Employment Is High for 1964 ì •5 » $ AROUND THE FARM *♦ î 3 > BRUNSMAN < INSULATED UNDERSUIT HARDWARE and ELECTRIC A year-end report from the Ore­ gon department of employment put F IN E F U R N IT U R E 1964 at the top of the list for high By V employment, low unemployment and 9 9 SIMMONS an expected good employment econo­ 5 Slumber King Innei »5 my for the new year, Governor Mark S Spring Mattress and V . X* <~ Hatfield stated recently at Salem. 9 Box Springs $ A Q95 The governor said the estimated Price, each *Z With a high percentage of Columbia red clover crop. Red clover does not average total employment for the Beauty Rest Inner county’s farm lands located along the lend itself well to making of hay, es­ state in 1964 was 730,600, some 17,800 Spring Mattress and Columbia River, the extent of flood pecially at an early date when above the average employed in 1963. Bex $f7Q 50 damage continues to be the current weather conditions are not favorable. An all-time record was set in August 2*pi«co, 5 ounc* Coiocloud. Springs, Each • with 788,600 employed . high point of interest. Although many Easy-to*wo«h, qu>ck dry, warn. Sites smatl tfwovgh extra large. In May, 1963, the Federal Commun­ individuals have experienced damage Governor Hatfield said the non­ (SC0010-1-SC0013-8) certainly Columbia county fared bet­ ications Commission formally abol­ farm wage and salary index, which ter than many of the Willamette Val­ ished CONELRAD. Although t h i s reached an all-time high of 119.0 in M a s f r c r a f t 36 Month ’news’ is more than a year old, we November is a good sign for the em­ ley counties. 6 VOLT BATTERY At the writing of this column there have been getting some questions ployment economy to continue on a has not been adequate time to fully about CONELRAD, which indicate high level into 1965, especially if the assess the extent of damage. Inunda­ that the word hasn’t gotten around. index rose again in December as it In the CONELRAD system, all was expected to do. tion has been the biggest threat with the greatest damage probably occur- authorized radio stations were to Insured unemployment rates in Oc­ ing from flooding of Columbia Diking broadcast emergency information on tober and November were at a 10- District Number One, the Columbia 640 and 1240 kilocycles. Therefore, year low for that time of the year. transmissions on these two frequen­ Though seasonal unemployment start­ 3 L ig h t B la c k county portion of Sauvies Island. cies would have been coming from an d B ra s s From Model 23 CK 302 ed the unemployment rate on an up­ As soon as damage can be fully POLE appraised, and programs determined, transmitters all over the country at ward trend toward the end of No­ $7.99 LAMP residents of flooded areas will be ad­ the same time. This would confuse vember, insured unemployment, over Don’t buy a color TV that may soon be the guidance system of an aircraft Modern pole lamp w ilb 1964 as a whole, was at one of its obsolete. vised of emergency aid programs be­ Get a Motorola Rectangular black bullet lamps, ing offered to speed recovery. While which was trying to follow a radio lowest periods in over a decade. Low­ black and brass pole. no details are available at the present beam to a particular town. Missiles est rate was reached in October at Color TV. time, we have learned that emergen­ and bombers now use newer and bet­ 1.9 percent for the two weeks ending For all Chev., Ford, Plym. e Handwired Chassis October 5, also the lowest point for cy loans will be available through ter guidance systems. 19 56 and o ld .r. (D A 75 -97 ) I * 1* CONELRAD also had some serious e Full Year Guarantee the whole year. Farmers Home Administration. weaknesses. Many rural areas were 8’ B a t t e r y B o o s te r Contract construction and wood e Color Indicator Light so far from a CONELRAD station CABLE SET products, lumbering and logging con­ For those folks who have suffered that people couldn’t hear emergency e New Slim Cabinet damage to property from flooding, test instructions. These people would tinued to be the big employers cov­ Oregon State University has prepar­ have been without instructions dur­ ed under the laws of the Oregon de­ (Many Other Models In Stock) ed a series of fact sheets providing ing a real emergency. Others, living partment of employment. Around information on how to care for vari­ near two or more stations, couldn’t 39,000 employers in the state are A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. ous kinds of equipment and house­ understand either one when they both now paying into the unemployment hold goods that have been damaged started broadcasting on the same insurance trust fund. A majority of Square $*| 2£ these employers will receive reduced by inundation. These may be obtain­ frequency (640 or 1240 kilocycles). Y ard_________ unemployment insurance tax rates ed at the extension office. Congoleum vinyl Fore­ Under the Emergency Broadcast­ beginning January 1, which rates cast floor covering. ing System (EBS), stations will stay Square “Grow or perish” is the handwrit­ at normal power on their regular range from 1.2 to 2.7 percent depend­ ing on the wall for dairy cooperative, frequencies. You won’t have to turn ing upon the employer’s experience Y ard_______ is the belief of Frank Groves, Uni­ to 640 or 1240. Stations which hold ratings. This is expected to save 9x12 Plastic 15 versity of Wisconsin economist. Al­ National Defense Emergency Author­ employers about $6 million in U.I. Surface Rugs Heavy duly cable, copper clad though the words are new, we’ve izations will stay on the air during taxes during the coming year com­ clips. For 12 volt s y it.m i. heard the thought expressed many emergencies. All others will close pared to the taxes paid during 1964. Starts stalled cars quick. SETS (AJ0500B8) times in recent months. Probably the down. Therefore, any station you can An estimated average of 31,200 idea should not be restricted to just hear during an emergency will be workers were employed in contract dairy marketing cooperatives, either. part of the EBS. Stations will ident­ construction during the year. Con­ One reason for starting coopera­ ify themselves by area rather than struction worker earnings averaged T.V .Pillowback Recliner tives was to provide farmers with the call letters, so you can just turn the $149.25 per week, the highest weekly $¡8 52 Gallon Vinyl Covered, Foam wage paid to any industry in the means of balancing the power of dial until you find a station that is ISilvar Saal Set and Foam Back. large buyers. Failure to keep pace giving information for your area. The state during 1964. Electric Now $ /? O 8 8 WATER Lumber and wood products employ­ with the concentration that is taking EBS stations will cover more of the Only La Salle “Fan Gio” UF&TFR place in the markets has meant that country than CONELRAD did and ed an average of some 72,200 people Automatic Elec. Heater cooperatives are not providing as stations won’t interfere with each with production workers in the in­ with $ a J 95 much countervailing power as was other any more than they do now. dustry earning an average of $116 Thermostat.... “ originally intended. EBS stations have built-in fallout per week. Logging and sawmills em­ “Many feel.” says Groves, "that protection so they are able to stay ployed an estimated average of 39,- Titan Circl-Aire Portable one of the reasons co-ops have failed on the air 24 hours a day during a 100 persons during the year at an Baseboard Elec. Heater to keep pace is that their merger nuclear emergency. Most have emer­ estimated $116.75 per week. Combination Fan-Forced Thermostatically Controlled For the most part during 1964, policies have not been as aggressive gency generators in case their regu­ and Radiant $ 0 0 9 5 Oa^ an on the road to success. « - Don Coin Walrod WE D E L IV E R - N E W ! Big Rectangular Screen MOTOROLA COLOR TV 4 & A 1 ’7 $4.99 up Tractors Need Careful Check AO ’GO50 ’99“ 10“ $-| ^Q95 A I Guests Noted At Gibson Home No Job Is Too Small and No Challenge Too Big g Oernonia Eagle THE VERNONIA EAGLE