m u n T Ù in n T i nQuatàìji ...m ùSewàx/ h n m n ^ n n m il HUNGRY JACK FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN PANCAKE MIX APPLE PIES 4-Lb. Bag SUNSHINE 4 9 *_ 3 " ®1°° 53* HflSh 15 02 4 ' for 8 3 Hi 25* Olives 2 for 85* JM 1 for 49* Soup Pods 42* KRISPY Crackers LIBBY’S CORNED 2-Lb. Pkg. Beans Catsup CUFFED EARLY CALIF. STUFFED Green 8-oz. Jar 2-Lb. Bag__ DEL MONTE BEEF Cans GREAT NORTHERN 20-oz. Btl. S.O.S. NEW BLUE BETTY CROCKER FUDGE MM H NABISCO OREO CHOC. 7B Brownie M ix 2 / 7 5 * Creme Sandwich 43* 22'/t-oz. Pkgs. Pound Package TOPICS OF THE TOWN >:«x«:«x«:«:«:«:«:«x«x«:«:«x«:«x«x«:«x»x«>:«x«:«:«:«x«:«:«:«:«x«x«:«x«: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Williams of Madras were week end guests of their daughter, Miss Phyllis Williams, who is home ec teach«- at Vernonia high school. Mrs. Esther Ring, owner of the Mar-Lee Beauty Salon, who became ill before Christmas and went to Portland for medical attention, is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Don­ ald Flynn, 11015 SE Madison Drive. She is feeling much better but is still undergoing tests to determine cause of her trouble. Mr. and Mrs. lidding Berg enter­ tained with a dinner Sunday to ob­ serve the sixteenth birthday of their daughter Betty. Guests were Betty’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Portland and Fred Skid­ more. almost three weeks for treatment, and Earl Baska who was recuperat­ ing from surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lindy of Moor­ head, Minnesota who spent Christmas here with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nelson and family were on a train held up by floods in the Columbia Gorge. They were impressed with the good attitude of all those who were victims of the storm and they stated that most peo­ ple, while disappointed at the delay, accepted it stoically and without com­ plaint. Mrs. Harold McEntire is at Beaver­ ton assisting with the care of her grandchildren, newest, of whom is Mark Harold Lamping who arrived January 6 and is the third child for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lamping. Their Guests last week at the home of other children are a son, Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Biesiot of Mist a daughter, Wendy. In addition to route were Sidney Henderson of Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire, land and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hanson grandparents include Mrs. M. J. of Roosevelt, Minnesota. They were Lamping, also of Vernonia. The babe quite impressed with the scenery in also has a great-grandmother, Mrs. this area and enjoyed their visit Jim Watson of Oregon City. greatly. The trip was not so pleasant, Glenn Shipman, son of Mr. and however, since the road conditions Mrs. E. A. Shipman, has been ap­ at present in many areas range from pointed as chief criminal deputy in poor to bad. the Yamhill county sheriff’s office at Airman 1/C and Mrs. Roger Os­ McMinnville, according to an an­ trander, their son Duane and month nouncement recently released. He old daughter, Mary Denise, arrived fills a vacancy created when Wayne here December 20 to spend the holi­ Lofton was appointed as chief of po­ days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lice for the city of McMinnville. Harvey Ridling. They left January Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn have re­ 6 to return to the base at Tucson, ceived newspaper clippings which Arizona. show flood damage in Northern Cali­ Mrs. Ruth Smith spent the recent fornia. One group of pictures showed holidays in Portland with her son the utter devastation at Weott and and wife. one of the businesses pictured was I.ast Thursday evening, Mr. and the service station belonging to Jim Mrs. R. L. Thompson were in Hills­ Bond, uncle of Mrs. Ida Bruce and boro to attend the January meeting Mrs. Lucille Tomlin. Bond was a for­ of the Washington County Sheriff’s mer Vernonia resident. His station Posse and auxiliary in which they was completely destroyed. hold membership. Prior to attending Word was received here last week these meetings they went to Tuality of the death of a former resident, hospital to see their son-in-law, Lar­ Emil Villaneuva, who passed away ry Bernardi who had been there for in Portland January 6. He is survivea by his wife, Cecilia and daughters, Delons Valerico and Phyllis Kern. Demon ia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1965 Mrs. Jam es Johnson and children, Anne and Chris arrived AT LOW PRICES ANNIVERSARY SALE January 18 through 23 from Death Claims Former Pastor Word came this week from Mrs. A. K. Pevoto of Pima, Arizona that her husband, Reverend A. K. Pevoto, for­ mer pastor of the Vernonia Baptist church, passed away January 4 at the veterans hospital at Ft. Bayard, New Mexico. He had been a patient there for some time. Services for him were held at Bay­ ard January 6 with the Reverend Troy Brooks and Dr. Willis J. Ray officiating. Veterans were in charge of the graveside services. Survivors include his wife, Eliza­ beth who plans to continue her resi­ dence at Pima for the time being; a brother, O. R. Pevoto of Beaumont, Texas and a sister, Sadie, of Hous­ ton, Texas. Honolulu December 7 and spent the holidays with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Killingburg. She was in San Francisco last week to meet her hus­ band who had just received his ser­ vice discharge and they returned here. After a visit with his folks in Washington, he will be looking for work and a place in which to settle. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Thompson were at Scappoose Sunday evening to visit his mother, Mrs. Isabel Thompson at the Crestview Nursing Home. She had spent Christmas here with them, then became ill right af­ ter Christmas and has been ill ever since. She was not feeling too good Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Childs have news of the arrival of their first great grandson, bom January 3 in Portland to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Phil­ lips. He has been named William Ray and he weighed in at 9 pounds 10 ounces. His two sisters are very proud of having a brother in the house. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lumm of San Francisco and Mrs. Lumm has been in Portland since in December to assist her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haverland have news from their son and daugh­ ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haverland of Harriman, Tennessee that a 5 pound 13 ounce son arrived at their home December 4. He has been named Tony Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab ana family were at Astoria Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peasnall. They went to the beach at the location of the Peter I redale and report the debris on the beach, including animal carcasses, was al­ most unbelievable. Gary Johnston, a graduate of Ver­ nonia high school who is now attend­ ing Oregon State College. Corvallis, has recently been pledged to Acacia, a campus fraternity. Adding to the enjoyment of her Reg. $5.99 now $2.99 Reg. $4.99 now $2.49 Reg. $3.99 now $1.99 All sizes but not in all styles COME AND SEE B QUALITY O O T SHOES EBY H54 Bridge St., Vernonia M EAT D E PA R T M E N T CROWN’S ZEE birthday January 5 was a call re­ ceived by Mrs. Lona Weidman from her son Robert who is in Berlin, Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pollock and sons Forrest ;ind Andre from Cold Bay. Alaska spent the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock. Forrest, age 5, flew down in November to the home of the grand­ parents and the rest of the family came December 12. They will be here until January 18 when they will return to Cordova. Alaska where Wesley will be working with the Federal Aviation Agency. Don't judge a man on week-days by the kind of company he keeps on Sundays. TOILET TISSUE O de 3 SWIFT’S PREMIUM INAUGURAL SOUVENIR PRESIDENTIAL ALBUM G(T routs rooA* 4-Roii Packs WITH LABEL OR INSERT FROM PURE PORK r 12-oz. Pkg. 39c Pork Chops 69c Pork Roast ™ 4 9 c AA Stewing cut UP Lb. Z“ c r Swifts V ALICE LOVE PURE Apricot-Pineapple 3'/i-Lb. Jar........... SAUSAGE Link Sausage 98* Juice S 2 for 85€ Corn t for ® 1 79* Pies pkg j Cauliflower 2 35* MILL MARKET 49* Grapefruit IvllX 59* Jam DEL MONTE PRUNE r . FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN CUT • CHICKENS FIRESIDE CHOC. SWEETIE 18-oz. a 10-oz. Pkgs..... CALIF. EXTRA FCY. ARIZONA 8-Lb. Bag and Lockers You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— HAzel 9-3492 SPRUANCE BREAD ■ 3-Lb. Bag Makes 4 Large Loaves... — Member of United Grocers — Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. Dales To Remember THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - I OOF hall - 8 p.m. Installation. FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 Basketball - Loggers at Neahkahnie. Columbia Encampment No. 89 - 1 OOF hall - 8 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 Community Youth Rally - Christian church - 7:30 p.m. Vagabonds Square Dance - Scout Cabin - 8:30 p.m. MONDAY, JANUARY 18 Lions club dinner meeting - Fire hall - 6:30 p.m. City council - City hall - 8 p.m. American Legion Post 119 - Legion hall - 8 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 Veterans Service officers - City hall- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary - Legion hall - 1:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 Columbia County Historical Society- Fairgrounds, Deer Island - noon potluck. Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple - 8 p.m. 4-H Delegates To Attend Meet The Oregon 4-H club conference will be held at Salem, February 7, 8 and 9. Columbia county 4-H members interested in submitting applications for the conference must send them into the Columbia county extension office by January 15. The Oregon 4-H club conference is for 4-H club members 16 years and older, who have completed at least three years of 4-H club work. One boy and one girl are selected from each county in the state to attend. The program includes discussion ses­ sions with many of the various de­ partments of state government, in­ cluding the governor’s office. Confer­ ence headquarters are the Marion hotel where the delegates will njoy evening banquets and programs, all sponsored by Sears Roebuck Founda­ tion. Columbia county 4-H’ers who sub­ mit applications this year will par­ ticipate in a “Know Your County Government” conference scheduled for January 27, when they will visit various departments connected with county government. Marine Trainee Given Courses Marine Pvt. Wallace J. Pollock, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock, com­ pleted recruit training December 29 at the Marine Corps recruit depot at San Diego. Following graduation. Pollock re­ ported to Camp Pendleton. Californ­ ia for advanced infantry training which he completed in December. He has now returned to San Diego where he was in the hospital with a broken bone in his leg which pre­ vented his coming home for Christ­ mas. He will now undergo further training there. He expects to be home in February. Passes made at girls who wear glasses depend a good deal on frames. An easy chair is the hardest one to find empty. Interest Rate On Savings Up U. S. National Bank of Oregon has increased the interest rate it will pay on savings accounts to four percent, President E. J. Kolar has announced. The new rate retroactive to Jan­ uary 1, is an increase of one-half per cent over the previous rate and is payable and compounded quarterly. All deposits made by the close of business this Friday will earn in­ terest from January 1. In making the announcement, Ko­ lar said the increase to the highest rate allowed for a national commerc­ ial bank has been made in U. S. National’s 96 offices throughout the state and should stimulate the ever­ growing economy of the state. L eis Gel Acquainted! Do You Know This Man? Born May 7, 1932 at Cloquet, Minne­ sota. Married in 1952 at Longview, Wash. Has three children. Came to Vernonia in 1957 with an eye toward relieving the country’s shortagt of scientists and he also had a great interest in seeing how the ball bounced. Likes changing the skyline by estab­ lishing new scenery. Has left his mark on lots of Vernonia. Deals in a service at which he ham­ mers away. For relaxation, he likes to ski. (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ chols) Answer to last week’s quiz: George (Ted) Kauppi. A F ie ld T rip In clu d ed In E x te n sio n P rogram The Vernonia Extension Unit will meet Thursday, January 21 at 10 a.m. at the West Oregon building. A pot luck lunch is planned at 11:00 a.m. The project lesson, When Death Comes, will be given by Mrs. Jessie Miller and Mrs. Estelle Bateman, af­ ter which the group will leave at noon to visit the Fuiten-Friesen Mortuary in Forest Grove. Everyone interest­ ed is invited to attend this meeting. Baby sitting is available at the Joe Dennis home. G o ld e n w e d s O b serve H a lf C en tu ry M ark Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore of 348 C street observed their golden wed­ ding anniversary Wednesday of this week, January 13. In announcing the event, Mrs. Moore .Emma .stated that they had completed 50 good years of married life and were now starting on a second 50. Mr. Moore says that he hopes to have her ready for cutting the lawn and plowing the garden this spring as she is only 83 years young. Read the ads, it will pay you! JO Y T H E A T E R Fri., Sat. Jan. 15-16 Dr. Strangelove Peter Sellers NO COLD W ,TH KITEWAY WOOD AND COAL HEATERS NEW SUPER-COM FORT BLOWER PROTECTS HEALTH OF YOUR FAMILY Thermo-disc controlled Super-Comfort Blower forces draft-free warm air'through- out your home at floor level makes your home more healthful and comfortable than ever before. And that's not a ll-R ite w a y Wood and Coal Heaters offer you: Complete Combustion— Bums fuel 3 times Fully automatic thermostat control Less Work— Fuel load lasts at least 12 hours; empty ashes just 2 or 3 tim es a month Up to 8 0 % savings on fuel costs Modem decorator styling Exclusive Electro-magnetic Creo­ sote Inhibitor* «Patent Pending Choice of 11 models Ask about easy terms Mennfectnred n e r t i wear» Ig nutktn »! Penntglvanie Mawert $169.95 FREE $36.25 Circulating Fan with each RITE WAY heater sold during the month of January- at our store. WESTERN AUTO STORE Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald Phone HAzel 9-6641 Vernonia. Oregon V