fi » V 5 > 5 V V I I I The Christmas candle ! L reflects the bright I -<-*• spirit in which we send you ENTIRE front of our best wishes for Joe G rosche i hom e w as lighted as w ell as yard a Season filled with Joy at right which displayed a nativi­ ty scen e. N ativity scen e w as and Happiness. com plete with star in tree above. i The light arrangem ent w as first place in the religiou s category. I Map Can Give Santa's Home I 8 8V Along with “ Why is th e sky b lu e?” and “Why ca n ’t I see the w ind?,” the favorite question of children ev ery ­ w here is v ery often, “ W here does Santa Claus live when C hristm as is all o v er?’” P a re n ts faced with this puzzler needn’t get involved in explanations of ju st w hat and w here is the North Pole. They can answ er, with a straig h t face and a m ap to back them up, “ Why S an ta Claus, Indiana, of co u rse!” O r how about Bells, Tennessee; E vergreen, A labam a; Holly, W ash­ ington; or Noel, M issouri, as suitable q u a rters for Santa, These a re ju st a sam p le of the m any towns and villages all over the country th at a re nam ed in the sp irit of C hristm as, in th e hope of p reserv ­ ing th e good will and ch eer of this happy season all y ear. T h ere’s only one disad v an tag e to living in one of th ese towns. Local paren ts, faced with th e question, “ W here does Santa liv e?” certainly ca n ’t say, “ Why rig h t h ere in C hrist­ m as, Arizona, son,” o r th e next logi­ cal question would be, m uch to D ad’s consternation, “Yippee! Why don’t wego visit h im ?” From All of Us at Your Friendly Coast to Coast Store w f f i k 7 B l a 5 2 G allon - ^ V S ilver S . a l Electric WATER M FATFR $54.95 P.O.B. . «*«*«■ NEW ! Big Rectangular Screen MOTOROLA COLOR TV • Pelly Us»IetW «Mk Plb^gleel • iBMrleeblay TfciReellMI • 1 llm ttl CxatMt « ta a llaad ■ •d e l. Het ■«♦•» iMatantly, | f varmat«« T herm ostatically Oakland Wood COLORED holiday lights com pletely outlined the hom e and carport of Mr. and Mrs. Allen R ay on M ist route and w as listed a s one of the w inners in the hom e illum ination category of the cham ber of com m erce lighting contest. Controlled Oakland F irep lace Andy Jackson (1829) w as our first P resident not of a fam ous or well- known fam ily. He rode into the of­ fice on th e popularity gained as a m ilitary leader. Demoni a Eagle 10 THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1964 Auto. Ì56 H e a te r...................... Wood H e a te r....... gw «!© «««««»««««««’« « « !« « « « * Sincere Good Wishes ’139 s Coast King "2 0 0 " 10” VELOCIPEDES and Brass POLE LAMP ,V2 F rom $8.95 Don’t buy a color TV that may soon be obsolete. Get a Motorola Rectangular Color TV. e Handwired Chassis e Full Year Guarantee Modem p o le lamp with blac k b u lle t lam ps, blac k and brass pole. • Color Indicator Light • New Slim Cabinet Holiday 8 Transistor RADIO (Many Other Models In Stock) Regularly $12.95 Features step -p la te b a ll bear­ ing front w h eel,sem i-pneum a­ tic tir e s . Red & W hite. ^ Q e ’re all aglow with best wishes lor your Christmas happiness. (SX2420-7) 12” (SX2422-5)............. $10.88 16” (SX2426-1)............. $12.88 FABRICS 'N FASHIONS *1 Pace White BATH SCALE Doris Skidmore — Watch For Big Sale Next Week — • For Fine R eceptionl • Carrying C as e l • Earphone I • 9 V o lt B attery! T-V TRAY (ME0008-9) O tit I I « | $ ZVk ZS« kV» O f it O t t O / n O H SETS $ 4 .9 9 up T.V .Pillow back R ecliner Vinyl Covered, F oam Set and F oam Back. Spofford's Flower and Gift Shop Large e asy-to-see numerals show through m agnifying lens. Proven a c c u ra te . V in y l p la t­ f o r m . /W B M 2 5 -83 A rm s tro n g B u d g e to n e v in y l flo o r co v erin g . Square $ -J 29 Y ard _ _ _ _ _ A C o n g o leu m v in y l F o re ­ c a st flo o r c o v e rin g . Square Helen & Dudley Spofford Y ard 9x12 P lastic ns La Salle " F a n Gio” A utom atic E lec. H eater with $ Q A 95 T herm ostat . “ C* S u rfa c e R ugs ..A D A R I G 0 L D baity Fresh Sour Cream You're a gourmet cook the instant you use dairy-fresh sour cream! You should see how a spoonful o f velvety-smooth, delicate tasting sour cream sparks up a traditional holiday pie. Then see how fresh sour cream brings a distinctive tang to casseroles . . . how it adds a new, cool and refreshing dimension to fruit salads. Clip these recipes and try them over these busy holidays! INSTANT DRESSING FOR FRUIT SALAD: Arrange your favorite fruits on lettuce and heap on sour cream . . . right from the carton. SAUCE FOR VEGETABLES: Sour cream changes these everyday vegetables into party spectaculars . . . perfect for broccoli, green beans, asparagus, peas. 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons minced onion Dash of cayenne pepper 2 packages frozen broccoli, cooked just until lender and drained 1 teaspoon white vinegar 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups dairy fresh sour cream 2 teaspoons sugar 1/3 cup chopped cashews 1/2 teaspoon poppy seed Reg. Titan Circl-Aire P ortable B aseboard E lec. H eater Combination Fan-F orced and R ad ian t $ O fA 9 5 $19.95 H eat. up Only .. NOW t $15.95 ! Extra large hood, no il polish dryer, 2 pockets, hat box s tyle . (WS0300-2) Folding DOLL CARRIAGE * i : : S IM M O N S S lu m b e r K in g In n ei S p rin g M a ttre s s a n d B ox S p rin g s $ ’499S P rice, e a c h B e a u ty R e s t In n e r S p rin g M a ttre s s an d B ox $ r7 Q 5 0 S p rin g s, E ach • */ B lack & D ecker Vt” Elec. Drill. Reg. $13.95 NOW ONLY $9 .8 8 : Good W ill to A ll, at Christniastide. Mar-Ona Bootery Stona Serafin —Closed Sat.. Dec. 26— G o u ld s b a la n c e d flow sh a llo w w e ll s y s te m No ta n k , n o ex tra s. Now $ O A 5 0 O n ly .... ’99s BRUNSMAN * Dairy Fresh Sour Cream See Our New Selection of T able Lam ps $ - J / A 95 and HARDWARE and ELECTRIC it i v i .m b o o . d v in y l do ll m w ith 2 -tono heed «"d V .j B I— H . U * 3 0 * • B a tte rie s — 15 Mo. Guar. E x ch an g e G ro u p • F IN E 1 $r755 - WE F U R N IT U R E D E L IV E R —