Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1965 7 Men to Serve at Feb. 20 Event Members of the Vernonia Youth Rally group are reminding ladies and girls this week that it is time to be getting tickets for the mother and daughter banquet to be held February 20 at the EUB church din­ ing room. Tickets are $1.50 for mothers and $1 for junior age daugh­ ters. Tickets must be sold in ad­ vance so that food can be provided accordingly. The ladies are in for a real treat because the men and boys will do all the work for this occasion, a real turn-about to the usual procedure. Also, outstanding entertainment is promised by the Kings Men quartet from George Fox college at New­ berg. Ladies who do not have a daugh­ ter of their own to take are advised to borrow a daughter for the even­ ing. Tickets are available from young people in all the churches and early purchase would be greatly ap­ preciated. Altar Society Plans for Party At ameeting of the executive com­ mittee of the St. Mary’s Altar So­ ciety, called by President Lois Law­ ler, the proposed card party was discussed. Rose Valpiani, chairman for the card party committee, announced the Scout Cabin would be available on Saturday, February 13. There will be prizes for high and low scores in bridge and pinochle, traveling prize for pinochle and a door prize. Refreshments will be served, also. So live that you won’t hesitate to be the first woman to leave the bridge party. Next time you feel wistful about your lost youth, just think about al­ gebra. 4-H Club Officers To Train Saturday Columbia County 4-H clubs will send their officers to McBride school in St. Helens Saturday, January 30 for an officers’ training meeting. The program will begin at 10:15 a.m. and will adjourn at approxi­ mately 2:30 p.m. Officers of clubs will get instruction in their duties and responsibilities and will also have some training in leading rec­ reation. All 4-H club members at­ tending should take their own lunch. BASKETBALL Vernonia Drug Company Emma Etheridge VERNONIA Past Masters Hear Reports The Pomona Grange Past Masters club met at Warren Grange hall the evening of January 20, following a potluck dinner. There was a good attendance, including members from four Granges. A report was made on the Grange Register on which the Past Masters have been working, and it is expect­ ed that they will be available at the next Pomona meeting, February 6. This will be the fifth publication of this booklet which the Past Masters club has compiled each year for the benefit of the Granges of Columbia county. The Past Masters club also is spon­ soring attendance prizes to be given at Pomona Grange this year. One, for the largest number of elective officers of any subordinate Grange present at Pomona, will be $10 and the other, for the largest percentage of members of a subordinate Grange present at a Pomona meeting, will be $15. A report was made on the Pomona Grange booster dinner which will be held March 17 at the Rainier grade school with which the club is help­ ing. At the next regular business meet­ ing, scheduled for April 23 at Beaver Valley Grange hall, Past Masters and masters of the Junior Granges of the county will be honored. VS. CLATSKANIE CLUB MEETS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY EACH MONTH 6:30 PJ4., FIRE HALL Robert Sargent, President Don Jackson, Secretary 3-65 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meet« al Masonic Temple. Staled Communication th ir d i Thursday of each month, •ht 8:00 pan. Horace Hertel, W. M. Walter E. Linn, Sec’y. 1-65 • Company Vernonia Variety • & Shell Oil Vernonia M ilk Farms Ruth and Marion Steers Henry Anderegg Nichols Variety Kate's Cafe Fuiten and Friesen | Chapel In The Hills i • King's Grocery Union Oil Company Bob, Earl, Emilie Loel Roberts • Bob's Union Service Standard Dairy Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Products • Sunnyside Service West Oregon Electric Hans and Vi Slette Co-op., Inc. Vernonia Branch • The U.S. Bank Vernonia Trading Co. and 88< Store People who attempt to cash flat­ tery find it’s a forgery. Think before you speak and you’ll have time to listen. Vernonia Clinic • Drs. Hobart, Thiringer and Kramer Crown Construction Company • Ben's Barber Shop • Fabrics 'n Fashions • NEHALEM VALLEY COIN CLUB Doris Skidmore Vernonia Federal Credit Union George Laws, President Harry Junken, Vice-president Stanley Enevoldsen, Secretary Dean's M arket • Darigold Farms Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer VISITORS WELCOME The Vernonia Eagle • Spofford's Flower Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I Tandy Shoe Repair and Gift Shop Meets 4th Monday each month al the IOOF hall. 8 PM . Albert Tandy • • Brunsman Hardware L. E. Stiff, Comniander Reuel Smith, Adjutant Leah Stiff, President Cora Lange, Secretary Montgomery Ward Coast-To-Coast Stores Sales Agency Jean Myer, Agent Ralph's Chevron 7-65 Lloyd Quinn Insurance Columbia River Real Estate IWA Local 3-14 1 -KH' ' Meets First and Third Thursdays 7:30 P.M. PYTHIAN SISTERS Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month 2-65 A.F.L. — C.I.O. Business Agent is at the hall, North and W ashington Sts. third and fourth Thursday 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 4-64 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 LCkO.F- First and Third Tuesday 8 P-M. 1-65 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday «venings of each month in the I.O.O.F. hall. Mathilde Bergerson, Noble Grand Irma Chance, Secretary 3-65 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Guy I. Thomas, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Secy. 7-65 SATURDAY. JANUARY 30 Enco Service Joe and Wally Grosche Mar-Lee Beauty Salon :• Esther Ring Sam's Food Store Lew's Place John and Helen Wylde Western Auto Associate Store Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153. O. E. S. Regular com­ munication first and third Wed. of each month at Masonic Tem­ ple. AH visiting sisters and broth­ ers welcome. Jean Bergerson, W. M. Frances Hersbey, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald VERNONIA HIGH SCHOOL GYM Meets First and Third Mondays j of each month. City Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Claude Frazier Sf Linn Grocery Edna and Walter Linn • Bill Horn Realty and Vernonia Insurance 1-65 AMERICAN LEGION Prelim inary Games Start at 6:15 P.M. Varsity Games Start at 8:00 P.M. Wauneta's Ceramics Wauneta Yeager Ed Roediger Jr. PLUMBING • Fisher's Electric and Appliance POST 119 Vernonia Service Sta. George Johnson The Pine Cone Thomas Hall, Commander H any Culbertson, Adjutant M ill M arket & Lockers LOGGER BOOSTERS 1-65 1-65 YA Irma and Sherm VERNONIA AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays Beanlah Hall, President Morel Foften, Secretary c- • and Electric Ralph Sturdevant Jack Bergerson, Chancellor Commander !. E. Garner, Secretary Lloyd Quinn, Noble Grand Harry Culbertson. Sec. Allied J & H Lumber AUXILIARY Meets 4th Mon., IOOF hall 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. Hall Second Monday of Each Month ilarie Atkins, M.E.C. ora Lange, Secretary Joe Magoff Zeke and Marion Lemaick KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon • Dessys Bowl Meets last Thursday every m onth West Oregon Electric Auditorium , 7:30 P.M. LIONS Standard Oil Company • LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA Birkenfeld Grocery L IS T E D ABOVE URGE YOU TO A T T E N D Cliff and Ruby Fowler ALL THE GAMES