CLASSIFIED ADS GOLF VIEWS FOR SALEGeneral SERVICES SIX cute Australian Shepherd pups want good homes. $1.00 each. Call HAzel 9-6813. 5tlc FINANCE your new 1965 car with a loan from Vernonia Federal Cred­ it Union. 853 Bridge St. 43tfc FOR SALE: One Jersey cow; also, two purebred Ayrshire«, both bred. Doc Fuquay, HAzel 9-6506. 5t3 SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after 5.30 p.m. 46tfc and NEWS By Gordon Reed The snow is finally gone from the golf course! We are keeping our fingers crossed and hope it stays FOR SALE; Upright showcase, glass away for the rest of this year. front, sliding doors, fine for candy, jewelry, bakery goods display, $60. For the first time since Decem­ Steel typewriter table, $5.00. Vernonia ber 6, 1964 we had golfers playing Golf Club. HAzel 9-3865. 4t3c last Sunday. Believe it or not, you have one of the few courses that PROCESSING PLANT FOR SALE: 12 ft. Reynolds alumi­ was operating last Sunday due to Slate Inspected num Pram boat, car top carrier and past flooding, or high water in this CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING THESE committee members met last week to plan oars, $90. Two Salem maple end ta­ Rumbaugh, committee chairman; standing; Mrs part of Oregon. the PTA review slated for March 5. They are, from bles, $20. Phone Knowltons, HAzel Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Wayne Welch, Mrs. Daniel Lawler, Mrs. Robert Curl Some new faces and a lot of old left, seated: Mrs. Robert Borders, Mrs. Robert Elton, 9-3334. 3t3c Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon PTA president, Mrs. Robert Wendel, Mrs. Wm, ones showed up for a round of golf Cutting and Wrapping Don Jackson, Mrs. David Banta and Mrs. Welcome Ostrander and Welcome Rumbaugh. on one of the nicest days we have Sharp Freezing had in some time. Smoking and Curing Free use of Slock Trailer Many of our friends have asked $ Shop Res. when Kay was coming home? 1 EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 would like to say she is having a Rt. 1, Box 240, Warren, Oregon good rest and visit with her mother Domestic, irrigation or exploratory Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Gro»e, Ore. On Fern Hill Road and friends in snowy Spokane and well drilling. “A Night at the Palace,” an all that she may be home very soon. ltfc Also Pump Sales and Service adult revue for revenue, will be pre­ I can tell you this “batching” busi­ FHA or GI Terms Available CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county sented by the Vernonia PTA Friday, ness is for the birds and I am al­ By March 5 at 8 p.m. on the high school Write or call collect, St. Helens surveyor, C ourt House, St. Helens. most tired of eating out of cans. I stage. Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- 397-2910 may send her a distress signal. This family entertainment will 50tfc 0018. Private surveying, engineer­ Also, quite a few potential paid have an all “star” Vernonia cast of ing work. 24tfc up green fee golfers have asked me FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ over 50 singers and dancers, accord­ what happened to the ad I said sion. Flowers wired anywhere. ing to the general chairman, Mrs. would be in last weeks paper re­ Reed canarygrass, a forage species curring next spring is observed, we Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc Welcome Rumbaugh. garding this service. I told them they well known to most lowland farmers won’t know for sure. Assisting with the Palace produc­ FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ CHERRY TREE Apts. Complete­ of Columbia county, probably is look­ would probably see it in this weeks tion are the Mesdames Robert Wen­ paper? est in flowers for all occasions. ly furnished except bedding, dish­ ed upon as a weed and pest more dell, handbills and stage settings; Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces es. Rent includes all utilities, heat, than a favored livestock feed. How­ With Christmas just over, Christ­ What does a golfer do when he for funerals. Flowers speeded by lights, water. Private bath, kit­ ever, it wasn’t always thus, and even mas tree growers are already hard Wayne Welch and Robert Elton, goes on vacation? For sure he plays tickets; David Banta and Neil Zim­ Iowg distance or wired anywhere. chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel now there are seme situations where at work preparing their crop for the golf at every opportunity. Our first Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. 9-5042. H. J. “Hill” Edison, Mgr. this grass contributes significantly next holiday season. When calling on merman, costumes; Dan Lawler, opportunity was on the Burbank, 14tfc to livestock feed programs. Don Pcurtaies, Rainier, a week ago telephone; Robert Curl, program­ California “De Bell” municipal golf ltfc to check upon some problems with ming; Robert Borders, posters; course. This course is rather pecul­ Native to the northern part of both Grand fir, we found him hard at work George Laws, publicity; Wm. How­ iar. It is laid out around the knob the eastern and western hemispheres, ard, stage properties and Ellen Han­ pruning trees in his plantation. of a hill which is like an overgrown sen, programs . Work wanted, any kind, reasonable. Reed canarygrass w a s cultivated ant hill about 150 feet high and There are several methods of prun­ first in Oregon about 1885. It was Working cn the entertainment com­ Marvin- Sippi- Brewer Sr., 124 A covering about two square acres of ing the various species used for mittee are Mr. and Mrs. James Street. Phone HAzel 9-5751. 4t3 first introduced into Columbia county Christmas trees. They may vary ground. You drive up around it to sometime between 1915 and 1920 Fiske, Mrs. Don Webb, Don Jackson, Want to buy farm for cattle and where it found the exact conditions some with each species, too, but the Lloyd Quinn and Wayne Welch. Mrs. the top, to the pro shop and starter’s REALTORS horses. Must have water and build­ to which it is best adapted. This grass purpose is the same—to produce a Rumbaugh stated that a complete office and parking. VERNONIA BRANCH We checked in, paid our green fees 866 Bridge St. Phone HA 9-5211 ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call is especially suited to swamp or over­ tree of good symmetry, medium den­ list of participants in the production Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write flow lands, performing well on peat sity and with whorls regularly spaced will be released as sobn as all acts and were bold to put our carts in the FRED FLOETER, Broker car and push the button. Yep, we 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore­ soils and on land that is too wet for and close enough to give a pleasing are in full rehearsal. LLOYD QUINN, AGENT did just that and rode a cable car I Mi ACRES, 2 bedroom house, city gon._________________________20tfc other crops. It makes high yields in appearance. back down the side of this “Ant moist cool climate. Scarring of the lower trunk, re­ water. $7500.00 Hill” to the golf course. moval of lower limbs goes hand in Reed canarygrass is a long-lived Oh! Yes, they had had floods also 3 BEDROOM house on lt4 acres perennial grass that spreads by rhi­ hand with pruning practices as a that had cost them No. 6 and No. 7 bordering Nehalem river. $6500.00 WE WISH to thank our friends for zomes. Plants tend to grow in dense means of controlling spacing between greens. The started told us they were their thoughtful cards and letters clumps and they may reach eight limb whorls and increasing density. covered with over a foot of silt and As word of caution about time of BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom house on during the Holiday Season. We hope feet in height. It furnishes abundant debris, so if we played the front side this will be a good year for all of pruning, we must point out that while comer lot (nice). $6500.00. or first nine of the course we should us. Although we love it here on the pasture where soil moisture is ade­ most species can be pruned now, this quate as it starts early in the spring play No. 1 and No. 9 a second time farm, we miss all of you very, very 24 ACRES, refinished 4 B/R home and continues until late in the fall. is not the time to prune the various to make our nine holes on the front with W/W carpet, 3 baths, city much. Will answer your cards and To be of much value it needs to be pine species. Pines are best pruned side. So we decided to play the back water and fire protection. $16,000. letters. grazed closely, or cut early for hay; in the summer when the growth of side or start on No. 10 tee. Gratefully, the candles is about half complete. otherwise it tends to become coarse On this side of the hill you are Kit and Anita Kennedy The soft new growth of a pine is re­ FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, furn­ and unpalatable. locking down on Burbank with beau­ Route 2, Box 23 , ferred to as a ‘candle.” Pruning is ished. $37.50 mo. W ith improved drainage, other done by breaking or cutting out the tiful homes built right up to the Dora, Missouri 65637 5tlc edge of the golf course. There are __________ 5tl grasses and grass and legume mix­ tip of the candle. New buds will re­ tures which lend themselves to easier hardly any trees around the course WE WISH to thank everyone for management have pretty well replac­ generate at this point, creating a tree Team standings and not very much brush or shrub­ W L their cards, gifts and flowers which ed Reed canarygrass. Very seldom with greater density and closer spac­ Quinns 5% 2W bery. The Pro told us that he watch­ REALTY ing of whorls. were deeply appreciated. Pills is it planted in this area now, but ed a fire come over the hills from 6 2 The need for pruning of Christmas and Francis Flannery still it persists and spreads. Standard Oil 2% 5K the right in back of the golf course 3 n trees varies with soil fertility and Vernonia Insurance Exchange _______________________________ 5tl Because of its adaptation to wet depth and rainfall, as well as species. West Oregon this past summer which completely 2 6 Bank Bldg. HAzel 9-6203 areas, this grass is currently causing For most Columbia county areas, High series, Margaret Thompson, denuded the hills of brush and left THIS IS the place you’re looking considerable difficulty in the diking pruning of most species is almost a 544. High game, Gladys Sharar, 209. only rocks and dirt. for! Three-bdrm house, furnished; or drainage districts of the county must. In general our soils, along with Splits picked up: Eunice Tovey So we played out No. 10 and played THE COLUMBIA COUNTY utility, large shop, garage, garden since it often grows alongside and in our abundant rainfall, are just too 4-5-7, Dorris Krieger 2-6-10, Mar­ on up to No. 11. Remeber now, we spot. $6750. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION the drainage ditches. When this hap­ garet Thompson 3-10 and 3-10, Mar­ are playing golf in the city of Bur­ ANNOUNCES AN EXAMINATION pens. the flow of water is impeded, well suited to timber production to garet Berg 5-10, Nancy Leonard 3- bank with homes built right up to allow Christmas tree production with­ FOR TWO-BEDROOM summer living, 10. drainage of the land is less effective, out some cultural practices. the course and we could look down, one-half acre on Nehalem river. and ditch cleaning costs are in to where a couple hundred thousand DRAFTSMAN 2 One alternative to pruning is selec­ $500 down. creased. people are working. As we turned $380 - $480 tion of seed stock for Christmas tree away from No. 11 green to go over With the advent of modem herbi­ type. However, this practice is read­ High School Graduate with three FARM HOME for rent. Prefer re­ to No. 12 tee, I saw what I first cides, various chemical approaches ily accomplished since more study years of drafting experience. tired couple. thought was someone’s dog, but on to controlling the Reed canarygrass and research needs to be done. More CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR a second look it was a coyote scoot­ along ditches have been made. Be­ work has been done on the production $400 - $500 CLEAN two bdrm house near schools ing up over the rise onto the road cause of the availability of equipment of timber trees. $2500. Will sell on contract. High School Graduate and five and the cooperation of the drainage The Goodwill truck will visit Ver­ and then across onto No. 1 fairway years experience in responsible plan­ district supervisors and individual nonia Wednesday, February 17 ac­ with people all over the place. Where FARM LISTINGS NEEDED ning and supervising operational pro­ farmers, we have done most of this This is tree planting time for wood­ cording to Mrs. Frank Lange, local he went I do not know, or for that 5tlc grams. work in the Beaver Drainage District, land owners, Christmas tree growers, representative. The truck calls here matter where he came from. Later, in talking to one of the Clatskanie, Jess Lewis and Minkoff orchardists, and the homeowner. As the third Wednesday of every third BOOKKEEPER far as our coniferous species are con­ greenskeepers, I questioned him month, so another call will not be Hereford Ranch have been particu­ $250 - $326 cerned, most of which are planted made until May. about it. He said, "Oh yes, we have larly helpful. High School Graduate and one year FOR SALE: 1957 Ford, 4-dr. station Persons who wish to have the truck lots of coyotes on the course. The Various chemical companies have with bare-rooted stock, planting can wagon, V8, R&H, PS, PB, Ex. cond. of experience in general office work continue through March. Weather call at their home to pick up articles other morning we saw seven in one assisted in this project which has which includes fiscal record keep­ Recent overhaul, engine, transmis­ bunch.” had a fair degree of success over the governs how much later planting can of clothing, household items, toys or sion. $550. 1953 Chev, 4-