Oernonia Eagic 8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 21. 1965 Berry Tariff Bill Offered 33XBZ3ŒZXTKXFOXW- *riir n iin i ■< | f|E I UDLlV, Storewide Sale WELFARE ? win a FREE Questions about public welfare which are of general interest are answered in this column as a public service. Help with individual prob­ lems is available at your county wel­ fare office.) Congressman Wendell Wyatt (R- Ore.) has introduced a bill to in­ crease the tariff on cheaply producer fresh and frozen strawberries import­ ed into the United States from Mex­ ico. If I offer a job to a welfare recip­ Wyatt said that Mexico’s frozen ient and he refuses, will welfare stop strawberry industry’s powerful and his grant? That depends on the type of assis­ continuing thrust on the United States market spells doom for our domestic tance he receives. There is no pro­ strawberry growers and processors vision requiring an Old Age Assist­ unless a more realistic tariff level ance recipient to accept employment; an Aid to the Disabled recipient is established. might not be physically able to ac­ "Mexico with its extremely low la­ cept the job you offer him and might bor costs, can now produce about still be eligible for assistance. In the 75 million pounds of frozen strawber­ Aid to Dependent Children program, ries a year. They exported 40 million an unemployed parent who refuses pounds in 1964 and authoritative work without good cause becomes sources predict a 20 per cent in­ ineligible for assistance. crease this year. About 80 per cent My cousin thinks she can get aid of Maxico’s total strawberry crop is to the blind even though she can still exported to the United States and see a little. Is she right? Canada as frozen berries. Tins crash­ If an examination by an optome­ es head on with Oregon’s strawberry trist or opthalmolgist reveals vision industry where almost all of the which does not exceed 20/200 in the strawberry production is for freezing. better eye even with correcting len­ "We certainly should not let Ore­ ses, or vision in the better eye is re­ gon’s 20 million dollar strawberry stricted to a field not greater than industry and its employees suffer 20 degrees, or there is any equivalent because of an unfair labor cost ad­ impairment, a person who is in need vantage enjoyed by the Mexican may receive Aid to the Blind even strawberry industry. My bill would though there is some small amount give the protection needed to permit of vision remaining. our strawberry industry to compete Can a creditor attach a person’s on a mare equal basis with our Mex­ welfare grant? ican friends,” Wyatt said. No. Under the law, public welfare grants are exempt from garnishment, levy, or execution and cannot be as­ signed or transferred. Traffic Toll Sets Record ,or LONGERli,e! r An Atlas “ A” Battery is "dry charged" at the factory and is activated the day you buy it — not one moment be­ fore! You get factory freshness, plus real economy when you choose an Atlas Battery. ATLAS’» The majority of people on welfare are those who are unable to work be­ cause of age, disability or other fac­ tors. In the Aid to Dependent Child­ ren program, which does include em­ ployable people with children, one- half of all cases are closed within a year from the date of application. The majority of these people leave welfare for employment. However, many recipients have no skills and little education and require some sort of job training before they can hope to find employment. Most recipients have welcomed opportunities to get training or on-the-job experience that will enable them to become self-sup­ porting. If my mother goes with me when I move out of the state can her welfare grant continue? CHEVRON SERVICE Phone H A 9-6691 We Take Better Care of Your Car! ■■W .W F IN E CONTEST NOT VALID WE F U R N IT U R E D E L IV E R BY u»w STAY AT THE PRINCESS KAIULAUI "NOW IN PROGRESS” U nivonal “ Royal Scot“ Gas Lino A N TIFR E E ZE VACUUM BOTTLES 3 - i h t l t Bathroom SPACE SAVER POLES F IT CEILINGS TO 8’4” Fits in awkward places to givo you more shell space. Chrome poles, towel ting, 3 boked enameled shelves. (FN0631-9) fuel system moisture. No moro winter freese-ups for you. (AC0630-3) Pint or Quart size dependablo vacuum bottles. For school, work, outings. (WK0227-2) White Stag 36“ X 81" SLEEPING BAG G.E. T V Pillowback Infra-Red RECLINE HEAT LAMP Relox In comfort. Foam con­ structed back, seat, pillow. Tufted styling, w elt trim. Beige Sage or Brown, (FA 0075-6-FA0077-4) Maotorcraft 36 Month 6 VOLT BATTERY 19” Mrartorola Portable TV with Stand and TV Trays $-g H /X 9 5 Now Only................... 159s 5 Tubo CLOCK RADIO 100" zip , 5 lb. tfwrmofill in­ sulated for extra warmth. Sturdy green repellent square cotton duck cover. Sanforized flannel lining. (SCP0922-8) Wake up to music. Big 4“ speaker, built-in antenna. Ac­ oustically designed cabinet. White. (M00203-3) Do welfare recipients go to “lux­ ury” nursing homes? 