CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General SERVICES FOR SALE: Used 66-gal. elec, hot water heater, fine heating condition, $20. Upright showcase, glass front, sliding doors, fine for candy, jewel­ ry, bakery goods display, $60. Steel typewriter table, $5.00. Vernonia Golf Club, HAzel 9-3865._______ 4t3c FINANCE ydUr new 1965 car with a loan from Vernonia Federal Cred­ it Union. 853 Bridge St. 43tfc » GOLF VIEWS and NEWS By Gordon Reed Walt's Cabinet Shop St. Helens, Oregon » » » » » » » » » » » THE PUBLIC WELFARE ? Questions about public welfare which are of general interest are answered in this column as a public service. Help with individual prob- fare office.) Representative Talks on Bills State Representative Grace Peck (D-Portland) outlined proposed leg­ islation for the retarded and discus­ sed a wide range of other bills when she met with CARC last week in St. Helens. Representative Peck, somewhat pessimistic about any laws being passed that would benefit the retard­ ed, due to the conservative atmos­ phere in the present legislature, list­ ed four areas of action being con­ sidered by the state. One of these is the research conducted by lay, pro­ fessional and governmental leaders that will be used in planning a long range program for the retarded. The other three areas are: A bill to get an appropriation to continue the day-care center for trainable children in Clackamas county, which now serves 30 children and to get another day-care center established in the state. This would be an extension of HB 1326, passed by the last legislature. A bill to pay part of the cost of classes for the trainable, ages 6-21, if a school district elects to provide classes (Senate bill 39). A plan (already virtually approv­ ed) to rearrange facilities at the Eastern Oregon hospital with a view to transferring older patients from Fairview. This move would effect 400 patients, and would probably eliminate the waiting period at Fair- view Home. The legislator plugged several other programs, among them legis­ lation to help the emotionally dis­ turbed, which she called “a para­ mount need.” Emotionally disturbed children, said Mrs. Peck, go into the main stream of life not prepared and become involved in a long string of trouble. The suicide, the crim­ inal, the social misfit—these are often the children who didn’t get straightened out when they were little, Mrs. Peck told CARC. In other business Frances Robin­ son, president, announced that Mrs. Donald Moar of Scappoose has as­ sumed editorship of the monthly news letter published by CARC. Subscription is $1 yearly. Mrs. Stenton, teacher at the Co­ lumbia activity center, announced that six children are attending the classes held at the labor temple. They range in age from 5 to 13 years. Oernotiia Eagle 6 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. 1965 ow I E G I am sorry we cannot brag any­ more about our golfing weather at yemonia Golf club in the winter I got a lump sum check for social months. Phone 397-1231 security this month and I already FOR SALE: 12 ft. Reynolds alumi­ For over six years now, we have num Pram boat, car top carrier and Kitchen cabinets, bathroom built-ins, told our friends and anyone that was had my welfare check. What should oars, $90. Two Salem maple end ta­ counter tops. Formica, plastic and interested, that we had had golfers I do? If your social security benefits will bles, $20. Phone Knowltons, HAzel ceramic Wall tile. Flecto finishes- on the course every Christmas and not be enough to meet your needs 9-3334. 3t3c complete furniture finishing line in New Years for the past six years. stock. Team Standing W L on a continuing basis, you have the Old man winter decided to change choice of arranging for your case to Flecto clear Varathane outlasts var­ Pills 1 3 nish 2 to 1. Flecto white out dates our story; what a good job he has be closed until you have used up the Quinns 214 114 paint. 43tfc done. Sunday, December 6 was the lump sum cheek you have received Standard Oil 114 214 last time we had golfers on the or simply refunding the lump sum to SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping course. According to my diary, we 1 West Oregon Electric 3 the welfare department and having Rt. 1, Box 240, Warren, Oregon and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia had snow, cold, and rain from then Sharon McKee, high game, 207, your assistance grant continued. You Domestic, irrigation or exploratory City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens on until it almost left completely should tell your caseworker immed­ and high series, 507. well drilling. 