IN RUSSIA R ussian children h ang up their stockings on New Y e a r’s E ve, in an- ticipation of G ran d fath er F ro s t's vi- Oerttonia Eagle Legend Tells Lighted Tree sit. Though C om m unists elim inated the religious celebration of Christ- m as, they allowed th e children's fes- tivities of the season to rem ain. THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1964_______ 9 Why a tre e a t C hristm as? One e a r­ ly legend says th at all the tre e s burst into bloom on the night C hrist was bom. Folk tales of ancient tim es tell of a huge tre e in a forest, lighted with m any candles, som e of w hich were straig h t and som e bent. At the top w as an Infant with a halo. The tre e w as m eant to represent hum anity, th e candles, people good and b ad; and th e Infant, the Baby Jesus. A V e ry M e rry C h ris tm a s to a ll th e m e m b e rs of th e C o o p e ra tiv e . M ay y o u a v a il y o u rs e lv e s o f th e o p p o r­ t u n i ty to liv e b e tt e r — e le c tric a lly t h r o u g h th e n e x t y e a r. Another explanation links today’s C hristm as tree to ancient feasts or the w inter equinox, when trees w ere adorned with trinkets. St. Boniface, an English mission­ a ry to G erm any, is said to have told converts th at the fir should be their holy tree, replacing the oak, sacred in Druid tre e worship, and thus be­ ginning the custom of a decorated fir. Many a re the legends, but one thing is certain. Nowadays C hristm as wouldn’t be C hristm as without the tree. PICTURED above are three of the many youngsters who took advantage of the opportunity of talking to Santa at the firehall Saturday, December 19. The local volunteer firemen sponsored his visit and assisted at the hall that afternoon. Materials Received By Busy Sewers 4-H Club West Oregon Electric Co-op., Inc. The second m eetin g of the Busy Sewers 4-H club w as held D ecem ber 15 a t the home of th e leader, Mrs. S arah P o tter. The club m em bers w ere given th e ir 4-H m a te ria ls for on a note of cheer, may we wish you all a very happy holiday. p h ase 3. It w as decided th a t th e club should send C hristm as g reetings to their fo rm er leader, M rs. Ja m e s K epner, who now lives a t E ugene. Cookies, fudge and kool-aid were serv ed a fter the m eeting. Helen H igginbotham , rep o rter St. Mary's Church Gives Christmas Service Time At St. M ary’s Catholic church, the following schedule h a s been an ­ nounced for C hristm as ev e and C hristm as day: Confessions C hristm as eve, D ecem ­ b er 24 from 8:00 p.m . to 9:30 p.m . an d again fro m 11:30 p.m . to m id­ night; M ass a t m idnight an d a t 8:00 a m . and 9:30 a.m . C hristm as m orn­ We sing H is praise this Yule se a so n . M e rry Ch ristm as Tandy's Shoe Repair ing. Í&AW A Young m en who expect everything for nothing get nothing for everything la te r in life. Albert Tandy y.«:*:*:*:*:«:*:*: *' every heart rejoice . .. ifs Christmas! To each and every one ot oUf valued friends, we send Carol jo y f u lly ... our most cordial wishes for a Christmas is holiday season aboundini in blessings. here. All the best to you and yours. Ralph's Chevron Service NICHOL'S VARIETY Ralph Sturdevant Bess and Bill Nichols SUNSET SHELL SERVICE Juanita and Orville Edwards Banks, Oregon ì SK œ CHRISTMAS WISHES with thanks for your patronage and All of us at Standard Dairy wish all of you the Brightest T ■ : - % >. O L D -F A S H IO N E D friendship, we extend our heartfelt wishes that your holidays may be rich in the joys of a real old-fashion­ ed Christmas. MAR-LEE BEAUTY SALON Essie Sharon Anne Esther With thanks for your many favors and friendship, we extend our heartfelt wishes that your holidays may be rich in the joys of a real old-fashioned Christmas. VERNONIA VARIETY and SHELL OIL COMPANY Ruth and Marion Steers, Mrs. Laura Carmichael