Bill Fredricks of Beaverton and Jon Bush of Portland, cousins of the groom. Candlelighters were John Weller, brother of the bride and Grant Bowerman. Following the ceremony, a recep­ tion was held in the church parlors at which the beautiful four-tiered cake, decorated with pink roses and white bells and topped with an orna­ ment of white satin bells and pearls, was cut by Mrs. Sterling Pash of Portland, aunt of the btide, and served by Mrs. Eugene Weller, sis­ ter-in-law of the bride, and Mrs. Marion Knoll. Mrs. Beulah Blakeley of Kelso, aunt of the bride, poured coffee and Mrs. George Hedges from Port­ land served punch. Mrs. Donald Lovegren of Clatskanie was in charge of the guest book. From the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Bush left for a honeymoon trip to the 20 Miracle Miles area and for travel, the bride wore a winter white English double knit suit with deep pink accessories. They are now at home at 104 Denney Road, c/o Hid­ den Village, Beaverton. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bush are grad­ uates of Vernonia high school and are now employed in Portland, he as an accountant at Weiner’s Store and she as receptionist for Interstate Tractor and Equipment Company. Keasey-Ällen Vows Exchanged Poinsettias and holly gave a winter wedding Saturday afternoon at the First Christian church at 2:00 at theFirst Christian church at 2:00 p.m. at which marriage vows were exchanged by Carolyn Allen and Ralph Keasey. The impressive double ring ceremony was performed by Reverend Robert Sargent, pastor of the church. Wedding music was played on the electric organ by Mrs. L. H. Thomas. For her wedding, the bride wore a two-piece dress of champagne bro­ cade with beige accessories and car­ ried a cascade of holly and red car­ nations,. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Leslie Caron, who was dressed in red with beige accessor­ ies with which she wore a corsage of holly and white carnations. Best man was Carroll Keasey of Oak Grove, brother of the groom. The Christmas theme also predom­ inated the reception held in the church parlors for which the three­ tiered wedding cake was decorated in green and gold with a church on top. Table centerpieces were high­ lighted with large white candles and poinsettias. Mrs. Charles Zinn, stepmother of the bride served the cake. Pouring punch and coffee were two sisters of the groom, Mrs. Richard Wysong of Lake Grove and Mrs. Glenn Eades of Portland. Pam Caron and Debra Conroy were in charge of the gifts. Following a week end honeymoon trip, the couple is busy moving to their new home in the new OA hill subdivision. Hertel Heads Masonic Slate Hcrace Hertel was installed Thurs­ day of last week as worshipful master for Vernonia Lodge No. 184, AF & AM in rites conducted at the Masonic Temple by Wilbur A. Wellborn, St. Helens, senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Oregon. Hertel suc­ ceeds Ralph Bergerson in the office. Wellborn was assisted with the in­ stallation of officers by Harry San- don, district deputy grand master and Raymond C. Sheeder of St. Hel­ ens, past master of the St. Helens lodge. Other officers installed with Hertel were as follows: Senior warden, Frank Serafin; junior warden, Rich­ ard Nightwine; treasurer, Harry Culbertson; secretary, Walter Linn; senior deacon, David Zamarripa; junior deacon, Bill J. Hom; senior steward, Marvin Kamholz; junior steward, Ralph H. Sturdevant; chap­ lain, Wilbur E. Wilson; marshall, Al­ bert Brunsman and tyler Ralph Ber­ gerson. Stretching the imagination will sometimes work wonders, but it’s a poor way of trying to make both ends meet. Oernonia Eagie THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1964_______3 Past Chief Parly Held At H. Culbertson Home Mrs. Harry Culbertson entertained members of the Past Chiefs club Thursday evening of last week at a delightful Christmas party for which her home was appropriately decorat­ ed. In a short business meeting con­ ducted by club president, Mrs. Charley Hickman, a memorial gift to the Oregon-Washington Pythian Home fund was voted in memory of Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson, charter member of the club. A Christmas game was played and carols were sung prior to the serving of delicious apple cake with whip­ ped cream. This was followed by the distribution of secret pal gifts and the usual ohing and ahing as the pretty packages were opened to re­ veal a variety of gifts. The next meeting, January 21, will be at the home of Mrs. Hickman. Announcement Tells Daughter's Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keith have announced the engagement of their daughter Barbara to Tim Seeberger of Cornelius. Miss Keith is a senior this year at Vernonia high school and Mr. Seeberger is a senior at Forest Grove high. Wedding plans await graduation. MR. and MRS. JERROLD BUSH Bush-Weller Wedding Features Pink, Burgundy Color Scheme Saturday, December 5 at 1:00 p.m., marriage vows were exchanged at the First Christian church by Miss Kathleen Naomi Weller, daughter of Mrs. Maxine Weller and the late Paul Weller, and Jerrold Joseph Bush, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bush, all of Vernonia. For the event, a color scheme of burgundy and pink was used with baskets of pink gladioli, white ana burgundy chrysanthemums, accent­ ed by four candelabra with tall tap­ ers forming the background for the impressive rites. The church aisle was marked with large white bows on the pews from which extended candle holders with 18 inch white tapers. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Reverend E. J. Ruff of Corvallis, Montana but form­ erly pastor of the Vernonia Bible church. Soloist was Otto Bamell of Monmouth who sang “My Prayer,” “The Lord’s Prayer” and “God Gave Me You.” He was acompanied on the organ by Mrs. L. H. Thomas who also played the wedding marches, prelude and postlude. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Eugene Weller, wore a sheath style gown of white satin with lace applique embroidered with seed pearls. It was made with long sleeves and boat neck with seed pearls outlining the neckline and the pointed wristline. Lace and pearls also accented the chapel train. Voices sing Her fluffy shoulder-length veil fell from a crystal crown and she car­ ried a cascade of white spider mums and pink baby rosebuds which also were featured in the corsages worn by the mothers of the bride and groom. Miss Judi Weller was her sister's maid of honor and she wore a floor- length gown of pink velveteen made with empire waistline and accented by burgundy accessories. Bridesmaids were Miss Martha Bush, sister of the groom, and Miss Sunny DeHart who wore gowns made like that of the maid of hon­ or, only of burgundy velveteen with pink accessories. Junior bridesmaid was Marcia Weller, five-year-old niece of the bride from Beaverton and she wore a gown in identical style to those of the other attendants, of white velveteen with pink ribbon trim. All the attendants carried nosegays of white carnations. Flower girls were Bonnie Weller, niece of the bride, and Kimmy Fred­ ricks, cousin of the groom, both of Beaverton. They wore floor-length empire gowns of pink velveteen and carried baskets of white chrysanthe­ mums and pink rosebuds. Ring bearer was Stevie Weller, nephew of the bride who wore black trousers and white jacket like the men in the wedding party and car­ ried the rings on a white satin pillow. Best man was Delbert Bush, broth­ er of the groom, and ushers were We offer best wishes I I and sincere appreciation to all our friends on this Blessed Christmas, BILL HORN REALTY and VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE Bill and Reatha Horn, Franciene Lentz Thank you for letting us serve you — best wishes for a happy, healthy holiday, wishes for a Christmas spiritual memorable moments iU a t| tljr aplrttual blranluya of lljr (Cljritìtrnau araaon be uiitlj you anb youra. BOB'S UNION SERVICE FUITEN-FRIESEN CHAPEL Mr. and Mrs. James Fuiten Dr. T. M. Hobart, Dr. S. A. Thüringer Bob and Eleanor Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friesen Dr. Oloff Hansen, Dr. D. Kramer Lester Shafer Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas