Public Installation Slated 7 By Rainbow Girls Assembly 1965 Officers Are Installed Rummage Sale Planned By Vernonia Grange Double Boilers Attend Meeting Oemonia Cagle Vernonia Grange Home Econom­ THURSDAY, FEB, 4, 1965 3 ies club officers for 1965 are Mrs. Mrs. Willard Haverland was instal­ Marie Christenson, chairman; Mrs. Nehalem Assembly No. 18, Order Kathy Tomlin. The Double Boilers 4-H club held led as most excellent chief for Ver­ Lois Hytrek, vice-chairman; Mrs. of Rainbow for Girls, will hold pub­ Recent activities for the Rainbow a meeting January 26 at the home Blanch Pickering, secretary-treasur­ Do You Know This Man? lic installation of officers Saturday Girls have included a trip to Clats­ nonia Temple Pythian Sisters at the er. The club will hold a rummage of their leader. Mrs. Neil Zimmer meeting held last Wednesday, Janu­ Bern September 6, 1938 at St. Paul, evening, February 6 at 8 p.m. at kanie Sunday, January«10 to take sale March 4, 5 and 6 at the fire man. Minnesota. the Masonic Temple and relatives part in the robing ceremony for the ary 21, at the IOOF hall. She suc­ hall ceeds Mrs. Marie Atkins. After the business meeting, Belinda Lived in Nebraska before coming to and friends are invited to attend. DeMolay boys. After the robing, re­ Lucky players at the Grange card The installation followed a potluck Miss Kathy Minger, daughter of freshments were served. Oregon with his parents. Brewer and Jerri Rundle demonstrat­ dinner at which guests were enter­ party Saturday night were: women’s ed making hamburgers. The girls Has lived here, then elsewhere, then Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger, will At the meeting of the local assem­ tained and preceded the regular first, Mrs. Vivian Counts; women’s then ate them along with potato be seated as worthy advisor. She bly Monday, January 25, each girl returned. second, Mrs. Florence Johnson; has chosen as her motto, “Do Unto selected a Mason as a secret pal. meeting of the temple so that it could chips and punch. Is a graduate of Vernonia high men’s first, Julius Hytrek; men’s Others.” The DeMolay boys from On special occasions, such as Val­ be opened to non-members. Saturday, January 30, Mrs. Zim­ school. second, Cass Bergerson; pinochle Clatskanie will be here for the entines day, Christmas, and their Installing officer was Mrs. Dudley prize, Mrs. Florence Johnson. merman tcok the girls to a 4-H offi­ Married here January 30, 1960. crowning ceremony. cers training school at St. Helens, Has one child. birthday, the Rainbow Girls are to Spofford who was assisted by Mrs. where they learned more about their Is a member of the Jaycees. Other officers to be installed with give their secret pal gifts. At the Faye Davis as acting grand manager duties. The girls who went were Is a coin collector and member of Miss Minger are: Worthy associate end of the year, there will be a din­ and Mrs. E. E. Garner as acting Jerri Rundle, Belinda and Sharon advisor, Marilyn Jones; charity, Ann ner held at which the Rainbow Girls grand senior. the coin club. Others installed were Mrs. Atkins, Bergerson; hope, Chris Bender; tell who their secret pal is. Brewer, Nancy Hartzell, Donna Is active in a local church. Wantland, Patti Lawler and Vicki (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ faith, Marsha Krieger; recorder, Refreshments and a dance will past chief; Mrs. Dane Brady, ex­ cellent senior; Mrs. Launee Cousins, May. Later that day the girls had Kristen Landers; treasurer, Judy follow the installation. chols) Answer to last week’s quiz: excellent junior; Mrs. Jackie Atkins, Stockwell; chaplain, Nancy Hamnett, Peter Felong. Dr. Sheridan A. Thiringer was fun playing games with 4-H club manager; Mrs. Frank Lange, sec­ members from other schools. love, Marilyn King; religion, Linda among the 500 physicians from the retary; Mrs. Irma Chance, treasur­ Abercrombie; nature, Darthula Vicki May, reporter Read the ads, it will pay you! Pacific Northwest who attended the er; Mrs. Dorothy Carter, protector, Grosche; immortality, Virginia Nel­ Oregon Academy of General Practice Mrs. Thora Shaffer, guard and Mrs. son; fidelity, Judy Hom; patriotism, symposium on cortico-steroids held Olivia Wood, musician. Judy Baska; service, Diane Rodgers; in Portland January 29. Mrs. Charley Hickman, president confidential observer, Alison Hall; The symposium was held to pro­ outer observer, Lawayne Leffler; At the meeting of Mt. Heart Re­ of the Past Chiefs club, made the vide physicians of the region with drill leader, Jeanette Altman; assis­ bekah Lodge Tliursday evening of presentation of past chiefs pins to tant drill leader, Rory Workman; last week, Mrs. Jean Conners be­ Mrs. Atkins, outgoing MEC, and Mrs. latest data on the various uses of cortioa-steroids, a relatively new mother advisor, Mrs. Louise Ham­ came a member by transfer from Wood who had served as musician family of synthetic drugs of 12 dif­ nett; dad advisor, Sam L. Hearing; Prosperity Lodge at Seattle and was for the past three years. She extend­ historian, Marsha Aldrich; musician, welcomed by Noble Grand Mathilde ed to them a cordial invitation to ferent types, with a broad scope of medical applications ranging from Sharon Brunsman; choir director, Bergerson as the first new member join the Past Chiefs club at then- allergic emergencies to the treat­ next meeting, February 18 at the during her term. ment of rheumatism. home of Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Gertrude Schalock reported In addition to the six medical au­ Mrs. Atkins then presented gifts of that she, Mrs. Marie Atkins and thorities who presented papers on pins and earrings to Mrs. Lange and Mrs. Dorothy Carter had purchased cortico-steroids, Dr. Morris J. Fish- $100 worth of towels and bed linens Mrs. Chance who have completed six bein, internationally honored and years service as desk officers. After and delivered them to the IOOF serving for three years they were widely known physician, was fea­ Robert Walker was named as pres­ home in Portland where they were admitted to the past chiefs club and tured as the luncheon speaker. ident for the Vernonia Gem and Fos­ royally received by the matron who received their pins. The medical symposium was part sil club at the meeting held Janu­ expressed her appreciation to the In the meeting conducted by Mrs. of the Oregon Academy of General Vernonia lodge for their help in sup­ ary 26. Other officers named were Haverland a contribution was made Practice program of postgraduate Bruce Watson, vice-president; Mrs. plying these much needed items. to the heart fund. education for physicians in general The ladies also took a rug and win­ James Drake, secretary; Earl Pick­ An invitation was received from practice and was presented under a ering, treasurer; Mrs. Albert Scha- dow shade to the home for the room Friendship Temple at North Plains to grant from Lederle Laboratories. which this lodge furnished lock, federation director; and Art attend their meeting February 5 The Academy of General Practices The next meeting of the social when Grand Chief Jean Ralston vis­ is the only medical organization Fowler, editor for the club paper. club will be February 9 at the home its there and plans were made for Camelian Lite. which requires its members to earn The president made appointments of Mary Markham, 425 Rose avenue. a good delegation to attend. credits at the postgraduate level. as follows: Program chairman, Lar­ The lodge will meet Thursday, Feb­ Mrs. Davis, who was appointed as Its physicians must obtain at least ry Garner; show chairman, Ray ruary 11 and balloting will be ex­ director of works, has called a prac­ 150 hours of accredited study in a Taylor; custodian, James Drake; emplified. tice for all officers at 7:30 p.m. Feb­ three-year period to maintain mem­ field chairman, H. H. Sturdevant; ruary 10, prior to the next meeting. bership. The symposium on cortico­ sunshine chairman, Mrs. Grant Thay­ steroids carried five and one-half er and ways and means committee, accredited hours. Mrs. Art Ostrander, Mrs. Ray Tay­ Winema Livestock Club FLUS lor and Mrs. Robert Walker. TAX Elects 1965 Officers Last Friday, members got togeth­ Friendship Club Holds The Winema 4-H Livestock club w ith 8 g a llo n g a s o lin e p u rch a se er and arranged a display case which Meeting On Wednesday A rock show, window displays, citi­ met at the home of Kathy and Ray­ is to be taken to the OMSI building This beautiful tableware, Rogers “Spring Wheat”, crafted in The Friendship Club met Wednes­ this Friday for entry in the Oregon zens and residents alike in authentic mond Grimsbo last Wednesday ev­ ening. day at the home of Mrs. Gene Wel­ stainless by the International Silver Company, is available Agate and Mineral show which starts costumes, a beard contest, a parade The new officers elected for the ler. The afternoon was spent in vis­ there Saturday and runs through Feb­ and carnival are all part of the Gay exclusively a t the sign of th e Chevron. E ach piece is 90’s Festival to be held in Forest coming year are Larry Hemeon, iting and two games were played. De­ ruary 13. gracefully proportioned and finely balanced with a bright The next meeting of the club will Grove February 26-27, in conjunction president; Alan Johnston, vice-pres­ votions were given by Mrs. Grace smooth finish that will last and last. Additional service pieces be February 12 at 8:00 p.m. at the with the 19th annual original All- ident; Marilyn Janes, secretary- Peachey. are also available. Charge them on your Chevron National Northwest Barber Shop Ballad con­ treasurer. fire hall. Attending were Mesdames Maxine Credit Card if you wish. Start your collection today at: Members discussed their projects. Weller? Zada Snoak, Juanita Steele, test. After the meeting Mrs. Grimsbo Alice Brown and children, Margaret While the Forest Grove Gleemen CHEVRON BEN'S BARBER SHOP sponsor the two day ballad compe­ served refreshments. Berndt, Opal Hazen, Grace Peachey Next meeting will be held at the and granddaughter, Jessie Miller, tition, a Forest Grove citizen’s com­ SERVICE Expert Tonsorial Work home of Larry and Vicki Hemeon Gertrude Hacksma, Carolyn Night- mittee plans festival activities. Open S ix Days a Week wine, Jody Wantland and son and Dr. Robert Nixon will again serve February 10 at 7:30 p.m. Amy Hunteman. as master of ceremonies for the Vernonia, Oregon Modem girls wear just as many Refreshments of gingerbread and Saturday parade and street activi­ WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR ties preceding it. This is Nixon’s clothes as their grandmothers — but whipped cream, coffee and punch not all at once. were served by the hostess. seventh year as MC. On Friday all city schools will hold Is your home Gay 90’s programs an8 students will UNDER-INSURED? have an opportunity to dress up in ,n “old fashioned” costumes. Get full fire coverage at Saturday events will include the lower cost at beard and costume judging, presen­ tation of awards for window displays, exhibits and activities to interest all visitors. SWIFT’S PREM. Street banners and parking meters FAST • FAIR • FRIENDLY decorated as barber poles will pro­ claim to one and all that they have Lloyd Quinn — HA 9-5211 arived in Ballad Town. Lei's Get Acquainted! Dr. Thiringer At Symposium Rebekahs Give Items to Home Walker Named By Rock Club ROGERS “SPRING WHEAT” ~ ~ STAINLESS FOUR PIECE Q Q C SETTING ONLY Gay 90s Event Offers Variety R A L P H 'S Phone HA 9-6691 Better Quality for Less Here! V at NOTICE NOTICE: Dog owners are reminded that OKS 609.100 requires that all dog tags (licenses) “shall be fastened by the licensee to a collar and kept on the dog at all times when not in the immedi­ ate possession of the licensee.” All dogs not wearing a license in accordance with ORS 609.100 will be treated by the Dog Control Officer as an unlicensed animal. APPLICATION FOR DOG LICENSE (Clip and Mail) To: ROY NELSON, County Clerk of Columbia County, St. Helens, Oregon: Please send me a dog license for the ensuing year as follows: Check Proper Classification Schedule of Fees Before Mar. 1st After Mar. 1st Male ............................................. $1.50 Spayed Female ........................... $1.50 Female ...................................... $3.00 $2.50 $2.50 $4.00 Fully Cooked Lb. 39c As K> SWIFT’S PREM. You know the feeling . . . a quietness foils over the dinner toble . . . everyb o d y ener­ FRANKS getically "saws Ond chaws’’ a w a y ot the steaks or ro o s t. . and you begin to g e t that "sinking’’ feeling. You’ve been stuck with another tough cut o f beef. Vac. Pack N o w , in your tim ejt_co n ’f hap p en a g ain . . . not when you reoch fo r b e e f b earin g the Sw ift’s Premium (7 & J < ^ )T e n d e re d la b e l N a w you have your choice o f d ry o r moist p rep aratio n o f Just abo u t any cut you w o n t 89c CUCUMBERS e , c 10c BISQUICK S Ä ker 55c TOMATOES K U 2 ». 35c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR ™ $2.25 APPLES X .................Lb. 10c PUFFED RICE 2 59c ORANGES ls,„ 5 tu 49c INSTANT COFFEE 95c CRACKERS “ 2 l u 55c CRISCO OIL 49c COLD WATER A L L 6 9 c RHODES BREAD “ 2 ^ 75c A 2 5 -y e a r search fo r tender b e e f . . . e very time . . is over and its results a re a t your servile. Come in— try it today. , Lbs. I Quaker Pkgs. Folgers 6-oz. Jar. Name of Breed of Dog............................................. Enclosed find: Draft, Check, Money Order for $ 1H Pints Name ............................................................................ Address Fill the above blank out in full and return with necesary fee licenses expire December 31st of each year. REMIT BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER DO NOT SEND CURRENCY. PICNICS “ There aren’t any more tough cuts! '• $1.00 Penalty after March 1st, 1965 All S A M ’S FOOD STO RE FREE DELIVERY PHONE HA 9-5501