üernonta Eagle 4 THURSDAY. JANUARY 14, 1965 THE PEOPLE SPEAK - - - To: Vernonia Volunteer Fire Department During the recent 1964 Christmas week flooding of the Vernonia area many persons lent their efforts to the protection of life and property and to them all the community owes a debt of gratitude. A particular ci­ tation was voted to the volunteer firemen of Vernonia by the City Council at their regular meeting on January 4, 1965. To you of the Vernonia Volunteer Fire Department who, by expendi­ ture of considerable personal, ex­ posure to bodily harm and sacrifice of many hours of sleep, assisted in this work of protection, the City of Vernonia and its people extend their great appreciation. We rest more se­ curely under your guardianship. Sincerely, Thomas M. Hobart, Mayor Game at Corvallis Attended by Three BIRKENFELD—A1 Berg accom­ panied Don and Glen Meier to Corval­ lis last Saturday to attend the bas­ ketball game. Roy Stuve entered the hospital in St. Helens last Tuesday and had surgery Wednesday. He is coming along fine and will be home this week. E. T. Johnston and Howard Jones recently made a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Etheridge have two men from Portland rooming with them. They are putting siding on Richard Hammerberg’s house. Guests. Visits N oted for W eek (NOTE: This column is written weekly and published by this news­ paper as an educational and public service. If you have questions with regard to the Oregon State Employ­ ment Service and-or Oregon Unem­ ployment Insurance Division, please address them to Oregon Department of Employment, 402 Labor and In­ dustries Building, Salem, Oregon 97310, Attn. Informational Represent­ ative.) QUESTION: Who is eligible for the Job Corps and where may we find out more about it? ANSWER: Legally, anyone 16 to 21, who is a citizen of permanent resi­ dent of the U.S., is eligible to join the Job Corps. To be sure that the benefits of the Job Corps training reach those who need it most, ad­ ditional criteria will be considered in accepting applicants. These criteria take into account the factors of pov­ e rty -h o m e situation, neighborhood conditions, and the prospects for com­ pleting education or in finding work. In Oregon, more information may be obtained by contacting any pub­ lic emploment service office, Oregon Department of Empolyment, or the Job Corps, Office of Economic Op­ portunity, Washington, D.C. 20506. NATAL - PITTSBURG - Callers during the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nob:e Dunlap were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and children Thursday evening and Bob Lindsay, his son Clarence and three boys from Redmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McCrone drove to Dallas Friday to visit an aunt of Mr. McCrone. On the way home they stopped at Sherwood and visited overnight with friends. Sunday they drove to Longbeach, Washington and The Oregon Department of Veter­ visited with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. ans' Affairs granted farm and home Gerald Phillips and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and loans to 3,734 veterans last year in the amount of $41,723,000, H. C. Saal- family accompanied by Mrs. Ike Daas drove to Longview Sunday and feld, director, reports. This was an eight percent increase visited the John Buchanan family. U. S. National Bank of Oregon’s Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper over 1963. deposits and resources continued to drove to Forest Grove Saturday on In Columbia county last year, loans were granted to 47 veterans in business. They also called on Mr. climb to record highs through the the amount of $442,700, compared to and Mrs. H. H. Frank in Hillsboro. last quarter of 1964, according to fig­ Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dass visited Mrs. ures released by E. J. Kolar, presi­ 63 loans in 1963 for $564,000. Since Bernice King and family at St. Hel­ dent. the start of the program, loans have In reporting to James Saxon, comp­ gone to 611 veterans here in the ens Friday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. troller of the currency, who issued amount of $4,555,150. Orin Davis were Mr. and Mrs. John a "Call” for the year end figures, McLeod and sons Joe and David of Kolar noted that the deposit total Yamhill. was $1,096,270,241, an increase of Mr. and Mrs. Max Glienke of Port­ 7.1 per cent over the December 31, land were dinner guests of Mr. and 1963 figure of $1,023,459,251. Mrs. Kenneth Tupper Sunday. They Total resources increased to $1,- t i l also visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 212,203,567, a 7.6 per cent rise over Wolff. the 1963 year end figure of $1,126,- Mr .and Mrs. Reed Holding of 988,969. Loans and discounts in­ W '‘,; Scappoose spent the week end here creased $41,030,117 to $635,466,590. with Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack. El­ The Vernonia branch of U. S. Na­ len Divine called on Mrs. Oblack tional recorded total deposits of $1,- Monday afternoon. 597,246.21 according to B. R. Pilger, manager. Loans and discounts for the An Atlas “A" Battery branch stood at $313,829.14. i ' •- is "dry charged" at the Gross operating revenues for the : factory and is activated year totaled $56,351,025, a 9.4 per ™ the day you buy it — cent increase over the 1963 figure of not one moment be­ $51,517,916. Net operating earnings fore! You get factory BIRKENFELD—Roger Berg spent after taxes were $7,841,010, up $428,- freshness, plus real i the week end here with relatives. 869 over 1963. L economy when you I - They all enjoyed a family dinner a Earnings per share in 1964 were 1 choose an Atlas Battery. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lon- $5,23 compared to $4.94 in 1963, based nquist. Roger had been with his upon 1,500,000 shares outstanding on folks at Fortuna, California over the December 31, 1964. holidays and during the flood and he Kolar also reported that capital related facts of the flood which were funds had increased $6,416,338 to almost unbelievable. $88,564,783. Capital stock changes Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach, Elsa made in 1964 included 75,000 share Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Vick stock dividend and a subscription of­ Berg attended the benefit gathering fer of 75,000 shares. Dry Charged at Natal Grange hall Saturday even­ Batteries r ing for Mr. and Mrs. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Layman and lit­ 6 OR 12 VOLT tle daughter visited at the Vick Bergs 1 » ' Sunday. Douglas Bellingham and friend from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania came from Ft. Ix*wis and spent Saturday State Representative Grace Peck night with Doug’s folks. (D-Multnomah county) will speak in Shirley Berg and Erik were Port­ St. Helens Tuesday evening, January land caller Saturday. 19, at a public meeting sponsored by CARC. Tile talk is scheduled for 8:00 in the chamber of commerce build­ ing. Mrs. Peck, who is a widow, and who is famous for her hats, has won the affection of Oregonians through her vigorous championship of the cause of the aged, handicapped and CHEVRON SERVICE needy during her long service in the legislature. As a representative she has work­ ed as chairman of a committee study­ ing mental retardation, as chairman We Take Better Care of the public health and welfare com­ mittee. and as vice-chairman of an of Your Car! interim committee on social prob­ lems. She has served as a member of the board of visitors at Fairview home for the retarded. Mrs. Peck is a member of the American Legion auxiliary, and a former member of the executive board of the office employees’ union. Her home is in Portland. Since she is making a special trip from Salem to speak in this county, the Columbia Association for Re­ tarded Children hopes that local resi­ dents will make a special effort to take in this meeting. V etera n Loans M ade in County EARLY BIRD YOUR JOB TRACTOR TIRE SALE Here are the Low , Low Tractor tire prices you've been waiting for TRACTOR 1RES U. S. N ation al's R esources R ise ® Factory Fresh FIRST & SECOND LINE Here they are! Prices that can't be beaten on all nylon I s1 & 2nd line O.K. Tractor Tires. rtx o x o x w ^ x o x ^ o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x ^ x o x o x o x o x o x » ^ ; REMEMBER! COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH QUALITY COMPETITIVE PRICES ix<»x»xox»xox*x«xoxoxox*x»xox>x*x*xox*x*xoxox»xox»x*x*xox*i»! '"LONGER1“*1 HD TORQUE STAR E y e W itness Below Second Line Prices ATLAS R ep resen ta tiv e SIZE Drastically Phone HA 9-6691 CHARLES T. PARKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P. O. Box 7588 6457 N. E. Columbia Blvd. Portland 20, Oregon PHONE 543-2336 SCAPPOOSE, ORE. ............ $46.30 ............ $53.00 ............ $58.88 ............ $75.18 ............ $64.99 ............ $68.18 ............$74.42 TORQUE STAR - Second Line RALPH'S MASON SAND — ROAD GRAVEL (R U SH E D ROCK 11.2- 24(10x24).................... . 11.2- 28(10x28).................... 12.4- 28(11x28).................... . 12.4- 38(11x38)..................... 13.6-28(12x28)..................... 14.9- 24(13x24).................... . 14.9- 28(13x28).................... . PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS STOCK LASTS! CARC to H ear CONCRETE PRICE SIZE T e lls o f F lood TRANSIT M IX First Line Reduced PRICE 9.5-24( 9 x 2 4 )..........................................$30.75 11.2- 24(10x24)..........................................$36.67 11.2- 28(10x28)......................................... $41.96 11.2- 38(10x38)......................................... $53.82 12.4- 28(11x28)......................................... $47.90 12.4- 38(11x38)..........................................$61.19 13.6-28(12x28)..........................................$52.90 BUDGET TERMS » » » x » x » x » x » x » x *x o x » x *x o x *x « x » x *x *x » x *x « x *x » x *x » x » x » x *x » x *x » x « x *x *; ♦ ♦ ALL PRICES INCLUDE MOUNTING PLUS TAX GILLASPIE'S Geraniums Are Topic For Garden Club Meet BIRKENFELD—The Nehalem Val­ ley Garden club will meet at the home of Mrs. Robert Mathews Wed­ nesday, January 20. The subject will be Geranium Culture and there will be a slip exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey spent two days in Portland last week to be with her mother who is quite ill. 1521 Columbia Blvd. Phone 397-0118 St. Helens, Oregon