14’ Ì ’5 SIMMONS Slum ber King Innei Spring M attress and Box Springs $ J Q 9 5 Price, each x v Beauty Rest Inner Spring M attress and Box $ ryQ 50 Springs, Each B * / ’24 Titan Circl-Aire Portable Baseboard Elec. Heater Combination Fan-Forced and Radiant $ Q A 95 Only__ (FN0500-7) 7 ” ROLLER & TRAY SET See Our New Selection of Table Lamps 195 and up 10’ , Big 52 Galloa . Silver Seal /Electric WATER IU F A TF B For oil Chov., Ford, Plym. 19 5« and older. (D A 75-97) Spacial paint roller and tray sot with 2 free roller covers mokes painting easier, faster. (GT0900-3 & GT0782-6I am a Thermostatically Controlled Oakland Wood Heater.................... Auk ’1 5 6 ’ Oakland Fireplace Wood Heater........ rrs 139’ Goulds balanced flow shallow well system No tank, no extras Now O n ly ___ h - — Hy. I» y e . a privilege and a PLEASURE TO LIVE check early for any minute sign of decay or any malformation which might lead to orthodontic problems when the child is older. The fact that your child does not “seem to have any cavities” does not mean that some decay may not be present. In fact, the American Dental Association has found that dental patients under 4 years of age have an average of three teeth need­ ing fillings. When a child is exposed to routine treatment at an early age, he rarely develops the fear which many adults have so long associated with dental treatment. The importance of good care for the primary or "baby" teeth cannot be overemphasized. A child needs his primary teeth, as he does his perma­ nent ones, for chewing, for speaking and for appearance. Also, these first teeth hold the space for the perma­ nent teeth to come. February 7 through 13 is the 17th annual National Children's Dental Health Week. As part of the obser­ vance. the Scappoose Spotlight, in VERNONIA ™ rm calendar County Dental Society Starts Series on Health My 14-year-old son has been told by his dentist that he has 12 cavities, which the dentist plans to fill. Is there anything my children can do to keep from having so much tooth de­ cay? There are simple rules which, if followed faithfully, can help to reduce decay. These are: 1. Cut down on sweets, especially between meals. 2. Brush teeth immediately after eating (snacks as well as regular m eals.) When this is not possible, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. 3. Have regular dental checkups. This enables the dentist to discover RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Maude Wells, decay and other problems at an early her daughter. Mrs. Grover Botkin stage. Just as with other diseases, and children sepnt Sunday at the early treatment of dental disease is home of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Shear­ easier and more likely to be effective. 4. Flouridation of community wa­ er in Portland. They celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Kathleen Akins oi ter supplies greatly reduces decay. Estacada. Four sisters were present. Where water supplies are not fluori­ Mrs. Shearer. Mrs. WeUs, Mrs. Akin dated. dentists may suggest applying anti Mr Everett Shiblev who also fluoride directly to children’s teeth. lives at Estacada. My pediatrician says I should take Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Snook and my 3-year old son to the dentist. How­ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Snook of Salem ever, he doesn't seem to have any visited their cousin and family. Mr. cavities, so 1 wonder if this is neces­ sary? and Mrs. Virgil Snook Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Bateman of Forest Dental authorities agree that the Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heis­ child should make his first visit to ler of Gales Creek visited at the the dentist at about age 24 or 3. At home of Mr. and Mrs Vernon Batt^ this time, he has ail of his deciduous