Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 11, 1965, Image 1

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    Opinions Heard
On Court House
Demoni a Eagle
An overflow crowd packed the made known in which he declared
county court room in the court house that the annex fund had reverted to VODLUME 43, NUMBER 6
at St. Helens last Wednesday eve­ the general fund last June. The sink­
THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1965
ning for the hearing on the court ing fund had been set up for a defi­
house question. The legal notice call­ nite period and, according to his
ing the meeting asked consideration decision, if not used in that time the
on building a new court house on the reversion was automatic.
St. Helens flat iron site and transfer
Tuesday of this week, Judge Earl
of the court house annex fund and Seawright and Columbia County Dis­
O&C revenues to that purpose.
Registration and assignment to
trict Attorney Don Kalberer were in
At the meeting, the architects, Salem to confer with Thornton. They
classes will be undertaken by the
The Vernonia grade school chorus
Vernonia students making the trip
Schmeer and Harrington, evaluated determined that the court could go
volunteer instructors of the Vernonia under the direction of Don Jackson tonight are: Kathy Bergerson, Da­
four sites, the flat iron site, the pre­ ahead with calling an election on
The Vernonia Loggers earned a Hunters Safety Council Thursday, is performing tonight at Knappa at do Briones, Mark Burgess, Sandra
sent court house site and adjacent questions presented on the petitions
split in two league games played February 18 at the fire hall, 7 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. concert of judging and Burgess, Connie Clausen, Debbie
area, the Violette property on high­ and an announcement is expected by last week, losing in an overtime to
Chairman L. E. Atkins has request­ massed choirs. The occasion is a
way 30, and the Neuman addition next week as to when an election Warrenton on Friday, 67-64 and de­ ed that all youngsters who have reg­ district 9 high school choir contest Conroy, Susan Floeter, Cathie Glick,
tract. The tabulation of costs for will be held and what the questions feating Banks Tuesday, 69-60.
istered up to date attend this meeting being hosted by Knappa.
DeElda Groeche, Larry Hemeon,
these sites is given on this page.
are to be submitted.
be assigned to instructors. Also,
Participating choirs will represent Glenda Hahmeyer, Christie Hanson,
Against Warrenton, the Loggers
The architects favored the building
A rebudgeting of funds would be started off fast in the first quarter any others wishing to take the gun Knappa, Vernonia, Seaside, Rainier, Kathy Henderson, Susan Howard,
of a new courthouse on the flat iron required to allocate the former an­ and with Dan Steele scoring eight safety course are asked to be pres­ Clatskanie and Astoria. Adjudicator
Helen Higginbotham, Janel Krieger,
site and gave the following reasons: nex fund for use now.
points, mostly on fast break layins, ent at this time. Parents should at­ for the event will be Don Wolfe,
Jeff Krieger, Lawayne Leffler, Deb­
central location, adequate width of
the Vernonia team rushed to a nine
the filling out of consent papers and school in Portland. During the con­ bie Larson, Marsha Laws, Shari
surounding streets, location in busi­
point first period advantage, 18-9.
cert each chorus will sing two num­ Nightwine, Sharrie Norman, Sandra
ness area, and space for parking
The Warrior’s from Warrenton registration information.
All are urged to make use of this bers for comment and criticism. La­ Potter, Cathy Reynolds, Susan Reyn­
came back strong in the second per­
The Violette area on the highway,
iod, using a full court press with good opportunity to fulfill their require­ ter in the program, the high schools olds, Allen Robertson, Dennis Sar­
according to the evaluation, is on the
results, and were able to outscore ments for hunting in accordance with will combine for the singing of sev­ gent, Edwin Sanders, Chris Smith,
edge of town, remote from business
the Loggers 25-13 and went down at Oregon state law. All hunters be­ eral massed numbers under the di­ Doug Steele, Paul Goodman, Kathy
tween the ages of 12 and 18 must rection of Mr. Wolfe.
Tomlin, Donna Tucker, Margaret
area but is accessible from the
A formal candlelight initiation halftime leading 34-31.
The concert is at Knappa high Tovey, June Townsend, Jean Watts,
highway. Persons from other parts ceremony was carried out January
The second half was played on ev­ have a valid Hunter Safety certifi­
of the county have voiced opinions 29 at Vernonia high school by offi­ en terms with neither team able to cate on their person when pursuing school. Adults will be admitted for Dan Burton, Ann Johnson and Terri
that a location on the highway would cers of the Vernonia high school gain much of a lead. The Loggers big game. A fine of $25 will be levied 75 cents, high school students for 50 Hepler.
It is an honor for these seventh
place a courthouse in a better po­ chapter of the National Honor Socie­ were able to tie it up in the final on hunters in the field who do not cents and grade school students for
25 cents.
and eighth grade students in the Ver­
sition to serve all areas and that ty and certificates and letters were seconds of the game when Steele have a certificate while hunting.
The course should be completed
since it is a county courthouse that presented to members.
was fouled while scaring on a layin
Vernonia will begin the program nonia grade school chorus to be in­
as the instructors will not re­ with "Christopher Robin Is Saying vited to participate in the high school
deserves more consideration than
The letters, given by the school
the nearness of St. Helens businesses. board in recognition of academic at the end of the regulation time was peat it two weeks before hunting His Prayers,” and conclude with festival.
season this next fall as is generally “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor,”
The architects opposed the Neu­ excellence and leadership, are new 60-60.
man tract because it is in a pri­ this year. They are a gold V border­
The Loggers had three men score assumed.
the inscription from the Statue of
Last year several requests for Liberty.
marily residential area and the ed with blue and at the base are in double figures with Steele leading
streets are too narrow.
the letters, NHS. Just above the the way with 23. Fred Smith and such a class were received immedia­
tely prior to and during hunting sea­
The present site, if used for a new letters is an embroidered Lamp of Jim Bellingham hit 17 and 10 points
son when arrangements for classes
courthouse would require destruction
the Warriors from the field, making could not possibly be made.
of the present courthouse which ma­ ty-
Vernonia Fire Chief Don Webb has
field goals to their 23, but lost the
ny wish to retain, even if a new
Superintendent Joey A c a i t u r r i
issued a request to all residents of
courthouse is built, for use as a made the presentation of the letters game at the freethrow line as War­
the city to observe the city burning
to the officers, Jim Bellingham, Vic­ renton hit 21 freethrows to only eight
All mothers and daughters wish­ ordinances. All open fires within the
Circuit judges, J. S. Bohannon and ki Pollock, Christine King, Sharon for Vernonia.
ing tickets for the Mother-Daughter city limits require a fire permit, re­
Jerry Hanson, with 12 rebounds,
Avery Combs, were at the meeting Brunsman and Linda Jensen who
banquet February 20 at the EUB gardless of size or time of year. The
and described the present circuit were the hold-over members of the led the Loggers in that category.
church must purchase them this people who reside in the newly an­
Scoring: Bellingham 10, Larson 2,
court facilities as “the worst in the chapter and presented letters and
Tuberculin testing of all children
state.” Bohannon cited the bad certificates to five new members, Hanson 4, F. Smith 17, Steele 23, in the 1st, 7th, and 12th grades in week, according to the representa­ nexed areas will now be required
tives from the Youth Rally group to get city burning permits, whereas
acoustics, poor heating and toilet fa­ Donna Sanders, Deanna Ritz, Judy Holsey 8.
Columbia county schools will be done who are in charge of plans. Young they previously came under the juris­
The Vernonia JVs, playing their
cilities, lack of law library space, Stockwell, Christine Bender and Fred
during February and March.
people in all the participating church­ diction of the state laws and obtain­
best game of the season, defeated the
and industrial noise distraction. He Smith.
Tuberculosis will continue to be a es have tickets to sell and are re­ ed permits from the Pittsburg guard
favors a new courthouse.
Certificates only were presented
most serious communicable disease porting a good response.
There were a number of petitions to four sophomores who have been by big margins at all quarter stops: until it is completely eradicated. One
Webb also stated that permits
presented at the meeting which were admitted to probationary member­
may ask why a tuberculosis eradica­ p.m. February 20, will feature a should be obtained in person and not
Joe Curl with 22 points and Dave
not read or discussed there, but are ship. They are Bill Hanson, Sally
tion project should be initiated and Friar Tuck dinner served by the over the telephone, or by sending
now being checked by the county Knowlton, Kathy Jensen and Ann Larson with 18 led the Loggers.
perpetuated in the schools. The an­ men and boys. Excellent entertain­ children after them. Persons apply­
Scoring: Pederson 9, Holsey 0,
clerk for validity of signatures.
Sargent. If they fulfill probationary
swer is because this is 27 percent ment is anticipated from the Kings ing should give information as to
Friday, following the hearing, a requirements and are admitted to Medges 0, Cameron 4, Blackburn 0, of the population, not counting adult
Men Quartet from George Fox Col­ the size cf fire and type of material
ruling by the Oregon state attorney full membership, they, too, will re­ Curl 22, Ellis 12, Larson 18, Mattson school personnel who are required
lege at Newberg.
to be burned. They also should have
general, Robert Y. Thornton, was ceive letters.
to have either X-ray or skin testing
Any mother wishing tickets who heses and shovels at the fire scenes.
