CLASSIFIED ADS I would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers and visits while I was in the hospital. Your thoughtful­ ness was appreciated. Larry Bernardi 2tl FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Car, Truck See and play the new Conn electric organ at 1228 Bridge Street. For in­ formation call HAzel 9-6941. 53t3c 61 CHEV 2 dr Sedan, Impala V8, R & H. PG $1595.00 61 CHEV 4 dr HT, Impala V8, PG, R&H, Electric windows $1635.00 57 CHEV 4 dr sedan. R & H , PG, CHERRY TREE Apts. Complete­ V8, Complete overhaul $ 795.0U ly furnished except bedding, dish­ 55 CHEV. 2 dr, V-8, R & es. Rent includes all utilities, heat, H $ 395.00 lights, water. Private bath, k it­ chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel 57 BUICK 2 dr, R & H, AT, 9-5042. H. J. "Hill” Edison, Mgr. as is $ 375.00 14tfc 55 MERC 2 dr HT, AT, R&H $ 295.00 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL: 1961 Cor- vair, 4 sp trans, big engine, radio, heater, white walls, padded dash, tinted glass. Book price $1295.00. WANTED: Saxophone in good condi­ This week $ 995.00 tion. Also, popular brand trumpet in NEW 65 CHEV pickups $1895.00 good condition. Call HAzel 9-3107. 2tl VERNONIA AUTO CO. FOR SALE: Old growth wood. Call evenings. HAzel 9-6432. Marvin Mey­ er, Timber route.