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after by December 26. I mowed greens iately that you have received your Splits picked up: Margaret Thomp­ Also Pump Sales and Service 5:00 p.m. 46tfc and sprayed them for snow mold on son 2-4-5-10, Ann McEntire 3-10, Vi social security check and give him FHA or GI Terms Available i the 26th before starting a little va­ the amount. If you wish to refund the Fetherston 5-6, Vi Aldrich 5-6-10. Write or call collect, St. Helens cation on December 28. money to the welfare department, it 397-2910 There was snow on the ground is advisable to bring it to the office PROCESSING PLANT ____________________________50tfc Monday, the 28th, when I got out since caseworkers are not permitted State Inspected from under the covers, ft started to accept reimbursement in the field. FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING snowing at 8 a.m. and by 1 o’clock Why is public welfare getting in­ sion. Flowers w ired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday there was 4 inches of snow on the volved in birth control? Shouldn’t Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon course and more coming. this be left up to the individual? FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ Cutting and Wrapping Among the brightest chapters in We left at 1 p.m. for sunny Cali­ Many families who might wish to est in flowers for all occasions. Sharp Freezing medical history is that which has fornia and warm weather, we hoped, make use of such information do Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces Smoking and Curing been chronicled over the past 15 but we never did quite find the warm not know where to obtain help with for funerals. Flowers speeded by Free use of Stock Trailer years with regard to the fight to weather. We did, however, run out family planning and are not aware long distance or wired anywhere. Shop Res. save middle-aged American m e n of the snow as we drove towards of the policy which permits casework­ Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Forest Grove. By the time we hit from the ravages of heart and blood ers to make referrals to facilities ____________________________ ltfc Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. the highway south the snow was vessel disease. There has been, since which offer these services. The re­ On Fern Hill Road 1950, a 7% per cent decline in the gone, but we still had patches of cently established public welfare poli­ ltfc rainfall. cardiovascular death rate applying cy directs caseworkers to inform re­ to American males aged 45 through I checked back with Dale Ro­ cipients of whatever facilities are C L A R E N C E R. W A G N E R , county 64. berts (who was staying at the course available and to offer referral in surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. For the first time, the death rate while we were gone) to see what the case the family wishes to accept it. Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- weather was like here. The only No family is required to accept these from high blood pressure and the 0018. Private surveying, engineer­ thing he could report was more snow. heart disease it causes is down 50 REALTORS ing work. 24tfc Our neighbor, Al Rosser, told Dale services. per cent, while that from stroke has VERNONIA BRANCH My neighbor is applying for assis­ one day that he measured 23 inches dropped 26 per cent. These dramatic 866 Bridge St. Phone HA 9-5211 tance and owns a dog. Who will pay in his yard. Thats a lot of snow in gains more than offset an increase FRED FLOETER, Broker for the dog food? snow country but I would say some­ of about 4 per cent in the death rate LLOYD QUINN, AGENT CHERRY TREE Apts. Complete­ Unless she is blind and requires a due to heart attack. thing of a record for this part of ly furnished except bedding, dish­ seeing eye dog, it will be up to the Oregon? It is significant that the decline es. R ent includes all utilities, heat, neighbor to decide whether she can Now it is the 22nd day of Janu­ dates from 1950, a year which mark­ manage the expense of feeding her lights, water. Private bath, kit­ ary and the course still has too ed the beginning of massive heart REALTY dog out of her assistance grant or chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel much snow on to play golf but we research programs supported b y not. Public welfare will not require 9-5042. H. J. “Hill” Edison, Mgr. and have our fingers crossed and pos­ both voluntary and tax dollars. her to give the dog away but will 14tfc Vernonia Insurance Exchange sibly by Sunday we will be able to The Heart Fund has been the not be able to make any allowance Rank Bldg. IIAzcl 9-6203 play a few holes. spearheading force behind the effort. in her grant for this expense. In our travels we have tried to Since the first Heart Fund campaign Do old people have to work for FARM LISTINGS NEEDED evaluate our paid up green fee in 1949, about 100 million Heart Fund their welfare checks? Work wanted, any kind, reasonable. charges and also our daily green dollars have been channeled into car­ Marvin- Sippi- Brewer Sr., 124 A Only employable persons are as­ fees in comparison with similar diovascular research programs. Vir­ Street. Phone HAzel 9-5751. 4t3 signed to public welfare work pro­ courses around this part of Oregon tually every gain reflected in the 714 grams. Aged or disabled people are 61 CHEV 2 dr Sedan, Impala V8, WANTED: Barkie Douglas Fir poles and California. per cent decline in the cardiovascu­ not required to accept work assign­ R & H, PG $1595.00 and piling. Also, Douglas Fir car We have decided to try out a dif­ ments. lar death rate for middle-aged men 61 CHEV 4 dr HT, Impala V8, PG, stakes. Delivered to American Tim­ ferent approach to help those who is connected, in one way or another R&H, Electric windows $1635.00 ber and Trading Company, North would like to have their whole fam­ with the Heart Fund. I contribute to m y elderly mother 57 CHEV 4 dr sedan. R & H , PG, Plains, Oregon, Phone 331-2311. 2t3c ilies participate in golf and thus Never in its history has the Heart but m y brother doesn’t, can I force V8, Complete overhaul $ 795.00 make better use of as good a pub­ association had enough Heart Fund him to do his share? 56 PONTIAC 4-dr sedan, R&H, clean, Want to buy farm for cattle and lic golf course right here in your dollars to underwrite all of the re­ If his income is such that he is horses. Must have water and build­ own community as there is any­ $495 search projects deemed worthy of 55 MERC 2 dr HT, AT, R&H, $195 ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call where in Oregon or our neighboring liable for a contribution to your mo­ support by qualified experts. ther under the law he can be com­ 1965 CHEVELLE HT sport coupe, Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write states. Let’s make 1965 an exception. Give NATAL - PITTSBURG — Scott pelled to make a contribution regard­ V-8, R&H, white SW, tinted wind­ 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore­ Our newly remodeled facilities Cook of Portland spent the week end generously to the 1965 Heart Fund less of the amount for which you are 20tfc (we are still working at it) we feel shield. This week’s special. $2495. gon. here with his folks, the R. J. Ek- Campaign, being waged here and in liable. NEW 65 CHEV pickups $1895.00 will be entirely adequate to take hoffs. He helped Mr. Ekhoff with 6 5 0 0 other American communities My neighbor gets aid to the dis­ VERNONIA AUTO CO. care of increasing play, but will al­ the building of facilities for meat through February. abled but seem s perfectly healthy. VERNONIA, OREGON so be large enough for card parties, cutting which ho plans to do in the How do you decide whether a per­ I wish to extend my sincere thanks lunches and most any kind of party _____________________________4tlc future. to those who visited me and sent at which we can get together and son is eligible for this kind of help? Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff spent FOR SALE: 1956, 4-door Chevrolet - me cards while I was in the hospital Eligibility for Aid to the Disabled have a good time. Tuesday evening of last week vis­ $425.00. Contact Vernonia Federal and since I came home. Your is determined on the basis of a re­ This year paid up green fees will iting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McCrone. Credit Union, HA 9-3711 or HA 9-5384. thoughtfulnes is deeply appreciated. view of all pertinent medical infor­ be on the basis of one price which Mr. and Mrs. Orin Davis drove 2t3c Clyde May will include the whole family, Ma, mation .along with facts such as age, to Tillamook Sunday to visit Mr. _____________________________ 4tl Pa, and boys and girls from 10 to training and work experience. Many Retiring after 12 years as county Davis’s sister and husband, Mr. and disabled people have conditions I wish to express my sincere 18 inclusive. These paid up green which are not outwardly apparent Mrs. Hayden Haupert and their six judge, John W. Whipple has elected to enter the real estate field and will WOULD $40 per week fill the gap thanks to all friends who so gener­ fee tickets are available now and but which prevent them from engag­ daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and be associated with his wife in the between income and outgo? 15 hours ously remembered me with cards can be purchased so that you can ing in any kind of gainful employ­ children attended the home show in sales and home construction depart- a week, days or evenings and Sat­ and gifts and visited me while I start playing golf on that basis as ment that they know how to do. soon as weather permits. Portland Saturday night. ment of the St. Helens Real Estate urdays. Must have car. Joe Rezac, was in the hospital. Should I drop m y hospital insur­ Elsewhere in this paper you will Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Justice of firm located the first door North Nellie Dunlap 201 Lloyd Plaza, Portland, Oregon. ance when I am old enough to quali­ 4tl find an ad which gives you the price fy for medical assistance for the Vernonia called on Mr. and Mrs. R. of the Village Inn in St. Helens. 