The Vernonia Loggers broke open
every year.
has not been contacted may call Eu­
Permits may be obtained by con­
a close game at Banks Tuesday night
This testing identifies the children gene Weller, HAzel 9-5232 who will tacting Chief Webb, Assistant Chief
in the final minutes of the game to
harboring the tuberculosis bacilli so tell them \4iere tickets may be se­ Chet Ray, or at Ralph's Chevron
gain their third league win of the
one can work intelligently in seeking cured. Monday, February 15 is the from Fire Captain Sturdevant. There
season, 69-60.
last day they can be obtained.
is no charge for permits.
The Loggers had four men score the sources of their infection.
in double figures with guard Dan
Steele leading the way with 18 points.
The PTA meeting will be held at there will be a good attendance.
He was followed by Jerry Hanson,
the Mist grade school at 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Robert Curl, PTA president,
next Monday evening, February 15. Mrs. David Banta, Mrs. Ralph Krieg­ Denny Holsey and Fred Smith with
The program will be one to honor er and Mrs. Melvin Schwab attend­ 13, 12 and 11 points respectively.
Scoring: Bellingham 6, Larson 6,
Founder’s Day and to bring to the ed the County Council PTA meeting
attention of the public the work of in Clatskanie Monday, February 1. Hanson 13, F. Smith 11, T. Smith 3,
the PTA. The Mist school will pro­ This group voted to back the bill be­ Steele 18, Holsey 12.
The Vernonia JVs won their game
vide a skit about the PTA founders fore the legislature making it man­
and also furnish muscial entertain­ datory for all school boards in Ore­ against the Banks JVs 57-53. Dave
Larson and Dennis Pederson led JV
gon to furnish books to students from
Mrs. George Cowles, Columbia grades 1 through 12. The other bill scorers with 19 paints each.
Scoring: Pederson 19, Holsey 0,
county PTA president from Rainier, discussed by the council pertained to
Medges 6, Cameron 2, Curl 11, El­
the unification of all Oregon school lis 0, Larson 19, Mattson 0, Peddicord
Dr. T. M. Hobart, mayor of Ver­ districts as has been done in this 0, Minger 0.
nonia, has proclaimed the week of district.
This Friday the Loggers play an­
February 15 through 20 as PTA
The Oregon Council of PTA has other league game when they hast
week in Vernonia and urges every planned a day in Salem February 16,
the Neah-Kah-Nie Pirates.
citizen to observe it by attendance next Tuesday, and a delegation from
at the PTA meeting and with special the Vernonia PTA plans to join with
attention to the work of the PTA Io­ those from other communities
cally, statewide and nationaUy.
meeting. They are to assemble in
The Goodwill truck will be in Ver­
rooms 6 and 7 in the state house nonia next Wednesday morning,
will be in attendance to give a talk basement. They are to receive first
February 17 and will not come again
and she also will assist with the hand information as to what the leg­
for three months. Few calls have
honoring of the past presidents.
islature is doing, especially as re­ been made so far asking the truck
Mrs. Norman Hansen is in charge lates to school legislation. Persons
to pick up things and Mrs. Frank
of arrangements for the meeting and who wish to go with the Vernonia
Lange, local representative, urges
Mrs. Norma Johnston is chairman group may call Mrs. David Banta,
all who have items to donate to call
for refreshments. It is hoped that HAzel 9-5275.
her now at HAzel 9-3161.
Loggers Tally
Win, Loss in
League Play
C o u n c il to
S l9 n C lass
Six Choirs Perform in District
High School Contest at Knappa
Honor Society
Awards Letters
TB Tests Due
Three Grades
Youth Group
Plans Banquet
Pennit Needed
For Open Fires
Founder's Day Observance for
Mist PTA Meeting Group Plan
Goodwill Sets Date
Site No.
5 Acres
Neuman Develo,
(South Shore D
and Bradley
Land Cost ........ .
Grade and Contour
Street Paving .........
Sidewalks ________
Curbs ___________
Sewers __________
Water Service____
Storm Drainage
Removal Buildings Etc.
Access Parking ______
Access P o lic e ________
Moving County Dept’s.
Rental of Facilities
Boarding Prisoners __
$ 96,123.20
- 2,600.1
Site No. 2
2.23 Acres
Flat Iron Site
(14th.-15th. St. Helens
and Columbia
Site No. 3
12 Acres
Violette Tract
(Col. River Hl-way
McBride & S. Road)
$ 90,000.00
$ 95,000.00
10,998 00
Site No. 4
Present Site
(The Plaza)
12,000 00
$ 74,150.00
THIRTEEN can of Southern Pacific train derailed
Saturday morning near Banks due to faulty rail and
resulted in pile-up of ten gondola can loaded with rock.
Two derailed c a n remained upright and were pulled
back on track. Train totaled 56 can.