4 Increase of Emphysema Noted In Nation; Description Given Design Offers Three Bedrooms Three bedrooms ,a family-living The following information on Em­ different patients at different times. room, kitchen-dining room, living physema is given by the National Under a doctor’s care, most patients room, two bathrooms, and a utility Tuberculosis Association in hopes can get relief from their attacks of room all fit into a floor area of 1,344 that people may become aware of breathlessness, fl a man’s job does square feet in this brick veneer house this serious disease and do every­ not require heavy physical labor, bis designed by the U. S. Department of thing in their power to avoid develop­ doctor will usually say that he can Agriculture. The plan also provides ing it. continue to work. 308 square feet of carport and 64 At this time, doctors do not know square feet of porch . Emphysema (pronounced em-fih- SEE-ma) is a disease which causes how to prevent emphysema. Contin­ The family room fireplace provides the lungs to become greatly enlarg­ uing research is being conducted to a flue for the heating unit in the find answers to many questions ed. It is a Greek word meaning “in­ about this disease. However, modern utility room. The utility room also flation.” contains an outdoor clothes closet, a Emphysema is on the ircrease. medicine can usually slow down the cleaning closet, the water heater, Authorities do not know exactly how development of emphysema if pa­ washing machine, freezer and sink. many new cases turn up each month tients are treated early. It is al­ Wall storage cabinets occupy the two in the United States because records ways the doctor’s immediate con­ long partitions. have not been kept in the same way cern to clear up any infection of a Complete working drawings of in every state. But in the last ten patient’s respiratory system—mouth, Plan No. 7174 may be obtained from years deaths from this disease have ncse, throat, sinuses, or lungs—be­ Farm Building Plan Service, Agri­ increased six times over. More than cause such infections set up a possi­ cultural Engineering Building, Ore­ 10,000 Americans die of it every year. ble starting place for emphysema. gon State University, Corvallis, for The victims of emphysemia are, $1.10. for the most part, white males be­ tween 50 and 70 years old. Women get emphysema, too, but ten times more men have it than women. A high percentage of the people who have emphysema smoke and have MIST—Due to the bad weather the been heavy smokers most of their lives. Frequently, they live in areas lesson for the Mist-Birkenfeld Exten­ (NOTE: This column is written where air pollution is a constant sion Unit has been changed from weekly and published by this news­ Living with Tensions to be given by problem. paper as an educational and public Mrs. Margaret Allyn, to When Death A person with emphysema doesn’t service. If you have questions with develop the disease suddenly. It Comes, given by Mrs. Howard Grims- regard to the Oregon State Employ­ bo and Mrs. Wayne Kyser. The mem­ creeps up on him. He has probably ment Service and-or Oregon Unem­ had several very bad colds each win­ bers are to meet at Mrs. Charles ployment Insurance Division, please Hansen’s place instead of the Bir- ter for the past years, each accompa­ address them to Oregon Department nied by a heavy cough, amounting kenfeld center. Potluck will be at of Employment, 402 Labor and In­ noon as planned. This will be the often to chronic bronchitis. Probably dustries Building, Salem, Oregon the cough is still hanging on. The last meeting for the program plan­ 97310, Attn. Informational Represent­ ners so members are asked to have thing that usually brings the patient ative. ) to his doctor is that he has begun to ideas ready. Meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. feel short of breath in the morning QUESTION: What kind of labor Sulo and Dale Sanders arrived in m a r k e t information is available or evening or both. He may think Mist Sunday evening after being in through the Oregon Department of he has asthma or heart disease. It is believed that emphysema of­ the Los Angeles area since the Sat­ Employment. ten is a late effect of chronic infec­ urday after Christmas. They were ANSWER: There is a variety of tion or irritation of the bronchial able to travel without any trouble. information available both on a local tubes. These tubes, called bronchi, Raymond Brower returned with and state level. Such information connect the windpipe with the lungs. them and joined Mrs. Brower on the as the local labor force, how many The bronchi look like the roots of a former Devine place. Dale left Mon­ are employed in various industries, tree, with the roots becoming small­ day for Seattle to resume his studies the number of insured unemployed er and smaller until each one ends Paul left Friday for Portland, also in various occupations and covered in a cluster of tiny air spaces in to resume his studies. wage and salary information by in­ Hugh Cox received word from Un­ dustry. This information is especially the lungs. From these tiny air spaces, oxygen enters the blood when air is ion that his grandson, Allen Johnson, helpful to chambers of commerce, in­ breathed in, and waste gas (carbon was in the hospital due to a high vestors in new industry, employers dioxide) is removed from the lungs fever. Tests have been made and and individuals who want to deter­ the results were not known at this mine future needs and plans for ex­ by breathing out. When the bronchi become irritat­ time. Mrs. Cox visited with Mrs. pansion. Such information is obtain­ ed, some of the airways may be ob­ Toby Knowles Sunday afternoon. able from the Oregon Department of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sparks of Employment central office in Salem structed, trapping air in the lung be­ yond them. Or the tissue walls of the Delena were in Mist Thursday after­ or by contracting any of the 28 of­ tiny air spaces may tear, for var­ noon a short while to bring Warren fices of the Department of Employ ious reasons. Less contact between home after they and Mr. and Mrs. ment about the state. blood and air results. If infection or Bob Skeans and baby son had been QUESTION: What is the law with irritation continues or is repeated in Everett, Wash, for the Christmas regard to payment of Unemployment for along time and the stretching holidays. Insurance benefits due a deceased and destruction of the walls of the person. air spaces goes on, the lungs as a ANSWER: According to the Oregon whole may become overstretched, at Department of Employment law, in the same time becoming less effic­ the event of the death of any person ient in exchanging oxygen for carbon to whom benefits are due, but which dioxide. benefits remain unpaid in whole or Emphysema may begin with only in part, such benefits may be paid BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. to any person or persons designated a slight morning and evening incon­ venience in breathing. Next, a short Lawrence Johnston, Wendy and Cal­ by the commissioner of the Depart­ walk may be enough to bring on an vin, drove to Myrtle Creek Satur­ ment of Employment in the following attack of breathlessness. Unless day to the Buster Benson home, re­ order: (a) Surviving spouse; (b) promptly treated, the lungs may be turning home Sunday. Buster has Surviving children, including adopted permanently damaged. A day-in, day- been in the hospital for some time children; (c> Mother or father of the out struggle to keep the lungs work­ with a throat ailment. deceased. ing can develop. Every breath may Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker took QUESTION: What will the Depart­ require a major effort. The ultimate Butch to Portland Sunday to eaten ment of Employment have to do with hazard of emphysema, however, is the plane back to Juneau, Alaska. the Job Corps that we have been the extra load it puts on the heart, Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson hearing about in the news? which is required to pump harder. and little son were Sunday dinner ANSWER: The Job Corps is set up Doctors can help emphysema pa­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Belling­ under t h e Economic Opportunities tients live comfortably with their di­ ham. Act of 1964 which was signed into sease for a long time. Different Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson, Randy law in August. The Oregon State Em­ treatments, including antibiotics, help ;ind Dennis went to Tigard Sunday ployment Service, through its youth where they were met by the Roger program may refer youths 16-22 Chases. The Larsons then visited years of age to the Job Corps. At pre­ with relatives at Sherwood. sent, plans call for Job Corps Camps The Herbert Rodgers family, Mr. in six Oregon locations. 4 THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1965 and Mrs. Hebe Rodgers and A1 Berg QUESTION: How are unemploy­ were Sunday dinner gueits at the ment insurance claims identified? home of the Francis Larsons. The CAREFUL DRIVERS ANSWER: Each unemployment in­ occasion was the wedding anniver­ surance claim is identified by the GET A sary of the Herbert Rodgers. claimant's social security account Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jepson number. Therefore, it is important 20% DISCOUNT! called on John Cahill Saturday. that claimants include their social se­ They also spent awhile at the Fran­ curity number in any letter or other cis Larsons. A u to Insu ran ce communication about the claim. Fail­ Unit Changes Meeting Plans ; ; ¡ A 3-BEDROOM HOUSE z ' 7174 48 - !O YOUR JOB Group Returns Home From Pasadena Trip BIRKENFELD—The E. T. John­ ston family, Terry Larson and Jerry Lowe returned Monday evening from their trip to Pasadena and the Rose Bowl game. They took in sev­ eral places of interest. They encoun­ tered much bad weather and bad roads. Gary and Jerry stopped off at Corvallis to return to Oregon State. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom and Ronnie visited one evening last week at the Francis Larsons. Ronnie showed some pictures of his recent trip to Hawaii which were greatly enjoyed. Marvin Larson returned to the OSU campus at Corvallis Sunday. Shirley Berg and boys were Sat­ urday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ramsey. Students Leave For Graceland MIST—Mrs. Sulo Sanders and family spent New Years Eve at the Walter Mathews home. New Years morning the Mathews were break­ fast guests at the Wayne Lapworth heme in Portland. At noon, Gloria Lapworth, Marian Mathews and three other Graceland College girls left for Lamoni, Iowa by train. Mr. and Mrs. Mathews and Marian were din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and Roy in Vernonia Wed­ nesday of last week. Dinner guests at the Ray Garlock home New Years day were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson and Larry Trotter of Delena were Saturday dinner guests. New Years evening guests of the George Mathews were Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and Dee and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Berg. The Mist and Vernonia school sys­ tems resumed their activities Mon­ day morning after being closed since December 22 for vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kyser and family moved to the Midland district over the week end. Phone HA 9-3462 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT F IR S T Family Visits With Patient Oernonia Eagfe Acren Ih» nation — Around the dock FAST • FAIR • FRIENDLY Lloyd Quinn — HA 9-5211 A stormy day is a good day to clean closets and phone for a Good­ will truck to gather clothing to be discarded. Goodwill especially needs such calls when the weather is bad, and the flow of materials diminishes to a low ebb. KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More" Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING ure to do so may result in loss of time and could cause considerable delay in the payment of benefits. QUESTION: We have read some­ place recently that “every working man and woman.... may one day be forced to seek work through govern­ ment employment offices.” Is this true? ANSWER: It is definitely untrue. Decisions by workers to use the facil­ ities of public employment offices now, and in the future, will remain entirely voluntary. Neither the U. S. Employment Service nor any Federal agency has proposed any plan what­ soever that would force workers or employers to hire through public em­ ployment offices. At the same time, the Employment Service is required by law to serve everyone who applies for service at the Employment Of­ fices whether or not they are em­ ployed or unemployed. About the best thing to remember is what to forget. 1 EACH -30 PERCENT DISCOUNT ON '64 FLOOR MODELS WAS ITEM WATER HEATER........ -$ 79.88 CONSOLE T .V ............ $144.95 FREEZER, 17 cu. ft. - - - $177.00 69A4764-00RS $ 55.92 $ 101.46 $123.90 TOASTER.................. - $ 9.89 COFFEE POT.............. - $ 9.88 MIXER..................... - $ 11.99 POP CORN POPPER— - $ 6.95 BROILER-OVEN.......... - $ 14.44 PORT. REFRIGERATOR - $149.95 6.4 cu. ft.—69A4004-00-RS $ 6.92 $ 6.92 $ 8.39 $ 4.86 $ 10.11 $104.96 - $238.88 REFRIGERATOR.......... 12.6 cu. ft.—69A135400R $167.22 WASHER 85A6724RS....... $173.05 $121.13 DRYER 85A7724RS......... $179.95 $ 125.96 RANGE 68A2324*°°R $139.95 $ 97.96 SEE NEW 1965 MONTGOMERY WARD SALES AGENCY 786 Bridge Street Phone HA 9-6744 Locally Owned and Operated WE WELCOME TELEPHONE ORDERS When a wolf talks to a gal, the only ring he has is in his voice. NOW MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY