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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1964)
A Mitchell Rites Held Saturday . . ■ Rexford Mitchell, 77, who had been a resident of the Vernonia communi ty for the past 28 years, died Decem ber 16 at a Portland nursing home following a brief serious illness. Funeral services for him were conducted at the Fuiten-Friesen Mor tuary Chapel, Vernonia, Saturday, December 19 at 1:00 p.m. Rev. Robert Sargent, pastor « the First Christian church of Ver nonia officiated at the services with Mrs. Lloyd Thomas as organist. Con cluding rites and vault interment were at the Vernonia Memorial cem etery with Dee Miller, Ralph Reyn olds, Robert Thompson. Bob Spencer, E. A. Elliott and Lloyd Thomas as casket bearers. Mr. Mitchell was born November 26, 1887 in the Oklahoma Territory. He spent all of his early life there Denton i a Eagle 2 THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1964 JO Y T H E A T E R MERRY CHRISTMAS Fri., Sat. Dec. 25-26 McHALES NAVY Ernest Borgnine (Color) X____ Tzlnkzi until mnv. and i in T Kansas and Idaho until mov ing to Vernonia 28 years ago in 1936. He first worked for the Koster Log ging company here and then for a number of years as a carpenter at the Oregon American Lumber mill until his retirement. He was united in marriage to Min- ta Killian at Pocatello, Idaho on July 6, 1912 and she preceded him in death here on August 15, 1959. Surviving are five children: two daughters, Mrs. Jack (Juanita) Dy er, Portland and Mrs. Howard (Dor- ena) Posey, Great Falls, Montana: and three sons, Wilbert Mitchell, Yakima; Duane Mitchell, Portland, and Calvin of Truckee, California. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Jan Nelson, Nevada City, California: 23 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Rock Creek were their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Keasey and family from Oak Grove and two daughters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wysong and family TOPICS OF THE TOWN from Lake Grove and Mr and Mrs. Glenn Eades and their family of Portland, all of whom had come to attend the wedding of their brother, Ralph Keasey. ma to Stevinson, California. Word has been received here of Greetings have come to the Ver the death of Carl Davidson in Port land. He formerly lived here when he was employed by the Oregon American company. He later re turned to school to complete training for a law degree and practiced in Portland. He has been in failing health for sometime. He is survived by his wife, Marie, who is a sister of Mrs. Connie Anderson; his daugh ter, Mrs. Gordon Ennis; a brother, two sisters and two grandchildren. nonia Eagle from Robert Weidman from Berlin, Germany where he is stationed. Miss Martha Bush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bush, and Randy Aultman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edison Aldrich, arrived home Friday from Southern Oregon College, Ashland, where both are students this year. They will be at home until after New Years. One victim of the weather is Mrs. Among service personnel who came A. D. Lolley who fell Monday and broke a bone in her ankle which confines her to home. a distance to spend the holidays with their families are Miss Carol Ray who arrived last week from the Ma Mr. and Mrs. Rangvold Groff of rine base at Quincy, Massachussetts Springfield, Minnesota arrived Wed for a visit with her parents, Mr. and nesday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Allen Ray and other relatives, their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. and David Linn who flew in Monday Sheldon Groff and small daughter. from New London, Connecticut where They plan to be here several weeks. he is still attached to the Ben Frank Mrs. Vemer Blount received a call lin fleet polaris missile carrier. Linn from her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Les will be here until December 28. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 ter Blount, telling her that a slide Harold Davis came from Clatska Christmas Eve. had struck their home at Consolidat nie Tuesday to assist his mother, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to ed camp at Glenwood and so badly Mrs. Carl Davis with securing things damaged it that it was unlivable. A in her basement against the advanc all. house next to them was in the path ing flood waters. Water began enter MONDAY, DECEMBER 28 Vernonia Barracks and Auxiliary - of the slide also. Complete extent ing her basement by late afternoon of the damage which occurred at and reached a depth of about 27 IOOF hall - 6:30 p.m. potluck. 10:30 a.m. Tuesday had not been inches. It did not start to subside un TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29 learned. til about 6:00 a.m. Wednesday. Vernonia Ridge Riders - Fire hall - Bob Cone, driver for Consolidated A former Vernonia resident, Tom 8:00 p.m. Freightways, was among those halt Goff, who now resides in Dayton, ed on the Columbia River highway Ohio sends his greetings to former near Cascade Locks last Friday due neighbors and friends here via a to icy conditions. Their truck was greeting card received by the cham stopped at 7:15 Friday and was ber of commerce . there until 3:00 p.m. Saturday when Guests last Saturday at the home they were convoyed to Portland, a of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Keasey on trip that took two hours. They had been held previously for 30 hours in Message Brings News South Dakota where temperatures were 35 degrees below zero and there Of Death In Italy were 45-mile-an-hour winds. They Word has been received here of saw where many cattle were dying the death of Albert Edward Steven from the cold. Strong winds had pre son, son of Chief and Mrs. Edward vented ranchers from getting cattle Stevenson, in Naples, Italy where in. Their trip from Chicago, normally the father is presently stationed with made in five days, took eight days the U. S. Navy. due to weather conditions. Mrs. Stevenson is the former Stel Friends here have received Christ, la Woolsey and the child’s grandmo mas greetings from former Rock ther, Mrs. Hazel Woolsey and an Creek residents, Mr. and Mrs. Car- uncle, Albert Woolsey, reside on Kea roll Buckley which bring news that sey route. His grandfather Stevenson they have moved from Gervais to lives at Scappose. Battle Ground, Washington. The boy would have been seven News from other former residents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sharar who for years old December 30. Preliminary merly lived on Stoney Point road, information does not reveal cause of is that they have moved from Taco- death or any of the particulars. Dales y 0 Remember H ere’s wishing you a bright and merry Christmas and a Yuletide season sparkling with good cheer. ROEDIGER PLUMBING Ed and Edith Pvoediger S> and a very Merry ChnttmM ' a I</ to all our loyal flftcrrp Christmas W e take great pleasure in sending you our every good wish for Yuletide happiness, and the best of health and success in days to come. friends. g r e e tin g s and sincere VERNONIA MILK FARMS holiday season full of the Your Local Distributor for old-fashioned Christmas. wishes for a warmth of a good, VERNONIA DRUG CO. STANDARD DAIRY PRODUCTS Henry and Isabel Anderegg VERNONIA GOLF CLUB Phone HAzel 9-5733 Gordon and Kay Reed Carol and Horace Hertel, Hazel Shipman & I ¿5 *3 & may you and your loved ones have a merry Christmas, and enjoy all the tradition al festivities and delights of this glad time. oil earth,. “ good will to Alt Men.” In the message W e ’re thankful for our many friend* and wish, them happiness at this very special time. Merry Christmas! of Christmas, there is hope and promise for all. To you and your$ happy holidays. UNION OIL COMPANY ENCO SERVICE Loel and Violet Roberta Joe and Wally Grose he SAM'S FOOD STORE Buck and Alvilda, Sam III and Danny Sadie, Sleepy, Irene, Lyle