beans Mrs. Paul Gordon accompanied a group from Portland to The Dalles Tuesday evening of last week to at­ tend a meeting of Columbia Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. One of the group, Georgia Kinsley of Portland, had the privilege of announcing the appointment of Rachael Medler, A party after school Monday ev ­ member of Columbia chapter, as ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. grand representative to Oklahoma Wm. Nelson observed the tenth for the Oregon Grand Chapter. She birthday of their daughter Carol. also presented a 50-year member­ Schoolmates who enjoyed the event ship pin to Agnes Hinkle. with her were Kathy Odam, Kathi Card party, Fire hall, Sat., Feb. Medges, Jackie Eide, Marsha Stur­ 20, 8 p.m. St. Mary’s Altar Society. devant, Debbie Banta, Gail Welch, Bridge, Pinochle, Prizes, Refresh­ Sally Leffler, Loma Westlind, Susan ments. 5t3c Miller and Susan Garner. The then were Mrs. Lyle Wilkins and children group played games, from Gilchrist visited here last week served cake and ice cream. For Car­ with her husband’s grandparents, ol, the highlight was opening her gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Wood. Chief and Mrs. Claude Stevenson JUST IN! Vernonia Logger Sweat­ 6tlc and family, who had spent the past shirts. Fabrics ’n Fashions. month here with her mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills of Cor­ Hazel Woolsey, are now at San Diego nelius and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth where he has been assigned as an Smith of Willamina were here Sun­ instructor. They had previously been day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridg- stationed in Italy. ers, uncle and aunt of the two ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Weaver Jr. of They were pleased to find Mr. Bridg- Whidby Island, Washington are the ers making good recovery from re­ parents of a boy, Donald Ray, born cent eye surgery for removal of a February 4 and weighing 4 pounds cataract. He is still making regular 15 ounces. He has one brother. trips to the doctor in Astoria but his Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. progress is good. Claud Weaver of Timber route and Mrs. Clarence New is getting Mr. and Mrs. Art Jacobs of Yakima. around without crutches again but Mrs. Forrest Rice, mother of Mrs. with her knee in a cast due to a John Serafin, passed away at Long broken kneecap which resulted from Beach, California Wednesday of last a fall. week, February 3. Mrs. Serafin had Mr. and Mrs. Oren Weed visited been with her about ten days dur­ relatives in Seattle last week end. ing her critical illness. Services for Mrs. Jennie Lusby left the Forest Mrs. Rice were held last Friday. Grove hospital Tuesday with her bro­ Mrs. Serafin remained with her fa­ ken ankle in a cast and came to the ther this week ;ind expects to re­ home of her son and wife, Mr. and turn home this week «aid. Mrs. Clarence Lusby in Riverview. fornia in January to meet her son Jim who was receiving his discharge at Oxnard. She spent a week there during which they did sight-seeing, including a tour of Hollywood. She made the trip down by bus but they returned to Vernonia in the car be had purchased and stopped enroute . at Coming, California to visit her aunt and at Eugene to visit her bro­ ther. Refresh­ 5(3c Mrs. Trilla Anderson spent a week in Portland recently at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eben John whose daughter, Mrs. Kenton Wells, of Longview, was there with her baby who was bom January 21 and is the great grand­ daughter of Mrs. Anderson. 2-Lb. Pkg........... THE PEOPLE SPEAK - - - Living with Tensions Extension Study Theme Mrs. Margaret Allyn, county exten­ sion agent, will meet with the Ver­ nonia Extension Unit Thursday of next week, February 18, to present a lesson on "Living with Your Ten­ sions." The meeting is scheduled for 11 am . in the West Oregon Electric meeting room and there will be a potluck luncheon at noon. All per­ sons interested in the program are invited to attend. CALL AT CHANGE WINDOW FOR YOUR REFUND VERNONIA. HILLSBORO. FOREST GROVE 24-Hour Mortuary Service Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Res. Managers Phone HAzel 9-6611 | 39* 45* $ 3 .3 5 M EAT D E P A R T M E N T Fresh Sm elt 2 ^ . 7 5 c Round Stk E t ï - . 6 9 c Large Franks Pound 3 9 c Medium Size Grade A A. 39c Eggs MILL and MARKET Lockers You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— HAzel 9-3492 — Member of United Grocers — Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Recent community discussions have placed into focus the promotion of a covered swimming pool to be used the year around by all the cit­ izens of the Nehalem Valley and their guests. As a m atter of thinking, it has been mentioned that a ballot issue might be the logical way to finance such a project, and the logical or­ ganization would be the present school district 47J. Property is vacant and presuma­ bly available adjacent to the high school on the west of the existing school plant. Water might possibly be heated with existing facilities. If under school district jurisdiction, said swimming plant could be sup­ ervised and maintained by school personnel. This would place Vernon­ ia in a favorable position to include swimming instruction and competi­ tion in the school program. We ad­ vertise Vernonia as a recreation spot, yet the fact remains that out­ side of hunting and fishing which are seasonal, we have little to offer our young people or persons who vis­ it our town. Members of the Lions Club point with pride to the present swimming area on Rock Creek, which as we observe, is taxed to capacity on pleasant days, which are limited to the summer months, and empty on days of inclement weather. We also point with pride to the stadium at Greenman field which was built largely through the efforts of the Vernonia Lions Club. Could an effort by the Nehalem Valley community, in both labor and finances, obtain a swimming pool for this area? If you have comment or questions regarding a swimming pool, would you please direct your letters to the editor of this paper, or the Vernon­ ia Lions Club? Respectfully yours, Don Jackson. Secretary Vernonia Lions Club FUITEN-FRIESEN CHAPEL IN THE HILLS Clam Sticks £ Case of 48 Dates To Remember Vernonia Eagle To the Editor: ONE FREE W A SH AND DRY N ehalem V a lle y Laundrom at and D ry Cleaners MRS. PAUL’S FROZEN 45* 2/65* 59* 2/85’ ‘Í /25* 43* 35* Potatoes Servings SUNSHINE CUP CUSTARD f I • Asstd. Creme VOOKieS Sandwich, Lb. PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT CON ru In III ILI CARNE zi o « p A W 24-oz. Can Beef S tew SWANSON BONED ^1 • I 5-oz Chicken can! ORE-IDA INST. NALLEY’S Ginger Snaps 15-oz. Cans EVAPORATED Shurfine Brand— 14 54-oz. Cans NABISCO OLD FASHION Lb. Pkg. Timber Route Extension Unit - West Oregon Bldg., 10:30 a.m. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - I OOF hall, 8:00 p.m. St .Mary’s Altar Society - Home of Mrs. Margaret Davies, 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Mist-Birkenfeld Extension Unit - Bir­ kenfeld Center, 10:30 a.m. Vernonia Gem and Fossil Club - Fire hall, 8:00 p.m. Basketball, Loggers versus Neah- Kah-Nie, Vernonia HS gym, JV 6:15, Varsity 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Vernonia Grange - Hall by golf course, 8:00 p.m. Winema Grange card party - Birken­ feld hall, 8:00 p.m. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Lions Club dinner meeting - Fire hall, 6:30 p.m. American Legion Post 119, Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. City Council - City hall, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 American Levion Auxiliary - Legion hall, 1:30 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - I OOF hall, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple, 8:00 pm . The only thing that can’t be bought at vending machines today is a dollar worth 100 cents. Jr. Girl Scout Troop Started Mrs. Mary Curran of Astoria, dis­ trict director for the Columbia River Girl Scout Council, was in Vernonia Tuesday of last week to attend the final session of the TV training course for Girl Scout leaders which a group of Vernonia ladies complet­ ed in preparation for the start of Girl Scout activities here. Wednesday evening, the Junior Girl Scouts held their third meeting after school at the Scout cabin. Mrs. Wayne Welch is the troop leader and Mrs. James Brewer is her as­ sistant. Mrs. Edgar Hartzell and Mrs. Ralph Sturdevant have also been instrumental in organizing the troop. The 21 girls who have registered for the troop to date are as follows: Beverly Anderson, Deborah Banta, Sharon Brewer, Carol Clason, Susan Gamer, Vonnie Gaston, Sharlene Gibson, Nancy Hartzell, Celeste Hy- trek, Susan Miller, Patti Merritt, Carol Nelson, Shirley Potter, Glynia Ridling, Yolanda Robertson, Mary Ann Steele, Patricia Steele, Sandra Carol Nelson, Shirley Potter Glynis Welch and Loma Westlind. A refrigerator is a good place to store dampened laundry before it is ironed. The moist cold helps spread dampness more evenly and keep it that way, and the low temperature prevents mildew. Also, chilled fab­ rics actually iron better. FOR VALEN TINE'S D A Y S U N D A Y , FEBRUARY 14 w V A LEN TIN E CARDS BRO W N and HALEY Hand Dipped Valentine Boxed Candy — Complete Selection