4tfc at which we will sell these tickets. After considering other offers of J. Ekhoff Sunday. aged? We wish to thank the ladies of the We hope to see many new aces Friday night guests of Mr. and employment, he stated that his de­ MAA beneficiaries are encouraged EUB church for the most beautiful on the golf course and enjoying the Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey were Mr. cision to enter this field was based vase of flowers we have ever seen hospitality of our coffee shop and to keep their present health insur­ and Mrs. George Mathews, Mr. and on the great faith he has in the fu­ THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ which they gave to us in honor of club room facilities this coming ance policies. Such insurances, in Mrs. Vic Berg and Mr. and Mrs. ture home and industrial develop­ cial responsibility for errors that combination with MAA, may provide our 50th wedding anniversary. year. Kenneth Tupper and Sandra. The ment of Columbia county. may appear in ads published in a broader range of services to the Emma and Walter Moore I talked with the genial president group spent the evening playing its columns, but in cases where beneficiary. Insurance benefits are, this paper is at fault, will reprint _____________________________ 4tl of the Vernonia Men’s Golf associa­ of course, used first in providing cards. ^ J \lO R E JO B S tion, Dick Fletcher, the other day. Visitors during the week at the that part of an adv. in which the N A T IO N A L E D IT O R IA L care. MAA picks up where they leave P NOOÛC TS home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dun­ He reports that the first meeting typographical mistake occurs. off in paying for eligible services. L O W E R P R IC E S and play is scheduled for Tuesday, lap were Al and Florenz Vasquez MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words . '• « . '. I In applying for MAA, beneficiaries Thursday, Mrs. S. Sanders, Mrs. R. February 2 (ground hog day). I am or less. Words over minimum, 4c agree to assign their insurance bene­ sure he is with me in extending an Mathews, Mrs. G. Mathews and Mr. each. Three insertions for the price fits to assure that they are used for and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay Friday, and invitation to anyone who wishes to of two. their intended purpose—meeting doc­ NEW SPAPER Sulo Sanders. J. Q. Hunter and Mr. come out and play golf and also NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY tor, hospital or other medical costs. P U B L IS H E R S and Mrs. Arby Mills, Sunday. Mrs. those who would like to see the golf ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED What should I do if I have inform*, ASSOCIATION pictures (in color) are invited to Dunlap returned home from the For­ AFTER TUESDAY N O O N tion about someone who is cheating come out and see it. We would be est Grove hospital Thursday. EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S on welfare? glad to have anyone come that wish­ PAPER Either contact your county public es. NO information on classifieds will welfare commission or write directly Next week we will try and bring be given out until after paper to the Public Welfare Investigator, you some of the things that happens is mailed. Public Service Building, Salem, Ore­ to a golfer when he goes on a “Post- BLIND ADS with answers to be gon. man's Holiday.” handled by The Eagle: Mini­ Michael E. Hobart, a junior mum charge $1.00. No informa­ It’s a sign of weak character to ac­ People who insist on exceeding the tion given relative to such ads. from Vernonia, is one of 110 knowledge a fault and make no effort students who earned honor roll speed limit are always on the verge CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 to overcome i t for up to 12 lines. Additional grades during the fall term at Lewis of a smashup. and Clark College. His GPA was lines. 8c each. 4.00. MARR & STAFFORD t u b m io h t y M io o r r MASON SAND — ROAD GRAVEL An analysts of grades shows that MEAT CO. one in 12 students makes an average CRUSHED ROCK Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore of 3 5 or better and that women MARVIN KAMIIOLZ EL 7-7281 still outstudy the men. To qualify for Editor and Publisher Slaughtering. Cutting, Wrapping, CHARLES T. PARKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY the honor roll, a student must carry Official Newspaper of and Curing three full courses under Lewis and P. O. Box 7588 Vernonia. Oregon Meat for sale, any quantity. Clark's three-term three-oourse sys­ Cattle Received Sunday and Entered as second class mail mat 6457 N. E. Columbia Blvd. Monday until noon. ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office tem. Hogs received Tuesday and Hobart is the son of Dr. and Mrs. in Vernonia. Oregon under the act Portland 20, Oregon Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, taka of March 3, 1879. Subscription price T. M. Hobart of Vernonia. PHONE 543-2336 SCAPPOOSE, ORE. Tillamook road IVj mila, $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. take first iefihand road. Tha best time to relax is always Elsewhere $3 50 ltfc when you don’t have time. J. H. McKnighi Well Driller Haberman's Meat FOR SALE-Real Estate Columbia River Real Estate FOR RENT RILL HORN WANTED FOR SALE-Car, Truck WOMEN S LEAGUE Gain Noted in Health Fight Meat Cutting Plan Develops CARD OF THANKS Whipple States Next Activity MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED RATES Ó7 I4 s ^ c 6"5 n 'dverffeino !»5!Í®foryoul Grades Earn Place on Roll TRANSIT MIX , CONCRETE Oernottia Eagle WANT MIS WORK