Demonia Eagle VOLUME 43, NUMBER 4 VERNONIA, OREGON Firemen Answer First 1965 Call; Prepare New Hose Tower THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1965 Hearing Dated For Question On Court House Vernonia volunteer firemen have spent the past week busily engaged in department activities. On Wednesday evening, January 20, Homer Fuller and Larry Garner represented the locals at a Colum­ bia-Washington County Firemen’s association meeting hosted by the Sherwood fire department. The next morning, January 21, the firemen were called out on their first fire call of the year. They re­ sponded to an alarm sounded for the Fred Fowler residence due to a chimney fire. No damage was re­ ported. Evenings during the past week the firemen have held work parties to complete readying the new hose tower for use. This new facility will be an aid to prolonging the life of firehose through proper drying and preventing damaging mildew from February 3 is the date set for a eating away the hose's cotton jacket. public hearing at the court house Saturday, January 24, a major at St. Helens on the court house alarm was answered at 11 a.m. to question, according to legal notices the Elroy Miner home. An apparent which appeared the last of Decem­ flash fire had erupted in the house’s ber in a St. Helens paper and last utility room and threatened to spread week in the Clatskanie Chief. throughout the entire structure due The notice states that the hear­ to the sudden heat build up. No def­ ing, set for 7:00 p.m. in the county inite cause or estimate of loss has court room, is “for the detailed been determined although fire and presentation of and consideration water damage were held quite low. of an order heretofore made by the Heavy smoke engulfed the entire county court of Columbia county, structure, slowing cleanup and authorizing a new Columbia county hampering the fire fighters in quel­ court house in St. Helens.” ling the blaze. A site was also included in the The department layed 1000 feet authorization and was included in of 2%-inch hose from the hydrant the notice. It is on Columbia boule­ to the fire scene and utilized over vard and is a piece of ground known 350 feet of 1%-inch fighting lines. as the flatiron site. WALLACE MCCRAE The picking up and re-laying of this The legal notice stated that pe­ hose on the fire trucks kept the vol­ titions relating to the authorization unteers busy until nearly 2 p.m. of the court could be presented at Vernonia Lions Club officers and Sunday, January 25, six members the February 3 hearing and last week members will be attending the Lions attended a state-conducted controlled petitions were circulating in all parts Roundtable conference set for Jan­ bum on the Linfield campus at Mc­ of the county asking that the whole uary 30 in Rainier. Minnville. The old Colonial hall was thing be brought to a vote of the The Rainier Lions have rolled out burned in this exercise with over Wallace McCrae, president of Blue THESE Willamette University students will be appearing in concert at the Welcome Mat in expectation of 400 firemen from all areas of the Mountain College, was named Pen­ people. Vernonia high school Friday evening. One petition asks that the people over 150 Lions from throughout Dis­ state taking part. Those from here dleton’s First Citizen Monday eve­ be allowed to vote whether or not trict 36-0. Forty or more clubs are attending were Ralph Sturdevant, ning at the annual chamber of com­ the courthouse annex funds amount­ expected to be represented. Dr. W. Chet Ray, Don Tiffney, Don Want- merce banquet. ing to $400,000 and the O&C land Gene Collette, past deputy district land, Owen East and Don Webb. McCrae, former superintendent of funds amounting to $510,000 should governor, is chairman for the event. Monday evening, January 26, the schools in Pendleton and also for­ be transferred to another fund for Intemation Director Carroll We­ department’s regular monthly drill mer superintendent of Vernonia and purchase of a site and building of a berg, Bellflower, California, will be was held with Drill Master Homer St. Helens high schools years ago, The 46-piece Willamette Univer new courthouse. the featured guest and keynote Fuller in charge. has been active in the Round-up as­ sity band, under the direction o: The other petition calls for a vote speaker during the evening banquet. sociation, Rotary, chamber of com­ Maurice Brennan, will present ( on the following three things: Lion Weberg will be remembered merce and the annual Shrine foot­ concert in the Vernonia high schoo Shall Columbia county court be from his appearance at the mid-year ball game. auditorium Friday, January 29 a’ authorized to move the site from the conference in Corvallis last year. As president of the new Blue present location? 8 p.m. Tickets are now being sole Twelve panel discussion groups Mountain College, he has received by band students and will also b< Shall the Columbia county court have been arranged, covering about large appropriations for a new build­ available at the door. be authorized to build on the site every phase of Lionism. New this ing program which will start im­ now being considered? Included on the program will bt year will be a new member indoctri­ various overture, march and novel At the meeting of the Vernonia mediately. The college, which is only Shall the county court build on the nation session to which all new mem­ chamber of commerce board of di­ in its second year, has already dou­ present site and adjacent land as ty numbers, a solo for the percus bers are encouraged to go. Here they rectors Monday evening of this week, bled its enrollment and has now ap­ sicn section and a novelty, bubblin; an annex to the present building? will learn of the scope of Lionism, preliminary plans were made for the proximately 500 students. woodwinds (in the style of Lawrenci Circuit Judge J. S. Bohannon has from the club to the international annual smorgasbord. Welki. accepted the invitation of the county picture, and will have many of their Bill Rundle was appointed as gen­ The Willamette band, comprise« court to attend the public hearing. questions answered. of students in the colleges of musk eral chairman for the event which MAURICE BRENNAN Lion John P. Jensen, deputy dis­ is scheduled for March 13. and liberal arts, annually perform? Willamette University trict governor of 36-0, will be mod­ on special tours throughout the north Chamber members present at the band director erator of the panel on organizing west. Vernonia is very fortunate to Monday meeting were intrigued by and supervision of effective commit­ The Columbia County Dental So­ be on their 1965 itinerary, due to a scuba diver tow motor which Ben tees. arrangements made by Vernonia's Bunch had made and hopes to mar­ ciety held their first meeting of Wives of Rainier Lions have ar­ ket. He told of the features and ad­ 1965 January 19 at the Village Inn band instructor, James Fiske. Several students from Vernonia ranged a full day for women in at­ vantages over the tow motors which in St. Helens. The first order of bus­ Admission is 75 cents for adults high school were taking a look at tendance. This will include a tour ar.d 50 cents for students. A good are on the market at the present iness was the report from the nomi­ college life last week end as Oregon through the Port of Longview facili­ time. nating committee and election of turnout is urged to show appreciation State University at Corvallis and ties, luncheon, fashion show and officers for 1965. The Columbia County Historical for this outstanding group coming University of Oregon at Eugene held professional meat cookery demon­ The following officers were elect­ Society met Wednesday, January 20 here. A geed attendance could also strations followed by door prizes. ed: Dr. A. C. Bailey, St. Helens, open house. in the 4-H dining room on the coun­ influence future bookings. Three girls, Donna Sanders, Joyce The full schedule will be climaxed president; Dr. A. W. Silva, Clatska­ ty fairgrounds with a potluck meal Chandler and Sharon Brunsman, with a banquet for all Lions and nie, vice-president; Dr. Marshall K. at neon, after which the session was were at Eugene for Duck Preview wives followed by entertainment and Miller, St. Helens, secretary-treas­ called to erder by President Wm. a guest speaker from Lions Inter­ urer; Dr. W. Gene Collett, Rainier, and five boys, Kenneth Bateman, C. Wood. Bill Pringle, Charlie Robertson, Ter­ national. Announcement was made recently editor. The secretary reporter historical The conference will be opened of­ of the purchase of Nehalem Valley Dr. E. L. Coleman and Dr. Ken­ ry Larson and Lloyd Johnston were booklets being sold to interested peo­ at Corvallis. ficially by Jadee N. Johnson, district Motor Freight, Inc., from Frank neth O'Connell presented the consti­ ple far and near, with inquiries as governor from McMinnville. Hartwick by Robert Heestand, the tution to the society so that it could to when the next issue will be avail­ Guy I. Thomas, West Oregon Elet new présidait, and by R. W. Peter­ be reviewed and approved before able. Several are compiling family trie cooperative manager, has beei it is submitted to the Oregon State son, secretary-treasurer. histories as well as other historic notified of his appointment as inter records for the Society, which are im successor number 5 for Danie The common stock purchase in­ Dental Society for acceptance. After this the present dental insur­ cludes 55 pieces of freight hauling most welcome and will be included A. Thiel, state senator from the 14tl equipment. Nehalem Valley Motor ances and their benefits were dis­ The Vernonia Freshmen basketball in later booklets as they are needed. district. Freight operates terminals in Port­ cussed. team will play host to the Rainier At present, the secretary is compil­ The appointment conforms to tin The program chairman, Dr. James ing a history of the county granges law passed in 1961 by which eacl land, Seaside and Astoria, and will The honor roll for Vernonia high continue its terminal arrangements Hoag, Scappoose, announced that Freshmen this Thursday night in for early distribution and will then the Vernonia gym at 7:00 p.m. legislator is to designate not les school at the end of the third six- in Clatskanie, Rainier and St. Hel­ clinicians have been secured for both So far, the Freshmen have a 4-2 prepare another booklet for the His­ than three or more than seven inter week period which also ended the ens, according to the announcement. the February and March meetings. record, defeating Jewell and Sea­ torical Society. im successors who, in case an emer first semester of the 1964-65 year, The truck line operates daily be­ A history of the Parcher family gency recurred to leave the offici side, and the Banks Freshmen twice. included the following names: tween Portland and the coastal areas They have been defeated twice by prepared by Tracy Parcher was v a c a n t , w o u l d be ready ti Freshmen: Sally Hytrek, Geoffrey south to Arch Cape serving Colum­ read, also a story of Neer City from step in. The interim successor: Clatskanie. Proehl, Carmen Rundle and Christie bia and Clatsop counties primarily. Mrs. Abraham of Rainier, which has would be called in the order of theii Mrs. Odelia Park announces that