k a M W K W M M M M M M M M M M M M M M m M M M fiO B iO M * S _ AROUND THE FARM win A Medication alone apparently cannot replace good management of lambs for preventing losses from internal parasites. Recently completed exper­ iments by USDA illustrated the falla­ cy of relying solely on drugs in the control of parasites. Even though given free-choice and therapeutic medication with pheno- thiazine and dosing with thiabenda­ zole, lambs grown on contaminated pastures developed clinical parasit­ ism. At the same time, lambs in dry- lot or on newly renovated pastures remained essentially parasite free with phenathiazine. It was noted in the trials that lambs on clean pastures gradually developed moderate parasitic infec­ tions during the latter part of the grazing season while lambs on con­ taminated pastures became severely parasitized. In spite of scientific advances, trials of this nature point up the val­ ue of good management and approp­ riate use of all facilities in a farm­ ing operation. We suspect that this will hold equally well for most other types of enterprises, too. Alaskans Visit Before Return MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Bern Bliss and Charles Ray arrived Friday eve­ ning at the home of her folks, the Ray Garlocks to visit a while before returning to their home in Alaska. They had just returned from the east after visiting relatives during the holidays. Alma and Mary Garlock and Doro­ thy Bliss were in Silverton, Sunday to visit Alma’s sister, Mrs. Mildred O'Neal and in Salem to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Light and family and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calaba. Saturday evening, Alma, Mary, Ber- niece and Lloyd Garlock and Dorothy Bliss attended the shower for the Jim Powells at the Natal Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Monaco and daugh­ A recent article in the “Oregon ter of Portland were Sunday visitors Farm er" has started interest in sain­ with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and foin as a forage crop in spite of the Mrs. John Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. fact that the sub-heading of the arti­ Crawford made two business trips cle indicated the plant had not per­ to Hillsboro and Cornelius during formed satisfactorily here in Oregon. OSU Range Management Specialist the week. Mrs. Edna Johnson visited with the Dillard H. Gates says, “Despite what Charles Sundlands during the week. the plant may be doing in Montana Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobble of Port­ or other northern plains states, it land spent the week end with the has not been found to be adapted to Sundlands. either eastern or western Oregon. In­ Mist - BirkenWd Extension Unit sofar as I know, there is no informa­ met in the home of Mrs. Charles tion available indicating that Sain­ Hansen Friday with nine present. The foin is comparable to alfalfa under lesson, “When Death Comes,” was any conditions that exist in Oregon.” given by Mrs. Howard Grimsbo and Mrs. Wayne Kyser. A potluck dinner A new approach to the control of was enjoyed at noon. The February predatory animals is being studied 12 meeting will be held at the Bir- by wildlife research workers of the kenfeld Center with Mrs. Margaret Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wild­ Allyn giving the lesson, Living with life. Laboratory tests are being made Tensions. There will be potluck at at the Denver headquarters, but field noon. Everyone is welcome. work is being conducted in northeast­ ern New Mexico. In this trial project control of pre­ datory animals .specifically coyotes in this case, is being attempted by interruption of their reproductive cycle. Researchers on the project be­ Hie Oregon Seed Potato Advisory lieve it will be easier and more satis­ factory, and less subject to public Council is scheduled to meet at the criticism, to prevent the birth of county fairgrounds, Klamath Falls, predatory animals rather than to Monday, January 18 starting at 1:30 utilize poisons, traps, and other p.m. A general meeting for all cer­ tified seed growers is scheduled for means to kill live animals. In laying out the field test, over all day, Tuesday, January 19. 5,000 one-half ounce edible tallow Some of the items to be considered baits were prepared, each containing in the advisory meeting will be cer­ a hormone and 10 percent crude bee's tification acreage fees, tuber size for wax to raise the melting tempera­ greenhouse samples, and the dele­ ture of the tallow. In this way the tion of hill-united criterion for par­ melting temperature of the baits ent stock. was adjusted so that ordinary ground In the general certified growers temperatures would destroy the un­ meeting, disease limiting certifica­ eaten baits in early April. tion and comparison of seed sources Baits were placed in selected suit­ from other states will be among the able places with the intent to make matters discussed. baits available to every coyote on an All potato growers are invited to are;» of nearly 720 square miles. A take part in either or both of the control area was selected 25 miles meetings, according to County Ex­ away from the Ivait area from which tension Agent Don Coin Walrod. to draw untreated animals for check­ ing. Preliminary data indicates the treatment may have resulted in an «0 percent reduction in the breeding success of females of the treated area compared with the control area. The department of the Navy re­ From this work, the researchers con cently announced a new program elude that: (1) It may be more practical to designed for anyone wishing to en­ prevent animals from being born list in the Navy, but primarily for than to reduce their numbers after those individuals committed either to they are partially or fully grown and completing their education or con­ established in a secure environment. tinuing in their present job for a time (2) Effectiveness of some kinds of prior to entering the Naval service. Qualified applicants may be sworn control progranxs can be reduced by a relxnmd in reproduction. The use into the United States Navy and then of antifertility chemicals should pre­ may choose their own enlistment vent this compensating increase in date, as long as it isn't later than four months from the date of swear­ production. The use of poison frequently ing in. High school graduates and pros­ results in animals not taking the bait, but in this particular trial, bait pective graduates who qualify are was readily acceptable to all ani­ guaranteed a service school in their chosen field after completion of re­ mals. cruit training. For further informa­ (4) Anti-fertility agents are safe tion and determination of eligibility to become a "High School Sailor” under the Navy’s "Enlist Now, Go Later" proff-am, contact the Navy « THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1965 recruiter. Potato Group Meets Monday Naval Service Plan Offered Demonia Eagle VIA PAN AM 5 DAY VACATION FOR 2 IN EXOTIC s8 %*z*zoz»z»z»z»>z*z««i»>z*z*zei»zoz»i»j»z*z*zez*zez»z«£*zoz*z»z*zez*z*z*z*z*z»z*zez*z*z' e There is relatively little danger to other animals. (5) Researchers concluded that a wild coyote population could be suc­ cessfully treated and controlled with the use of anti-fertility agents. Predatory control has always been a problem in the livestock industry, particularly in range areas. This technique of controlling fertility ap­ pears to have some real merit, but it will probably need further study before it can be put to extensive use, Of course, this will not completely solve the problem, and there proba­ bly will always be a need for destruc­ tion of some specific animals that are causing damage to a herd or flock. FREE C0HTEST NOT VALID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW » BRU N SM A N • HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E F U R N IT U R E _ WE CHECK YOUR LUCKY HUMBER OH THE COVER OP YOUR CIRCULAR BY BRINGING IT TO YOUR COAST-TO-COAST STORE HAWAII oman»—< L