Demonia Cagle 8 C Q A S Î.ÎO - C O A THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1965 Storewide Sale Spray Circular Aids Gardener win a FREE VIA PAN AM Winter is planning time, not only 5 DAY VACATION for the commercial farmer, but also By Frank J. Laheney FOR 2 IN for the home gardener who would EXOTIC QUESTION: How do I get social keep ahead of insects and diseases CHECK YOUR LUCKY NUMBER ON THE COVER OP YOUR on his backyard fruit and nut trees security credit for my farm income? Cl RCULAR BY BRINGING IT TO I had a net profit of about $3000 last next spring, summer and fall. YOUR COA5T.TO-COA5T STORE COHTKST NOT V A LID year, but I have enough dependents WHERE PR O H IB ITED BY LAW A newly-revised Oregon State Uni­ STAY AT THE PRINCESS KAIULAUI so I do not have to pay income tax. versity Extension circular, “Spray II » I * ANSWER: Although you may not Schedule for Home Orchards,” will owe income tax, you must still file help the backyard gardener plan now on steps to be taken during the tax forms 1040 and Schedule F if TV Plllowback 2000 Hour LIGHT BULBS Berniom atic RECLINER coining months. The circular is your net income was $400 or more. FUEL CYLINDER available at county e ¿tension offices Your social security credit is based ONLY or from the OSU bi iletin clerk, Cor­ on the information reported on these forms. vallis. Regularly QUESTION: I am a new bride and Written by Iain MacSwan, OSU $1.69 extension plant pathologist, and R. do not plan to retire from my job. W. Every, OSU extension entomolo­ What should I do about my social gist, the circular outlines action to security card? My name is now dif­ be taken to control insects and dis­ ferent from the name on my card. ANSWER: You should ask your eases which attack various fruit and nut trees. social security office for a new card The recommendations are made showing your new name. You will be specifically for the home gardener asked to complete a short applica­ Bright, long life. End free |uent and do not meet the requirements of tion and then will be issued a new Rolox In comfort. Foam con­ bulb changing. Average 2000 hr. card. structed bock, le a f, pillow. Berniomatic disposable fuel the commercial orchardist. life. 120-130 volt rating. 60, Tufted styling, welt trim. Beige cylinder (its most propano torch- 75, 1 0 0 w o t t .il. . . QUESTION: I recently opened a The pesticides recommended were Sage or Brown. (EL0060-3-EL0100-5) ox ond appliances. (HA1898-5, (FA0075-6-FA0077-4) selected on the basis of their effect­ business and I hired two clerks. When do I start making the social iveness, availability and safety, the authors point out. Most of the pesti­ security reports? M astercraft 36 Month Coast- To-Coait INSULATED ANSWER: Your quarterly report cides are among the less hazardous Quick Dry 6 VOLT BATTERY UNDERSUIT to the user and "all can be used safe­ must be made by the end of the SPRAY PAINT ly if common sense precautions are month following the end of the quart­ ohserved,” including following the er. Calendar quarters end on the last manufacturer’s directions, proper day of March, June, September, ana storage, and other safety precau­ December. tions. QUESTION: My 17-year-old daugh­ ter has been receiving social secur­ ity benefits since her mother’s death. READ ADVERTISING — IT PAYS! She was married last week. Can she still receive her checks? 16 OZ. CAN E&B LAUNDRY and ANSWER: Your daughter cannot receive checks beginning with the DRY CLEANERS month of her marriage. You should 756 Bridge St. notify the social security office of — Also, Shoe Repairing — Spray point for your many homo 2-pieee, 5 ounce CeEacloud. point-up jobs. Non-toxic, many Two-day Service her marriage, giving the exact date Ea.y-to-wash, quick dry, worm. rich colors avoiloblo. she was married. CASH & CARRY Slsoe small through extra large, (GP0201-5-G P0246-6) For all Chev., Ford, Plym. HAWAII » BRUNSM AN < HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E - WE F U R N IT U R E D E L IV E R - CONE IN AND SEE OUR LINE OF MOTOROLA T.V. NOW IN PROGRESS’ (SC0010-1-SC0013-8) 1956 and o ld er.(D A 75-97) V Drive to Open I For Heart Fund contain an ashless deter­ gent to give you far longer engine life. Now in multi- grade "RPM SUPREME” or single-grade “ RPM SPE­ CIAL” . . at the sign of the Chevron, where we take b e tte r care of your car RALPH'S CHEVRON SERVICE Phone HA 9-6691 We Take Better Care of Your Car! Swine Growers Slate Meeting Oregon Swine Growers association have scheduled their annual meeting and a bred gilt sale for Salem, Jan­ uary 29 and 30. The annual meeting is set for 6:30 Friday evening, January 29, at Ran­ dalls Chuck Wagon and will feature a program on production testing and carcass data results, reports County Extension Agent Don Coin Walrod. Gilts, hred to farrow in February and March, will be sold at auction at the state fairgrounds, Salem, start­ ing at noon Saturday, January 30. Five breeds of registered animals will be sold. A 4-H and FFA judging contest will be sponsored by the group with starting time set for 10:00 a m. The winner of each group will receive a trophy. KING’S Grocery-M arket Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buy» More” Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING 159’ A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square $-J 2S Motorola Portable Radio Now $ i j 95 Only ............... 14 Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. Square $-g 59 Yard________ 9x12 Plastic Surface Rugs 1 55' SIMMONS Slumber King Innei Spring Mattress and Box Springs $ A Q 95 VACUUM BOTTLES Mrs. Harold W. Kerry, a long­ time resident of Scappoose, has been named Columbia County Heart Funa chairman, according to John W. Ken­ dall, Oregon Heart association pres­ ident. The February drive brings the deadliest combination of diseases of our modern day under one drive. These include heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, inborn hean defects and rheumatic fever, which are responsible for 56 percent of all deaths in Oregon, The drive will be at its high point during the week of February 15 to 21 when volunteers in all the coun­ ty’s residential areas will visit their neighbors to give out educational materials on how to reduce the risk of heart attacks and to accept con­ tributions to the heart fund, accord- to Mrs. Kerry. Mrs. Kerry was recently a con­ tender for county road commission­ er and is president of the county American Legion Auxiliary. NEW RPM DEPOSIT-FREE MOTOR OILS 3-Light White Shade Universal “ Royal Scot“ BATTERY CHARGER 19” Martorola Portable TV with Stand and TV Trays $ e P*/X95 Now Only................... Price, each xw Beauty Rest Inner Spring M attress and Box $P T Q 50 Regularly $12.95 4 amp or 6 or 12 volt chargor with accurate ammeter. Chargee the average battery overnight. (AJ0756-3) IRONING BOARD PAD AND COVER Cocoa color seamless tubing fits ceilings to 8 '4 ” . 3 spark­ ling white shades. Walnut trim. Central switch. (FN0500-7) Pint or Quart lis e dependable vacuum bottles. For school, work, putings. (WK0227-2) 7 ” ROLLER & TRAY SET La Salle "Fan Gio” Automatic Elec. Heater with $Q J9 5 Thermostat . .. jc Titan Circi-Aire Portable Baseboard Elec. Heater Combination Fan-Forced and Radiant $0095 Heat. Only__ Springs, Each I