Coach Bill Howard will probably Rundle. It also sends a truck to Vernonia an open house at the Scappoose open with his usual starting five of been given to the society with per­ naming. Sophomores: Albert Brunsman, Bill each Wednesday and Friday. Crestview Nursing Home is schedul­ Bill Hanson and Pete Brunsman at mission to have it included in the Each interim successor appointee Hanson, Kathy Jensen and Sally Heestand said, “ In 30 years, this ed for Sunday, February 7, between forwards, Albert Brunsman at cen­ next booklet. is expected to keep himself inform Knowlton. firm has grown from a one-man op­ the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. The ter, and Larry Elton and Gary Han­ Several others have promised to ed on legislative matters and as to Juniors: Marsha Krieger, Robert eration to a major freight service have material ready. public is invited to visit the nursing son at the guard positions. the duties, procedures, practices, Mattson and Tony Weaver. with more than 33 employees. We home at this time and especially Friday, January 22, the funeral and current business of the legisla­ Seniors: Ken Bateman, Jim Bel­ will continue the same one-day Port­ of Mrs. Mildred Watts, 95, was held tive assembly, to view the new annex which is lingham, Sharon Brunsman, Joyce land to the coast service and continue at Scappoose and it was fortunate now completed and ready for occu­ Thomas has accepted the appoint Chandler, Robert Fuquay, Linda Jen­ the same company policies that Hart­ that she had written the story of her ment and his name is now on file in pancy. Ladies of the Red Cross vol­ sen, Barbara Keith, Christine King, wick has established.” life and that of her family some the office of the secretary of state. unteer workers will assist with the Deanna Ritz, Judy Stockwell and The stock transfer became effec­ open house. Refreshments will be years ago, so this story was includ­ Sandra Sutton. tive on January 1, 1965 . L. E. Atkins, chairman of the Ver­ ed in booklet No. 111. served. A request for material on the Ban- nonia Hunter Safety Council, an­ nounced this week that the local in­ family was received from Tacoma structors will commence a series of recently by a man who is tracing classes as soon as enough youngsters his genealogy and it is fortunate that Hip V pm nnin Tzurcrprc . ______ . The Vernonia Loggers locf lost fhpir their fouled repeatedly in their attempts that family record is in our posses­ 9. Scoring: Pederson 3, Holsey 8, are signed up. second league game of the season to get the ball away from the Sea­ sion so the society can help with an The course is required by state law Chairman Daniel A. Thiel of th< Medges 8, Cameron 0, Curl 9, El­ last Friday night as they were de­ side stall. lis 0, Larson 10, Mattson 2, Peddi- for all hunters between the ages of addition to their records when re­ ways and means committee of th< feated by the Seaside Seagulls 60-51. 10 and up to their 18th birthday. quested. Oregon State Senate wishes to in The Loggers outscored their op­ cord 2, Minger 5. Guard Dan Steele was high point ponents from the field, hitting 24 The next meeting of the society form the local residents that the; Registration blanks will be placed at This week end the Loggers play man for the Loggers with 16 points. field goals to 21 for Seaside. They the schools and for further informa­ Is planned for February 24 at the may review any bills which are be He was followed by Jim Bellingham lost the game at the free throw line, a pair of games. Friday they travel tion those interested in the course fairgrounds, weather permitting. ¡ng introduced into the senate a to Yamhill to take on the Yamhill- with 12. Salem by simply going to the city hitting only three freethrows to 18 Carlton Tigers. Saturday they will may call Atkins at HAzel 9-5032 The Loggers, led by Jerry Hanson for the Seagulls. hall in Vernonia where the bill? be at home to the Clatskanie Tig­ with six points, broke out into a will be on file . Scoring: Bellingham 12, Larson 5, ers. five-point first quarter lead, 17-12, Hanson 8, F. Smith 4, Steele 16, Hoi- A representative from AA will be In cooperation with Representative Tuesday, February 2 the Vernonia but a very cold second quarter gave sey 6. Otto Holmberg, Mist route resi­ here within a short time. Anyone Wayne Turner, Thiel feels that this JVs and Freshmen basketball teams dent, died Tuesday night, January having a drinking problem is offered is a means by which interested lo­ the Seagulls the edge by halftime 23- The \ernonia .IVs lost their game will play host to the Jewell varsity 26, at the Crestview Nursing Home 21. the opportunity to call HA 9-6831 for cal residents may have an opportun­ to the Seaside JVs 52-47. Dave Lar­ The game remained close until the son was high point man for the JVs and JV teams. Varsity game time at Scappoose. Funeral arrangements further information. There is no cost ity to know what is taking place and will be 8 o'clock preceded by the are bang made with Fuiten-Friesen involved and calls will be strictly can follow through on particular leg­ final three minutes when the Loggers with 10, followed by Joe Curl with Dreliminary at 6:15. Mortuary confidential. islation. Roundtable to Attract Lions McCrae Named First Citizen Willamette U. Concert Dated Chamber Plans Smorgasbord County Dentists Name Officers Students Go To Open House Society Seeks Family Records Freight Line Change Made Thomas Listed As Successor Freshmen to Meet Rainier 22 Earn Place On Honor Roll Open House Dated Safety Council Slates Classes Senate Bills On File Here Second League Game Lost Friday Night u Funeral Pending AA Help Offered