Ocrnonia Eagle 8 v n „ D )nn | V U Il THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1964 Dry Holiday Parties Urged In an effort to reduce the traffic accident toll in “Deadly December”, Howard L. Eddy, executive secretary of the Oregon Traffic Safety Commis­ sion, has urged ail employers to dry up Christmas parties. As facts indicate more clearly each year that the aftermath of accidents following company drinking fests is costly in lives and money lost, Ore­ gon industries in increasing numbers are switching to non-alcoholic re­ freshments. “While not legally responsible for employees after they leave the com­ pany premises, the employer is cer­ tainly morally accountable for mis­ haps that occur because of a com­ pany-sponsored event,” said Eddy. “If liquor is served at a company Christmas party, however, the em­ ployer should provide safe transpor­ tation home for each celebrant. The cost of chartered buses or taxis is certainly less expensive than fines, lost time of key men, hospital bills and funeral costs,” he said. Even the cautious tippler is not safe from mishap. Just a few drinks, bringing the blood alcohol content up to 15/lOOs of one percent, increases a person’s’ chance of having an acci­ dent 25 times more than when he’s sober, noted Eddy. Wyatt Selects 10 Candidates Representative Wendell Wyatt (R- Ore) has nominated ten young men in the First Congressional District as candidates for admission to the United States Naval Academy and the United States Merchant Marine Academy. The following six young men were selected as candidates for Annapolis and they will compete for one vacancy at the Academy. The successful candidate will enter An­ napolis in July, 1965: Alton Loe, Jr., Corvallis; John Erickson, Astoria; Fred L. Sheely, St. Helens; Stephen Brixey, McMinn­ ville; James H. Hicks, Salem; James H. Kendall, Seaside . Candidates to the Merchant Marine Academy, which school offers a four year course leading to a license as an officer in the U. S. Merchant Marine and a commission as Ensign in the U. S. Naval Reserve, are as follows: Ormond Ormsby, Portland (Wash­ ington Co.); Robert Lamendola, Sea­ side; Stephen D. Moore, Astoria; Mi­ chael Timm, Milwaukie. These candidates will compete with other nominees from throughout the state for three vacancies at the Mer­ chant Marine Academy allocated to the State of Oregon. Here’s a cold fact from the Traffic Safety & Education Division of the Oregon Department of Vehicles: At 20 miles an hour, you can stop your car in 43 feet on dry pavement. On ice, you would need 217 feet to stop! Remember, use chains on ice or snow. D o n ’t w a it fo r C h ris tm a s to have fu n w ith DARIGOLD JVD (NOTE: This column is written weekly and published by this news­ paper as a public and educational service. If you have questions about the Oregon State Employment Ser­ vice and - or Unemployment Insur­ ance Division, please address them to Oregon Department of Employ­ ment, attn. Informational Represent­ ative, 402 Labor and Indusries Bldg., Salem, Oregon 97310.) QUESTION: I’m an employer. How can the Oregon State Employment Service help me with personnel pro­ blems in trainee selection, reduction of labor turnover and identification of changing skill requirements re­ quired by new plant processes? "ANSWER: Selection tests have been developed for over five hundred occupations. In servicing employer orders these tests may be used in se­ lecting applicants for referral who will be quicker to learn, produce fas­ ter and offer increased chances for reliability on the job. Jobs can also be analyzed by specialists to provide a basis for improved applicant se­ lection, identification u f changing skill requirements and for test devel­ opment. QUESTION: Is there a report-writ­ ing contest sponsored through the president’s Committee on Employ­ ment of the handicapped and who is eligible ANSWER: Yes, this marks the 17th A n n u a l “Ability Counts” contest sponsored by the President’s Com­ mittee on Employment of the Handi­ capped in cooperation with the Gov­ ernors” and Community Commit­ tees. All 11th and 12th grade students are eligible to enter the report-writ­ ing contest. Each state winner is a- warded an expense-paid trip to Wash­ ington, D. C., paid for by the AFL- CIO, to attend the annual meeting of the President’s Committee and to meet other state winners. State win­ ners are also eligible to win $1,000, $600, $400, $300, or $200 prizes in the national contest. The Oregon first five winners receive attractive certi­ ficates and $330, $220, $110 scholar­ ships and $50 and $25 savings bonds in that order. Juniors and seniors in high schools interested in writing a report of this year’s theme, How the Handicapped Are Overcoming Bar­ riers to Employment in My Commun­ ity, may obtain more information from their English instructors or the Oregon Department of Employment office nearest them. |QSSBEB£E|SDECIl>.7)/'! <\95 only.......................... 299 T-V TRAY SETS SAFE CHRISTMAS LIGHTING $4.99 up L ad y V an ity < ELECTRIC F e .tlv e groan cord, red plug and 3-outlet connector. U L approved, (EB0259-S) Coast King " 2 0 0 " Each life burn» Independently. Indoor u«e, extenilon plug, color*. (TF0260-3) 10” VELOCIPEDES 15-LITE SET.fTF0270-n.iT.G7 Universal 1 2 " Immersible BUFFET SERVER Cut. .I.c trlc a lly with 2 »tain- la»» »teel, hollow ground, wavor- ly edge blade». Detachable card. (W J 0450-1) Thermostatically Controlled Oakland Wood Heater................... Oakland Fireplace Wood Heater SIMMONS Slum ber King Innei Spring M attress and Box Springs $ A Q 9 5 Price, each * oz Beauty Rest Inner Spring M attress and Box Springs, Each $7 Q50 I *Z Auto *156’ 95 ’139 A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square $"| 28 Yard A Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. $J5$ Square Yard_____ _ Features step-plate ball bear­ ing frent wheel,seml-pneuma- tic tires. Red & White. (SX2420-7) 12” (SX2422-5)............. J fO .S j 16 " (SX2426-1)............. $12.88 Reg $15.95 H oliday 8 Transistor R ech arg ea b le FLASHLIGHT Com plet, with control and vented cover. Cook and »erve right a t your table I (WS0519-9) RADIO U -Z ttO d S ) •»•tp®« A O ll 4uau| .6 j e ip .y -»epeuoq ou '.» I» a p o j -a p u peinß ip ijo i 'jueiu.Auoa ‘laaduio^ Black & Decker 14” Elec. Drill. Reg. $13.95. NOW ONLY HOLIOAY 1 Regularly $12.95 7 $5.95 up 9x12 Plastic Surface Rugs 0 • • • • 9 8 For Fine Reception! Carrying Ca«el Earphone I 9 Volt Batteryl (ME00Û8-9) P o e . W hite BATH SCALE $^15 3 L ig h t B lack Goulds balanced flow shallow well system No tank, no extras ALWAYS — Top Quality Large eaty-to-see numeral* »how through magnifying ten». Proven accurate. Vinyl plat­ form. (WB(M)S-lll La Salle “Fan Gio” Automatic Elec. Heater with $O J 95 Thermostat ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery— — Titan Circl-Aire Portable Baseboard Elec. Heater Combination Fan-Forced and Radiant Heat. Only •29" CSfcl F ro m «8-95 Modem pole lamp vrffr black bullet lamp», black and bra»« pole. Ig 52 Gallo« Stivar Saal Elacfrtc WATER HEATER •24’ ALWAYS — Best Prices SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING DAYS Regularly $10.95 TORCH KIT and Brass KING’S Grocery-Market C O A S T -T O -C O A STO UTS HARDWARE and ELECTRIC QUESTION: How many of the job applicants served by Employment Service are unemployed at the time they are helped to find employment ANSWER: At least 98 percent of workers placed in jobs through the Employment Service are unemployed at the time of placement. The ser­ vice’s placements of “professional, technical and managerial” workers involve very few persons who are not unemployed at the time they apply for employment. By law, the Wagner- Peyser Act, which created the Em­ ployment Service, all persons, em­ ployed or unemployed, who apply for employment at the public employ­ ment o f f i c e s , must be served. Workers in the professional, techni­ cal and managerial categories also become unemployed and there are always persons who are looking for better employment to best suit their abilities and aptitudes. The latter group, however, is less than 2 per­ cent of the total number of place­ ments made by the Employment Service. Return To Montana Preceded By Visits C O A S T -1 0 -C O A S I T.V .Pillowback Recliner Vinyl Covered, Foam Set and Foam Back. Now Only ’68’ FI □ $54. Batteries — Group 1 Sÿ» 15 Mo. Guar. Exchange — t w r o - e A A W i - R M W « IT T » Q See Our New Selection of Table Lamps $ 1 Q 9 5 and up IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO U V E IN VERNONIA