man Thursday. ("baby” ) teeth, and the dentist can Public welfare nursing home rates are determined by the patient’s phy­ sical condition and the type of care required. A welfare recipient can go to any nursing home that is willing to accept him as a patient at the rate that welfare can pay for his type of care. Welfare recipients occupy more one-half of the nursing home teds in Oregon and many of the new­ er homes are willing to accept assist- "npo recipients. Motorola Portable Radio Now $-g j 95 Only ............... A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square $-j 2S Y ard_________ Congoleum vinyl Fore cast floor covering. Square $ Yard_______ 9x12 Plastic $ Surface Rugs__ La Salle "Fan Gio" Automatic Elec. Heater with 95 Thermostat Keep your baby chicks and pigs safe and warm with infra-red heot reflector lamps. 250 wotf "F rosted” lamp. (E L0144-3) Why is the old age assistance pro­ gram declining when we have a larg­ er aged population than ever? More and more people are covered by social security. Many people need assistance only when their physical condition reaches a point where they are no longer able to care for them­ selves and nursing home care is now provided under the Medical Assist­ ance for the Aged program rather than Old Age Assistance program. - COME IN A N D S E E OUR L IN E OF MOTOROLA T .V . No. Assistance can be provided to persons living out of state for only a temporary period of not more than two months. After that time, the re­ cipient must return to Oregon unless there is medical evidence of inability to do so. Otherwise the grant is dis­ continued. Four Sisters At Observance RALPH'S H A R D W A R E and ELECTRIC CHECK YOUR LUCKY NUMBER ON THE COVER OF YOUR C IR C U LA R BY BRINGING IT TO YOUR COAST.TO-COAST STORE __ -------------------------------------- HAWAII The recipient must pay a certain amount for his food stamps out of his grant. However, the “bonus” stamps he receives do not reduce his grant since the purpose of the Food Stamp Program is to provide better nutri­ tion for low-income families. Isn’t it true that most people on welfare don’t want to work? » BRUNSMAN • - 5 DAY VACATION FOR 2 IN EXOTIC where prohieiteo SEDaDBoaszxixoazB*— < 3zm E 8Z D VIA PAN AM Why isn’t the assistance grant re­ duced if a person gets food stamps? Oregon’s tentative official traffic death toll for 1964 set a new all-time record for the state, wiping out a record set in 1963 when deaths top­ ped the 500 mark for the first time. The 577 deaths reported so far from 1964 accidents represent a two percent increase over the 563 re­ ported in 1963, according to the 'Traf­ fic Safety and Education Division of the Department of Motor Vehicles. The figure may be revised upward or downward as delayed reports are received, or if persons injured die later as a result of the injuries. The official state figure is slightly lower than that reported by one wire service, since the state figure in­ cludes only those deaths occurring on public streets and highways. Officials said the death toll in­ cluded 158 people who were thrown from their vehicles at the time of impact. These people, they said, might have been saved had they been wearing seat belts. Factory Fresh C /X A S T S t O H i S There is one period when a man is undisputed master of his house-hold- from the day of his birth to about his third birthday. JANUARY 20, 21, 22 Annual 4-H Leaders Conference - OSU, Corvallis. JANUARY 27 4-H Know Your County Government Conference, Columbia county court­ house J A N U A R Y 26-28 American National Cattlemen’s As­ sociation Meeting - Hilton hotel, Portland Middle age is not a precise age. It’s only an average between the 18 you feel tonight and the 118 you’ll feel tomorrow morning. There is always something to be thankful for. If you can't pay your bills, be thankful you are not one of your creditors. cooperation with the Columbia Coun­ ty Component Dental Society today begins a series, of four articles of in­ formation which should be known concerning dental health. KING’S Grocery-M arket Phong HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buya More" Riverview Al the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery E&B LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS 756 Bridge S t — Also, Shoo Repairing — Two-day Sarrica CASH A CARRY —From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING